Rock Country

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by K. Webster

  Rock Country

  Copyright © 2014 K. Webster

  Cover Design: K. Webster

  Stock Photo: Big Stock

  Editor: Mickey Reed

  Formatting: Champagne Formats

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information and retrieval system without express written permission from the Author/Publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39



  June (a few weeks later)



  My Books


  About the Author

  Rock Heart (Book 2 in the Vegas Aces series)

  Apartment 2B (A Standalone Paranormal Erotic Romance)

  Apt 2B - Chapter 1

  Broken (Book 1 in The Breaking the Rules Series)

  A dark two weeks…

  Broken - Chapter One

  One Summer by Elle Jefferson

  One Summer - Chapter One

  Sweet Southern Sorrow by Tessa Teevan

  Twist of Fate by Ella Fox

  To my wonderful husband Matt—I love you to the moon and back. Your knowledge of music was helpful in making this story a success. Thank you for always being there to support all of my endeavors, even the weird and bizarre ones.

  “Bobby!” she screeched, running from me. The poor girl was terrified of bugs, which only made me want to terrorize her more. Her blond pigtails bounced as she tore off down the dirt road, kicking up a cloud of dust behind her. I would catch her because I always did. Being two years older and a boy, I could always beat her at everything. She hated every second of it.

  “I told ya not to run, June Bug! You know you ain’t faster than me,” I hollered as I got closer. When she took a sharp turn off the dirt road and pumped her way into the field, I momentarily lost the gain I had on her.

  “Leave me alone, ya big meanie!” She was slowing, spent from the chase, so I picked up my speed.

  Now, I knew it wasn’t right to hurt a girl, but June ain’t a regular girl. June was my best friend. We’d been close ever since she and her momma had moved into the trailer on the edge of our land when she was just six and I was eight. My momma and daddy had rented it out to make extra money. Four years later and she still hadn’t learned that she couldn’t outrun me. I was Bobby Acer, fastest boy in school.

  “I’m gonna catch you, June, and when I do, I’m gonna shove this bug in your pants and watch ya scream!” I taunted as I closed in on her.

  She was within my reach and I tackled her hard to the ground. Fighting me off wildly, she scratched and screamed to no avail while I pushed the beetle down into the waistband of her shorts.

  “I hate you, Bobby! Don’t you ever talk to me again!” She was crying now, which had me feeling a little guilty. Not guilty enough though.

  I held her hands down and straddled her so the bug could crawl around and she would be helpless. Once her tears died down, I realized the fun was over. Looking down at her, I noticed for the first time that her eyes were as green as the grass underneath her. Her lips were still quivering and I suddenly had an urge to plant a kiss on them. The thought of kissing her gave me a boner. What the heck?

  Jumping up from her as fast as I could to hide my erection, I turned and walked back toward the road, leaving her in the grass behind me.

  The entire way back to our houses, she deliberately walked several feet behind me and refused to say a word to me. June was strange these days. God, she’d better not get her period. Gross.

  When we made it up to my driveway, we heard shouting come from my house. I could see Daddy up on the porch, and he was screaming at Momma.

  “You ain’t nothing but a whore, Mona. They all call ya Moan-a behind yer back! Get the fuck out of my life. I’m divorcing your ass!”

  Momma was crying and calling him a slew of names. When she shoved him, he slapped her across her face hard enough to knock her on the floor. I was tearing up the driveway, June calling after me, before I even knew what I was doing. Pounding up the steps, I reached Daddy as Momma started to stand back up. I tackled him with as much strength as a twelve-year-old boy could possess.

  “Don’t ya touch my momma!” I screamed and attempted to punch him with my small fists. Daddy just grunted and swatted me off him. I was no match for his nearly six-foot frame.

  “Boy, ya better not do that again or I’m taking my belt to yer bare ass!” he growled and started unbuckling his belt.

  Momma stormed into the house, letting the old screen door slam behind her. I glanced over to June, who was standing in the yard, tiny hands covering her mouth. She looked horrified. Daddy and I had a silent standoff for what seemed like several minutes before he stomped back into the house.

  Defeated, I slammed myself down on the porch swing and gritted my teeth. June slowly approached me, sitting beside me. Her petite hand reached over and covered my clenched fist, immediately causing some of the tension to fade. My heart was still racing from the altercation moments before.

  “I’m sorry yer momma and daddy were fightin’,” June said sadly.

  I looked over at her and studied her soft features. She was beginning to look pretty to me. Meeting my eyes, she smiled. For some reason, I had an overwhelming urge to kiss her pouty lips. What is wrong with me these days? I could feel another boner start and I adjusted my jeans, hoping she wouldn’t notice. All attempts of subduing my hard-on were thrown out the window when she leaned over and pecked my lips. Before we could even assess what happened, Momma burst back out of the house.

