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The Cowboy's Babygirl: A dark cowboy romance

Page 18

by Lee Savino

  I rushed inside the house, and the warmth of home enveloped me. Mine and Steele’s home. How could I ever have thought that leaving was a good idea?

  Steele had texted me to check that I’d arrived safely. Then he sent me another message:

  Don’t worry about me, baby. I’ll be back soon. I want you to focus on taking care of the animals and staying warm indoors. That’s all you need to worry about.

  I promised I would, but I was scared for him. I didn’t know exactly what he was planning, but the fact he was keeping it from me made me worry it was something dangerous.

  I was scared he was underestimating Enzo, too. Steele was smart, and he was interpreting Enzo’s motivations with logic. The trouble was, Enzo was dumb. He didn’t think like intelligent people did. He just went with whatever shit was in his head at any given time.

  If he woke up tomorrow morning, mad that I hadn’t come running back to him, he could easily decide to take himself to the police station and announce that I’d stabbed him. He was reckless, impulsive.

  But Steele had been in the military; he was highly trained. I needed to remember that, and not let my thoughts run away with me.

  Stay safe, Daddy, and come back soon, I prayed, again and again.

  And then another message came:

  And I want you to keep up your training for two hours every day.

  I smirked. I had no doubt what he meant by that. And I was kind of amused that he managed to think about it amid everything else that was going on. While I was still thinking that over, there was one more:

  I don’t want you to touch yourself, though.

  I couldn’t help smiling. “Dammit, read my mind,” I muttered.

  I’m going to check you when I get back, and if I suspect you’ve had any orgasms without my permission, you’re going to be in big trouble.

  I rolled my eyes. Knowing Steele, he would know. Hell, he’d probably know from looking into my eyes. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the next few days, though.

  Later in the afternoon, after I’d seen to the animals, a truck pulled into the yard. It was Barbara.

  “A little bird told me you were home alone,” she called, full of sparkle and enthusiasm. “I’ve got to cook up a batch of food for some potential buyers who are visiting us tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to keep me company while I do that?”

  “I’d love to,” I said. Anything to get me away from the thoughts and worries that were driving me crazy. I was touched that Steele had thought of it, and Barbara had agreed.

  An evening at Barbara and Tom’s cozy ranch was just what I needed.

  They had a huge kitchen-diner, with a fire in the corner, and a big wooden table.

  Barbara told me she didn’t need any help with the food, but I insisted on getting stuck in.

  “You’ve really got a flair for cooking, Carrie, you know that?” she told me.

  “Oh, it’s nothing.” I turned away, feeling shy.

  “No, you do,” she persisted. “No one ever told you that before?”

  I shrugged. “Never really tried it before.”

  She regarded me with interest. “Maybe think about it? Take some lessons?”

  “I will,” I said slowly, ideas starting to form in my brain.

  They had two kids—five-year-old Jennifer and three-year-old Ryan, who hurtled around, full of energy. Barbara was so good with them. Busy as she was, she stopped and gave them attention whenever they appeared with a question or a request, her face shining with love and patience. I’d never seen adults act like that with children before. Memories of my own childhood featured my mom being out of it, or too upset because going some guy had dumped her, or too caught up with her new guy to pay me any attention at all. But the sight of Barbara with her kids made me realize I wanted kids someday. I’d always thought I wouldn’t have the skills to be a good mom. But I started to daydream about having Steele’s babies. His seed growing inside me. Me swelling with it every day, until I gave birth to a little baby who would look just like him. Was that what Steele wanted, too? I sure hoped so. But even if he didn’t want kids, I knew I’d be happy with just the two of us, and the horses.

  Tom brought a bunch of pizzas for dinner and we ate them in the den, straight out of the box.

  “A rare treat,” Barbara told me with a raised eyebrow. “Usually we eat at the table, but since it’s out of action today…”

  I grinned, deciding not to mention how I’d been raised.

