Book Read Free

Rock Country

Page 9

by K. Webster

  She looked devastated, and then her eyes rolled in the back of her head. Before I could register what had happened, she collapsed to the ground, slamming her head on the floor.

  “Shit! June Bug!” I shouted, kneeling beside her and pulling her into my arms. Reaching behind me, I pushed the nurse button on the bed. “Come on, baby. Wake up. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it. Wake up, beautiful girl.”

  “Sir, what happened?” the shocked nurse asked when she came into the room. Hurrying over, she knelt beside June and checked her pulse. “We need to get her into a room.”

  I just nodded and fell back onto my ass, trying to figure out what the fuck had just happened. I had just lost my dad—the last thing I needed was for something to happen to June.

  When I blinked open my eyes, I was confused at my surroundings. Why was I in a hospital bed? Glancing around the room, I discovered Bobby curled up in a ball on the sofa in the room, completely passed out. Poor guy was exhausted. He was taking his dad’s death extremely hard. My heart squeezed as I thought about the pain he was dealing with.

  Someone walked in the room, and I discovered that it was a doctor. He smiled at me and walked over to my bed.

  “Hi there. I’m Dr. Mattson,” he greeted happily. Dr. Mattson was a nice-looking man who appeared to be in his early forties.

  “Hi,” I croaked, my voice dry for some reason.

  “Well, we figured out why you passed out. It would appear your blood pressure spiked to uncontrollable levels and your body shut down momentarily. We ran some tests, and I’ll be the first to congratulate you. You’re pregnant.”

  Pregnant? There was no way. Absolutely no way.

  “No, you’re mistaken. I can’t get pregnant. My ex-husband and I tried for years. I was tested! They said I couldn’t conceive. I don’t understand how this could have happened!” My voice was getting higher and higher with each breath.

  “Listen, sweetie. You are very much pregnant. You are approximately six weeks along. I am not sure where you got your information, but clearly, they were mistaken.”

  I stared at him, dumbfounded. Then it hit me. Markwayne had lied about the test results. I remembered the day so clearly. He’d opened the mail and read me the results that it had been me who couldn’t conceive. Obviously, he had been lying. That rat bastard!

  This just complicated things, and we didn’t need that right now. Bobby was too damn fragile to dump anything else on him.

  “Dr. Mattson? Do you think we could keep this a secret for now? My boyfriend just lost his dad and I don’t want to add any unnecessary stress on him.” My gaze darted over to him still sleeping on the couch. The fact that he was here with me meant that he hadn’t meant those hateful things he’d said last night.

  “You’re going to be okay, but I am going to advise you to try to remove yourself from stressful situations. I know you don’t want to tell your boyfriend right now, but he will need to know soon. It isn’t right to keep it from him. Who knows? Maybe it will help him with the loss of his dad. Regardless, you’ll need to follow up with your primary care physician and start with prenatal care. I’ll send you home with some vitamins I want you to start taking right away.”

  Once he left, my mind flew in a million different directions. How could this have happened? Why had I stupidly believed Markwayne when he had clearly been the one with fertility issues? The most important question was how Bobby would handle the news. Dr. Mattson thought he needed to know, but I was afraid his fragile psyche wouldn’t be able to handle it, and I couldn’t afford to lose him. He meant everything to me. I’d waited for him for so long.

  After I got past worrying about all of those things, my heart began to swell with happiness. A baby. A baby was growing inside me that was half Bobby. The idea of it made me so incredibly happy that I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Even if Bobby for some reason hated me, I’d still have a piece of him forever. For once in a very long time, I had something to look forward to. Something to hope for.

  I must have drifted off to sleep, because when I woke up later that morning, Bobby was gone and Momma was sitting in the chair on her phone.

  “Hey, Momma,” I croaked, my throat dry from sleeping.

  “Baby girl! How are you feeling? What happened?” she demanded as she hurried to the bedside. Momma was a good woman. She was going to make an awesome grandma.

