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Destined to Dominate

Page 15

by Red Phoenix

  I close my eyes, holding on to that hope.

  He has to be alive…

  I struggle to breathe while Captain knocks on Brie’s door. My heart feels like it’s going to break when she swings the door wide, greeting us with a bright smile.

  She doesn’t know…

  “Hey, you guys! What an unexpected surprise.”

  My heart stops beating for a moment, knowing he has to tell her. I look at Brie knowing her whole world is about to be torn apart.

  Brie doesn’t understand why we’re acting oddly and grimaces, then laughs. “Umm…forget I said anything about Mary. She’s going to kill me if she knows I talked to you.”

  “Brie, I think you should sit down,” I tell her, leading her toward the couch.

  She looks at me strangely, and then stares at Captain. “What’s this about? You guys are starting to scare me.”

  Captain’s voice is calm and exact. “We have some disturbing news, but I need you to focus on what I am about to say.”

  Brie’s face drains of all color. I grab her hand, willing my strength into her as Captain explains, “There’s been a plane crash at LAX. I’ve been able to confirm that Sir Davis was on that flight.”

  Brie’s whole body begins to shake, and I squeeze her hand tighter.

  “Brianna,” he states in a firm voice. “There are survivors. Although I can’t confirm he is one of them, that is what you must focus on right now.”

  Captain looks at me, before telling her, “First, we need you to get dressed. Then, I’ll drive you to the hospital that is receiving survivors.”

  I understand my role and guide Brie down the hallway to help her change. I keep saying over and over, “He’s alive, Brie. I’m sure of it…”

  Maybe if I say it enough, it will make it true.

  As I get her ready, I silently pray that Brie will not have to suffer the same fate I did with Ethan.

  I bring her out to Captain, keeping up a brave face when he tells her, “I know this is hard—the not knowing—but you must be strong. There is no point entertaining what-ifs until you know the truth about the situation. Even then, no matter what the news, Sir Davis would expect you to be courageous for the health of the baby.”

  The baby…

  I look down at her stomach, and my gut twists. The baby may be Brie’s last tie to Sir.

  Captain is an incredible pillar of strength the entire night, keeping Brie focused as we search the hospital for Sir Davis. When we’ve searched them all without finding him, he convinces Brie that it’s time to go to the morgue.

  “I can’t…” Brie whimpers to him.

  “You will. Sir Davis deserves no less,” he tells her.

  I admire how strong Brie is in that moment, facing the one thing I never could have with Ethan. Thankfully, fate has heard my prayers for her. Before we ever make it to the morgue, we get the call that there is a second group of survivors.

  In that group, Brie finds Sir Davis. He’s unconscious and his body is broken—but he is alive!

  As Captain and I sit in the waiting room, I reverently take his hand and press it against my cheek. “You were amazing.”

  He shakes his head.

  “No, you were, Captain. You carried the weight of this on your shoulders the entire night. You were the strength Brie desperately needed.”

  He looks down for several moments before turning his head toward me. I’m hit by the emotional toll this evening has taken on him. Without even thinking, I crawl into his lap and embrace my strong warrior.

  “I can’t handle losing another one. I can’t…” he confesses in a ragged voice.

  I hold him even tighter, realizing how close to the edge he is. I silently lift Sir Davis up in prayer, for not only Brie’s sake, but also our own.

  Meeting Destiny


  I can feel it coming.

  It started with Sir Davis’ accident several month ago, and the sensation has intensified ever since. It feels as if everything is converging, leading me down a particular path, and I am powerless to stop it.

  I’ve heard rumors that Brie has a stalker bent on hurting her. It’s confirmed by the fact that Anderson, Nosaka and Durov have come to her aid.

  However, it isn’t until Rytsar Durov is captured and beaten by Russian thugs on a surveillance tape broadcasted all over national TV that I know my time has come.

