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Rizer Pack Shifter- Complete Series

Page 43

by Amelia Wilson

  “What’s wrong? Wishing you had someone to lick your spoiled feet with a fat tongue?”

  Nicole pushed the mesh top down her arms to the point where his hold on her arm impeded the descent. Her right breast was exposed and to her delight, Victor was looking at her. He licked his lips with his tongue. His hand did not budge.

  “I’m hot. I want to take off my shirt,” Nicole said waiting for him to comply and release her arm.

  “Too bad,” he said a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his face.

  Nicole smiled because she could tell she was getting to him. She ran her free hand over her breast. Her nipple was already standing taut, aching for Victor’s attention. Running her thumb over the tip triggered genuine whimpers that were filled with desire.

  Victor’s pace slowed considerably. His cock was hard in his torn-up shorts, she thought it was probably the reason he Victor had to slow down. It wouldn’t be for her comfort, he’d already made that clear.

  “It’s probably best you don’t touch me. Rafi would smell it and he’d peel away your wolf fur coat.”

  Victor clenched his jaw his green eyes concentrating on the peak of her breast. “Do not speak his name to me again, Nicole. You may be the kind who can go and sleep with just anyone who comes along but I am not that way. I am still loyal to you. There is no one else I pour my come into and whenever I do cum, it’s always to you.”

  The warmth in her chest was stupid, at least that’s what she told herself. How could she melt to his words? If he was longing for her so desperately why hadn’t he come to get her?


  “Fine. I won’t talk about him. Obviously, he intimidates you.”

  Victor turned toward her, his head dipped. His hot breath ran over Nicole’s breast making it swell and ache worse than it ever had before. She whimpered at the sharp pinch of need.

  “Submit to him. Let him pour his seed into our womb.”

  Nicole couldn’t think of a response. She couldn’t think of a cocky, bitchy remark for Victor. There was nothing except his mouth an inch from her aching breast. She watched his tongue run over his lips.

  “Son of a bitch,” he growled and straightened up and away from her. Hooking his finger under her collar he pulled her shirt up over her breasts.

  Damn you to hell, Victor.

  She searched her mind for something cruel to say to him so that he would back away from her. Any kind of distance would be a good thing. Trying to seduce him only to have Victor reject her hurt much more than it should have. His backing away from her stirring up all her feelings of rejection and abandonment.

  Nicole thought she might lose the ability to breathe altogether while she’d waiting for his wet lips to kiss her breast. It was humiliating knowing that she wanted him more than she wanted oxygen and he didn’t want her. Not really.

  Nicole turned her face away from him. She didn’t want him to see her embarrassment and humiliation. Nicole searched her mind again trying to seek out anything to say that would hurt him back.

  His hand released her and it took her a moment to realize it, by the time she did, he had a new hold on her. Victor had dropped down to a squatting position when she’d looked away. His large hand wrapped around her left ankle. His other hand reached up and yanked her mesh pants to her knees.

  Still her words were out of reach. All Nicole managed to do was shake her head but he wasn’t looking at her face. His green eyes were on her pussy. Her heartbeat was pulsing at her core. She was getting wetter with him watching her and at any moment he was going to pull her pants up and make her feel rejected all over again.

  Nicole reached for her pants to pull them back up. Victor pushed her hand away meeting her gaze as he leaned forward opening his mouth. His tongue swept over the lips of her pussy in a long, luxurious stroke.


  Her legs trembled with the intense wave of arousal. His tongue felt so good, hot, wet, soft, and demanding. Nicole instinctively opened her legs but the pants at her knees kept them only slightly open.

  Victor groaned, his free hand went to his crotch. He pressed against the straining tent in his shorts as he licked her again. His face nuzzled in deeper between her folds. Victor growled a sound of need. His tongue sweeping over her wetness, drinking her like she was the last drink he would ever get.

  Nicole gasped and clenched her teeth together trying to swallow the whimper and moans that were swelling up her throat. His tongue lapped over her clit pulling a cry from her that she never meant to give him.

