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Beauty & Broken Daddy: A Second Chance Romance (Boss Daddies)

Page 7

by Claire Angel

  My stomach flipped when I read Brooke’s message. What started as a fairly strong attraction was becoming a full blown gagging for her. I didn’t need this right now.


  Morning came too soon. I dreaded my day. Not the fight with Cassandra, I was more than ready for that, but the feelings I had for Brooke that were growing ever stronger. I wanted to make love to her, but I knew I would change our relationship. not that there was to be any relationship. I was her boss and she was my employee, if only for six months.

  Then there was the ugliness of a custody fight. How could I dump her right in the middle of that? No. I had to forget my silly childish crush and focus on getting my son away from his poor excuse of a mother. I couldn’t allow any distractions—even a beautiful one like Brooke.

  “Dadda!” Cody called from his room.

  “I’m here, my boy. Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

  “Look! I’ve got a spot! It itches!” he said in his cute little boy voice.

  “That means you’re getting better,” I said with a smile.

  “Are you sure? I feel yukkie.”

  “I’m sure, my boy. You’re getting better. Soon you and Max will be running outside, making mud pies and driving Janice crazy.”

  “Okay,” he said, poking at the spot.

  “Now let’s get some food into you. How about Janice’s famous pancakes and maple syrup?”


  That was all he said, then turned over in his bed and fell asleep again. I checked his forehead for a fever. He was still hot, but not as much as he was when first I brought him home. I left him and Max to sleep and got dressed for work. I heard Janice downstairs in the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Noah. How’s our little warrior this morning?”

  “Cute as a bug, but still warm. I offered him some of your pancakes, to which he just about yeehawd, but then he fell asleep again.”

  “Goodness! He must be sick.” She smiled. “He’s never missed an opportunity to scoff down at least five of my pancakes.”

  “That’s the truth. Janice, I am battling Cassandra today. I’ll feel much better if I know you’re here, keeping an eye on my little boy.”

  “Of course. Don’t you worry about a thing. Shall I pack your special Viking Skeggøx, or do you have a spare lumberjack axe at the office?” Janice grinned as she put my breakfast down on the table.

  “I’m packed and ready for battle, Captain.”

  “Good. Now eat your breakfast. I added a little extra butter—I figured you’d need it today.”

  “What would I do without you, Janice?” I smiled.

  She winked and poured herself a cup of coffee.

  “Beats me,” she answered, shrugging her shoulders.

  After breakfast, I drove to the office. I called Frank for a quick chat.

  “Good morning, Noah,” he said. “Are you ready for today?”

  “Hi, Frank. Is a duck’s ass watertight?” I replied.

  “That sounds like an affirmative. I’ll call you as soon as I hear from Cassandra’s attorney. Don’t worry, Noah. I’ve got this.”

  “Thanks, Frank.”

  Okay, first hurdle of my morning done. Number two was at her desk, looking like the painting of Mona Lisa, only, on steroids. She smiled brightly as she saw me get off the elevator.

  “Good morning, boss,” she said happily.

  “Hi, my trusty slave. How are you this fine morning?”

  “Ready to type fifty words a minute, sir.” She grinned.

  “Impressive. Let’s see if we can put those noble fingers of yours to good use, shall we?”

  Brooke blushed, and I realised how suggestive my words had been. I suddenly felt rather awkward, so I went into my office and closed the door behind me. I tried my best to focus on my paperwork, but all I could think about was Brooke’s skillful fingers wrapped around my shaft. My bloody hardon was becoming a constant companion.

  She brought files to me a few hours later. Mr. Blakely Jr was securely hidden behind my zipper, behind the desk. I refused to stand, just in case I awakened the sleeping bear.

  “Here you go. I’m going down to the deli. Can I get you something to eat?” she asked.

  I was tempted to say something corny like how she was all I thought about eating, but instead I settled for, “Grab me a rare beef on rye, please. I won’t have time to move from here today.”