  “I’m fine. My blood pressure spiked from the stress of everything and I passed out. They just wanted to keep me overnight for observations. I’ll get to leave soon after they discharge me this morning.” I deliberately left out the pregnancy part for now. Bobby needed to know before anyone else.

  “Okay, hon. You had me so worried. I’m sorry about Mr. Acer. I know how close you two were and obviously you are taking this pretty hard as well.”

  “Momma, where’d Bobby go?” I questioned. My chin started to quiver as I worried that he had abandoned me.

  “Sweetie, I relieved him. He was going by the house to pick up a suit for his dad and then meeting them over at the funeral home to plan the arrangements. I’m sure you’ll see him later this afternoon. He was worried sick about you, love.”

  My heart fluttered wildly when she told me he was worried about me. Still, I needed to talk to him. To touch him. To kiss him. God, we had hardly been apart for very long and I missed him like crazy.

  “Momma, I love him so much,” I whispered as tears spilled over.

  She took my hand and squeezed. “I know you do, baby. He loves you too.”

  I really hoped he still did, especially after what I was going to tell him.

  I couldn’t believe I’d lost my cool last night with June. My heart ached to know that she’d fainted because I had been the biggest asshole on the planet. The look of pure despair had crossed her face when I told her to leave me alone.

  When she fainted, I’d freaked the fuck out. A doctor had tried to give me something to calm down because, between Dad and June, I was losing my shit quickly. Once they’d finally gotten her to a room and confirmed that she was going to be okay, I crashed hard. They’d told me her blood pressure had spiked from the stress, and I wanted to clobber myself for sending her over that edge.

  Now I was headed to the house to find Dad a suit and meet with the funeral home director. This was difficult having to do it alone, and I wished June were with me. But no, I’d put her in the hospital with my temper.

  Pulling into the driveway, I saw a rental car running idly. When I drove up next to it and realized it was my mom, I nearly lost it again. After scrambling out of the car, I ran over to her car door and guided her out and into my arms.

  “Momma,” I choked out as tears fell shamelessly down my face.

  She held on tight as she sobbed with me. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry about everything. Things will get better, sweetheart. I’m here to help you now. You aren’t alone.”

  “Momma, I’m so fucking pissed at you. Like, I’ll never be able to forgive you. Don’t think this is settled. I just can’t cope with your lying my whole life and Dad’s death. You robbed me of precious time with him. With that being said, you’re still my mother and I need you right now. Just know that we have a long road ahead of us where your betrayal is concerned.”

  She nodded, tears flowing rapidly down her cheeks. Thankfully, she knew not to say any more on the subject. Once we’d composed ourselves again, we headed into the house.

  Mom looked around and smirked. “Pretty tidy for a couple of bachelors to have been living here.”

  A smile spread across my face for the first time since yesterday. “June. She’s been staying with us, helping out with Dad.”

  “Little June from down the way?” she asked, astonished that we had reconnected so easily.

  “One and the same. Thing is, she’s all grown up now, Momma. I love that girl, but I may have ruined it. Last night I said some pretty awful things to her that I didn’t mean. She’s it for me. I can’t think of my life without her in it.”
  Mom smiled and took both of my hands. “Bobby, from the moment that girl laid eyes on you, she claimed you. Your daddy and I saw it right off. If she really cares for you, she’ll be able to forgive you. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  There was nothing like getting that motherly assurance to give me the strength to face the day. We located a suit for Dad and headed out to the funeral home.

  After the details about the service were sorted out, Mom and I had lunch and then went back to the house. She’d successfully been able to take control of the areas I had been having difficulty with, and I was incredibly thankful that she had shown up. I was still furious with her, but she was my only parent left. As angry as I was at her, I wouldn’t be able to handle this without her. We’d be having the funeral in two days.

  When we pulled up the driveway, once again, another rental car sat there. This time, there were three tattooed, badass men sitting on the steps of the front porch, and I grinned. My best friends were here. Once parked, I jumped out and walked over to them.

  “Dude, you never told us you used to live on a fucking farm!” Donnie laughed, gesturing to the house and land. Chaz punched him in the arm.

