Wrong Prince: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance (Royally Unexpected Book 6)

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Wrong Prince: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance (Royally Unexpected Book 6) Page 7

by Lilian Monroe

  “Okay, Casanova.” I roll my eyes and shove his chest ever so slightly, clinging onto anything that will cut the tension between us.

  What does pretending mean right now? I’m not even sure anymore. It feels pretty real to me.

  Theo’s eyes flash, then, and he angles his head toward me. His lips hover over mine and the heat of his breath sends another wave of electricity tripping down my spine.

  “You’re special, Cara. More than you know. More than I’ve let myself admit.”

  My fingers curl into the waistband of his pants. His skin is hot against my knuckles. His smell is all around me. His lips taunting. My doubts and hesitations get quieter, and quieter, and quieter. ‘Pretending’ is starting to sound like a good idea. Like the only thing that makes sense right now.

  The Prince stares into my eyes. “So, let’s pretend to consider the engagement. You come with me on a tour of the islands. We tell no one about the engagement. We tell our parents the only way we’ll agree is if we have time to talk it over. Just the two of us.”

  “Then what?”

  “Well, either Dante tells me I can be King as a single man, and you go off on your soul-searching adventure”—his eyes darken as his voice grows hoarse—“or, we decide that we can’t live without each other, and you marry me. We live a happy life together and have lots of little heirs.”

  His words are deliciously wrong. Forbidden. Out of the question.

  So why do they sound so good?

  I arch my back, pressing my hips against his. It’s all the sign he needs.

  In the hallway of my parent’s house, after aching and wanting and dreaming of him for days, Prince Theo finally, finally kisses me. It’s more than a kiss. He crushes his lips to mine, pulling my body to him. He claims me with his lips, and I know that I’m already his.

  I could deny it. I could pretend I don’t want it. I could say that I still want to run away from Argyle.

  I’d be lying.

  I need his kiss like I need air. When he lashes his tongue against mine, I melt into his embrace. A moan slips through my lips as his fingers curl into the nape of my neck. Needles of pain erupt over my scalp as he tugs at my hair, transforming into pleasure in an instant.

  His leg kicks mine apart, and I relish the feeling of grinding myself against him. Every bit of my body is hot. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer as the Prince kisses me harder. He slips his hand under my shirt and sweeps his palms across my back.

  His injured arm is pinned between us, pressing up against my body as we moan together.

  “Cara,” he mumbles into my lips. I love the way my name sounds coming from his mouth. I want him to say it over and over again. I want to hear it as a groan when he drives himself inside me. I want to hear him whisper it in my ear and scream it.

  I want Prince Theo. There’s no denying it, and no going back. I’m not pretending right now. This is very, very real.

  Something changed on that sailboat, and I’m not sure I’m strong enough to resist.

  A noise down the hall makes us pull apart. I glance down the empty hallway, then wipe my mouth, stealing a glance at the Prince.

  I chuckle awkwardly, smoothing my hair. “Well. That happened.”

  Theo’s lips curl into a grin. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and shakes his head.

  “Three weeks is all I’m asking, Cara.”

  “We shouldn’t be kissing,” I say, even though my lips want more.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’ll complicate things.”

  Theo’s body is still brushing against mine, and sparks fly between us. He shrugs. “What if I like kissing you?”

  “It doesn’t change the fact that we’re supposed to be pretending. We’re not supposed to actually go through with it.”

  He takes a step back, nodding. “Maybe you’re right. We should keep it platonic.”

  Yeah, right. Whatever that means.

  Every time we speak something out loud, our bodies say something entirely different. I want him badly. I don’t want to pretend at all. Every single cell in my body wants to go on this tour with Theo, if only to be near him. The voice in my mind screaming that it’s a bad idea is too easy to ignore.

  But as he takes another step back, I feel the distance between us in my gut, immediately regretting my words. Is it right to push him away? Should I be jumping in his arms?

  It feels good, but is it right?

