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Nobody's Girl: A Billionaire Romance Novel

Page 17

by Michelle Love

  Sofia giggled. “Come on, let’s grab some food before we get changed. I have a feeling we’re going to need all the energy we can get tonight.”

  As they reached the club, Ivo kissed her. “I’m going to lick your cunt until you drip honey, beautiful.” Sofia gave a little moan of pleasure as he nuzzled her neck.

  She took him by the hand and they walked into the club. There were people already having sex, some in the glass cubicle where they had been a few weeks since. Sofia turned to Ivo and dropped one of the spaghetti straps of her dress so her breast was exposed, not caring who saw it. Ivo bent his head and sucked her nipple, his hand under her dress, inside her panties, rubbing and caressing her clit. Sofia gasped at the feel of his mouth, his hands, and the next moment, she started as she saw Penn Black enter the room. He caught her eye as Ivo made her come and Sofia gasped and shuddered through her climax.

  “Ivo,” she whispered and nodded to Penn. She couldn’t believe she felt no shame or embarrassment. Ivo turned and smiled at Penn, who was gazing at Sofia.

  “Come join us,” Ivo said and Penn nodded. He walked over, and with a brief glance at Ivo, bent his head and took the same nipple into his mouth as Ivo dropped to his knees, his head under dress, his tongue making contact with Sofia’s clit. A small crowd had gathered to watch them, the three beautiful people enjoying each other’s bodies.

  “Fuck her!” One said coarsely and Ivo chuckled.

  “Oh, we will…if the lady wants us to.”

  Sofia was almost delirious with pleasure. “God, yes…yes…”

  Ivo and Penn exchanged a conspiratorial glance. “Brother?” Penn said and Ivo nodded.

  “Blood brothers.”

  Sofia let them stripped her completely, the head mix of alcohol and desire flooding through her. Ivo slid behind her. “Open your legs wide, baby. You’re going to take both of us now.”

  Sofia felt him slick her ass with lube then he was inside her as Penn thrust his cock into her cunt. They fucked her, finding a rhythm until Sofia thought she might passed out from the pleasure. She ignored the crowd watching them, forgot about everything else except being fucked by these two gorgeous men. Nothing else in the world mattered now. When her climax came, her legs trembled so badly that Ivo had to support her. The two men groaned as they came, and Sofia couldn’t believe she had done it.

  They found a private, much to the dismay of their entranced audience, and recovered. Penn looked at Ivo. “Thank you, brother.”

  Ivo grinned. “Don’t thank me.”

  “Of course, sorry, Sofia, beautiful girl, thank you.”

  With a questioning glance at Ivo, who nodded, Sofia leaned over and kissed Penn on the mouth, gently. “My pleasure. Literally,” she grinned at their amusement. “Now, fellas, seeing as I’m naked, doesn’t seem fair that you’re both fully dressed.”

  She lay down on her side, on the large bed, and gestured. “Strip for me, guys.”

  Ivo laughed at her obvious pleasure. “You’re taking to this really quickly.”

  Sofia grinned at him and Penn. “I’m surprised too. I guess we found the right combination, Penn.”

  He bent to kiss her mouth then looked at Ivo. “Friend, never would I have expected you would be so open-minded. And I promise you, I will respect your and Sofia’s wishes at all times. If you want me to go…”

  “No,” both Ivo and Sofia shook their heads and spoke in unison. Penn laughed.

  “Then I am honored.”

  Ivo went to lay by Sofia’s side. “Come lay down with us.”

  Ivo’s arms wrapped around her, Sofia smiled at Penn as he lay down beside her. He stroked her cheek. She really was so beautiful it made his chest hurt. For a moment, he thought about Tamara, back in New York, and wondering if she would consider this cheating, or if she’d be a cheerleader. They hadn’t discussed threesomes, and somehow, he thought she might be too jealous to share him with another woman. He wouldn’t tell her about this night.

  Ivo was kissing his wife tenderly and the love between him and Sofia was palpable. Love and trust. Penn stroked Sofia’s thigh, slipping his hand between her legs to caress her clit. She shivered with pleasure. Ivo smiled at Penn. “Touch her belly, it drives her crazy.”

