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Destined to Dominate

Page 9

by Red Phoenix

  It is imperative that the United States gives a clear and decisive answer to Javier’s actions against our government and people.

  While we patiently lay in wait, in the hours before Javier is scheduled to arrive, Grapes gives me a nudge in the ribs. “Where do you think we’re headed after this?”

  “Hopefully, we’ll make such an exemplary job of it, we’ll all get assigned some R&R in Hawaii.”

  “Oh yeah, I could see myself spending time with the island girls.”

  “I bet you can…”

  Recently, Grapes has been steering all conversations toward sex, no matter the situation or topic. It’s almost become a talent for him.

  “So, you’re telling me you wouldn’t sample the local dishes?” he scoffs.

  “Of course, I would. But when I eat, it’ll be one dish all night long.”

  He hits my shoulder. “You really need to start living a little. Think big. Imagine two girls with those big brown eyes and sultry lips kissing your dick as you play with their pussies at the same time, one in each hand…”

  His daydreaming is interrupted when I get word that the target has been confirmed and is en route to the site. We have scored big today. Several of his top men are with him.

  The plan is for HQ company to crest the ridge while Alpha company moves into position directly west. After a ten-minute artillery barrage to weaken the objective, the main attack on the cartel’s compound is set to commence.

  I feel the adrenaline pumping as I signal my men to ready their weapons, then I give a confident nod to Grapes.

  The attention of every single man on the field is now focused solely on the objective.

  I hear reports of movement on our right over the radio, and the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Turning just in time to see the flashes of gunfire begin, I push Grapes to the ground, realizing our trusted military informant is playing both sides and has led us right into an ambush of an army of rebels.

  My men return fire while Grapes and I rush to reposition the weapons platoon to strike the new threat. Leaves fall around us as bullets cut through the thick jungle vegetation.

  When I hear the distinct thud of a RPG-7 slicing through the jungle foliage, my mouth goes dry. I look at Grapes and our eyes connect just before he is cut in half. The initial explosion strikes a tree directly behind him. His flak jacket is the only thing that shields me from the direct blast as Grape’s body splits in two along the bottom edge of his vest. His intestines hit me, along with bits of fractured bone and gristle, as I’m struck by the blast wave and sent flying backwards.

  I’m slow to get back on my feet, reeling from the shock. I stare at what’s left of my friend, but there is no time to grieve for him. My only goal now is to protect as many of my men as possible by fighting through this ambush.

  Understanding the distance and trajectory of the weapon, I order them to attack directly to the west, wanting to engage the enemy and drive them back. We’re going to force the rebels to abandon use of their ranged RPG fire on our positions.

  I then call in, ordering the additional artillery support fifty meters out from our flank until we close with them.

  I fight to remain focused as we fire on the enemy, but the image of Grapes dying in front of my eyes won’t stop playing in my mind. I can’t wrap my head around the fact he’s gone…

  When I hear the familiar sound of grenade launchers, I mistakenly believe our reinforcements have arrived. Then I see three of my men blown to pieces by several incoming rounds only fifteen yards from me. Somehow, the enemy has already flanked our position and they have been attacking our company line from the south.

  The horrifying reality that we have been pinned down while a second band of rebels flanks us, begins to set in. As a special “communiqué” to our government, the rebels are killing us with U.S. weapons that they’ve seized.

  The sound of grenades launching from M203s fill the air. Picking up the nearest wounded man, I start dragging him toward safety amid a volley of ammunition, screaming at the top of my lungs for my men to defend south.

  Our reinforcements aren’t going to make it in time. This is going to be a bloodbath conducted by a much larger force.

  My blood runs cold when I hear the familiar thud of a grenade launcher firing close by. There is no time to react as it explodes against the tree beside me. I feel the impact and a rapid burst of heat as shrapnel hits my body and thick smoke invades my lungs.

  I lose my grip on the man I’m carrying as I fall backwards into darkness. The ringing in my ears blocks out all other sound as I crash into the soil—but I don’t even feel myself hitting the ground.

  I lay there, stunned, as I watch my men being cut down—their mouths open in soundless screams as they die all around me.

  I am powerless as stop the carnage, unable to move, as my body begins to shut down and everything goes black…

  I return to the present, overcome with inconsolable grief. Despite the years, I have never reconciled Grapes’ death or the slaughter of my men. That day remains an open wound that claws at my soul.

  I sit there on the cement floor, unable to contain the sobs that erupt from deep in my chest. I cover my face with my hands as I start to cry.

  I feel a cold nose force its way between my hands as the dog whines softly.

  I open my eye and look at her, tears running down my face. The dog whines again, licking my tears. I grab a hold of her and bury my face in her fur.

  I force the visions of their deaths from my mind, wanting to regain my composure before Chuck returns—but I’m too late.

  “Sir…” he says in a tentative voice, just outside the kennel. “I found the paperwork. Her previous owner named her Echo.”

  I wipe away the remaining tears and pat Echo on the head before getting up and leaving the kennel to go over her paperwork. Two things strike me as I read through it. First, the autoimmune disease she has is incurable but can be controlled with monthly shots. Second, there is a scribbled note on the margin of the animal’s personality file.

