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Ryan's Christmas Miracle

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

“You feel so damn good,” he groaned as she tightened her pussy with each thrust. Jemma was so wet. Her cream was leaking down her thighs. Considering the snow outside with sub zero temperatures, they were working up a good sweat.

  “Harder, Ryan, fuck me harder,” she begged.

  Growling, Ryan grabbed her by the waist and took her to the carpeted floor. Jemma held on as he positioned himself between her legs. She watched the glorious shiny length of his cock seat at her entrance and thrust all the way home. She arched off the floor, her pulse raced as his dick filled her body.

  Their moans, groans and the sound of slapping flesh filled the silence.

  “I want more,” he moaned.

  Jemma cried out as he left her, flipped her onto her knees, and in one smooth thrust entered her from behind, the angle rubbing against her G-spot making her climax instantly. She screamed and fisted her hands in the carpet.

  “That’s it baby, scream for me.” He held her as he fucked her harder and faster.

  Jemma could do nothing as her body became a mine field of pure unadulterated bliss. His hand suddenly moved underneath her to strum her clit. She became a mass of nerves as with a few final thrusts he cried out in release. The power of his eruption was unbelievable.

  They collapsed in a heap. Jemma was exhausted, shocked and scared as her entrance into passionate, raw and angry sex opened up the door for so much more. With her heart beating rapidly in her chest, Jemma turned to see Ryan collapsed with his arm over his eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. Jemma frowned unsure what he had to be sorry about? As he turned to face her, she could see the tears in his eyes.

  Not used to seeing a man cry, she leaned over and wiped them off his face.

  “What’s the matter? Was I awful?” Years had passed since she’d last had sex. She wondered if she was so terrible to leave a man in tears.

  His hand came up and cupped her cheek, his thumb running along her bottom lip. Jemma bit his thumb playfully teasing him.

  “I love you so much and I’m sorry.”

  Leaning over his huge body to give him a kiss on the lips—not a hardship with all those wonderful muscles—she stroked his cheek and smiled.

  “What do you have to be sorry about?” Jemma couldn’t understand. Being with him, trusting him with her body had been a momentous occasion for her. One to enjoy not one to regret.

  “I forgot to use a condom,” he whispered the words that filled her with the most dreadful feeling.

  Jemma recoiled from him and ran for the shower.

  * * * *

  Ryan watched her leave and didn’t bother stopping her. He was such a jackass for not thinking about a rubber, but then whenever he was around Jemma he never thought about much at all.

  He knew, damn it, he knew she didn’t want more children. Jemma wanted to be able to go to work and have a life of her own without worrying about the demands of her family. Simon had told him about their argument when she’d gotten pregnant with Sean. Jemma had struggled so much during her last pregnancy, being forced on bed rest even though she had a family to run and then with Simon being in the car accident which in turn had lost her, her husband.

  Having a baby right now would just mess with everything she’d worked toward. Ryan knew that. He loved her with all of his heart and wouldn’t dream of forcing something like this on her.

  Ryan picked up their discarded clothes and wandered to the washing machine. After he placed them all on a quick rinse, he glanced upstairs and went in search of the shower. She stood under the water, her naked body, wet and beautiful. He could make out some stretch marks on her tummy but instead of being repulsed like some men, he found them a pleasure. The marks highlighted her as a woman. A woman who was also a mother.

  Ryan looked at her face and watched as she stared into nothing.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said moving further into the room. Her head shot up and her eyes connected with his. Ryan was shocked when she didn’t appear to be angry or upset but instead intrigued.

  Not understanding what the look meant or even hoping for more, Ryan moved into the shower cupping her cheeks in his warm hands.

  “I know you didn’t want Sean…” He pressed a finger to her lips so she wouldn’t interrupt what he was about to say. “I know you love Sean and always will but Simon told me about your argument. I understand.” Ryan stopped to take the time to really look at her, to try and work out what was going on in her head.

  “You want a life as well. Simon wanted you to be his and you’ve been a wife and a mother for so long, you don’t know who Jemma really is. I wouldn’t ask you to do something you’ve already done. What you don’t want to do.” He paused and looked away from her composing himself for what he was about to say.

  “And if you find out you’re pregnant, I’ll go with you to get rid of it.” He heard her sob, and his joined hers. He closed his eyes against the wave of pain as her hands covered his where he held her.

  “Don’t say anymore. Please Ryan, don’t,” she begged him.

  “No. I love you Jemma and I want what’s best for you and if not being pregnant is the best option then I’ll support you. It’s your body.” Before she could say anything else, he kissed her.

  Ryan didn’t know what to do to stop the tears. And even though it was cutting him up inside, he would do whatever Jemma wanted to make her happy.

  “Ryan, I’ve been unfair to you.” Putting her hand up against his lips to stop him, Jemma continued with what she had to say. “When I got pregnant with Sean, I’d enlisted in a cooking course at the local school. Simon knew how much I wanted to do the course and the doctors had warned us to slow down. My body wouldn’t be able to cope with another pregnancy so close together. I love Sean and I loved Simon but being with you and the children these past few weeks, it has made me realize what I want to be and not even know it. I want to be a mum. I want to be a wife and to have a husband to look after. I have everything I’ve ever wanted and it has taken you being so wonderful for me to even realize it.” Jemma stopped to lick her lips and gain her thoughts.

