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Destined to Dominate

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  “I would expect no less of you, Captain,” Gallant assures me.

  When I return home after work, I find Candy studying her textbooks, preparing for her new classes coming up. I hesitate to bring it up with her, not wanting to interfere with her studies or the comfortable situation we have right now.

  Candy takes one look at my face and asks, “What’s wrong?”

  I walk to the couch and motion her to sit beside me. “Nothing is wrong, my pet. However, you and I have been asked to consider a serious responsibility, and I am uncertain if we should even entertain it.”

  Candy places both of her hands on mine, stating confidently, “Please ask.”

  As soon as I explain the unhealthy dynamic Mary was seeking at the commune, Candy’s response is immediate and forceful. “We must help her.”

  I caress her cheek, wanting to protect this beautiful woman from the potential fallout that taking on this responsibility could bring.

  “Captain, although I’ve never walked in Mary’s shoes, I know the devastation that abuse can cause. While you seek to guide her, I can be the shoulder she cries on. However, there’s only one way I would agree to this.”

  “What’s that, my pet?” I ask, curious what her stipulation will be.

  “I want her to wear your temporary collar.”

  “What?” It’s the last thing I expect her to say.

  “Hear me out,” she pleads.

  “Go on.”

  “It would simply be a collar of protection, without physical attachment, but it would provide two things. For Mary, it will ensure she is cared for and protected. But it will also guard you against unnecessary drama. As your sub, she will be bound to obey you.”

  I’m struck again by how astute Candy is. “Yes, I can see the wisdom in your proposal.”

  “From what you’ve shared, Mary must be fighting against the abuse of her father by confronting it in this man. But her method is horribly flawed, and now she’s lost Faelan because of it.”

  I frown. “I cannot fault Todd Wallace for leaving. She willfully disobeyed his direct command.”

  “I agree, Captain. Once Faelan lost his influence over her, leaving was the only option he had left.”

  “Are you certain about taking her on, Candy?” I ask. “Because your well-being is my highest priority. I will do nothing to compromise that.”

  Laying her head against my shoulder, my sweet pet confesses, “I would not be able to think of anything else if Mary wasn’t here with us.”

  “Does it strike you that we are taking in another Echo—a soul that the world has turned away? Personally, I feel a puppy would be far less complicated.”

  Candy’s eyes sparkle when she answers, “Mary needs us, Captain.”

  Looking at her, I can’t deny a sense of providence. It feels as if we’re being led down a path together. “Let’s sleep on it to affirm we are still in agreement. But understand this, my pet, any disrespect from her toward you or me will be grounds for dismissal. No matter the severity of her case, I refuse to deal with half-hearted commitments, especially when it profoundly affects our personal lives.”

  “I completely agree, Captain. I think Mary has to have a hard line drawn or she will continually test it.”

  I shake my head, my tone severe. “If she even looks at you the wrong way, she will regret it.”

  Candy puts her hands on both my cheeks and gives me a tender kiss. “I love how protective you are of me.”

  I keep my stern expression as we walk toward the bedroom but crack a smile as I pick her up and carry her off to my bed.

  “No one torments and teases my little pussy—except me.”



  Sir Davis brings Mary to us immediately after they land in LA.

  Looking at the poor girl after opening the door, I just want to cry. Mary looks emotionally battered and lost—not the confident, sarcastic temptress I have come to know.

  I greet Sir Davis first, feeling deeply grateful that he has entrusted my Master with her care. “Please come in, Sir Davis. It’s wonderful to see all of you again.”

  I take Mary’s hands in mine and find they are ice cold. I squeeze them, telling her, “I’m glad to see you especially.”

  Mary doesn’t respond, but I guide her in, along with Sir Davis and Brie and take them to the sitting room where Captain is waiting.

  He has a collar in his hand.

  “Before I allow you into my home, Miss Wilson, I insist you wear a protection collar. By accepting it, you are agreeing to follow my house rules, and I am agreeing to care for and protect you. I will only warn you once if you break any of my commands. A second infraction will garner swift punishment, and a third will be cause for dismissal. I do not tolerate any level of disrespect in this home.”

  The look on Mary’s face as she stares at the collar is a mixture of surprise and dread, but she collects herself and asks in a respectful tone, “What are the house rules?”

  “You will not leave this house without my permission; you will perform duties to keep this household running smoothly; you are to remain in my presence at all times unless I command otherwise; and you will show the utmost respect to me and my submissive. Do you understand?”

  Mary swallows hard before answering, “I do.”

  “Do you agree to live by these rules?”

  Mary glances at Brie momentarily, looking exceedingly anxious, but answers Captain with a “Yes.”

  “Then kneel at my feet and accept this collar.”

  My heart races as I watch Mary kneeling before my Master. The expression on Captain’s face is one of compassion. He fastens the thin collar around her neck, then puts his hand on her head.

  In a commanding voice, he states, “Until the day I remove this collar, you are under my protection and care. You are to address me as Vader for the duration of your stay.”

  Mary glances up, giving him a surprised look.

  I put my hand to my heart, deeply touched. I know what the title he’s given himself means.

