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Nobody's Girl: A Billionaire Romance Novel

Page 27

by Michelle Love

  “If I’m ever rescued, I just might let you walk me to that dance, Jack.”

  With that, he stands up and takes my hands, pulling me up too. “Get on,” he says as he turns his back to me.

  Now he’s got me confused. Surely he doesn’t think I’m about to climb up on him. “Get on your back?”

  “Yes, I’m gonna carry you out of here. I know a trail that’ll get us back to the camping area. That is where you’re staying, right?”

  “It is,” I say but I’m not about to climb on this guy’s back. “I can…”

  He interrupts me as he picks me up, and tosses me around until I’m settled on his back. “Let’s go.” He takes off, leaving the cool shade of the willow tree behind us and going out into the bright sunlight.

  Looks like I got a ride, whether I wanted one or not.

  Chapter 3


  Her long, blonde hair is splayed out over my brown pillowcase. Her long legs are spread open for me as I slide onto my bed, right between them. “I’m glad you decided to stay with me, Daphne.”

  Her long lean arms extend to welcome me. “I’m glad you asked me to, Jack.”

  I move into them and kiss her tasty neck. Her parents weren’t keen on leaving her with me for the rest of the summer. But Daphne isn’t one who’s told what to do by anyone. Not even me, her boyfriend.

  There were promises I had to make to them. I have to get her to Yale before the new semester begins and I have to take excellent care of the baby of their little family. I can do both of those things, easily.

  Daphne’s warm as I enter her, her body tenses for a moment then relaxes as she takes me all in. “It’s hard to believe we’ve been doing this for a week now and still my body has to get used to that anaconda you have hanging between your legs, Jack.”

  “You fit me like a glove, baby.” I move my body, stroking hers as I do. She brings out more in me than anyone ever has. Her touch is like fire on my skin. Her kisses send me straight to Heaven.

  She arches up to me as she moans, “God, you fuck me so well.”

  “It’s because you respond so well. Now shut up and kiss me.” I drop my mouth on hers as I pump my cock into her tight pussy. Our tongues fight for dominance and mine wins, again. My need for her grows, and I move faster, needing to feel her even deeper. I pull one of her legs up and slip into her more. We both moan with how damn good it feels.

  It’s still hard for me to believe that I have Daphne in my little cabin, all to myself. For the rest of the summer, anyway. Then things will change. Unless I figure out a way not to let that happen.

  As I move in and out of her, it hits me. I could get her pregnant!

  Then I’d get her to marry me and stay right here with me, instead of going back to college to follow a futile dream. She’d be happier with me than doing that shit anyway.

  My condom is all that keeps sex from turning into baby-making. Even though she’s been adamant about using one each and every time we’ve made love, I think I can have a little mishap that she can’t possibly get mad about. If she figures it out. If I fuck her hard enough, she’ll fall asleep afterward and be none the wiser of what I’ve done.

  I move faster, slamming into her nice and hard until she’s shaking with an orgasm, then I pull out and flip her onto her hands and knees. She’s not looking as she moans and buries her face in the pillow and I pull the condom off with stealthy silence and slam my bare cock back into her.

  Furiously, I pound her until she’s screaming with another mind-blowing climax. And I want to cum so bad, but I’m going to have to really tire her out before I let the juice loose inside of her.

  I have to get her body so hyped up that it goes numb and she won’t feel the hot seed I’ll pour into her. Even though her vagina is pulsing all over my cock, trying to make me cum, I hold out, slapping her ass to take my attention away from the need I’m feeling to give in.

  She’s wet as hell and I’m moving in and out with such ease. Reaching around her, I take one of her nipples and pinch and twist it while she moans, “Fuck me, baby.”

  “You like it when I fuck you like a dog, don’t you, you little bitch?” I whisper in her ear as I pull on her nipple, making her yelp.

  “Oh, yes. Fuck me like a dog, baby!”