  I look at Candy with a sense of nostalgia now, cherishing the simple things about her—the flirtatious way she tilts her head, those big, round doe-like eyes, and her kittenish smile that never ceases to move me.

  When I get word that Davis is looking for people to form a rescue team, I know I am destined to be a part of that mission. Although I am not close friends with Durov, he plays an important role in the BDSM community and I have always admired his work against human trafficking.

  I hate that I must have this conversation with Candy. And, as much as I want to put it off, I love her too much to leave her in the dark.


  She looks up from her studies. I note the dark circles under her eyes. She hasn’t been able to think about anything else since seeing the surveillance footage of an unconscious Durov being dragged away. This attack hit too close to home for any of us to ignore, but this affects my sweet Candy more than most because of her sensitive spirit.

  “We need to talk, my pet.”

  With a look of apprehension, she slowly closes her textbook. “What is it?”

  I pat the area next to me on the couch. “I need to talk to you about what’s happened to Durov.”

  She suddenly looks ill. “I can’t stop thinking about it. Poor Rytsar. Poor Brie. I know how close they are.” Her voice breaks when she adds, “It was just so terrible to watch, and no one’s seen or heard from him since.”

  I put an arm around her when she sits down beside me. “Davis is gathering a small group to fly to Russia and attempt a rescue mission.”

  Her eyes widen with fear when she realizes what I am about to say. “No, Captain…”

  “As much as I long to stay here with you, my pet, I know what needs to be done and I am the man to do it.”

  She grabs on to me. “Those men are ruthless killers. They would think nothing of shooting you and leaving you to die.”

  I nod in agreement. “You’re absolutely right, which is why my military background necessitates I be part of this rescue mission.”

  “But I can’t let you go,” she whimpers, holding me tighter.

  I look down at her with compassion, having gone through all the emotions she is going through now. Denial, anger, and then, finally…acceptance. I do not have a choice in this matter, and I explain why to her.

  “Candy, whoever goes on this mission will die if I do not join them. Not one who has offered to go has the skills and expertise needed for the operation. To stay behind when I know their fate is too much for me to bear as a man.”

  “But, Captain, we have everything to live for—you and me!” she cries, tears welling up in her eyes.

  “I’ll do everything in my power to return to you.”

  She buries her head in my chest. “I don’t want you to go to Russia.”

  “But you understand why I must.”

  She says nothing for several moments, but eventually mutters into my chest, “Yes…”

  I hold her closer, letting my own tears fall. I know there’s a real chance I may not make it back to her—and I’m not ready to lose Candy.

  However, I feel in my bones that I am the one to lead this mission.

  After I allow us a moment to feel the fear for what’s ahead, I clear my throat and bring up a topic I know will be very hard for her to hear. I wipe her tears away and smile tenderly at her. “There is something you and I must agree on.”

  “What’s that?” she asks, miserably.

  “I cannot leave unless I know you will be well cared for.”

  She looks at me in shock. “What are you saying?”

�If the worst happens, I need to know you will be okay both emotionally and physically.”

  “Okay? How could I ever be okay?” she exclaims.

  “I misspoke.” I pet her hair as I try again. “I meant that you would have a Dom to protect and care for you in the event I do not return.”

  She shakes her head, tears streaming down her face.

  “I know this is difficult, but it’s essential I have that peace of mind, my pet. I cannot worry about you if I hope to succeed in this mission.”

  She continues to shake her head. “No, Captain…no…”

  I nod, my voice choking up with emotion when I confess, “I need this for me. I vowed I would always care for you. I can’t abide the thought of my beautiful girl struggling alone.”

  Candy throws her arms around me, sobbing. I hold myself upright, not giving in to the emotions that threaten to overwhelm me.

  “I need a name. A Dom you trust to carry you through the hardships you would face.”

  “I can’t believe we’re talking about this,” she whimpers.

  I cradle her chin, gazing into her eyes. “I love you. I will do everything in my power to return to you, but I need you to do this for me. Please.”

