Wrong Prince: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance (Royally Unexpected Book 6)

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Wrong Prince: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance (Royally Unexpected Book 6) Page 8

by Lilian Monroe

  A lump forms in my throat. I turn my attention to the champagne to hide the effect his words have on me. A flush creeps over my cheeks and my body thrums as I stand beside the Prince.

  We’re driven down a winding road to one of the royal villas. Even though I spent lots of time with the Princes of Argyle growing up, I didn’t even know this property existed.

  There’s probably a lot of things I don’t know about them.

  As we pass through tall, ornate gates, I stare up at the tall palm trees that line the drive. Lush greenery surrounds us on all sides, with the clear blue sky arching high above us. A smile stretches over my lips and I lean against Theo’s good shoulder.

  “This is so beautiful,” I sigh. “Thank you for having me. Feels like a holiday.”

  Theo doesn’t answer. He only moves his arm to slide it over my shoulders, holding me close to his chest. We watch the trees part as a one-story villa appears in the distance. When the driver stops outside, the front door opens and a woman in a maid’s uniform appears to help us into the villa.

  As soon as I step inside, my jaw drops.

  Marble, glass, and stainless steel everywhere. Every surface is gleaming. As I walk across the small, lush home, I spot floor-to-ceiling windows on the other side. My toes sink into a plush rug, and I run my fingers over a handmade basket full of shells. I smile. Outside, an infinity pool flows into the ocean beyond. The maid appears by my side, handing me another tall glass of champagne.

  I could get used to this.

  I accept the drink with a nod, my eyes widening as I turn to Theo.

  “I thought you were here on official business.”

  He throws open the sliding glass door with one arm, wincing at the effort. His good hand goes to his shoulder, and I move to help him with the other door.

  “This is official business. We’ll be here on Arlian Island for three days, and then we’re off to Zander for the fishing festival. It’s my pre-coronation tour of the Kingdom, but it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves.”

  I smile. Of the hundreds of islands that compose Argyle, I’ve only been to two or three. Arlian and Zander are two of the bigger ones, but I’ve never seen either of them.

  Theo steps outside and a soft breeze flutters through the open door. As I walk out onto the pool deck, I peek at the white, sandy beach below. A hot tub steams over to the left, and the pool gurgles at my feet.

  I shake my head. “I knew you were a prince, but I didn’t realize this is what your life was like.”

  “You’re not exactly from the other side of the tracks,” Theo shoots back, grinning. “If I remember correctly, your father might be more popular than mine.”

  I shrug, laughing. “That doesn’t mean we have the resources of the Crown behind us. This is next level. My father mostly gives our money away to fund his swimming school.”

  “Hence the need for you to make your own way.” Theo sits down on one of the cushioned pool chairs, wincing at the pain in his shoulder again. I come to sit next to him on the same lounge chair, touching his sling with the tips of my fingers.


  He grunts in response. “This sling keeps rubbing against my skin.”

  I move his shirt collar to reveal red, raw skin at the base of his neck. I wince. “Theo, this looks painful.”

  “It is.”

  “Hold on.”

  I walk back inside, finding the maid to ask her for a first aid kit. She retrieves one from the cupboard and hands it to me.

  “Need my help?” she asks, motioning to follow me.

  I shake my head. “It’s fine.”

  I’m used to doing things on my own. We have staff at my house, but nothing like this. Not waiting on us hand and foot. When I was younger we had more people around, but as we grew up and my father’s work started to slow down, our household shrank.

  Royalty is different. The staff that waits on Theo shows real deference to him—and by extension, to me. It’s strange, but not unpleasant.

  The maid follows me outside. Theo is leaning against the back of the chair. He’s taken his sling off and is cradling his arm against his stomach. I lift the first aid kit up and smile.

  “Let me help you,” I say.

  The Prince nods, and then shifts his gaze to the maid. “We’ll be fine, Desiree. Take the rest of the day off.”

  “But, Your Highness—”

  “Take the day, Desiree. I can see that you’ve prepped the villa perfectly. Come back in the morning.”

