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Destined to Dominate

Page 3

by Red Phoenix

  The impressive Dom chuckles when his sees me. “Let me guess. You’re looking for Captain.”

  “Is he here?” I crane my neck to look around him, hoping to catch sight of Captain.

  “No. I’m sorry to disappoint you, Miss Cox. He came by several hours ago to tell me that I am free to pursue you.”

  I’m crushed and lean against the doorway for support. “But…I don’t understand. I thought…”

  “Why don’t we talk about it inside?” Baron suggests.

  “You don’t understand, Baron. I have to find Captain. What you just said proves it. Do you have any idea where he might be?”

  Baron only shakes his head. “I haven’t a clue where he went.”

  “Something unfortunate happened, and it’s imperative I talk to him tonight.”

  He gives me a warm smile in response to how distressed I am. “If you are concerned about Captain’s state of mind, don’t be. He seemed quite level-headed when we spoke.”

  “Well, I won’t be until I have a chance to talk to him.” I sigh in frustration, not knowing where else to go. “Please, let me know if you hear from him.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell Captain you’re looking for him when we cross paths.”

  “Thank you!”

  I get back in my car, wondering where he would have gone after talking to Baron. I drive to all the places Captain has taken me in the past, including the pet shop where we first met and the BDSM club, The Haven.

  But, Captain is nowhere to be found. It’s as if he’s disappeared. I finally give up and return to his place. My heart leaps with joy when I see a single light on in his home.

  With my heart beating crazily, I ring the doorbell and wait. When he doesn’t answer, I knock softly. “Captain, I need to speak with you.”

  My heart starts racing again when I hear the sound of his boots clicking on the hardwood floor as he approaches the door, but…

  He does not open it.

  Instead, I hear him say, “Go home, Candy.”

  I gasp and sniffle, “Please, Captain.”

  “It’s been a long day. Go home. We will talk later.”

  “No, I need to talk to you now. Please.”

  “Candy, I’m in no mood to speak. Go home.”

  I close my eyes, wondering if I have lost him forever.

  I can’t accept that.

  “Captain, you know my desire is to please you, but I cannot obey that command. I will sit out here all night, if I have to.”

  “Go home,” he states again just before the receding sound of his boots echo down the hallway.

  I turn my back against the door and slowly slide down it. I know Captain is a stubborn soul, but so am I.

  Captain was this close to accepting the two of us. We were almost there…and I’m convinced I’m right. I am not willing to give up on us.

  I look up at the night sky, silently cursing fate.

  Of all the days for my parents to visit…

  I don’t want them worrying about me, so I give Dad a quick call. “Hey, just wanted to check in and let you know I’m fine, but that I might not be back for a while so don’t wait up.”

  “C, do you want to tell me what this is all about?”

  I hesitate, having planned to tell him with Captain present, but I don’t have the luxury now. “Dad, the military officer you met this afternoon is my boyfriend.”

  “But the man we saw was way too old for you.”

  “Yes, Charles is older. But he’s also the most honorable man I know, and I love him, Dad. You might not believe it now, but once you have a chance to know him, you’ll agree he’s the best man for me.”

  “But, C, he looks older than we are.”

  “He is, Dad. It’s the reason he refuses to make a commitment even though I can’t imagine my life without him.”

  “It’s not only the age difference, C. It’s obvious the man has medical issues.”

  “Actually, those are old war wounds that have healed. Charles is every bit as fit and strong as you are.”

  There’s a long silence but I don’t press him to speak, knowing I’ve given him a lot to take in.

  “Where are you now?” he finally asks.

  “I’m waiting to talk to Captain.”

  I blush, realizing I’ve just called him by his Dom name in front of my dad. I quickly amend my error by explaining, “His full name is Captain Charles Walker.”

  “What?” he asks, sounding surprise.

  “His name is Captain Charles Walker,” I repeat. “Why? What’s up?”

  “I have a strange feeling I might know this man, but I can’t place how. Still, the name seems awfully familiar to me…” His voice trails off for a moment, then he adds, “I won’t lie, C. I’m uncertain how I feel about you dating someone so much older than you.”

  “I knew this wouldn’t be easy for you or Mom. But there’s honestly nothing you can say to dissuade me from loving him. Believe me, Captain’s tried hard enough.”

  “I’ll hold my judgement until I’ve had a chance to speak with him. I think it would be best if I break this gently to your mother before you return. What she didn’t tell you is that she was scared of him because of…his scars.”

  I feel my stomach twist into a knot. Yet another humiliation Captain had to endure. “Well, I’m sure she’ll get over that once she gets to know him.” I can’t hide the anger in my voice, upset that my own mother treated Captain that way.

  “C, you can’t hold it against her. It was purely an instinctual reaction. She wasn’t trying to be rude.”

  “Dad, it’s important that you and Mom be honest tomorrow when you talk to him, but, no matter what, you have to look him in the eye. He deserves that respect.”

  “Point taken. I’ll make sure to mention that to your mother.”

  “Dad, this isn’t just a simple fling for me. Charles is the man I love.”