  After Tom had bathed the kids, I offered to read them a bedtime story.

  Barbara looked so pleased. “Yes, that would be great, hon. Thanks.”

  I’d never read anyone a bedtime story before, but it was a lot of fun.

  “Go on Ryan’s bed because he always falls asleep first,” Jennifer told me in her sweet little voice.

  I lay on his bed, and the kids picked the book they wanted, and snuggled in on either side of me. When Ryan’s little eyelids started to close, Jennifer and I eased ourselves out of the bed, and I tucked him in. Then I went to her side of the room and read her a story for older kids. In a few minutes, she was asleep, too. I pulled up her coverlet and switched off the light, leaving the room lit by moon and star ceiling stickers. I could get used to that, I thought.

  “Any time you need a babysitter, I’m your girl,” I told Barbara, back in the kitchen.

  “Careful, I’ll hold you to that,” she said with a mischievous smile. “Steele will end up lonesome in the evenings.”

  The visit had done me a lot of good, and taken my mind off Steele for a while. But once Tom had dropped me off home, and I’d brushed my teeth and turned off all the lights, my fears rushed back.

  When I was getting into bed, Steele texted to say goodnight, and I texted him back. I wanted to tell him how lonely I was without him, to pepper my message with emoji. But I didn’t think he’d appreciate that. Instead, I told him I loved him, and I couldn’t wait to see him again.

  Me too, baby, times a million. I promise this is the last time we’ll ever be apart,

  he replied.

  And then he sent me five red hearts. I ran my pinkie over them, grinning in delight. He was loosening up a lot these days.

  I tucked the phone under my pillow, and snuggled in, surrounded by his masculine scent. But it was a long time before I fell into an anxious, broken sleep.

  Chapter 20


  When I woke up the next morning, Steele had already sent a text asking how I’d slept. I replied, but he didn’t message back again. All morning long, while I mucked out the horses and checked on the cows, I worried about him.

  My heart ached, and I fretted non-stop. The only thing that made me feel better was training myself with the plug, knowing I was doing as my daddy told me.

  Preparing myself for him.

  I lay down on the bed, pulled my jeans and panties down, and slid the plug into my ass. It was a lot harder do it myself. When Steele put it in me, I was always bent over and open to him, my pussy already wet.

  I pulled my jeans back up and did some chores in the house with it still inside me. It was a dirty, taboo feeling—acting like everything was normal when all the time, this little thing was inside me, driving me crazy.

  When Steele got back, I was going to tell him to take my ass right away. I was ready for him. I didn’t want to wait any longer. I wanted him to claim me everywhere; make me his in every sense of the word.

  Halfway through the afternoon, I was hanging over the stable door, petting Megan’s velvety face and telling her that Steele would be home soon, when I heard a truck pulling into the yard.

  It was too soon for Steele to be back.

  But in my excitement, I forgot that.

  I rushed around the side of the building, and hurtled toward it.

  Then I skidded to a stop. It wasn’t Steele’s truck. It was a gleaming white GMC.

  A tall, broad-shouldered man got out. He turned his head, and the breath left my body
. He looked just like Steele, but where my daddy was rough and rugged, this man was sleek and polished as a blade. He had slicked back dark brown hair and an achingly handsome, angular face.

  Steele’s brother.

  Uneasiness prickled in my gut. Steele had said his brother was away in the city for the winter.

  He looked surprised to see me. “Well, hello there,” he said, and his eyes roved over me, from head to foot. I crossed my arms over my chest, wishing I was wearing a bra, and that there wasn’t a bare inch of flesh between the bottom of my T-shirt and the waistband of my jeans. “What do we have here?” The way he said it made my spine stiffen.

  “I’m not a what, I’m a person. I’m Steele’s girl—his partner,” I corrected myself quickly.

  “His partner?” Steele’s brother cocked his head to the side. “He is a dark horse, isn’t he? He didn’t say anything about having a partner.”