  Ryan couldn’t bring himself to speak, only watch and listen as she took one of his hands and pressed it against her stomach. The most unbelievable sensation overcame him.

  Right now, in this moment, his seed could be creating a baby—beautiful gift of life and love.

  Ryan looked into her eyes and his heart constricted in his chest. For the first time he could see love within those depths. Love shining and building for him. It was like a Christmas miracle strong and true.

  “I wouldn’t dream of destroying a life Ryan. If I’m pregnant, I’ll be having this baby and you’d better make an honest woman out of me—”

  Ryan cut her off as his lips descended on hers. His kiss, highlighting his passion and the love he’d always had for her glowed in his heart.

  “I love you, I love you so much,” he said in between lustful kisses.

  “I don’t know how you’ve done it, but you’ve broken into here and stolen my heart.” Jemma pressed a hand against her chest and smiled up at him with tears streaming down her face. “I love you Ryan.”

  Ryan didn’t care how it had happened or what had occurred to change her feelings. He was so happy and joyous to have been given the gift of her love.

  * * * *

  Jemma was so happy, her love so real and secure in his arms. Him offering to give up something as precious and wonderful as a new born baby showed her how much he truly cared.

  Her life came first and not his. How could any woman not fall in love with such a man?

  She loved Simon and would always have a part of her heart labelled with his name but it was time to move on. To live her life and allow her children to move on from the death of their father.

  Ryan pressed her against the tiled wall, his cock making his presence known. “I want you again,” he groaned as he thrust forward.

  “Then have me.” She bit his neck, shoving her hand between his legs to stroke
his hardened length—soft, hard and utterly hers. She ran her thumb along his tip, stroking the hole leaking his cum.

  “Fuck,” he swore as she massaged the droplet around his swollen mushroom head.

  Jemma took his hand and placed it on her mound, opening her legs wide for him to touch her.

  Her clit swollen between her legs was begging to be stroked. Her body craving the attention, it had been long denied.

  “I want your hard cock inside me,” she cried out as two of his fingers pressed to her button creating a shock wave of sensation.

  “You’ll have me.” He teased her bringing her to the brink and back again before pressing her in the far corner, and positioning his thick dick near her dripping pussy. “Put me inside you,” he told her.

  Jemma moved her hand, feeling the pulsing length of him in her fist, excited at having him inside her again. She slid his cock through her wet sheath, going from her entrance to her aching clit and down again. When Jemma couldn’t last much longer and Ryan was shaking on his feet, she fed him to her greedy cunt and waited. With one mighty push, Ryan was embedded inside her.

  He touched everywhere inside her, so long and thick, Jemma was stretched and loving it. They fucked in the shower, their passion coming through as they learned more about what each other liked. Jemma loved having her nipples sucked and nipped while Ryan growled every time she grabbed his ass. When Ryan couldn’t handle the shower anymore, he turned the tap off and carried her through to his bedroom. Still connected, they collapsed on his bed.

  “I’m going to love every square inch of you now,” he promised.

  And he did. No part of Jemma was left untouched—her face, breasts, belly and each one of her stretch marks. He flicked her pussy and her clit, then moved down to her feet and started loving every single little part of her all over again. They opened up and allowed themselves to love with complete abandon.

  Smiling, she said, “I think life is about to get really good.”

  They curled up on the bed, letting time drift by as they loved.

  Chapter Five

  “Do you think the kids will like us being together?” Ryan asked for the hundredth time as they walked down the road to pick them up. Some families were outside making snowmen while others were having a snowball fight.

  Jemma couldn’t help but laugh at Ryan’s concern. They’d spent the entire morning making love and she was still giddy thinking about his love. “They adore you and I think they’ll love it.” Jemma linked her arm with his as they knocked on the door to Mr. and Mrs. Stein’s house.

  Simon’s parents were delighted with the news and the kids were happy to have Ryan as part of their family. They stayed for hot chocolate and mince pies before walking back to their own home.

  As the day moved into Christmas Eve and the fair began, Ryan and Jemma began their lives as a couple, making sure the children could handle their new found relationship together.

  Billy couldn’t be happier. He loved the prospect of having another father and his family being whole again. Megan was just happy and Sean didn’t say much but he always loved being held by Ryan. Everyone in town appeared pleased when seeing the happy couple together. It was like a scene out of a movie, magical, wonderful and everything Christmas should be.

  On Christmas morning the children woke them, excited at the prospect of Santa visiting.

  “I’ve got lots of presents, I know I have, I’ve been extra good this year,” Billy shouted as he ran downstairs. Ryan carried Megan and Jemma brought Sean. The little ones were still a little disorientated at being woken up early.

  Turning on the lights, Jemma put the heat on and the kettle. She could murder for a cup of tea. Soon they were ready and the tree in the sitting room was alight. Megan and Sean now alert as the sea of presents greeted them.