  Hanging up the phone, I feel better after speaking with my father. However, I have no illusions that this is going to be easy for my parents.

  Even so, I would rather face this head-on as a family than pussyfoot around Captain’s age.

  It’s my hope that when Captain sees how serious I am about bringing him into my family, he’ll finally accept that I believe in our future together. This isn’t a crush; this is full-on love.

  I’m all in.

  With that in mind, I curl up against his door and settle in for the night. I know Captain is as bullheaded as I am. It’s part of the reason I love him so much.

  At exactly midnight, I hear the lock disengage and I push myself away from the door as it slowly opens. I look up into Captain’s sad face, and can tell he’s been suffering.

  Looking down at me, he shakes his head. “What am I going to do with you, pet?”

  His Proposal


  I look at Candy curled up on my doorstep, and it takes everything in me not to gather her into my arms and profess my love to her.

  I can’t fathom how I’ve earned the devotion of someone as beautiful and true as Candy. It seems impossible, and yet, here she is—that stubborn little soul, lying on the cold concrete of my front step.

  I hold out my hand to her. “Come.”

  Her face lights up and for an instant I feel uneasy, knowing the end goal of my mission. However, I love this girl too much not to go through with it now.

  She has not only captured my heart, but my undying loyalty.

  I lead her into the house and head toward the formal living room. It’s obvious she’s heard of my visit from her parents, which is why she’s insistent that we talk.

  I make a warm fire to take the chill from her bones. Looking back at Candy, her eyes full of hope and love, I silently pray Gallant’s suggestion will ensure her heart is protected. It is the only reason to go through with this plan.

  My mission is to find her a suitable partner and relieve her heart of the burden that my age and condition brings.

  Listening to the crackling
fire, I envision a day when I may be invited to a holiday gathering with Candy six months pregnant with a second child. The little girl, who is her spitting image, jumps up and down when she sees me, crying, “Uncle Charles…!”

  That is a dream I think on often and the goal I aspire to when I sit down beside Candy to explain my objective.

  “I am considering the idea of a temporary collar.”

  I see the joy on her face and immediately add, “But this would only be until I find you a suitable partner.”

  Her expression instantly changes, and then I see it….a flash of pain that clouds those beautiful eyes.

  Oh, fuck. What have I done?

  I forge on, because I believe in my mission and I will not fail her.

  “Candy, if you were to agree to wear this collar,” I say, pulling a plain black leather collar from my pocket and holding it up to her to see. “I would commit to finding a Dom worthy of you.”


  “You know how I feel about our future,” I remind her gently.

  Her eyes remain fixed on the simple collar I hold as I continue to explain, “As my temporary submissive, you would be committing to giving each man I select a fair chance. There’s no point in this temporary partnership unless you promise to keep an open mind—and heart. This isn’t about us. This is about you.”

  She stares hard at the collar for several moments before asking, “What if I still choose you after interacting with the Doms you have chosen? Will you agree to collar me then?”

  I frown, afraid she is missing the point. “This will only work if you fully commit. Pretending to comply in the hopes that I will eventually collar you will only result in me dismissing this entire arrangement and walking away.”

  “I understand, Captain,” she answers respectfully. “But, by the same token, I cannot choose someone else simply because you believe I should.”

  “I agree, pet. I would never force you into a partnership that is not of your choosing.”

  “So, I ask again, Captain. If no other Dom earns my submission, will I wear your permanent collar after this temporary partnership ends, or will you abandon me?”

  As hardened as I am, I cringe at her last words. I never want to be a source of her pain.

  “Pet, if we both agree that our partnership benefits us at the end of the trial period, I will claim you in a private collaring ceremony. However, there would be one stipulation I’d insist upon.”

  “What is it?” she asks, her voice tinged with apprehension.

  “If, at any time, you find a better-suited Master, I will release you.”

  She frowns. “Wouldn’t that make that collar temporary as well? My desire is to be permanently collared.”

  I reach out and caress her cheek. “If I were to claim you as my own, I would remain fully committed to you—always. It would simply change to a different capacity should you find a better-suited Dom later on.”

  “Captain, such an arrangement would be completely unfair to you.”

  “Pet, my deepest desire, as well as the end goal here, is to see you happy.”

  She gives me a troubled look, clearly concerned for my wellbeing.

  I smile in response to her concern, confident with my decision. “Will you agree to this arrangement?”

  Her gaze returns to the collar in my hand before she looks up at me. “I would be honored to wear your temporary collar, Captain, and I will accept the conditions behind it, fully committing to each encounter you present to me.”

  “Good. We won’t officially begin until after Christmas. Right now, I want you to spend your time with your parents without any distractions. Your family has come a long way to see you.”

  She stares at the collar in my hand, a look of longing in her eyes as I put it back in my pocket. Accepting that she must wait, she says, “I thank you for your thoughtfulness toward my parents, and I humbly ask if you will consider joining us for dinner tomorrow.”

  I balk at the invitation, remembering how her mother couldn’t bear to look at me. Dinner with her parents would be an awkward evening, at best. “Pet, I’m sure they need time to adjust before we actually meet face to face again.”