  “How are you doing, man?” Chaz asked as he stood and gave me a hug. These guys may look rough and tough, but they were like brothers to me.

  “I have my moments. Right now I’m okay. I’m glad you guys could make it. There’s a song I’d like for us to do at the funeral.”

  “Of course, Bobby,” Chaz said without hesitation.

  Donnie stood and gave me a hug as well. Manny’s hug came thereafter.

  Donnie’s face contorted into a mischievous grin, and I braced myself for whatever stupid-ass comment was about to come flying out. Chaz had already tensed up, ready to punch him.

  “So when do we get to meet Miss June? I’m almost certain she’ll come over to the dark side once she meets my sexy ass.”

  Normally, I would have laughed with him because chicks were just chicks to us. Not with June.

  “Fuck you, asshole,” I growled and stomped past them up the steps. I heard Chaz punch him and cuss him out for being such a punk. Even Manny was griping at him. I stormed back into my bedroom and slammed the door.

  As soon as I tossed myself onto the bed, I pulled a pillow over my face and passed out.

  I’d finally been discharged that afternoon but still hadn’t heard from Bobby. My heart sank to think that he didn’t want to see me. Momma took me back to the house so I could rest. After a hot shower, I threw on an oversized tee and slipped into bed. I didn’t have any energy, not even to look for underwear.

  Just as I was about to drift off, Momma poked her head in. “Baby girl, I’m going to work. Call me if you need anything. I’ll see you later tonight.” I waved as she closed the door behind her and fell asleep.

  When I woke back up, it was dark in my room and I heard a door close. A minute later, my bedroom door creaked open and someone came to the bed. I didn’t have to be able to see to know that it was Bobby. His scent flooded my senses, and I wanted him to touch me so badly. I could hear him removing his clothes and my heart rate quickened.

  He lifted the blanket and slid underneath, pushing me toward the wall with his hip. My breath caught when his hand rubbed across my belly and rested on my ribs. I placed my own hand over his and stroked it gently. His lips found my neck and he sucked it softly. When he rolled onto his side to access it better, I felt his erection poking into my side.

  I turned onto my side to face him and our lips met passionately. His sadness, anger, and apology were all wrapped up in his kiss. I matched it with my own sadness, confusion, and acceptance of his apology. With Bobby, we didn’t need words. Our bodies told the story for us. He groaned when I reached down and gripped his length. A little drop of pre-cum seeped out of the top and I used my thumb to spread it over the tip.

  Breaking our kiss, he turned me on my back once again. This time, he maneuvered his way between my sore thighs. He took hold of my hand that was still stroking his shaft and pulled it above my head. His fingers trailed all the way back down my body back to his cock, and he teased my wet folds with it.

  I shivered and moaned, “Bobby, please—”

  Before I could even finish my plea, he was pushed all the way to the hilt inside me. His lips crashed back to mine as he pounded into me like there was no tomorrow. My climax was nearing fast, and when his thumb found my clit, I convulsed wildly with my orgasm. Tears slid out of the corners of my eyes. Seconds later, he followed me and burst his heat into me.

  He collapsed over me, petting my hair and kissing my neck. It was very animalistic in nature, and I curled into him, unable to get enough of his tenderness. My fingers found his hair and scratched his scalp.

  “I love you, Bobby,” I whispered into his ear.

  He tensed and pulled away from me. Quickly pecking me on the lips, he whispered against my lips, “June Bug.” And just as quickly as he’d slipped into my room, he was out of the bed, dressed, and back out the door.

  Rolling over, I sobbed at his loss.

  After a bit, I got up and showered again. I was going to go over and see him after I got some food into me. Once out of the shower, I found a strapless dress I knew he would like and stepped into my cowboy boots. I styled my hair into some sexy waves that fell down my back and applied a heavier than normal amount of makeup. If I was going to fix this rift between us, I needed to make him want me. I ate a quick bite and took off down to his house.

  The walk in the warm Texas air only took a few minutes to get there. When I got closer, I heard music playing and several guys laughing at one another. As I came from the shadows, they all grew quiet. All three of the very good-looking men gawked at me.