  Captain explains it to Mary. “My heritage is Dutch. As I am head of this house, and your caretaker, it is fitting you should address me as Father.”

  I close my eyes, trying to hold back the tears. In taking on the role of a father to Mary, he is claiming power over the unhealthy relationship her biological father had with her.

  It’s easy to see by the tears now streaming down Mary’s face that this has touched on her deepest need. When she’s able to find her voice again, Mary answers in a whisper, “Thank you, Vader.”

  Captain nods to her before speaking to Sir Davis. “Thank you for delivering her to me. My pet and I look forward to aiding in her re-education.”

  “Dr. Reinstrum will call you soon in order to set up her counseling sessions.”

  “I’ve contacted him myself, and it has already been arranged.”

  Before Brie and Sir Davis leave, Captain gives me a private moment to speak with Brie. I give her a tight hug, so thrilled to see her again. Although I already feel a special bond with her as my rescuer, now that we are both happily collared subs, that bond has grown even deeper.

  “Are you okay with this?” Brie asks with concern.

  “I’m glad she’s come. She needs us.”

  Brie looks worried when she confesses, “I’ve never seen her like this before. It’s killing me.”

  “I know, but Captain will see her through to the other side.”

  “She is lucky to have you both.” Brie gives me another hug, adding. “I’m lucky to have you.”

  “Mary is in good hands,” I assure her, confident in Captain’s leadership.

  Before Sir Davis leaves with Brie, he asks Mary, “Are you comfortable staying here?”

  Wiping the last remaining tears from her eyes, she answers, “Yes. I am, Sir.”

  Captain places his hand back on Mary’s head. “Between my pet and I, I’m confident we can help her to overcome the barriers that hold her back.”r />
  I couldn’t love Captain any more than I do right now and say proudly, “My Master has a big heart.”

  With one hand still on Mary’s head, Captain cradles my cheek, making a physical statement of my station above Mary. “You are a pleasure to spoil, pet.” To emphasize it further, he kisses me, grazing the collar around my neck with his fingers.

  Captain looks down at Mary. “Your name will be lief in my home.”

  “What does it mean, Vader?” she asks, looking as if she expects it’s something bad.

  “Before I tell you, I want you to tell me what you think it means.”

  Mary looks down at the floor, a blush of humiliation in her cheeks when she answers meekly, “Lost?”

  Captain shakes his head. “I thought you might say something like that. It means ‘well-behaved child’. Now, lief, say goodbye to your good friend.”

  I am left speechless, enchanted by Captain’s wisdom. Not only has he established himself as her father figure, he has also given her a name to live up to.

  As Mary goes to say goodbye to Brie, it is easy to see she’s still a bit shell-shocked by the turn of events. She doesn’t know it yet, but being under Captain’s care will be the very best thing to have happened to her.

  Captain takes his job seriously as her Dom. He gets permission from the Reconnaissance Office to work remotely for the first two weeks Mary stays with us to ensure she follows his rules to the letter.

  Their relationship is purely platonic as he re-schools Mary in the art of obedience. He is incredibly strict with her, but he is also equally encouraging. His years as an officer in the Army shine through in his guidance with her.

  I’m grateful that Captain still makes time for us as a D/s couple despite Mary’s presence. He thinks nothing of petting my hair, kissing me, or having me sit at his feet. He insists on Mary calling me “Miss Cox” at all times, not wanting her to confuse my kindness toward her as weakness.

  “You are as important in this re-education as I am,” Captain tells me. “I want her to see what respect and love for one another looks like on a practical, daily level. Since she has had neither while growing up, we will provide that example for her.”

  The first time he feeds me from his plate, Mary rolls her eyes and turns her head. We both see it.

  Big mistake.

  Captain is on her immediately, barking, “Apologize, lief.”

  “For what?”

  He only glares at her.

  It takes Mary a few seconds before she admits her action, and bows her head looking humiliated. “I’m sorry, Vader.”


  She looks up with a confused expression for a moment, then turns to me and bows her head, “I am sorry for rolling my eyes, Miss Cox.”

  “You are forgiven,” I answer in a formal tone, just as Captain has instructed me to do.

  “Do not do that again, lief.” Captain says. “This is your only warning. Next time, you will be punished severely.”

  She looks up at him with deep-seated remorse. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

  He puts his hand on her. “I trust you to treat us with respect in thought as well as action.

  “Yes, Vader.”

  After the incident, Mary is thoughtful in her every action around us, and we notice a marked attitude change. It doesn’t take long before she begins to feel like a natural part of our family.

  I appreciate her sharp wit, and I deeply admire how resilient she is. Truly, Mary is far stronger than people give her credit for, and Captain seems to bring out the best in her.

  We are actually unprepared for it when Brie calls to ask Captain’s permission for Mary to tend to Faelan who is struggling after a kidney transplant. Since Brie is being called away to China, she cannot tend him, but doesn’t believe Faelan is well enough to be left alone.

  Captain is reluctant to grant her request, knowing the progress Mary has made under our care, but he feels strongly that the decision must be Mary’s to make, and explains that to Brie before hanging up the phone.