  “We’ve only been together a few weeks,” I said defensively. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  He nodded, his eyes never leaving mine. I didn’t like the cold, calculating way he looked at me. “I told Steele I was in the city, but it turns out there’s something I need here, and I thought I’d drive up and surprise that grumpy brother of mine.”

  I shrugged. I guessed he had a right to be here. “Okay then.”

  “Pardon me, where are my manners? I’m Max.” He thrust out his hand.

  “Carrie.” Reluctantly, I put my hand in his.

  He took it in a firm grip. His hand was smooth, not calloused like Steele’s. “Pleasure to meet you,” he said. But then his grip tightened and he pulled me closer. He was plenty strong. “Rather young, aren’t you?”

  “Plenty old enough.” I snatched my hand back. “Excuse me.” I turned my back on him deliberately, hoping he’d get the hint.

  But he followed me, prowling like a panther. His cologne was sharp and fresh. I hated it.

  I opened the door and passed through it quickly. “Something I can help you with?” I said as I started to close it.

  “The things I need are in here.” He caught the door handle and yanked it open again.

  I kept hold of the door handle. “I can get it for you.”

  “I don’t think so.” His voice was cold. “This is my ranch, too.”

  That was true. And even though he made me uneasy, he was Steele’s brother. They’d been raised together. Surely there couldn’t be too much wrong with him. What would Steele think if I hadn’t allowed his own brother into his house?”

  I stepped away from the door. “Okay. Come in.”

  He gave me a sharp, condescending nod, and strode in like he owned the place.

  The back of my neck prickled. This was my place, as much as Steele’s. He’d told me that. I didn’t quite believe him, but still, I felt like I had some rights over it.

  Without warning, Max turned and continued along the hallway, peered into the bathroom, then walked right into the bedroom and shut the door.

  Shit. Should I have stopped him?

  “What is it you’re looking for?” I called.

  The door creaked open and Max sauntered out. “Nothing that concerns you.” He gave me a cool smile. He was handsome, but that smile chilled me.

  Max headed for the kitchen, and I backed away.

  “It’s always interesting to see how my brother lives his life out here,” he remarked. His tone was casual and bored, but I gritted my teeth. He’d just admitted to snooping.

  “You’re not going to find anything in here. But if you tell me what it is you’re looking for, I’ll go get it for you.”

  “Or I’ll just ask Steele when he gets back.” Max didn’t bother to look at me as he opened a cabinet above the microwave.

  “What are you doing?” I hated seeing him so at home in the ranch house.

  He pulled down a bottle and showed me the black label. “Whiskey. Want some?”

  I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. That bottle must’ve been in there for a long while. Steele never drank alcohol in the house.

  Max poured his drink and sipped it neat, eyes on me. Studying me.

  I had to get out of there. “I’ve got things to do. I’ll see you later.” I darted out the door. I went to the barn and took my phone out of my back pocket to text Steele to tell him his brother was there.

  I felt a little shaky and wound tight. It was nothing Max had done. I just didn’t like him. He looked at me like he’d weighed me in the balance and found me wanting.

  Then I stopped. Steele would only be worried. And he was under enough pressure already.

  I put my phone away. It was almost time to milk the cow anyway.

  I stopped by Rex’s stall first. He didn’t come over—he was still too wild for that—but I knew he was listening. His ears pricked up, turning back and forth like radar as I chatted to him. I said dumb stuff, telling about my day, or whatever thought came into my head, but I got the impression he liked it. I hoped so, anyway.

  Then I went to collect the milking stool and pail. But when I came out of the shed, Max was there, his shadow slanting across the hay-covered barn floor.

  “What do you need?” I said in a hard voice, belying the fact my heart was hammering beneath my ribcage.

  He looked over my head like I was nothing. “When you said Steele was your partner, what did you mean exactly?”