  “Come on, Bobby. We’re leaving,” she ordered as she stomped to her truck. My heart sank when I realized she had two suitcases in tow.

  “Where are we goin’, Momma?” I shouted after her.

  She tossed them into the bed of the truck and turned to me. “Me and yer daddy are gettin’ a divorce. We’re goin’ to stay with your aunt Martha. Now get in the truck.”

  I turned to look over at June and her eyes were filled with tears. My stomach felt uneasy, like I could be sick at any moment. Latching on to her hand with mine, I stood up from the swing and she followed suit. Ducking my head,
I pecked her on the lips once more before backing away from her and releasing her hand. The last image I had of her was one that would haunt me for years to come.

  I love you, June Bug.

  The Aces get signed…

  “I can’t fucking believe this is happening,” Chaz chatters nervously from beside me in his beat-up Honda as he maneuvers the Vegas streets. We’ve all barely turned eighteen and are going to sign with Sony. A fucking recording contract.

  “We’ll be so fucking amazing that groupies will be hanging off our dicks. I’ll have to fend them off with my drumsticks,” Donnie laughs from behind Chaz.

  The thought of chicks automatically brings my thoughts to June. I wonder what she’s doing these days. She’s probably driving all over that shitty town taking out mailboxes. June doesn’t seem like she’d make a good driver. Whenever we played my racing games on my Nintendo, she sucked badly. I always said that, once I turned eighteen, I’d go see her. Would she even remember me?

  “Maybe we’ll make enough money that I can get a new car,” Chaz muses.

  I just want to be able to help Mom out. She’s always worked so hard to provide for me, unlike my fucking deadbeat father. I glare out the window at the thought of him—the bastard who refuses to have anything to do with his only son.

  “I could use the money now too,” Manny says cryptically from behind me. His voice is far away, and I can’t help but wonder what happened to him this summer when he went back to Puerto Rico. He came back different. Chaz and Donnie have noticed it too, but none of us have said a word.

  Chaz is tapping the steering wheel nervously as we pull into a parking spot at the office building where we’re meeting our new manager, David. “Am I the only one fucking nervous?” he questions, looking at each of us.

  We all laugh and nod at him to make him feel stupid, but I can see it in all of our eyes—we’re fucking scared as hell. Four eighteen-year-old guys about to sign their lives away. I sure hope we know what the fuck we’re getting ourselves into.

  When I go to open the door, my eyes catch on my first tattoo—the tattoo I got as a reminder of my friend June. I smile as I think about her and how I most definitely will find a way to see her now. She’ll be so proud. Grinning, I exit the car and walk toward my future.

  The wedding day…

  Marriage. The joining of two people who love each other, mind, body, and soul. The movies make it seem so dreamy, so perfect. Why do I get the nagging feeling that this isn’t the right thing? Momma fastens a necklace around my neck and pecks me on the cheek.

  “Everything will be okay,” she promises. Her look is sad, but she masks it away, turning it into one of encouragement.

  I look down at my perfectly manicured nails and wonder how I got here—in a small church in town marrying someone who seems like the only choice. Markwayne pursued me like mad from the first day I walked onto the high school campus. He was a big, muscular football player. I was quiet, awkward June. The fact that someone of such popularity liked me fascinated me. In the beginning, it was mutual fascination. Later, I lost a lot of that fascination for him.

  “Momma, what if I’m not doing the right thing?” I question.

  She quickly grabs my hands into hers and kisses them. “Honey, Markwayne loves you. He comes from a good family. You just have wedding-day jitters. Every woman has them,” she tells me knowingly.

  I frown at her. Her marriage to my father was short-lived, and he left us high and dry. Her words of encouragement don’t do what she intended. In fact, I feel sick to my stomach.

  “Ready?” a deep voice calls out to me.

  Momma kisses me once more before hurrying out of the room, leaving me with Mr. Acer—Bobby’s dad. Even though he’s happy to be a part of my big day, the sadness in his eyes makes my heart clench painfully. How can I miss someone so much so many years later?

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I answer without enthusiasm.

  He walks over to me and offers his arm. I hook my hand through at his elbow. Mr. Acer looks down at me with concern but offers me a sad smile. My stomach aches because he reminds me so much of Bobby.

  I hear the music begin inside the chapel, and my heart races as my future awaits me.

  “Come on, little June. Let’s get this over with,” he says gruffly as he guides me out of the room towards the aisle.

  The music is beautiful, and so many guests—mostly Markwayne’s friends and family—watch us as we step with the music. Markwayne wasn’t happy when I chose Mr. Acer to walk me down the aisle. He thought his brother or his dad should have been the one, but honestly, Mr. Acer has always been like a father to me.