  “Hey, guys. Is Bobby inside?” I asked. “I’m June.”

  One of them grinned at me and walked over, extending his hand. “I’m Chaz, Bobby’s best friend.” I shook it and smiled at him.

  The one who looked to be foreign shook my hand next. “I’m Manny.”

  “Hi, Manny. It’s nice to meet you.”

  The third guy, who happened to be shirtless and nearly as hot as Bobby, came over to me.

  “I’m Donnie. We’ve spoken already. Remember, I’m going to steal you away from Bobby,” he teased, wagging his eyebrows at me. Instead of shaking my hand, he pulled me to him and hugged me tight, nearly knocking the wind out of me.

  When the front door slammed shut behind us, I jumped and Donnie pulled away, laughing. Bobby was glaring at us—pissed.

  “I can see you two have become fast friends,” he spat. I shivered at his tone and bit my lip.

  “Cool your shit, Bobby. Donnie’s just messing with your ass,” Chaz explained to him. “Come on. Let’s get you a drink.” He dragged a fuming Bobby back into the house while I fought to keep my tears at bay.

  I was really on edge tonight. When I woke up from my nap, I had to see her. She was at home from the hospital and I had to make love to her. There was so much I wanted to say to her, but I just didn’t have the words. Apparently she felt the same way because our lovemaking was intense and thick with emotion. I was an ass for leaving her there afterwards, but I needed to get away.

  And now, here she was, looking like an angel, and I was still being a prick. Stupid-ass Donnie was pushing my buttons tonight. We’d end the night in a fistfight—I could feel it. Chaz brought me back into the house and put something into my hand.

  “Here. I think you need one of these,” he said as he walked into the kitchen.

  I opened my palm to see two pills. Not even caring what they were or what the repercussions might be, I tossed both of them back. Chaz handed me a glass of Jack and Coke so I could chase the pills down.

  “So I guess you guys met June.” I couldn’t help but sound bitter at the thought of sharing her with anyone.

  “Yeah. She seems like a great girl. I can tell she’s the one for you. You look at her like I look at Neve. It’s love, man.”

bsp; I chugged some more of my drink and looked up at him. “I do love her, but I am so messed up mentally right now. How can I be there for her when I am barely holding on right now?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, but getting all pissy and pushing her away won’t make anything better. Now get out there and claim your woman before Donnie does.” He chuckled, hoping to make light of the situation, but I just slammed my fist through the wall, surprising both of us. “Shit! Dude, you need to calm the fuck down. If your mom were here right now, she’d whop you upside the head for doing that shit.”

  Thankfully, Mom had gone on to her hotel.

  “Come on,” I growled, gesturing for him to go back outside with me.

  When we got back outside, Manny was sitting on the step. June was swinging on the porch swing, having a hushed conversation with Donnie, who was leaning against the rails with his arms crossed. His serious look passed when he saw me, and he grinned smugly at me. I wanted to punch him in the fucking lip.

  Stomping past him, I heaved myself into the swing with June. Everyone was silent for a few minutes. I could feel the effects of the pills starting to creep up on me fast, urging stupid shit to fall from my lips.

  “Do you want to fuck him?” I asked nonchalantly.

  June jerked her head toward me, tears already forming in her eyes. Reaching for my face, she whispered, “No, Bobby. I only want you.” I swatted her hand away, and she clutched her midsection, leaning forward like she might be sick.

  Things were starting to spin and blur. Donnie was glaring at me now, but he could go fuck himself for all I cared.

  “Give him your fuckin’ panties,” I slurred, my accent starting to shine through.

  “That’s enough, Bobby,” she tearfully replied, standing up.

  Donnie had already taken a step forward, ready to punch my ass. I could hear Chaz and Manny trying to keep things from escalating.

  Reaching over, I lifter her dress, baring her ass to everyone, and tore her panties from her body before anyone had any time to react. She was jerking her dress back down when I tossed the shredded material over to Donnie.


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