  She takes my hand in hers, looking up at me with those big, round doe-like eyes. “I can’t wait to introduce you to them properly. Please say you’ll come.”

  I groan inwardly, dreading the idea after our disastrous initial encounter. But, as I gaze into her trusting eyes, I know I cannot disappoint her. If this woman wants me to meet her parents, it is my honor to do so—no matter how excruciating the evening may be.

  “I will join you for dinner tomorrow. What time?”

  “Seven would be perfect!”

  Her enthusiasm belies the nature of tomorrow’s encounter. This isn’t a simple dinner. This is a confrontation, and I will be the main event.

  So be it.

  No matter what happens tomorrow, Candy’s welfare remains my foremost concern. If things should get too volatile, I will simply leave and, by doing so, defuse the situation.

  I arrive promptly at seven, dressed in a simple black suit. I adjust my eye patch and let out a stressed sigh before knocking on the door.

  Candy answers it immediately, swinging the door wide open. Taking my hand with a huge smile on her face, she pulls me inside. “I’m so happy you came!”

  Both of her parents are waiting for me as I walk in. The room instantly fills with an uncomfortable silence as her father looks me over with a critical eye. I notice her mother’s eyes darting around nervously, uncertain where to look. It’s obvious my scars still make her uneasy, but she is trying to pretend otherwise.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Charles.”

  I hold out my hand to them. “It is a pleasure to meet you both.”

  Her dad takes my hand and shakes it firmly, “I want you to know we didn’t realize who you were before…”

  “Understood,” I reply curtly, not wanting to talk about our first encounter.

  I turn toward her mother and gently take her trembling hand. She blushes profusely, her gaze dropping to the floor. “Mr. Walker.”

  I glance at Candy, giving her a slight smile. Yep, this is going as well as I expected.

  “Charles, can I get you something to drink?” Candy asks.

  What I’d really love is to down a fifth of Jack right now, but I answer, “Water, please.”

  “Why don’t you all sit down while I get a round of water for everyone?”

  “I’ll help you, sweetie,” her mother immediately answers, scooting off toward the kitchen.

  I take a seat across from Mr. Cox. “I assume you have questions you’d like to ask me.”

  “I do.” He looks at me with an odd expression for a moment, before asking, “Why did you get involved with our daughter when she’s so much younger than you?”

  “Dad!” Candy cries from the kitchen.

  I hold up my hand, telling her, “He has every right to ask.”

  Looking her father in the eye, I answer as truthfully as I can without exposing our BDSM ties. Because my age and condition are enough of a barrier at this point, I don’t want to bring our kink into the mix and muddy the waters further.

  “A friend set us up on a blind date. I obviously noted the significant age difference, but, as it was only one evening, we both decided to enjoy each other’s company and found we had a lot in common.”

  Candy walks into the room, handing a glass of water to me first before giving one to her father.

  He takes a drink from the glass and sets it down before asking me, “Why continue dating?”

  “As I said, we had more in common than either of us expected. I didn’t see it as dating so much as spending time with Candy.” I look at her and smile. “She’s an extraordinary person.”

  “I agree my daughter is amazing, but I can’t help being concerned that a man over thirty years her senior wants to date her.”

  I put down my glass and look at both her parents. “I completely agre
e that my age precludes me from having a serious relationship with her.”

  Candy lets out a small whimper, tears welling up in her eyes as she takes a quick sip from her glass. She blinks the tears away before her parents notice.

  “Are you saying that you do not love our daughter, when it’s obvious to us how deeply she cares for you?” her mother asks accusingly. “Because it would be cruel to toy with her feelings like that, Mr. Walker.”

  “Mrs. Cox, for better or worse, I have fallen in love with Candy over the course of our time together.” I meet her mother’s heated gaze. “It’s because of my feelings for Candy that I am determined to do right by her. But, I’m sure you are aware that your daughter is a very stubborn woman.”

  Mr. Cox chuckles. “She takes after the Cox’s side in that regard.”

  “I’ve tried to persuade her to find someone else, but I have been highly unsuccessful.”

  “But do you love her enough that you are willing to let her go?” her mother prods.


  Candy lets out a growl of frustration this time. “Why does everyone ignore what I want? I understand there is a huge age gap between us, but in every way that matters, Charles is what I need. I love him just as fiercely as I did Ethan.”

  She turns to her father. “You didn’t question my feelings then. Why don’t you trust me now?”

  “It’s only natural that we are concerned for you, C,” he answers.

  “Dad, trust me when I say I love Charles just as deeply as I do Ethan. I’m not looking to marry. I just need you to treat us like a couple, because that’s what we are.”

  “Are you planning on moving in together?” Candy’s mother asks her.

  I clear my throat. “Actually, we haven’t discussed that. At this point, Candy’s seeking a relationship and nothing more.”

  “Is that true, Cleo?”

  “Yes, I just want to be free to love Charles, and for him to love me. All I need from you is to respect us as a couple. That’s it.”

  Mr. Cox looks me over again, his expression solemn. “You’ll be good to my daughter?”

  “I promise to treat her with love and respect.”


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