  “Like a bitch in heat is what you are,” I say then bite her neck. “You can’t get enough of this big dick, can you?”

  “I can’t get enough. Fuck me harder!”

  I slam into her nice and hard until she’s cumming all over my cock for the third time. It’s hard as hell not to climax too but I hold on. She’s moaning and then I hear her say something she hasn’t before. “I fucking love you, Jack Jamison. I fucking love you!”

  I pull out of her and abort my mission. I was wrong to even think about doing that to her. I turn her over and look at her as she lies there, looking up at me with a smile on her face. “I love you too, Daphne.”

  She runs her hand down my stomach and I jerk away just before she gets to my un-condomed cock. She looks at me with a strange expression then tosses the blanket I’ve grabbed to cover myself back and looks at my dick. “You seem to have lost something.”

  Feigning ignorance, I look at my dick too and say, “How’d that happen?”

  Her eyes narrow for a moment then she smiles. “Jack Jamison, were you trying to get me pregnant?”

  With no idea of how to answer that question, I find myself shrugging and her laughing. “You’re not mad?”

  Shaking her head, she says, “Let’s do it.”

  “Really?” I ask as I can’t believe she’d be into it.

  Pulling me back to her, she whispers, “If you get me pregnant, you will marry my ass, right?”

  “I’ll marry your ass whether I get you pregnant or not. I love you, Daphne, soon to be Jamison.”

  Our mouths meet in a hot kiss as I thrust my dick back into her and pump it with all I have in me, then let it all loose in lumpy strands of life-giving cum that might just cement us together for the rest of eternity.

  Chapter 4


  Sitting under the willow tree right where we first met, I hold my husband, Jack’s, hand as we soak our feet in the cold, clear water of the Frio River.

  The day was a mixture of happiness and sadness. We were married by a Justice of the Peace at nine this morning and by noon I’d begun to bleed. We were so sure I was pregnant this time, but my period told us otherwise.

  Leaning my head on his shoulder, I sigh, “I’m sorry, Jack.”

  He wraps his arm around me, kissing the side of my head. “Don’t be. It’s only been six months, baby. The main thing is that you and I are married now. That’s all that really matters.”

  Looking into his sky blue eyes, I see my future in them. A future full of love and maybe it will only be the two of us that makes up our family. Who knows what’s written in the stars for us?

  Jack is as kind as they come, but I know I’m disappointing him. I have to be.

  Jumping into the water, he pulls me in with him and I laugh as chills move over my body. He holds me as he can touch bottom but I can’t. His kiss warms me and when he moves my bikini bottoms to one side I run my legs around him. His huge dick pushes into me and I moan with how good it feels.

  Jack and I will be happy together, whether we have babies or not, our love is deep and true.


  It’s hard to believe that after waiting for five years for our first child to be born, we finally had a son then a daughter, another son, and finally a baby girl. Along with her came complications that stopped Daphne from having any more children.

  We were thankful for what we had. Grateful for everything life gave us. Is Daphne the President of the United States? No. Is she a high-powered congresswoman or a senator? No.

  Daphne never went back to college. She stayed with me and eventually we moved up to Oregon where I became a police officer and she stayed at home to raise our kids. She called that, the most impor
tant job in the world and she was proud to do it.

  She and I are taking one of our secret vacations. We used to go back to where we met, all those years ago, but floods took out our willow tree and it’s just not the same without it.

  Instead, we went to Africa. Daphne has always wanted to see the place where wild animals roam free and we’re just specks on the land along with them. And what my Daphne wants, she gets.

  Sitting under the shade of a Marula tree in the Kruger National Park, we hold hands as she draws hearts in the loose dirt. “You know if there was a chance in the world that I could get better then I’d never want this, right, Jack?”

  “I do.” I have to look away. A giraffe lopes away from the herd it’s a part of and I think about why it would be doing such a thing. Lions come to mind, making me shudder.