  “Coming right up. Shall I see if I can scare up a bottle of tabasco for you?” Her eyes were playful, as if she knew exactly what I was thinking and enjoying it.

  “That’s why I pay you the big bucks.” I smiled, and she winked and left the office.

  “Funny guy.” She laughed as she was walking away.

  I watched her perfect, round ass sway to and fro, begging me to put my hands all over it. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, relieved that she couldn’t read my mind. Or could she? In my fantasy I ran my hands up the inside of her thigh until I was within reach of her pussy. I closed my eyes as I imagined her warm, plump lips around my cock.

  The phone rang right in the middle of my ‘wet dream’ and I almost jumped out of my skin.

  “Noah, it’s Frank.”

  “Hi. Any news?”

  “Yes, as predicted, she’s throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this one. Her dogs of war sent through a rather nasty document. I won’t burden you with the details. Suffice it to say that it’s not going to be pretty.”

  “Yeah, figures.”

  “Don’t worry, Noah. This will be a bloody battle, but I have no intention of losing the war.”

  “Call me when you have your ducks in a row, and I’ll swing by to go over the battle plan.”

  “I’ll do that. In the meantime, take care of your boy’s spots, and I’ll take care of the gigantic boil on your ass, a.k.a. Cassandra.”


  I sat back and stared out of the window of my high-rise building. Life. A kick in the fucking pants.

  Chapter 14


  My phone rang as I made my way to the deli, to win Noah over with deli meat and tabasco sauce. He looked especially tempting today in his white button-down shirt and black jeans. Although, I’d rather have him without it, naked, in my arms with his tight little ass in the palms of my hands.

  It was a good thing the deli was busy. The wait helped me cool my loins right down from a boil to a simmer. I needed distraction, and I needed it fast. So, I reached out to my reality check on speed dial.

  “How’s the horny secretary today?” Jen asked as she answered the call.

  “Excuse me, that’s horny PA, thank you very much. And in answer to your question, horny!”

  “I thought you might be, so I promise distraction. How about meeting my sexy man tonight?” she asked with a noticeable spark in her tone.

  “Oohh, the infamous Brandon. That would be a distraction for sure. I take it you’re smitten?”

  “Oh, yes! You’ll see why when you meet him tonight. We’re going to his house. I’ll pick you up on my way there.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “See you at six.”

  I hung up and collected two rare roast beef on rye and made my way back to the office. His gorgeousness was on a call when I put the sandwich down on his desk. He smiled when he saw the bottle of tabasco sauce. What a brilliant smile it was, too. No amount of hot sauce could rival the burn he ignited in me with that smile.

  I was halfway through my lunch when Noah’s door opened and he strolled out as casually as if he was walking the beach on a warm summer's evening. He had the sandwich in his hand.

  “It’s no fun eating good meat without you.” He smiled and plonked himself down on the chair opposite me. This is one hell of a sandwich, slave.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. He’d caught me in a naughty fantasy about him, and my cheeks felt as if they were on fire. I prayed he wouldn’t notice how flushed I was.

  “Consorting with the hired help, boss? Aren’t
you afraid the rest of the motley crew will revolt?” I asked, staring into his hazel pools.

  “The thought did occur to me, so if anyone bursts in on our little tea party, I expect you to grab that notepad and dictate furiously!”

  I laughed out loud, spraying him with sandwich crumbs.

  “Oh, crap, sorry,” I said, mortified.

  But Noah took it in his stride and wiped the bits of food from his shirt with a napkin. “And you were so close to a promotion.”

  “Don’t even think of sticking me with the laundry bill. It’s your fault for making me laugh.”

  “You’re very beautiful when you laugh,” he said. Then, he seemed to catch himself, as if he had just uttered the most inappropriate words ever spoken in the history of office etiquette.

  “Thank you.” I smiled into his soft eyes.

  “How’s Cody?” I asked, steering the subject into a safer direction. His face changed back to friend mode—gone was the raunchy, horny boss with a forbidden hardon for his PA. Not that I was assuming anything. Liar.