  She curtsies, and right as she turns around, I see a smile split over her face. I guess even if you’re working for royalty, it’s still a job. Everyone appreciates a day off. I glance at the Prince, appreciating that he knows the names of almost all his staff. He treats them like real people, even though he’s the future King.

  I make my way over to Theo and take a seat next to him on the pool lounge chair again. Gently, I push his shirt off his shoulder. The area where his sling rubbed against his neck is raw and painful-looking. I get some ointment from the kit and gently dab it on. Theo jumps at the coolness of the salve and then sinks further into the chair.

  “That feels so good,” he groans.

  The Prince closes his eyes as I dab the ointment on, my eyes wandering over his chest and shoulder. I undo another button in his shirt to reveal more of his skin, drifting my hand over the injured area.

  I know I did it to save Theo from going overboard, but I hate that I’m the one to have caused him pain. I’m the one who dislocated his shoulder. I can’t stand the thought of hurting him.

  When my fingers slide over his skin, the Prince groans.

  “Your touch feels so good,” he says in a low growl. When his eyes open again, his gaze sends an arrow of heat through the pit of my stomach.

  We said we’d pretend. We said that this wouldn’t be real, and that we’d just be helping each other out. Him, to buy some time with his father and the coronation. Me, to make it easier to leave and protect me from unnecessary pressure.

  We said that our kiss shouldn’t happen again. It was a mistake.

  But was it?

  What if that kiss was the one real thing about this? What if being with Theo is as right as it feels?

  The Prince’s gaze is intoxicating. Touching his bare skin sends a shiver straight to my gut, igniting fire in my veins. Embers swirl in his eyes as he stares at me, his tongue sliding out to lick his lips.

  We’re balancing on the edge of a precipice. I know we are.

  Either we fall head-first into disaster, or this is the start of something beautiful. Pretending to get engaged to him could be the best or worst thing I’ve ever done.

  Which will it be?

  Right now, the only thing on my mind is how much I want him. We’re alone here, in this villa tucked away on the edge of the world. The luxury and solitude around us heighten the feeling that everything about this is right.

  Who cares about the rest of the world? Who cares about our past, and our future? Who cares about our families and our obligations?

  The only thing that matters is Prince Theo and me, the fact that his lips look irresistibly kissable, and that his body was carved from something divine.

  I can’t resist my desires anymore.

  Leaning forward, I kiss the Prince. As soon as our lips touch, fire roars to life in my core. I’m sick of fighting this feeling in my heart, when this feeling is the only thing that’s ever been good.

  I’m tired of torturing myself about Luca, when he’s only brought pain into my life. I’m sick of pretending that I don’t want Theo. That I still want to leave as desperately as I did a week ago. That he doesn’t make me feel more alive than anyone else ever has.

  So, I let go.

  I give in.

  I surrender to my feelings and let the desire take over. I kiss the Crown Prince of Argyle with all the force of my feelings, showing him what I really feel for him. Tangling my fingers into his hair, I crush my lips against his and moan into h
is mouth.

  Swinging my leg over to straddle Theo, I try my best to avoid his bad shoulder while simultaneously pressing my body against his.

  His good hand grips me tight, his fingers sinking into the flesh at my hip.

  “Cara,” he groans. “Are you sure?”

  I pull away slightly, staring deep into his ocean-blue eyes. “Surer than I’ve ever been about anything, ever.”



  I WISH I hadn’t dislocated my shoulder. The things I want to do to Cara require the use of both my arms. The pleasure I want to give her needs my full health and attention.

  As it is, I can barely move. I wrap my uninjured arm around her and pull her close, wincing as she nudges against my bad shoulder.

  “Sorry,” she says, drawing away from me. I hate the distance. She frowns. “I can stop, if you want.”

  “The last thing I want you to do is stop.”

  Cara rolls her hips against me. I groan. I can feel the fire radiating from her core, her dress riding up to her hips. My fingers trail along her thighs, feeling the slight peach fuzz on her skin. I let my fingers drift over the waistband of her panties, moving to touch the heat between her legs.