  Sofia gave a moan as both of the men stroked the soft skin of her abdomen. When Penn returned his hand to her cunt, he found her wet. Sofia was kissing Ivo. “I want to suck your cock while Penn fucks me,” she whispered to him and grinning, Ivo indicated he and Penn should swap places.

  “Take her from behind while I lick her pussy,” he said and Sofia giggled at his coarse talk. She took Ivo’s cock into her mouth as Ivo found her clit with his tongue, and Penn, so turned on by the beautiful couple, thrust first into her cunt, then into her ass.

  The next few hours were a blur of sex, laughter, passion, kissing. They played with a few of the toys, paddling each other, Sofia asking for the crop across her belly and buttocks, but they were mostly just a writhing pile of arms and legs and tongues.

  Finally, just before four a.m., they left the club, Ivo with his arm around Sofia’s shoulder as she held Penn’s hand. He said good bye to them at the taxi stand. He kissed Sofia’s cheek and hugged Ivo hard.

  “You have no idea what tonight meant to me, both of you. You’re a lucky man, Zacca.”

  Ivo grinned. “When we get settled in our new apartment, you must come and stay.”

  “I would like that.”

  Sofia squeezed his hand “Soon, Penn. I hate to think that you’re alone and unhappy.”

  Penn hugged her tightly. “Tonight showed me that I’ll never be alone. I love you both.”

  At home, Sofia and Ivo showered. “What an incredible night,” she sighed as he soaped her body, “I don’t think my vagina will be happy in the morning but, god, it was worth it.”

  “Talking of which…” Grinning, Ivo thrust into her again and Sofia, gasping, wincing slightly as he filled her sore cunt, began to smile.

  “You are insatiable.”

  “And you are a goddess.” They made love slowly, Ivo being more careful now. And afterward they feel asleep in each other’s arms.

  At seven a.m., Ivo’s father called them to tell them that Adria was dead.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Ivo looked as if his heart had been ripped from his chest. Three days since his beloved Mama had died and he behaved as if he were walking around in a dream.

  Adria had underplayed the cancer, it seemed, but even that wasn’t what killed her. A heart attack, from nowhere. Sofia, in shock too, knew what it felt like when someone beloved just was gone in an instant and she tried to support Ivo as best she could, as well a shell-chocked, distraught Walter, but she felt overwhelmed.

  Because of Adria’s status, her celebrity, it was international news and both Ivo and Walter were besieged by press. Desiree and Sofia fended the questions away as best as they could while Walter and Ivo arranged for Adria’s body to be flown back to Los Angeles. She had wanted, even after the divorce, to be married next to Walter when he went, and they had purchased adjoining plots at Forest Lawns years ago. Her funeral would be attended by all the biggest stars and movie execs, and Sofia wondered, in the melee, where the family came into it. Ivo simply hadn’t been ready to lose his mother. He moved through the days barely speaking, or eating. He wasn’t sleeping.

  She went to find him now. He was packing to fly to Los Angeles ahead of her to arrange the funeral and to take his heartbroken father back home. Walter was a broken man, simply moving through his days like an automaton. Ivo had wanted Sofia to go with him, but Jonas had booked his flight and would be in Paris later that day, and Ivo told her he thought she should stay.

  “You don’t understand the craziness of the press around Hollywood,” he told her. “They won’t leave you alone. Here, at least it’s controlled. And now Jonas will be here, I think it’s best you stay.”

  Sofia was heartbroken that she wouldn’t be at Adria’s funeral but she could see his point
of view. “What about you, Ivo? Won’t you need me there?”

  Ivo kissed her then leaned his forehead against hers. “Every moment. But I’ll come back immediately after the funeral. I’m sorry I won’t be able to spend more than this evening with Jonas.”

  “There’ll be other times.”

  “I know.”

  Sofia had called Penn and Ivo’s friend assured her would look out for Ivo for her. “As long as you’ll be safe, I can take care of Ivo, lovely Sofia.”

  Sofia was amazed that there was no awkwardness between her and Penn, that their sexual encounter was viewed by all as a wonderful night. She wondered idly if they would ever repeat it then felt guilty about thinking about sex at such an awful time.

  They went to pick Jonas up from the airport, and when she saw him trudging through the Arrivals gate, looking like a bedraggled hipster, Sofia burst into tears and ran to him. They hugged for a long time, both in tears, before Sofia calmed herself enough to introduce him to a patient Ivo.