  “He’s getting there. He found his first spot this morning. I had to convince him that it was a good sign. I think he was a little cautious about my assessment of the situation, but he seemed to calm down after that.

  “He’ll be just fine. Keep him covered in calamine lotion, and he’ll be right as rain.”

  “I forgot I’m talking to the babysitter of the year laureate. Any other sage advice?” He peered at me over his sandwich.

  “I could tell you, but then I’d be giving it away for free.” I grinned. “If you need further tips, it’s going to cost you.”

  “Another dinner?” She smiled.

  “Nah. Something completely different—unexpected,” I said, leaving him squirming in his seat.

  “Hmm, and what would that be?”


  “Abseiling? Are you serious?” He looked surprised.

  “Yup. You’re not scared of heights, are you?” I smiled sweetly, but my eyes sported a twinkle of challenge.

  “That’s quite an offer. What does the first one to the top get?” he asked, scanning his eyes across my chest.

  “A home cooked dinner—wine, dessert, the works. I hope you can cook.” I grinned.

  “It’s a deal, slave. Better sharpen your carving knife.”

  “Yeah, right. I suggest you do a few extra push ups, boss. I’m known as a bit of a mountain goat. I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Noah got up, threw his sandwich wrapper in my bin, and came closer to me until his face was so close to mine, I could smell his skin. A chill ran down my spine as he spoke.

  “We’ll see about that,” he whispered, sending me into a tizz of desire.

  The elevator bell made a sound behind me, signaling the imminent arrival of a very ill-timed interruption. Noah moved away from me and as he did, I felt the connection between us shatter. Damn it!

  As if caught in a forbidden kiss behind the bleachers, Noah looked at me and said, “Thank you, Brooke.”

  “I’ll have that for you later,” I said matter of factly, strengthening his alibi.

  I smiled as he walked away, then turned and saw one of the junior secretaries I’d met a week earlier, standing behind me.

  “Hi, Brooke. Claire asked me to give you this. She had to leave the office early today, but she said Mr. Blakely wanted the figures before the end of the day.”

  “Thank you,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t cotton on to the fact that I’d completely forgotten her name.

  She simply smiled, looked toward Noah’s office, then back at me, and said, “It’s my pleasure.”

  I didn’t like the way she looked at me when she said it. Was she a scorned employee, longing for the handsome boss’ attention? Women picked up on that sort of thing, where men were totally oblivious. They never saw a determined woman coming.

  “Is that all?” I asked as she lingered just a little too long for my liking.


  She turned and left the office. Was it even possible? Was I jealous of a junior secretary, barely out of nappies, with a crush on my Noah? My Noah? What was I, fourteen? He wasn’t even my boyfriend. What was my problem?

  I was still flushed when he called me into his office. He pretended as if nothing had happened between us. Man! He must have been an excellent poker player.

  “Okay,” he said casually, “I have to leave the office early today. I’ll chat to you later,” he said and smiled at me, all business. Gone was the hunky man whispering into my ear.


  My heart sank when he left a few minutes later. I had it bad, and the thrill of having him a few feet away from me while I sat at my desk had become my addiction. Cold turkey was a bitch! The rest of the afternoon was like a toothache—long and painful. I couldn’t wait to escape my prison, and by the time five o’ clock came, I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I desperately needed a distraction, and a night with Jen and her new beau was just the thing to keep my mind off Noah Blakely. Or so I hoped.

  Chapter 15


  I was so close to kissing Brooke when the bloody elevator bell sounded. My heart was pounding in my chest, threatening to leap into my throat, and my body was practically pressed up against hers. I had to get the hell out of there. Fortunately, Frank called and asked me to swing by to sign some papers. It was my excuse to cool my jets. It was becoming harder and harder for me at the office.

  Having Brooke so close in proximity was fucking with my mind. Her body language wasn’t exactly telling me to piss off either, which made it more difficult for me. But, I was a grown man, albeit one with a perpetual hardon lately, and I needed to pull my shit together. She worked for me, end of.