  I glance at the Prince, who seems to be going through the same turmoil I am. In a whisper, I say the question that keeps plaguing my mind. “What about Luca?”

  “What about Luca?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “All I know is my brother lost his chance with you when he pushed you away. You don’t have to marry me, but I don’t want you to keep torturing yourself over my brother’s mistreatment of you.”

  I chew my lip. Gathering my courage, I force myself to drag my gaze up to Theo’s. “Is this a bad idea? Pretending to consider this engagement? We just kissed, Theo. And I’m going to leave when we get back. You’re going to be King. It’s too complicated. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.”

  Theo lets out a breath. His eyes are clear, and after a pause, he just shrugs. “Maybe it’s best that you’re leaving afterwards. Whatever happens between us, we know there’s an end date.”

  I nod, gulping.

  The Prince sighs. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want you, Cara. Whatever happened on that sailboat, it hit me hard. But no matter how much I want you for myself, I don’t want you to give up your dreams for me. So, it might seem complicated, but it’s really not. I just need your help. No strings attached.”

  I wish those words didn’t have an effect on me. I pride myself on being adventurous. Independent. Thrill-seeking. But having a future King tell me that he wants me?

  That does something to me.

  And it does something to my panties, too.

  This is a Bad Idea, with a capital ‘B’ and a capital ‘I.’ He might think it’s no strings attached—that I’m just buying him time and doing him a favor—but I know the truth. My heartstrings are already tangled. I’m already confused.

  I already want him, too.

  “Can’t you find some other girl, if any woman will do to buy you time? Someone more noble?”

  “I don’t want someone more noble. I want you.”

  There it is again. That declaration.

  Theo arches an eyebrow, running his thumb over his lip. I follow the movement, my thoughts flicking back to the kiss we just shared.

  I nod. “Okay. Just for the tour.”

  The Prince nods. “Yeah. Just for the tour.”

  “We don’t let our parents push us into this. I still get to leave and chase my dreams on my own.”

  “Exactly,” Theo says, stepping toward me. “I may only be the Prince, but I still won’t let my father dictate everything to me, least of all who I choose to marry.”

  I nod. “Yeah,” I agree, even though I’m not sure exactly what I’m agreeing to.

  Theo ducks his head down and presses a soft kiss to my lips. Heat ignites in my core again, and I know that things definitely won’t be as simple as he claims.


  WALKING BACK TO THE SHOALS’ living room, my heart is thumping and my palms are sweaty. I know that this plan has the potential to blow up in both our faces in a spectacular fashion. I know that this could backfire. I know that things could go wrong.

  But I don’t have a choice. I need time to figure this out.

  The only way I can think of to keep my father happy and give Dante some time is to tell my father I’m considering this engagement. The only way to keep Cara away from external pressure about this engagement and to safeguard her plans to leave Argyle is to take her with me.

  Cara leans over toward me, nudging me with her elbow. “That’s three times I’ve saved your life.”

  I grin. “At least this time didn’t include
a dislocated shoulder. Being saved by you is dangerous.”

  “Careful, Your Highness,” Cara grins. The glance she throws my way is indecipherable. I can’t tell if she’s worried about what we’ve agreed to do or excited about it.

  One thing I do know is my pulse quickens whenever she’s around. From the moment things shifted between us on the sailboat, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about all the things I want to do to her.

  As we walk into the living room, all eyes turn to us. Cara’s parents and sisters stare at us expectantly. Cara stiffens beside me, and I can almost sense the regret flowing off her.

  I clear my throat. “Thank you for having me. I have to get back to the palace, but I’d like to ask your permission to take Cara on a royal tour that leaves the day after tomorrow.”

  Mrs. Shoal lets out a squeal, her eyes flashing with a gleam I’m not sure I like. “A tour?” she asks. “That sounds important. You don’t need our permission, Your Highness.”

  “It is important,” I answer. “Cara and I have a lot to discuss.” The back of my hand brushes Cara’s. Heat flows through my arm. My body is far too receptive to her.