  “And I know you want to follow me, but I think you should stay. For the kids, you know.” Her hand touches my chin, making me look at her. “Can you do that for me?”

  “I can’t live without you,” I mumble as a lump fills my throat. “Don’t ask me to.”

  “Well, I am asking you to. You don’t have a death sentence hanging over your head, and I do. You would be committing a huge sin. You and I might not end up in the same place if you do that. And I want you with me.”

  My heart clenches at the thought of being alive without her. I can’t do it. “But, we agreed…”

  Her finger moves to my lips. “Hush, I wasn’t thinking rationally. I was being selfish. I’ve thought about little else. I want you to forget about the second half of the plan. Help me with the first part, nature will take its course and you will go back home and take care of our kids. Jake and Becca still need a parent around. They’re not out of the house yet. I need you to be there for them.” Her hand moves to rest on my shoulder. “I need you to wait until it’s your time, naturally. Promise me.”

  “You’re going to leave me all alone here,” I manage to croak out. “I can’t do it without you. I can’t. And I won’t!”

  Her eyes that were once dark blue have paled with her illness. But they can still grow bright with ire. Daphne has a stubborn streak a mile long. And I can see she’s set her mind on what it is she wants. “You can and you will, Jack Jamison. I can’t take you with me on this trip. I need you to do as I’ve asked you to. Can you do this one last thing for me?”

  I can’t stop looking into her eyes that are nearly colorless as she’s so weak and near her end. We kept her condition from everyone. She waited too long to tell me something was wrong with her. Our first doctor’s visit was our last. A quick diagnosis of stage four cervical cancer, a quick few words told us she was past treatment. Another few words gave her a month to live.

  She wanted to be away from home, make things look better than they really are. Daphne thought it’d be more fun to have a great story to tell about our deaths. Killed by wild animals while on a trip to Africa. I was to be included in that, but she seems to have changed her mind.

  My Daphne and her tales. She tells the story of when we met like it’s a timeless romance. She has great stories for when each one of our children was born. And now she wants something more exciting for the story of her death.

  It may sound completely insane to be doing this for her. But where she’s concerned, I can’t seem to ever tell her, no about anything. Even not slitting my own wrist when I slit hers, allowing us to bleed out our life’s blood and become food for the scavenging wild animals.

  My head drops as it feels much too heavy to hold up any longer. “Daphne, how am I supposed to leave you here? I can’t.”

  “You will.” She taps me on the chin. “You will do as we planned. Only, after you cut my wrist, you will stay with me until the end then you will walk away and leave me to the night scavengers. And you will tell everyone that we got split up when we were chased by lions. And you don’t know what happened to me.”

  All I can do is shake my head. She can’t possibly think I can actually do that. “I can’t.”

  “Stop saying that!” she shouts at me then has to catch her breath as she’s used too much energy. “You will find a ranger and you will tell him that story and that’s that.”

  “I cannot walk away from you, Daphne! I can’t do it! Don’t ask me to. Please.” No longer able to hold back, my sobs fill the air as I cry over my wife and how she wants to leave me behind.

  I’ve stayed strong for as long as I can. I can’t do what she’s asked me to. I can’t do it. I can die with her, but I can’t walk away from her.

  Getting up, I begin to pace and wipe my eyes then I hear her scream and try desperately to clear my blurry tears. “What’s wrong?”

  Even through the tears, I see the blood pooling on the ground next to her. “Jack, do as I’ve said now. I know it’s hard. I need you to do what I’ve told you to.”

  “Daphne! You cut your own wrist.” I fall to the ground and pick up her limp, pale hand. She’s cut it nearly all the way through. Blood is spurting out, a gallon at a time. “God, why?”

  Cradling her in my arms, I scream and curse as I feel her growing cold in my arms. I’m covered in her blood as I cry and feel her life slipping away.

  Her voice is soft, weak, and perfect, “I love you, Jack Jamison. I always will.”