  Jonas shook his hand. “I’m so sorry about your mom, dude, so very sorry. One of the all-time greats.”

  Ivo looked as if he might be overcome with emotion for a second, then nodded. “She was, thank you. It’s really good to meet you at last, Jonas.”

  “You too, man. Thanks for helping my sister, for saving her life. I just…I should have been here.”

  Sofia slipped her hands into both of theirs. “Come on, you two. No time for what ifs. We have to be thankful for what we have now.”

  They decided to eat at Ivo’s hotel. Despite his protestations, Ivo had secured Jonas a suite near to their own and, after seven hours plus of travelling, Jonas didn’t have the energy to argue.

  “You’d be doing me a favor too,” Ivo said. “While I’m in Los Angeles, it’ll make me feel better to know you’re near to Sofia.”

  Jonas nodded. “Fair enough…although I do have to tell you, Sofia can kick my ass anyway. Not sure how much help I’d be.”

  Ivo smiled for the first time in days. “Don’t I know it?”

  Sofia grinned at them both. “My two favorite men in the world, right here.”

  Jonas told them that, after the abduction attempt, Fergus had slunk back to New York with his head between his tail. Jonas obviously had no time for his father. “He’s just fucking around now, sleeping with all his friend’s wives. Drinking too much. Honestly, I think he lost it when Mom died,” he said to Sofia, clearly meaning her Mom. It touched Sofia’s heart to hear him refer to her that way. “She kept him steady, balanced. For all his faults, I truly believed he loved her entirely. That’s why he wants you back.”

  “Then maybe he shouldn’t have thrown Sofia out in the first place.” Ivo’s voice was like ice and Jonas nodded.

  “Totally agree, my friend.”

  “But, then again, I might never have met you,” Sofia said and Ivo shook his head.

  “We would have found our way to each other somehow.” He looked at Jonas. “How about you, Jonas? Is it Megan?”

  Jonas gave a sad smile. “We broke up. Seemed, in the end, we wanted different things. She wanted kids, I don’t. She wanted me to be more than a high-school teacher – and to me, it’s the best contribution I could make to society. We’re still friends. Megan was never interested in Dad’s money, or making me take what trust fund he was offering that day. He wields his wealth as a controlling tool. Not into that.”

  “Word, brother.” Sofia clinked her glass against Jonas’s. He grinned, his eyes sweeping around the luxurious suite.

  “I can tell.”

  Ivo grinned but Sofia chewed her lip. “Hey, I’m kidding,” Jonas said, nudging his sister and she relaxed.

  “Did Fergus say anything to you about what he tried to do to me?” Sofia wanted to know that Fergus was sorry, that he knew she was never coming back. Jonas shrugged.

  “I don’t know, I’m sorry. All this news I got from Tell Draven, his golf partner. He has a kid at our school. I don’t speak to Dad.”

  Ivo stole a glance at Sofia. “What about your sister? Tamara, is it?”

  Jonas’s eyes darkened. “I see her even less and believe me, it’s no loss.” He looked at Sofia. “She’s now into S&M in a big way, apparently. Bought a club in Manhattan and refurbished it.”

  Sofia nearly choked on her wine. “Tamara? Is it a club for husbands of her friends?” She laughed suddenly. “Tamara Rutland, Madam. Figures.”

  Jonas grinned as Ivo laughed. “So, you don’t miss her, then?”

  “Hell, no.” She sighed. “I do love it here, though, Jonas. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know where I was.”

  “I should have looked harder, but without the resources, and having to work…”

  “It’s okay, bro. we’re together now. That’s all that matters.”

  When an exhausted Jonas retired to his room to sleep off his jetlag, Sofia and Ivo enjoyed a long soak in the tub. “You know, the few days I’m away will be the longest we’ve been apart since we met.” Ivo trailed his fingers up and down her skin as he spoke, and nibbled her earlobe.

  Sofia smiled. “I think it will be. I’ll miss you but there’s nothing else to be done.” Resting back against his hard-muscled chest, she looked around at him. “You can always change your mind. I could go with you.”