  His moan of pleasure against her sensitive skin, was like the first wave of an orgasm, the vibrations felt so good.

  No. He can’t have me. He left me.

  She leapt up into the air brining her knees up like an upper cut to his jaw. His hand fell away from her ankle as he fell backward. He hit the forest floor hard with a grunt.

  Nicole pulled up her pants and took off running. She leaped reaching for a hold on the thick tree, only her tiger claws wouldn’t come out. She couldn’t tell if it was the stuff she’d been shot with or her tiger refusing to help her escape.

  Either way she was sliding down the face of the tree getting splinters and scrapes over her skin. She grunted in pain hugging the tree tighter trying to stop herself from falling further.

  Victor’s hand wrapped around her ankle and he yanked her off the tree and into his arms. “You’re covered in cuts and splinters now,” He growled spanking her ass. “Stop fighting me. You are coming with me.”

  Nicole was breathing hard and shocked at his authority. Her ass still stung from his swat and the fact that she liked it, scared her. She thrashed in his arms, kicking and clawing wherever her hands and feet landed.

  Victor hoisted her upward tossing her upper body over his shoulder. His arm wrapped around her waist firmly, his other hand spanked her ass again.

  Nicole gasped and indignant sound even though the same sense of burning heat and arousal spread over her skin. Victor swatted her ass again and then ran his hand over her round cheeks.

  “Dammit Victor, let me go.”


  Nicole landed a kick to his stomach and then received a spank to her ass. She wanted to keep fighting him but when he spanked her on her ass his hand was also brushing over pussy and the last thing she needed was to come for him. “I am going to make you pay for this, Victor. You’re going to regret taking me wherever the hell we’re going. I swear it.”

  “Stop baiting me, Nicole. I know how much you hate me. I’ll finger and tongue your wet pussy all the way there and make you come for me over and over again. Each time you’ll be angrier with yourself than the last time.”

  “Cocky asshole,” Nicole growled but didn’t dare kick him again. She was on the precipice of an orgasm just from listing to his dirty threat that she wanted more than she would ever admit to herself.

  Her tigress started purring again.

  You stupid bitch. Nicole yelled at her Tigress. The tiger spirit didn’t listen. She just kept purring.

  Victor’s laugh made her face burn red.

  “My tigress may be in favor of your wolf but I am not in favor of either of you.”

  He laughed again his hand raising up to stroke her ass and the line of her ass all the way up her pussy and back. “You have such a beautiful ass, Nicole. I could stroke you, and suck on your pussy all day long without getting tired. Don’t make me prove you wrong, it’ll just embarrass you even more.”

  “Why are you doing this? Why can’t you just let me go and leave me alone?” She asked trying to sit up.

  His hand smacked the soft mound between her legs this time earning a gasp from her that she wished she could take back. “I’m helping you. Besides, you belong with me.”

  “I don’t belong to you, with you, or-”

  Victor slid his hand over her pussy and squeezed her before beginning to rub her through her pants. “You’re mine, Nicole.” Her breathing quickened. She gripped his back trying to fight the flood of
heat and the coiling in her core as he stroked her. “You’ve always been mine, and you always will be.”

  “Fuck you, Victor.”

  He laughed a dark sound. “I hope so, Nicole. You’re not ready for that yet so let’s start with you.”



  The sun was coming up as Victor started up the incline of Rizer Mountain. Carrying Nicole half a day, and the entire night had him so hard he was afraid his cock was going to burst or fall off.

  Every time Nicole tried to get free or got too mouthy for his liking Victor had punished her by spanking her, stroking her bringing her close to climax but stopping before she got there every time. He didn’t trust himself to keep from ramming his cock into her pussy if she started crying out when she came. His everlasting erection was clear evidence that he wanted her.

  Victor didn’t just want to mate with her, he wanted her back. He wanted to be the reason she smiled or laughed. He wanted her to love him back.

  Stupid. She’ll never forgive me. I should just convince her to mate with me. Even she can’t fight the need to complete our predestines.