  She smashes her face against my chest again, nodding her head. I give her time to respond, knowing how difficult this is for her because of how difficult it is for me.

  Finally, she pulls away, wiping her cheeks with her hands. With red-rimmed eyes, she meets my gaze. “If I must choose for your sake, then I choose Baron.”

  I smile, nodding. “It is the choice I would make for you as well.”

  Candy shakes her head. “But I don’t want another Dom.”

  I envelop her in my arms. “I promise I will move heaven and Earth to make it back to you, my love.”

  She slowly begins to relax in my arms. “I believe you, but I don’t trust fate.”

  I snort. “Fate has not been kind in the past.”

  She looks up at me. “I have to believe we were brought together for a purpose—that love will win out in the end.”

  “Agreed, my pet. We will look back on this moment, knowing how much courage it took for us to do this, and we will be encouraged by it in the future.”

  Candy caresses my scarred cheek. “You’ve always been the courageous one. Now, I must be brave, too.”

  “Thank you.” I close my eye, concentrating on the rhythm of her heartbeat. Truly, of everything I’ve done since returning home, this is by far the hardest I’ve had to face. If I did not have her support, I would struggle to leave.

  “The volunteers meet tonight with Davis. He’ll decide the final team. I will speak to Baron then.”

  She cuddles against me. “I want you to find Rytsar alive and come back quickly. That is my only prayer until I see this beautiful face again.”

  I nuzzle her. “I will be offering up the same prayer, my pet.”

  I walk into Davis’s hospital room along with Marquis Gray. He will not be part of the rescue team, but has come in support. I suspect he’s involved in some way with protecting Brie from the stalker.

  Brie and Todd Wallace are already there, standing on the other side of Sir Davis’s hospital bed.

  It appears that Davis is surprised to see Marquis there. “I specifically instructed Wallace to leave you out of this.”

  “It wasn’t Mr. Wallace who called me,” Marquis answers, glancing at me.

  I give Davis a curt nod, gratified to see him alive and recovering. “Let me just say what a blessing it is to see you awake.”

  He grasps my hand, his grip weak and shaky. Davis has a long road of rehabilitation ahead, but I see the fire in his eyes and trust he will recover.

  “Captain, Brie told me you were instrumental in bringing her to my bedside after the crash. She claims she would not have survived the ordeal without you.”

  I glance at Brie. “Your wife exaggerates. She is strong in her own right.”

  “Still, you made that difficult time easier for her.”

  “I did nothing more than you would have, Sir Davis,” I assure him.

  Baron is the next to arrive. I can’t help staring at him as he interacts with Davis. The man has a solid character, one worthy of Candy.

  “I’m glad to see you here, but what about Candy? This is too dangerous to take the risk. That girl needs you,” Baron tells me, clearly concerned.

  I shake my head. “This is far too important for me to stay away.”

  I’m surprised to see Boa, the brawny submissive enter the room. The support of this community toward one of their own is truly inspiring to witness. I am proud to be included among them.

  Davis tells Boa, “While I’m glad to see you, I have to admit I’m surprised.”

  Boa firmly shakes his hand. “Mistress and I had a long discussion when we heard from Captain about what was going on here tonight. If I can be of service, I’m willing to offer myself with my Mistress’ full support.”

  Davis looks at me, and then back at Boa. “I’m moved that all of you have come. However, I do not want to break up partnerships, as this will be a dangerous undertaking.”

  “The offer still stands, Sir Davis,” Boa states as Anderson enters the room with a flourish, swinging his cowboy hat overhead.

  “Let’s go save that Russian bastard!” Anderson proclaims.

  Davis quickly shoots down his offer. “I’m afraid you’re not going.”

  Anderson looks at him in surprise. “Why?”

  “You are…” Davis begins.

  “A gimp,” Wallace finishes with a smirk.