  He brushed her lips with his. “No, you stay with Jonas. Actually, in all the melee, I forgot to go to Clemence. I wonder…would it be inappropriate for me to ask you to go see her? She was close to Mom, and what with baby being due soon…”

  “Of course, I’ll go, it’s no problem. Did I ever tell you we went out for coffee a couple of times?”

  “No, actually. You did?”

  “Forgive me for not telling you at the time, I clean forgot. Clemence came to see me, right at the start of our relationship, yours and mine, I mean, and she told me she wanted to be friends because of the baby. I agreed with her and we went out a couple of times. She’s nice, and I liked her, but then things went a little weird for a while. I got the feeling she was a little jealous, and then there was that whole thing with telling your dad about your mom’s illness. We haven’t seen each other since.”

  Ivo kissed her temple. “Will it be awkward to go see her?”

  Sofia shook her head. “No, not under these circumstances, and besides, I should reconnect with her. After the baby comes, it’ll make things easier if we all get along.”

  “Sometimes, Sofia Amory Zacca, you are wiser than your years. Thank you, darling.”

  She turned around and straddled him. “God, I will miss you though. You only have to pick up the phone and I’ll come to you, you know that, right?”

  Ivo slid his hands onto her face and gaze at her. “I do know. Sofia, I can keep saying I love you but it doesn’t even come close to how I feel about you.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. “I feel the same way, Mr. Zacca. I know this is a sad time but we can get through it. Good things are coming for us.”

  Ivo crushed his lips to hers. “You bet your sweet little ass they are.”

  Sofia felt the wrench the next morning when Ivo left for the airport. She kissed him passionately and sent him off with an erection. Ivo chuckled. “Demon woman. I love you. I’ll call you as soon as I land.”

  Sofia felt like a sulky schoolgirl as she went back upstairs. She had arranged a few days off to spend with Jonas and a few minutes after she got back to the room, he knocked at her door. “Hey, sis.”

  “How’d you sleep?” Sofia hugged him, grateful of the distraction. Jonas grinned at her, flopping down on the couch.

  “Unbelievably well. I have to say, I’m coming around on the luxury lifestyle.”

  Sofia laughed, knowing Jonas didn’t mean it. “Yeah, right. Listen, J, we have so much to catch up on that it seems overwhelming. Want to go do some touristy stuff and talk on the way round?”

  “Sounds good to me. I got the impression you wanted to talk about Mom. Am I right?”

  Sofia nodded. “I do, or rat
her…I want to talk about whether she spoke about our life before she married Fergus.”

  Jonas looked uncomfortable. “Why would she tell me anything?”

  “Jonas.” Sofia sat down with him. “Ivo and I…one day we would like to have kids. Well, I should say, at the moment Ivo wants to have kids.” Sighing she rubbed her face. “I’m not so sure. There’s something in me that’s broken. Something stopping me from wanting to a be a mother and I think it has to do when I was a kid. Mom confided stuff in you, right? She told you about my biological father?”

  Jonas looked away from her and was silent for a long moment. Sofia waited him out. Finally, Jonas, his eyes full of pain, shook his head. “She didn’t give me details. She just said he was a very bad man, that they had a one-night stand and when she told him she was pregnant…he tried to have her killed. He came after both of you when you were about two, in a shopping mall. He had a gun, and he knocked your mom out and shot you in the shoulder, but you screamed the place down and he left you there. The police caught up with him but he’d put the gun in his own mouth.”

  “Oh, god…” Sofia put her hand over her mouth as a memory came flooding back. Pain, terror, blood. She darted to the toilet and threw up. Jonas came to help her, rubbing her back.

  “You are nothing like him. You are your mother’s goodness and kindness. If an outsider was brought into our family, they would swear blind that Tamara was your biological dad’s daughter. She’s a psycho.”

  Sofia looked up at him through her tears. “You know what she did?”

  Jonas, his expression hard, nodded. “I know she killed my mother. Dad knew it too, he just covered it up.”

  Sofia rinsed her mouth out and wiped her face clean with a face cloth. “My real dad was a killer.”

  “But you are not, and never could be. Was that the only thing stopping you from having kids?”

  She shook her head. “Honestly, no. I’m conflicted because one moment, I see our son, with Ivo’s hair and green eyes and it’s all I want. The next…I’m terrified.”


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