  “He’s been. He’s been. I want it all,” Billy’s excitement could be heard throughout the house.

  Laughing, Jemma and Ryan passed out presents to all of the children. Jemma couldn’t help the joy blossoming in her heart as she watched her family together and for the second time she said a prayer and thanked Simon from the bottom of her heart. Not just for three wonderful children but for the love Ryan blessed her with. After reading more of Simon’s diary while Ryan slept, she was beginning to understand the love and friendship between the two men.

  Slowly, Jemma was learning to accept her love for two completely different men.

  “Santa is the best,” Megan shouted over the noise of tearing paper. As to be expected, Sean was more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual gifts.

  * * * *

  Ryan glanced over the heads of the children and met the eyes of the woman he loved. He smiled and moved past them sitting beside her on the sofa. Leaning over, he kissed her. “Merry Christmas, Jemma.” Seeing her eyes closed, he took her lips again. The world and any noise melting away.

  “Merry Christmas, Ryan,” she whispered her hands cupping his head.

  “Ewww, that is so gross. Uncle Ryan is kissing Mummy.” Billy broke into their moment, his comment causing both adults to laugh.

  “One day, you won’t find it gross.” Ryan lifted the boy onto his knee.

  They were immersed in the rest of the presents, and then the tidying up. Once the children were safely playing with the television entertaining them in the background, the adults got to finish their moment in the kitchen. Ryan pushed Jemma against the wall.

  “I want to fuck you right now. Please, tell me we can?” he begged already knowing the answer.

  “It’s not the best of ideas, unless you want to start telling Billy and Megan about the birds and the bees. That could be quite the conversation. I might learn something,” she teased, rubbing against his thick shaft.

  “Tonight, please, tonight,” he asked.

  Chuckling, Jemma took his lips and kissed the life out of him. “We have the rest of our lives. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Ryan was worried she’d change her mind and they’d go back to friend status. But as far as he was concerned, he was in this for the rest of their lives.

  “I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you, but you’re my Christmas miracle.” He stroked his thumb along her lips as he said his beautiful words of love.

  “You’re mine, Ryan. Thank you.”

  The rest of the day was spent doing the usual task that couples and children do—watching television, playing with toys. Simon’s parents came over as Christmas dinner was being served and of course had more presents for the children.

  They really were a family.

  On the mantel piece a picture of Simon sat, smiling, staring at the room. A true Christmas miracle is having family together, with love and happiness in all their lives. He may not be there with them in the physical sense, but he was present in the love in all of their hearts.


  Five years later

  “Come on Jemma, the kids are waiting,” Ryan shouted up the stairs while the kids caused havoc around the house and on the porch.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming…” she called back and Ryan knew she would be trying on another jumper, trying to conceal the bump which was now showing.

  The past five years had been a whirlwind of activity. Jemma had become pregnant that Christmas and had given birth to twins nine months later. Simon and Shannon had joined their family and been welcomed with open arms. With the news of the twins, plus Billy, Megan and Sean, house hunting had been on the cards. Ryan gaining promotions at work and with Jemma taking a job a few hours a week meant they’d been able to afford a mortgage on a small house but with room to extend. It included four bedrooms—boys in one room, girls in the other, a master, and babies in a nursery—two bathrooms, and a large open kitchen, it truly was a house to rejoice in. There was a full open garden, which Ryan had turned a small section into a small kitchen garden for Jemma. They intended to extend the house but more money was required before they could get into that.

  A year after the t
wins were born, Ryan had finally decided to propose, six months later they’d been married and nine months later another baby had come along, Isabella. With each new addition, Ryan had been worried Jemma would withdraw from him but the complete opposite happened. Before his eyes Jemma had thrived. When he’d suggested she get a part-time job, she’d been so relieved. Time away from the children was a necessity for her to feel like a woman. Ryan knew and understood how important that time was to her.

  Ryan turned to watch as his beautiful, once again pregnant wife walked down the stairs toward him, her hand resting on her partially full belly.

  “Hello sexy.”As he kissed her, he laid a hand on top of her stomach loving the swell of his child.

  “I don’t feel it at the moment,” she complained.

  Ryan knew she’d had trouble this time with the morning sickness but the doctor had assured them she’d calm down and her appetite would be back.

  Nuzzling her neck, he whispered to her sweet promises. “When I get home and the children are in bed I’ll show you exactly how sexy I think you are.”

  “Do you promise?” she asked leaning into him.

  Instead of answering, Ryan pressed his thick cock to her body, his need and desperation clear for Jemma to touch, which through all the stress and the children had never dwindled.

  “I want you now,” she moaned.

  “Mum and Dad are being gross again,” Simon yelled to his brothers and sisters.

  Ryan caught Billy’s eye and he could see his best friend clearly in the boy’s face. He loved each of his children but Billy, Megan and Sean had a special place in his heart. Each of Simon’s kids held part of his friend who he continued to love and miss.

  “Thank you mate, thank you for letting me be happy and trusting me with your family.”

  Simon’s picture remained on the mantle, loved, cherished.

  Their Christmas Miracle.


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