  I’m touched when he asks me to join him when he sits down to talk with her.

  “As someone who has a vested interest in your welfare, I’m uncertain about this request Brie has made and would therefore advise against it, lief,” he states bluntly. “You cannot know what challenges you will find once you get there.”

  “I understand, Vader,” Mary answers. “But I know Brie wouldn’t be asking unless the situation is desperate. After everything she and Sir Davis have done for me, I want to return the favor.”

  “A feeling of obligation is not a sound reason to leave here.”

  Mary glances at me before looking back at Captain. She seems hesitant to confess her real feelings. “Vader…I…still love Faelan. I never thought I would have to chance to see him again.”

  Captain’s expression softens. “Ah, the real reason.”

  “Although we ended on bad terms, I’ve never stopped caring about him. If helping Faelan can help Brie as well, going is not even a question for me.”

  “But by leaving now, you may find yourself back where you started before you came to us.”

  “Vader, Faelan almost died…I need this for me.”

  As I look at Mary, I can’t help thinking about Ethan.

  Life is not guaranteed.

  Having been included in the discussion, I humbly ask him, “May I speak freely, Captain?”

  “Certainly, my pet.”

  “Although the timing of this is not ideal, if we force Mary to stay, it has the potential of ruining what she’s gained here with us. This must be a decision she can live with, no matter the consequences that follow.”

  Captain nods. “While I agree, I still feel it is too soon, lief.”

  Mary bows her head. “May I be frank, Vader?”


  Still keeping her head down, Mary keeps her tone respectful. “Even though I hold you in the highest regard, if you deny Brie’s request that I come, I will leave for Denver anyway.”

  Captain’s concern is easy to read on his face. “I worry for you, lief.”

  “I won’t forget what you’ve taught me,” she vows. “I’ll face this like one of your tests and use what I’ve learned to overcome my old responses.”

  He looks at Mary tenderly. “Don’t lose yourself.”

  Mary eyes shine with an inner brilliance. “For the first time, I feel ready to open myself to Faelan. I wasn’t before, but I am now. I thank you for that.”

  She glances at me. “I thank both of you for being the one thing I’ve never had…family.”

  Tears well up in my eyes because I don’t want to see her to go. “You’ll be severely missed if you leave.”

  Mary gives me a snorting laugh. “All of my life, I never thought I would ever hear those words associated with me.”

  Captain lifts her chin, setting her gaze on him. “Never doubt that again. You will always be welcome in our home, lief.”

  Mary swallows hard, looking as if she’s about to lose control of her emotions.

  I cry the tears she refuses to. She’s become like the sister I never had…

  Mary wastes no time flying to Denver the very next day. I put on a brave face as I watch her leave, but I’m struggling with the emptiness her departure leaves behind.

  Captain wraps his arm around me as we walk back to the car. “This is difficult, I know, but still worth the pain.”

  I swipe away my tears. “Yes…”

  He looks down at me with a rare smile. “I have received a call from Baron. It turns out our dear friend is back in LA and has a secret he’d like to share with us. “Are you game, my pet?”

  I can’t imagine what Baron’s surprise could be, but I’m excited at the prospect of seeing him again.

  I take Captain’s hand without hesitation and smile up at him. Wherever life takes us, I’m game, as long as he’s by my side.

  New Vision


  I can tell by t
he expectant look on Baron’s face that he is hiding something significant. He strides up to shake my hand. “Welcome, Captain! You are the first I’m sharing this with.”

  He grins at Candy, unable to keep his excitement under wraps. “When I discovered it, you two were the first I wanted to tell.”

  “Enough with all this suspense. Get on with it,” I huff good-naturedly.

  Baron leads us into his new home, but rushes past the main rooms, leading us down a circular flight of stairs in the back of the house. As we follow him down the steps, Baron tells us, “I thought this feature was oddly charming, but completely pointless.”

  I can understand why when we reach the bottom of the staircase, because what greets me is a rather unimpressive storage area. Baron tells us, “When I asked the realtor about the circular staircase, he mentioned that the original owner was an extravagant individual who invested in obscure details around the home—hence the decorative stairs that lead to a storage pantry.”

  I study the walls carefully, noting a difference in pitch at the far end. Baron nods as he watches me. “Yes, you notice it, too.” He walks over to the wall and knocks on it. “It has a different feel to it even though it’s been made to match the rest of the room exactly. I didn’t notice it until my final walkthrough, but it led me to a hunch.”

  Baron smiles at Candy. “So, you know what I did?”

  She shakes her head, her smile growing larger.

  “After I signed the papers and the house was officially mine, I bought a sledge hammer.”

  He glances at Captain. “I won’t lie, I had concerns there might be multiple bodies behind that wall. If so, it would render my new purchase a crime scene, but you know what they say about curiosity and the cat…”

  He winks at Candy. “I had no choice.”

  “So, I picked an inconspicuous area easily hidden by boxes, in case I turned out to be wrong about there being a hidden chamber behind this wall.”

  Baron nods at me, laughing. “Yeah, my heart was seriously pounding when I took that first swing and hit concrete. Talk about a jar to the system. Fuck!”


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