  It was the only thing that made sense. Why else would she be so turned on by him and still hate him so deeply at the same time? She’d basically said as much herself when she’d said it was the tigress that wanted him.

  Keep pushing her Tigress. I will fuck you so long and good that you’ll bring her back to me, again and again.

  “Put me down you, sick son of a bitch,” Nicole yelled as she pounded her fist on his back.

  “You don’t have to hit me to get me to touch you, Nicole. Just tell me and I’ll be happy to make you squirm and pant for me,” Victor said holding his temper as her fist connected with his back again.

  “Rafi is going to rip your dick off when he finds us and smells your stench on my body.”

  Jealousy and anger boiled hot throughout his body. “I warned you to stop talking about your mutt to me. You want me, not Rafi. You want my mouth on you, my dick pumping into you. Your tigress tells me what you won’t.”

  “I don’t want you to touch me, Victor. You just happened to pick me up when I was getting ready to mate with Rafi. I’m wet for him. I ache for him.”

  That’s it.

  Using his teeth and his fingers Victor ripped a hole in her mesh pants at her crotch. “You’re going to scream my name and tell me the truth, you understand?” he said as she cried out in surprise and started wiggling like crazy trying to break free.

  Victor ran his tongue over her slippery, wet pussy. Then spread her with his fingers and sank his tongue into her depths. “Mmm,” he groaned. Surrounded by her scent and his tongue buried inside her he ignored the agonizing tightness of his shaft.

  Her cry as he pumped his face against her, his cock leaking precum. He had to stop walking. The task was impossible with her about to come all over his mouth. He would be coming all over himself when she did, no doubt but he wasn’t trying to save face for Nicole. She already hated him, it didn’t get worse than that.

  “Victor, stop. Fuck, please stop,” she pleaded her voice shaking. Her pussy was clenching around his tongue, one more stroke and she’d come for him. “You were right ok? I don’t want Rafi. Don’t make me disgrace myself more than I already have.”

  Victor withdrew his tongue. This wasn’t how he wanted her to come for him, begging him not to make her come. He wanted her begging him to continue.

  She was still shaking on his shoulder. He couldn’t stop himself from thinking about her perfect clit when he was holding her like he was. Victor slid her down so she was on her feet.

  “Another potty break?” she asked looking at his hand on her wrist.

  “No. You’re going to walk.”

  Nicole looked up at him. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing. I don’t want you, I never will. It the tigress and as soon as I’m pregnant she won’t want you either.”

  “I am trying to help you,” Victor repeated. “You aren’t safe with Rafi. He is going to use you.”

  “I want him to use me. I need to get pregnant, remember?”

  Victor grit his teeth together. “If you want to get pregnant open your legs and I’ll fuck you until you’re pregnant. That’s the only way you’re getting pregnant.”

  “Use your hand,” she glared at him. “I’m never going to touch you, not willingly.”

  “Rafi is good enough for you though?” Victor demanded knowing he probably sounded insane the way he was on the verge of freaking out. It was like reliving the same shit over and over again. It was Shan all over again. “Don’t answer that.”

  Nicole scanned the forest, no doubt planning her escape.

  Victor took hold of the back of her neck. “Move your sweet ass up this mountain. Before I carry you up this incline on my dick.” Turning her, he guided her in the direction of the Rizer fortress. He held her out in front of him. Victor gained another four kicks to the balls and about ten long angry scratches down his arms before he pushed her past the Rizer pack doors.

  “Ian,” Victor bellowed holding onto Nicole with both hands as she thrashed and growled in his hold. “We’re here. You lost. Calm the fuck down, Nicole.”

  “Kiss my ass.” Nicole hissed a sound that was all pissed off tiger.

  He held onto her while he bolted the door. “I’ve been kissing your ass half the night. Can’t get enough of me?”

  Nicole kicked him between the legs and then knocked him into one of the stone walls. His exhaustion was catching up with him he realized as he peeled himself off the smooth hard surface.

  Her hands were roaming all over the doors as she tried to figure out how to unbolt the door and open it. She wouldn’t be able to figure it out. Darian, the alpha of the Rizer pack, had the doors especially made for the fortress after one of the pack was stolen from the fortress.