  If you are reading this, please have mercy and adopt Echo. We recently lost our son and can’t afford the medical costs to keep his beloved dog.

  The note hits me hard in the chest, and I’m overcome with a sense of sorrow as I look back at the animal. She was probably his loyal companion for years, and now he’s gone and she’s been sentenced to death.

  “I’m taking her home.”

  “You understand there will be medical expenses involved if you adopt her.”

  I look Chuck in the eye. “This dog deserves to die in comfort, not live out her last days in this cement cage before she’s euthanized.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. And your name?” Chuck asks, holding out his hand to me.


  He thanks me as he shakes my hand, then turns to Echo. “I would have been the one to do it, and I really hated to.”

  I follow Chuck up to the front to fill out the paperwork and pay the adoption fees. Once it’s official, I head back to her kennel and swing the door wide open.

  Echo has already retreated to the corner again, her tail tucked between her legs. I walk up to her and lift her into my arms. “You’re coming with me, girl.”

  She starts licking my face once I walk outside and into the fresh air.

  I understand that I have agreed to adopt an elderly dog—that I will care for her, only to watch her die. It’s a sacrifice I am willing to make so Echo can die with dignity.

  I pull up to Anderson’s house and pet Echo on the head. “Candy is going to be shocked as hell when she sees you.” I give her another pat before I leave. “You stay here.”

  I suddenly have a twinge of uneasiness as I walk up to the house. By Anderson’s easygoing manner and smile when he answers the door, I have to assume things have gone exceedingly well.

  I walk inside to find Candy kneeling on the floor, still naked. I wonder at the reason, and I feel my stomach momentarily drop.

This may be the moment I lose her.

  Am I prepared for that?


  I watch as Anderson places his hand on Candy’s head, saying in a formal voice, “I release you back into the care of your Master.”

  She bows her head lower. “Thank you, Master Anderson.”

  I can feel a difference in Candy as I place my hand on her head and command, “Stand and serve me, my pet.”

  When Candy looks up with those big, luminous eyes, I hope I’m wrong. I order her to dress while I discuss the evening with Master Anderson.

  “I gave her a shave. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “As long as she gave consent, I have no issues.”

  “Naturally, consent was given,” Anderson replies, his grin growing wider. “I’m not one to wrangle with unwilling pussy.”

  Candy giggles softly behind me.

  I turn back to her, wanting to hear from her how the evening went, so I cut the conversation short. “I hope you don’t mind, but I left something in the car that needs attention.”

  “Not a problem,” he says, walking us both to the door.

  Candy turns to Anderson and bows her head. “Thank you for tonight.”

  “It was my pleasure, Miss Cox,” he replies, giving her a private wink.

  I escort Candy out, wanting to know the extent of their connection. “I assume things went well?”

  Instead of answering, Candy starts running toward the car. “Oh, Captain, you got a dog!”

  I look at the car and see Echo sitting in the driver’s seat, looking at me.

  Candy makes cooing sounds at the dog, then turns around. “When you said you were thinking about getting a dog, I didn’t realize you meant so soon. Where did you get her?”

  “A shelter.”

  “That’s wonderful!

  “She’s old and not expected to live out the year.”

  Candy looks at me in concern. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I adopted her knowing that.”

  I’m surprised when Candy throws her arms around me. “What an incredible thing to do.”

  I wrap my arms around her, relishing the feel of her body pressed against mine, but curiosity won’t let me remain silent for long.

  “So, tell me. What happened tonight?”

  When I see the look of guilt in Candy’s eyes, I mentally prepare myself for her answer.

  The Unexpected


  I’m surprised and touched by Captain’s decision to adopt an older dog and spontaneously hug him. I have no idea what has spurred his sudden interest in getting a dog, but seeing this old pup wagging its tail in his car makes me want to cry.

  There is still so much about Captain I don’t know, but I enjoy seeing each new layer of his personality revealed as his defenses are peeled away.

  “So, tell me. What happened tonight?” he asks.

  I can’t hide my guilt from Captain, knowing I have failed.

  As Captain gets into the car, he lifts the pup and places her in the back seat. He then looks at me. “Well?”

  I can barely look him in the eye when I apologize. “I’m sorry…”

  “A connection was made?”

  “Yes and no.”

  He looks at me, confused. “What is the apology for?”

  I glance down at my lap and sigh. “I’m sorry for failing, Captain.”

  He puts his finger under my chin and forces me to look him in the eye. “What happened?”

  I frown, hating to admit it. “As much as I enjoyed experiencing Master Anderson’s brand of dominance, there came a point when I hesitated.” A tear falls from my eye when I confess, “And that’s when I failed.”


  “I didn’t use my safeword. Master Anderson had to call it for me.”

  “Thank God for that,” he states with relief.

  I feel thoroughly humiliated, knowing it’s a mistake I shouldn’t have made, given my level of experience, but Captain takes my hand.

  “I’m grateful for Anderson’s perceptiveness. He ensured my sub was well cared for tonight.”