  Yesterday, we said we’d pretend. I knew we were lying to ourselves.

  Today, this feels very, very real.

  Whatever is happening between Cara and me is unstoppable. We’re a runaway train, roaring down the tracks toward certain destruction.

  Nothing good can come of this.

  But do I care? Not in the slightest.

  My good hand reaches down between her legs, and I groan when I feel the wetness soaking her panties. Cara lets out a soft sigh, kissing my lips as she furiously unbuttons my shirt. She pushes it open, being gentle around my injured shoulder. Rocking her panties against my hand, she groans as her hands splay over my chest.

  I don’t even care that my shoulder hurts. What is pain? The only thing that matters is my rock-hard cock doing its best to break free from my pants.

  That, and the wetness soaking through Cara’s underwear.

  Pushing the ruined strip of fabric to the side, I drag my fingers through her honey. She moans again, and I swear it’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. I can’t keep my eyes off her. She rocks herself against my hand as her lips drop open. Her nails dig into my chest and another wave of agony passes through my shoulder.

  I still don’t care about it.

  When I slip a finger inside her, keeping my palm pressed against her clit, Cara lets out the sexiest noise I’ve ever heard. She looks down at me, eyes dark and full of sin.

  The pool lounge chair creaks beneath us, but I can’t bring myself to care. If it breaks, it breaks. It’ll break while I’m experiencing the closest thing to heaven on earth.

  “Theo…” Cara whispers, rolling her hips against me. I can feel the clenching of her walls and the wetness dripping out of her. She’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, and right now, she’s all mine.

  It doesn’t matter that we might regret this. It doesn’t matter that we’re supposed to be pretending. It doesn’t matter that this could be a big mistake.

  It’s happening, and it’s the best thing I could have asked for. Ever since she stepped onto the sailboat with me, my mind has been plagued with thoughts of Cara. Of what I want to do to her. What I wish she’d do to me.

  Now, it’s happening.

  Cara rides my hand, reaching down to touch her clit as I slip another finger inside her. I watch her play with herself, my cock throbbing at the thought of what she’s doing.

  “Come for me, Cara,” I growl, mesmerized by the movement of her hand as it dances over her own clit. My voice is a low growl as it scrapes out of my throat. “Come all over my hand and then come again on my cock.”

  A smile tugs at Cara’s lips as a gasp slips through them. She likes when I say dirty things to her, and that turns me on even more. She moves her hand away from her bud for just a moment. Her eyes beg me for more, even though she’s the one teasing herself. I wish I had two hands. I wish I could give her everything.

  Cara leans over and kisses me fiercely. Her hand moves to her clit again, and I can tell by the trembling in her body that she’s close.

  I’m so hard I think I might explode. She’s grinding on top of me, bringing herself to orgasm. Her wetness is dripping down my hand as she pleasures herself, the nails of her other hand digging into my chest. If I thought I’d experienced pleasure before, I was wrong.

  Nothing comes close to this, and she hasn’t even touched me yet.

  Then, Cara stops. With dark eyes and even darker intentions, she lifts herself off me and moves to unbutton my pants.

  My voice catches as a lump forms in my throat. All I can do is watch.

  When she releases me from my clothing, my cock springs up toward her. Cara grins, catching it in her soft hand. Then, she strokes me, and I know I’m not going to last long.

  A growl rumbles through my chest as I watch this gorgeous, intoxicating woman stroke my cock. It’s leaking already. She rubs her thumb over my tip, spreading my precum over my crown. I moan, leaning my head back as heat blooms inside me. The pressure in the pit of my stomach mounts.

  She feels too good. My hand is still covered in her honey, and she’s getting messy with my cock. I fucking love that she isn’t afraid. Not afraid to touch me. To touch herself. To let me know exactly what she wants.

  She doesn’t care that it’s messy. She wants it that way.