  “I mean, we’re together. In a relationship,” I snapped, and kept walking toward the cow.

  I hoped Max would leave me alone, but of course, he followed.

  I ignored him. Instead, I patted Daisy and she mooed plaintively, eager for me to relieve the pressure in her udders. I positioned the stool beside her, sat down and leaned my shoulder against her warm hide, then began to milk her long teats.

  “A relationship. You and Steele,” Max murmured. He fingered his chin. “Far as I know, my brother doesn’t do relationships anymore. Thought he wanted to be alone forever. What made him change his mind?”

  I didn’t reply, but a flush spread across my chest. I wanted to ask about Steele’s past, but it would be wrong. That information was private, and if I wanted to know, I should ask Steele.

  Besides, I’d bite my tongue out before asking Max anything.

  After a few moments of silence, Max added, “I have to admit, you are cute. For a plaything.”

  “I’m not Steele’s plaything,” I snapped.

  “No?” Max raised a brow. He looked so much like his brother in that moment.

  Anger rose in me, but I kept my jaw clamped shut. He was just trying to get a rise out of me. What I wanted to know was why.

  “You’re a child,” Max continued, almost like he was talking to himself. “I can’t believe he’d touch you. He must’ve gotten lonely enough. Or he needed to sate his needs. He always had particular needs.” Max was watching me closely.

  This time, my cheeks burned. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I ducked my head, hoping my blush wouldn’t give me away.

  “Don’t you?” Max chuckled, a low sound that was pure cruelty. “Oh, Steele, you always knew how to pick them. I never thought he’d stoop to seducing innocents. His last lover was a stunner. Has he told you about her?”

  My boot knocked the pail, and I accidentally squirted milk onto the ground. I slammed the pail back into position.

  “I see,” Max continued like I’d answered. “That’s why I came back, actually. To tell Steele Victoria is single again. She’s been asking about him.”

  A lightning bolt of alarm went through me. But I bit my tongue.

  “Yeah, fate pushed them apart for a while. But now it looks like it’s brought them together again. She’s the only one he’s ever loved, you know. The only one he brought to live out here on the ranch.”

  The pail was full. I got to my feet and grabbed both it and the stool.

  “Let me carry that for you.” Max reached for the pail. But I held on. His big fingers tightened and he ordered me quietly, “Let go.”
br />   “Don’t tell me what to do,” I muttered.

  “Why not? Don’t you like it?” The purr in his voice made me let go of the bucket. I wanted to be away from him. He straightened, setting the bucket aside. “If you’re warming Steele’s bed, I’d wager you do.”

  He stalked forward slowly. I backed away, but my boots hit a hay bale and I had to stop. I stared up at Max’s big form, feeling helpless. His dark eyes searched my face.

  “Aren’t you a sweet little thing?” he said. He didn’t touch me, but his gaze was warm, his voice, low and intimate. “Not surprised Steele decided to make you his pet. Or should I say ponygirl?”

  I stiffened. He knows. Max knew everything. Steele must have told him, or maybe he found out from Victoria. Steele must’ve done everything with Victoria. The thought made me sick.

  “I just peeked into the barn,” Max continued. “Some pretty interesting stuff in there. I was thinking you could come and tell me all about it.”

  “You thought wrong,” I snapped, and tried to duck away.

  Max’s hand clamped on the back of my neck, just like Steele’s did sometimes. But with Steele, I kinda liked it.

  I turned and kicked Max in the shin. I wasn’t as tame as he thought I was.

  His grip tightened, and he wrenched me away before my foot could connect. He was too strong. “Easy,” he ordered. He marched me forward, into the part of the barn where Steele and I played.

  A hot mix of fury and betrayal churned in my guts. This was mine and Steele’s private place. Our training sessions were special, and I had assumed Steele had kept them to himself, as had I. Had he been updating his brother on them this whole time? Swapping stories about how he’d turned me into a ponygirl? His little one?


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