  After signing the papers at Frank’s office, I drove home to spend some time with Cody, my spotty angel. The house was quiet when I arrived, completely out of character for Cody and Max. Janice greeted me at the door.

  “What’s with the peace and quiet?” I asked her as I put my briefcase down next to the hatstand.

  “I’ve just managed to put him down for a nap. He’s been scratching himself all morning, the poor little thing. Between Cody and Max, I’d say these walls have seen more scratching than ever.”

  “Did he eat anything?”

  “A little, but don’t worry. As soon as his fever passes, he’ll be eating us out of house and home, I’m sure of it. He’s not the first kid to have chickenpox, you know. My Johnny had it twice!”

  Janice put her hand gently on my forearm. Her soft eyes comforted me. Being a single dad was scary. I couldn’t have done it without her.

  “Oh, don’t tell me there’s a possibility that this will happen again.” I sighed. “I don’t think I can handle the stress.”

  “I suppose this is a bad time to mention the measles?” she said with a grin.

  “I thought vaccinations took care of all this stuff,” I said, bewildered.

  “They do, but there’s always one that’s liable to sneak through the cracks of modern medicine.”

  She hugged me, kissed me on the cheek, and said, “You’re going to be fine, and so is Cody. You’ve got the makings of a great dad, and with my help, you may even win a few Dad of the year awards.”

  “If I don’t die of a stroke first,” I said, feeling rather delicate suddenly at the thought of raising my son up on my own.

  “Have you spoken to the iron lady yet?” Janice said, then rolled her eyes.

  “As a matter of fact, she paid me a surprise visit last night.”

  “No! Knowing Cassandra, that must have been quite something. What did she want?”

  “Mainly to eviscerate me verbally, but also to check if I had lost my mind.”

  “I bet she never thought you were serious about full custody,” Janice commented calmly.

  “Well, she knows now.”

  “Was Cody up when she thundered in on her broomstick?” Janice grinned.

  “He woke up when
she was yelling at me like a banshee. I managed to placate him, but I think he knows something is very wrong.”

  “Probably. Kids are very intuitive. Their little noses are close to the ground—they’re the first to smell bullshit.”

  I laughed at her observation. She wasn’t wrong.

  “Okay, I better get going before my husband destroys the kitchen. He’s cooking his famous chilli, which is always a mess waiting for a place to happen. But, I have to say, the man makes a killer dish.”

  “Well, far be it for me to keep you from a delicious dinner. Thanks again, Janice. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “You’re welcome. There’s enough food for both you and Cody, should you get the munchies. Oh, and the plumber fixed that leaky faucet in your bathroom, so no more excuses for a wet floor, young man.” She winked, then left.

  I had no idea I was so hungry until Janice mentioned her culinary treasure in the kitchen. I slipped out of my shoes and dished a plate for myself. It was chicken and veg, Cody’s favorite meat. Actually, he referred to all meat as chicken, but I knew what he meant. For dessert she made jello, another one of Cody’s favorites. The first time he ever encountered the wobbly pool of delight, he stuck his finger into it and burst out laughing as it wobbled away. Then, he discovered that he could suck it into his mouth through the gap that his one tooth had left when it departed.

  My son clearly had jello radar, because as soon as I opened the tub, he came strolling into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, holding onto Max’s tail.

  “Hey, little man. How are you feeling?”

  He smiled at me through his yawn.

  “Hi, Dadda. Is that jello?”

  “Yes, it is. Janice made it especially for you. Come sit here next to me, and I’ll dish you some.”

  Max smelled the chicken, and his tail went crazy. He’d been such a star, looking after his master, that I gave him a little piece as a treat. I could do this ‘Dad of the Year’ thing without breaking a sweat.

  Cody sat down next to me and eyed the bowl of chicken.

  “Dadda, can I have a piece of chicken first?”

  “Of course, my love.”

  I broke off his favorite piece, the drumstick, and he lay into it with feeling.


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