  No strings attached? Don’t make me laugh.

  “The Prince and I are just spending time together after a long year apart, Mother. Don’t get any ideas,” Cara says. Her voice sounds strangled. “We just need to talk everything through.”

  Mrs. Shoal waves a hand, dismissing Cara’s words. The movement doesn’t sit well with me, and I know why Cara feels like she has to leave. Being here is stifling.

  I steal a glance at Cara. Her face is dark. I can tell she’s uncomfortable with this, and she doesn’t like lying to her family. Sensing my gaze, she glances up to meet my eye.

  “I’ll walk you back to your car.”

  We bid her family goodbye and walk in silence toward the front door. Conflict swirls inside me. On the one hand, the thought of being near Cara excites me. On the other, I know our situation is complicated. I’m asking a lot of her, and not providing much in return.

  When we get to my car, my driver hops out to open the back door for me. I stare at the vehicle before turning to face Cara. Taking her hand in mine, I bring it up to my lips. Her eyes follow the movement.

  The memory of our kiss floods my brain. All I can think about is how good she tasted. How right it felt to have her in my arms. How much I wish I had the use of both limbs to wrap around her and never let go.

  “So, this royal tour…” Cara arches an eyebrow. “What’s it all about?”

  “It’s a tour of the islands. Three weeks. We’ll stop at all the major towns and do a lot of hand-waving and baby-kissing and smiling for the cameras.”

  “Won’t it send a very clear image if I’m there beside you? I thought we were keeping things private. If we start doing a lot of public appearances together, people will talk.”

  “If we don’t spend any time together at all, our families will only put more pressure on us.” I take a step toward her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Please, Cara. I need my father to believe this.”

  She sucks in a breath, finally nodding. “Okay.”

  “We leave the day after tomorrow. I’ll have the car pick you up.”

  I almost lean in to kiss Cara again, but hold back. She takes a step away from me, lifting her arm in goodbye.

  “See you then.”

  THE ROYAL SEA plane is ready and waiting when Cara arrives at the pier. She’s dressed in a white sundress, with her long, brown hair trailing down to her mid-back. Against the crisp white of her dress, her skin almost glows. Her lips curl up into a smile and she raises her arm to wave at me. She looks ethereal and regal and completely perfect.

  Too perfect.

  My body responds instantly, and I have to do my best to keep the fire in my veins under control.

  “I couldn’t sleep last night,” she says, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. A zip of heat travels down my spine.


  Cara shakes her head. “Too excited.”

  “About this trip?”

  “Don’t let it go to your head,” she laughs. “I’ve never seen most of the islands of Argyle. It’ll be my first time on a sea plane. Oh, and I guess you’re all right, too.”

  “I’m flattered.” I grin, loving the way her eyes sparkle when she stares at me. “Don’t make me feel too special.”

  “You have an army of people whose job it is to do that,” she quips. “I’m not going to be one of them.” She grins, squeezing my forearm with her hand before shaking her head. As her face grows more serious, she stares into my eyes. “Thanks for inviting me. I think I need some time away from my mother. She’s far too excited about this prospective engagement, but I think you were right to invite me on this tour. It would be tough to leave Argyle now, when all the attention is on me. At least now the attention is on our relationship instead.”

  I shouldn’t like hearing her talk about our relationship. It shouldn’t send a flow of heat through my chest. It shouldn’t make my heart thump at the thought of being near her.

  We’re not in a relationship. We’re only pretending…

  …but it feels a little too real already.

  The pilot steps out of the plane and bows before helping us inside. He points to two headsets hanging on the plane’s walls. “Wear these. It gets loud once I turn the engine on.”

  Attendants load our suitcases up into the plane, and Cara and I slip the headsets over our ears. The pilot climbs back into the tiny sea plane and starts the engine. It roars to life, and Cara moves a bit closer to me.

  I like having her at my side.