  “I love you,” I cry and groan as I feel her body go completely limp in my arms.

  The sound of a Jeep has me looking over my shoulder. “Sir! Stand up!”

  I can’t let her go. I can’t do it.

  Maybe they’ll shoot me and end this agony.

  Chapter 5


  The train pulls into the station and we get off of it. All three of us are weary from the long trip but we’re only a little while away from getting on a plane that will take us back home to America. A place my father has already been taken to.

  He was handed over to the American Embassy and sent to Oregon. He confessed to cutting my mother’s wrist, murdering her. And he won’t say why. He won’t say anything else, as a matter of fact.

  I notice everyone stopping and dropping their heads as mother’s black casket is taken off the train and put into a waiting car. The long black car will transport us to the airport. Jenny is making the funeral arrangements.

  We’ll bury our mother in the cemetery that’s just a couple of blocks away from where they lived and we all grew up. And our father will spend the rest of his life in on Oregon Penitentiary for murdering her.

  Jake climbs into the car first and Aunt Betsy follows. I get in last, sandwiching our aunt between us as he asks, “When do you think the trial for Dad will begin?”

  “There won’t be one,” I tell him. “He confessed.”

  “I know that,” he says. “But there will be something, won’t there?”

  Aunt Betsy takes over, “No, a judge will decide how much time he’ll get.”

  “He’ll get life,” I say as I rub my temples. “You know he will. And I’m glad for that. If he was out, I’d kill him.”

  Jake glares at me. “You don’t know the whole story. Don’t be so quick to judge our father, Grant.”

  “And we don’t know the whole story because our usually talkative father refuses to tell anything more than the fact that he cut her wrist. He didn’t say it was an accident. He didn’t say another damn word about it. He went, willingly with the rangers and he went willingly with the officers who took him back to Oregon. He did it, Jake. He killed our mother, his wife. The woman we all thought he loved more than anything. He killed her. He deserves to die for that!”

  Aunt Betsy’s hand covers mine, patting it to quiet my shouting. “Grant, hush now. We’ll get nowhere throwing around harsh words about anyone. Your father is in shock, that’s why he’s not talking more about what happened. He’ll come around. He’ll tell someone what happened. I know he will.”

  Jake’s eyes, so much like our mother’s narrow. “What if Mom was having an affair and he found out and he killed her over that?”

hut the fuck up, Jake!” My entire body shakes as anger bursts out of every cell in my body. “If you say another bad thing about our mother, I don’t know what I’ll do to you. So just shut the fuck up now!”

  “Okay, boys.” Aunt Betsy runs her hand over my leg. “Let’s be quiet and just relax on the ride back home. There’s a lot to do when we get back. Put this fighting behind you both. If I have to spend every visitation day with your father to get to the bottom of this, then I will. We will find out the truth. Don’t worry, or fight, or speculate about things.”

  Arriving at the airport, we wait in the car as mother is transported to the bedroom in the private jet I chartered. We were asked to wait for them to secure the coffin before we came in. None of the nice people who’ve helped us with my poor mother’s body want us to see anything we shouldn’t.

  At least I was able to secure her a private ride home, instead of coming back in the belly of a plane full of strangers.

  Being the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company and having more money than most, didn’t stop tragedy from finding me. All the money in the world can’t change what’s happened.

  And I can’t stop thinking that love can’t really exist if my father could do this to the woman it seemed like he loved more than anything in this world.

  Love cannot be real!

  We’re given the wave that tells us to come aboard. The walk to the jet is slow and somewhat arduous. It’s as if my feet don’t want to go where I need to. The plane that holds my dead mother isn’t a thing I really want to get on. But I have to and take the seat across from my aunt as Jake takes one in the very back, I see her looking at me. Then she asks, “What about that nice girl you’ve been seeing, Stacy? Is she going to help you through this?”

  “No,” I say as I look out the window as the sun begins to rise. “I’m not going to see her anymore.”


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