  Anderson flashes Wallace a mocking grin. After a little back and forth, Davis tells Anderson the simple truth. “You’re not fully recovered from your broken leg and we can’t compromise your safety or those that you would work alongside of.”

  Anderson appears upset, but attempts to laughs it off as he stares at Wallace. “I truly hate that Wolfie gets to have all the fun.” He turns his attention back on Davis, “But you know I’ll support you however you need me.”

  The room grows quiet when Ms. Clark makes her appearance. I am shocked to see her, knowing the long and complicated history she has with Durov. After an emotional reunion with Davis, she asks, “So, when do we leave?”

  “Not so fast, Samantha,” Davis tells her. “This is a covert operation that only requires three people.”

  I look at those represented in the room and it’s not a surprise that I’m the oldest here. As I glance at each young face, I’m struck by how many years they still have ahead of them and I feel the overpowering need to protect those futures.

  I was unsuccessful with my own men, but I will not fail my friends now.

  “Who here speaks Russian?” Davis asks.

  Although I have some basic vocabulary, I am far from proficient. Only Clark raises her hand.

  “By default, you will be going,” Davis announces. He then informs the rest of us, “You should all know I have already requested that Mr. Wallace join the rescue effort.”

  My heart begins to race as I look at Mistress Clark and the boy, Wallace. They are no match against the Koslov Brothers. Without a solid strategy in place, they will die before they ever make it to the compound.

  Davis tells us, “I have already eliminated Boa from the list. I do not want Mistress Lou to be without her favorite sub.”

  Boa accepts his dismissal graciously. “So be it, Sir Davis. I will still assist in any way you need.”

  Davis tells Marquis, “As you are already aware, you will not be involved in this rescue mission. Protect Celestia and the school. That will be your service in this operation.”

  Marquis nods. “As Mr. Wallace has been recruited to help in the rescue mission, I will take care of all other matters that require your attention.”

  His reply to Davis solidifies my suspicions about his involvement concerning the stalker. I trust he will be able to bring resolution to the problem for both Brie and Sir Davis’s sake.

t just leaves me and my friend Captain,” Baron states, smiling at me.

  “Captain, like Boa, you have a mate and should not abandon her,” Davis tells me.

  “I disagree,” I reply. “Of all of us present, I am the only one who understands covert operations. The Koslov brothers are an organized band of men every bit as dangerous as those factions I fought in the war. I am the only choice.”

  “What about Candy?” Davis protests.

  “She and I have already discussed this. I am but one old man. Strategically, it makes no sense to sacrifice Baron when I can ensure our success.”

  “I can’t let you do that,” Baron declares. “Candy needs you.”

  I face Baron, fighting to keep my voice even and calm when I tell him, “Candy has asked that you become her Master, should I not return from this mission.”

  I hear the others gasp around me.

  Davis cries, “No! Durov would never accept such a sacrifice.”

  I look at Baron and ask formally, “Would you take my sub as your own, should I perish?”

  Baron’s jaw goes slack. “Don’t ask this of me.”

  “Why? You do not want her?”

  “No, it is not that. I don’t want to lose you, my friend.”

  I am deeply affected by his sincerity and put my hand on his shoulder. “There is no one else I would want to care for my pet. She is very precious to me.”

  Baron shakes his head, looking bereft, but he still gives me the answer I need to hear. “I would be honored to take Candy as my own.”

  I squeeze his shoulder before letting go. He’s given me the peace of mind I need to move forward. Turning to Davis, I announce, “Then, it is settled. You have your team. When do we depart?”

  Davis stares at us in silence. With great effort, he grabs the rails of the bed and forces himself into an upright position. “Thank you for your friendship, your courage, and your selfless hearts. I won’t forget this.” His voice falters as he lays back down, tears of gratitude in his eyes.

  I take over, not wanting to waste another second. “We need nonessentials to leave so we can formulate our strategy and execute it quickly and efficiently.”

  My plan is to return to Candy as fast as humanly possible—with all of us accounted for.


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