  Before the plane moves, the pilot speaks into our headsets to give us a short safety briefing while his co-pilot does the last few pre-flight checks. Cara slips her hand into mine, flashing a smile at me after clicking her seatbelt into place.

  Then, we take off. The plane skims the surface of the water as the engines roar loud in our ears, even with the big noise-cancelling headsets on. The plane dips from side to side ever so slightly, carving through the surface of the water as we pick up speed.

  Then, we take off.

  Over the deafening noise of the engines, I can’t hear any of the sounds Cara’s making, but I can feel her body next to mine. She tenses as we take off, relaxing as the sea plane leaves the surface of the water. We gain altitude and I watch Cara’s face turn rapt as she stares out the windows at the water below.

  Yachts dot the harbor, and speedboats leave long wakes carved out in the teal water. As we fly higher and higher, Cara laughs and points out islands, sandbars, and flocks of sea birds below us. At the low altitude of the plane, we can see everything.

  I mostly watch Cara, though.

  I’ve spent the last year worrying about my father, about my brothers, about my future as King of this nation. Everything has been focused on responsibilities. On duty. On my work in service to the Kingdom.

  Now, mostly alone in this sea plane with Cara, seeing the entranced expression on her face as she looks at the scene below, I feel happy. Calm. Free.

  I’m not the Crown Prince with the weight of the Kingdom on my shoulders. I’m not protecting my father’s reputation and news of his illness from the public. I’m not worried about whether or not my brother Luca will walk again. I’m not waiting for news on the legality of my ascension to the throne, or wondering if I’ll want to marry Cara for real.

  I’m just sitting in a sea plane beside a beautiful woman, smiling as we watch the islands pass below us. Cara’s hand stays curled around mine, and she moves closer to me. Her body molds against me as she leans over to point something out.

  I nod, pretending to look where she’s gesturing. My eyes always slide back to her, though. Her eyes, rich and brown and expressive. Her neck, long and graceful. Her lips, full and kissable.

  Everything about her is perfect.

  In that moment, flying above the Kingdom that will soon be mine, I know that I don’t want to pret
end at all.



  WHEN THE SEA PLANE LANDS, I squeeze Theo’s hand so hard I think I might break his fingers. Wouldn’t that be a great start to a fake engagement? Injuring both his arms in less than a week?

  I can’t help it. This plane is tiny, and even though the pilot and his co-pilot are professionals, I feel every wave as we land, every gust of wind, every bump and shake.

  But we do land, and the pilot cuts the engines to a dull hum as we taxi to the docks. I feel flushed. I know my cheeks are red and my eyes are shining. My hair is probably a mess from the headset and my hand is more than a little sweaty.

  I don’t care, though.

  Riding in this sea plane next to Theo is the biggest thrill I’ve had in a long time. It makes me wonder if maybe I don’t need to run away to explore the world. Maybe there’s lots of adventure to be had right here in Argyle.

  Maybe I could see the world with Theo by my side.

  I shake my head to dispel the thought. This is fake. We’re pretending. I’m doing it as a favor to Theo, and he’s doing his best to protect me from the pressure of a potential engagement. He’s buying himself time and helping me have a smooth exit from Argyle when this is all over.

  That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy these three weeks, though, does it?

  As the workers on the dock help the pilot with ropes and staircases to secure the plane to the dock, I let out a breath.

  “Wow,” I sigh, pulling my headset off and smiling at Theo.

  “Yeah.” His eyes are shining, and a soft smile tugs at his lips.

  We disembark the plane and walk down the dock as our suitcases are unloaded. An army of staff is waiting to help us off the plane, down the docks, and into the royal vehicle. I’m handed a warm towel to wipe my hands and face, and offered fresh fruit and champagne as we arrive next to a limousine.

  I arch my eyebrows, glancing at Theo. “Is this what your life is like?”

  He grins, shrugging. “More or less.”

  “You’ve been hiding this side of royal life from me.”

  “I’ve been showing you the real me instead.”


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