  Victor grabbed Nicole by the hair since it was all he was able to grab before she leaped out of his reach. He gave her a harsh shake to get her attention. “You’re at the mercy of the Rizer pack here. It’s the largest pack that I know of and the alpha has the kind of authority that could lead a pack over a thousand strong. Think about that.”

  “Is that why I’m here?” Nicole slapped at his hand in her hair but he didn’t let go. “You thought you’d introduce me to a real man? Did you think finding a replacement for Shan was going to make me forgive you?”

  “Darian is mated, and I refuse to apologize again for Shan so don’t hold your breath on that one.”

  Nicole narrowed her blue eyes at him. It was an angry expression on her face but the way her eyes were assessing him, and then her surroundings told him something more was going on with her.

  Victor didn’t trust her. He gave her another shake. “You’re not going anywhere unless I take you there. Do you understand? You are not going to be a problem for the pack.”

  “I’m getting out of here alright and once I do I’m going to get pregnant with Rafi’s baby. There’s more than one way to rid me of you.”

  “There is no way to be rid of me,” Victor growled. “You’re mine.”

  Nicole’s electric blue eyes widened at him and he watched in horror as her eyes filled with moisture. She let out a sad cry as tears streamed down her face.

  “What’s going on? It’s still early,” Ian said as he arrived in the entryway where they stood. He was dressed in black trousers but was shirtless. His mate as of perhaps a week was still adjusting to all the nudity of the shifter life and she still hadn’t turned after being bitten by Ian.

  Victor watched as Nicole turned her big eyes full of innocence and fear on Ian. Nicole’s fingers wrapped around his hand but she didn’t pull or try to free herself. “It hurts so much. Please make him stop hurting me,” she pleaded.

  “What are you doing, Victor?” Ian asked moving forward. The four-striped raised red scarring on his face stretched, turning white at his jaw where his skin was stretched the tightest with his frown. “Who is this wo
man and why are you hurting her? Release her.”

  “She’s a wild cat. If I release her you’ll be choking on your testicles in less than half a second,” Victor growled. His crotch was full of pain. His never-ending erection combined with the continuous abuse his balls suffered from her kicks made him feel nauseous and ready to throw her down and end the torment.

  Ian approached more carefully with his hands out in front of him. “I won’t hurt you. I’m Ian. What should I call you?”

  “I... I’m ... Nicole,” she said in a small voice that sounded like a terrified, beaten teenager. “Please just make him let me go. He kidnapped me from my family, he ripped my pants, he’s pulled my hair and threatened me with awful things.”

  Ian’s outraged look surprised Victor almost as much as Nicole playing this game of trying to appear the victim. “Don’t look at me like that, I had to get her. Angeline said I had to go and get her, it’s not like I wanted to go get her.” Victor saw the way her nostrils flared and smiled to himself. At least he could jab back without actually raising his hand to her.

  “Did she say that you should pull her hair and manhandle her?” Ian scowled at him. “Let her go.”

  Victor laughed shaking his head. “She’s a tiger shifter. You’re going to be sorry.”

  “He shot me with a tranquilizer gun of some kind. I can’t shift. I’m helpless. You don’t have to be afraid of me just because I’m different than you are, Victor.”

  “Like hell I don’t,” Victor growled wanting to cradle his balls. “She knocked me out, tranquilized me back, and nearly cut my nuts off with a rock.”

  Ian looked at Nicole with a doubtful frown. She was underweight. Standing only five feet three inches, weighing in at a measly one hundred pounds, barefoot, and crying with Victor’s hand in her hair, Nicole didn’t look like a threat. “I’ll take my chances.”

  Victor took hold of her elbow before he released his hold of her soft brown hair at her scalp.

  “Let her go, Victor. This isn’t how we do things here at the Rizer pack,” Ian said.

  Victor let her go because he would rather have to track her down again and capture her than have her hear from Ian that Victor was with the Herod pack before he was given the chance to join the Rizer pack.


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