  As always, Cara is her own person. She doesn’t treat me like her future King. She doesn’t hesitate and dither about what she thinks I want. She just shows me exactly what she needs.

  Then, Cara does something I don’t expect.

  Kneeling above me, she tugs her panties to the side and positions herself over me.

  “Cara—” I manage to say, choking on my own words. The tip of my cock brushes against her slit, and another wave of lust crashes into me.

  We shouldn’t be doing this. In no universe should I be having sex with Cara Shoal right now.

  But my cock is hard and throbbing, and she’s sopping wet, perched on top of it. Her hand still strokes my shaft as she rubs my crown up and down her slit. Cara’s eyes are demanding, her full bottom lip sucked between her teeth.

  I can’t take it anymore. It’s too much teasing. Too much waiting. Too much wanting. Too much holding back.

  “Cara,” I growl.

  “Yes, Your Highness?” Her eyes flash as a wicked smile tugs at her lips.

  “Sit on my fucking cock.” The command is ripped from my throat before I can stop myself. I couldn’t hold back if I tried.

  I want Cara. She wants me.

  We’re not fighting it any longer.



  THE PRINCE’S order sends a jolt of desire piercing through my body. My nipples pebble at the command, and I’m almost embarrassed at how much I love the sound of his dirty words.

  Then, I do as he wishes.

  I sink down on top of my future King, sheathing him inside me. As soon as I feel him enter me, I let out a gasp. Rocking my hips to feel him deeper, I have to throw my head back. Then, I still. My body takes a moment to accommodate to his girth, and a soft smile stretches over my lips.

  This is what I’ve been wanting since that night on the sailboat. Prince Theo’s cock buried deep inside me. His hands on my body. The total ecstasy that accompanies every touch.

  It feels more right than I could have imagined. We were made for each other. This is exactly where he’s supposed to be.

  Inside me.

  As I start gently rocking my hips, the Prince lets out a low moan. The sound makes heat bloom in the pit of my stomach. I clench my thighs, grinding harder into him. He lets out another moan, sending a wave of heat flooding through my veins. It starts in the pit of my stomach and spreads outward, ripping through my body like a wildfire.

  The Prince groans. Every sound he makes sends another wave
of lust crashing into me. The look in his eyes tells me he wants more. He’s been waiting for this, too.

  He’s enjoying this as much as I am.

  Leaning my hands on his chest, I close my eyes for just a moment. Feeling him inside me is so deliciously wrong I can’t stop myself from almost giving in to the urge to let go. I want to come. I want to feel the release of an orgasm that feels like it’s been building for years.

  I want to give it to him.

  Theo reaches up to slip the strap of my dress off my shoulder. His hand drifts over to my breast, teasing it with his thumb. He’s barely touching me, but the slightest drift of his fingers sends electricity jumping through my veins.

  As my hips rock back and forth, I slip off the other strap of my dress. Theo sighs, cupping my breast.

  I do the same to my other breast, loving the way his eyes darken when I do it. I can tell he likes watching me touch myself. I tweak my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. His lips drop open and his cock throbs.

  “Pleasure yourself,” he commands, flicking his eyes between my legs.

  Am I supposed to love it when he orders me around like that? Is it wrong that the sound of his voice makes me want to melt? Burn? Obey?

  I’ve always been independent. I’ve always wanted to explore the world and see what else was out there. I’ve collected treasures from everywhere and anywhere. Scraps of this and that, precious to only me.

  I’ve always thought of myself as someone who wanted to explore.

  Right now, though? The only thing I want to explore is Theo’s body. The only world that holds any interest to me is the universe inside his eyes. The only treasures I want to collect are his moans. His kisses. His touch.

  Reaching down between my legs, I start teasing my clit. Theo lets out a low exhale as the pool lounge chair creaks beneath us again. I brace myself against it, riding Theo as I pleasure myself.

  The Prince’s bad arm is pinned against his chest while his other hand drifts over my body, teasing everywhere he touches. When he lets his fingers slide down my side and over my thigh, a trail of goosebumps follows. I know I’m near the edge.


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