  Finally reaching my soon-to-be husband, who eyes me up and down hungrily, I sigh in defeat. Who sighs in defeat on their wedding day?

  Mr. Acer brings his face close to my ear and whispers, “I always knew I’d walk you down the aisle one day, little June. I just didn’t imagine it would look quite like this. I pray you get your happy ending one day.”

  With a kiss on the cheek, he leaves me even more confused as I try to figure out just what in the hell have I gotten myself into.


  “Dude, that chick from last night was fucking hot. She looks like she takes it in the ass. Tell me, did you put it in her ass?” Chaz questioned, wagging his eyes at me.

  Ignoring my best friend, I picked up my Gibson acoustic and strummed a few chords. We had the last show of our tour tonight at The Joint in The Hard Rock Hotel, and I was trying to flesh out a new song I wanted to play. Chaz’s stupid ass was distracting as hell.

  “Come on, Bobby. You know I live vicariously through you, and I’m sorry but Neve won’t let me get near that hole. The only reason I’m marrying that girl is because she gives good head. So give a brother something to dream about,” he pleaded.

  I looked up at him to tell him to fuck off but started chuckling when I realized that he looked like a fucking chick perched on the arm of the sofa. Neve wore the pants in their relationship, and I felt bad for my best friend.

  “Fine, Chaz. I fucked her in every hole she begged me to put it in. This man aims to please,” I bragged, pointing at my chest.

  He grinned and slapped me on the shoulder. “Now I’m going to go fuck my fiancée and imagine that chick from last night taking it from behind,” he joked and sauntered off to find Neve.

  I continued strumming my guitar as I thought about exactly how I wanted the solo to go. Tonight was a big fucking show and I wanted to wow the crowd with a new piece. The chicks usually went wild when we took it down from the hard rock to an acoustic set. That’s when the panties would start flying across the stage.

  Donnie, our drummer, always made it a part of the show to run across the stage scooping up as many as he could and stuffing them down the front of his low-slung jeans. The women would go insane during that part. He was a typical badass drummer with his tattoos, lean body, and outrageous behavior. Our bass player, Manny, was the quiet one of the group. And even though he tried to ignore the attention, his Puerto Rican good looks prohibited that from happening. Chaz was the only one of us officially off the market, but that didn’t stop the outpouring of love toward him from our fans. Part of the rise of our success had been that we were comprised of four good-looking bad boys, but we could back it up with our badass music.

  My phone chimed, so I set down my guitar to see who’d texted me. Mom was begging me to come visit this weekend. Since the tour had begun in January, I hadn’t seen her once. I knew she was pissed, but this was my career. Typing out a promise to visit, I glanced down at my bare chest. I wanted another tattoo but was beginning to run out of places to put them. Thinking about my favorite one, I looked down at my thumb on my right hand.

  The tiny, simple black beetle was situated between my two joints there. It was my first tattoo and a daily reminder of her. When Mom took us away from there a little over fifteen years ago, I’d thought about her every day. Hell, half my songs were in some way about her. I hat
ed my dad for ruining our family, so I’d never desired to go back to that shitty-ass town. Hopping up, I headed for the shower to get ready for our last show.

  “Dammit, woman! I told ya to have dinner on the fuckin’ table when I got home,” Markwayne spat when he walked into our kitchen after work.

  I flinched at his tone, which indicated that he’d been drinking with the boys after work. Most days, he was such an asshole and I hated him. I should have left his ass long ago. Every day, I found more reason to leave him.

  “Babe, I just got home from work. We had a late rush at the diner and one of the other servers quit. I couldn’t leave Larry shorthanded. Let me change out of my uniform and I’ll make you some supper.”

  He was swaying a bit while give me the stare down, making me shift uncomfortably.

  Before I knew what was happening, he was on me, sucking my neck hard and pinching my nipple through my uniform. My back was pressed against the knobs of the stove. His erection pushed into me, indicating his desire. It was the same song and dance with him. Lifting my dress up, he reached under and yanked my panties down my thighs. Markwayne was never one for foreplay, so our sex life sucked.

  Spinning me around, he pushed me over the stove and entered me from behind. My pussy was dry like usual, and it stung when he entered me. I clutched the grates of the stove to hold myself steady while he had his way with me.

  Markwayne hadn’t always been an asshole. Back in high school, he’d wooed me hard. I’d fallen for him pretty quickly and we’d ended up married when I turned eighteen. Our marriage had hit the seven-year itch, and I was itching to leave him. Maybe I would bring that up to him tonight. He hadn’t seemed any happier than I had the last few years.

  He pulled out of me and snatched the hand towel from the counter to clean himself up. When he finished, he tossed it to me. Wiping quickly, I snatched my panties back up my legs and started to head toward the bedroom to take a quick shower. He disgusted me these days, and I just wanted to wash away him and the greasy smell away.


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