  “He was extraordinarily kind to me,” I agree, still feeling the sting of humiliation when I remember how he had to stop midway through the scene.

  “Would you like to try again, knowing what you know now?”

  I shake my head. “He and I talked afterward and came to the conclusion that as much as we enjoy each other’s company, we’re not compatible as a D/s couple.”

  I’m relieved when I don’t see disappointment in Captain’s eyes after telling him that.

  Instead, he starts the car and says, “You should feel no shame, my pet. You’ve gained valuable insight into what you need in a Dominant. It’ll make things easier as we move on to the next one.”

  I look back at the dog. She only seems to have eyes for Captain. It warms my heart. It’s as if she understands that he rescued her.

  I can relate, I think as I look back at Captain.

  I feel the same way myself.

  Captain is persistent in his mission to find me a suitable Dom and sets up the next one the following weekend.

  This time, however, I know exactly who the Dom is. Tonight, I will be scening with Tono Ren Nosaka, the Kinbaku Master.

  I have partnered with him before at The Haven and have had only good experiences with the Japanese Dom. Captain feels certain Tono can not only provide me with the level of dominance I need, but a stable future, as well.

  He’s right. While Tono has a gentle style, his dominance is still intense.

  In honor of the world-renowned Master, Captain orders that I dress in something special. I am delighted when Captain comes to pick me up and smiles when he sees me. “You look especially fetching tonight, my pet.”

  I run my hands over the pink kimono-style top I’ve chosen for the occasion. “I thought it spoke Japanese but still reflected me.”

  “I’m sure Nosaka will appreciate your unique style.”

  Although I’ve been looking forward to this evening, I woke up this morning feeling nervous, and have been anxious the entire day. I let out a sigh as Captain helps me into the car.

  He glances at me, looking concerned. “Is something wrong?”

  I shake my head, but immediately roll my eyes, knowing I need to be honest with him. “I’m not sure, Captain. I’ve felt antsy all day, but I’m certain it has nothing to do with Tono because I’ve been looking forward to scening with him tonight.”

  “I’ve seen the joy on your face when you were bound in his rope,” he agrees. “It’s one of the reasons I chose him for you. However, I’d be happy to call and cancel, if you like.”

  “Oh, no! I definitely want to go, it’s just that I’ve been full of a nervous energy I can’t explain.”

  Captain nods, a slight smile on his lips. “I’d take that as a good sign, if I were you, pet.”

  My heart always melts when he calls me his pet. It thrilled me the first time, and still has power over me now.

  I play with his temporary collar around my neck. I love the light pressure of it against my throat because it acts as a subtle reminder of his dominance. Captain notices me touching the collar but says nothing, returning his eyes to the road.

  I understand these sessions with other Doms are meant to open my eyes to what’s possible but, so far, each encounter has only made me more certain that Captain is my one.

  Despite his suggestion that my nerves indicate something special is going to happen tonight, I’m confident my evening with Tono will be no different.

  When Captain pulls up to his home, I find the simple landscaping beautiful. The front yard has a rock garden, which is accented by uniquely shaped trees and ornamental shrubbery lining the path to the house.

  “Very Zen-like,” I comment as we walk up to the door.

  “It is unusual but attractive,” Captain agrees.

  I glance at him, wondering what he is thinking and, more importantly, what he is feeling. Although he�
��s bound and determined to find me a Dom, it’s obvious Captain feels the same way about me as I do him.

  Surely, this must be difficult, but his face never betrays any negative emotions. Instead, I catch him smiling at me as if he’s enjoying this strange adventure we’re on together.

  Captain rings the doorbell, and stands with his hands behind his back. I don’t know if he realizes how sexy that stance is, and I’m half-tempted to sneak a kiss and purr in his ear.

  Tono greets us dressed in a stylish black kimono. He addresses Captain first, as per formal protocol. “It is good to see you again, Captain Walker.”

  “Likewise, Nosaka. Candy and I appreciate you agreeing to this arrangement.”

  Tono’s attention turns to me, and I find myself blushing unexpectedly as I gaze into his chocolate brown eyes.

  “Good evening, Miss Cox.”

  I bow my head in respect, overwhelmed by the man’s calming presence.

  Tono gestures us both inside. As I pass by him, I feel an unexpected rush of adrenaline. I can’t explain the reason and choose to distract myself by studying the inside of his home.

  I appreciate the open feel to it. There are only a few walls, the focus of the house being the large glass doors that lead to the Japanese garden out back. I find it odd that our surroundings are calm and peaceful, but my sense of anxiousness has actually increased.

  It isn’t a negative feeling, however—more like a building of anticipation.

  Tono gestures for the two of us to sit on the couch. “Can I get either of you something to drink?”

  “There is no reason to waste pleasantries on me. This isn’t exactly a social call,” Captain states with a smile. “I’m only staying long enough to ensure Candy is comfortable.”

  My heart flutters, knowing he is concerned for me. “I’m good, Captain.”

  He turns back to Tono. “Since I’ve had the pleasure of watching you scene with Candy before, I have no reservations about leaving her in your care. What time would you like me to return?’”


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