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Skater Boys

Page 7

by Neil Plakcy

  So he contented himself with Internet porn and his right hand. He leaned back in the lawn chair and closed his eyes, daydreaming of what he’d do when he finally found a boyfriend of his own. He had his hand in his shorts, stroking his stiff dick, when he heard the sound of the skater’s board slamming against the concrete. When he opened his eyes, he saw the skater standing in front of him, smirking.

  “I am interrupting something?” he purred, in a sexy Spanish accent.

  Tyler hastily pulled his hand out of his shorts as his dick deflated. He stood up, facing the shirtless boarder. The guy was almost as tall as Tyler himself, something he’d always found attractive. But he pushed all those thoughts away and said, “Listen, you can’t fool around here anymore.”

  “No?” the boarder said. “You are going to stop me?” There was a tease in his voice that made Tyler hard all over again.

  “Yeah,” he said, butching it up. “I am. The attorney responsible for Mr. Starkey’s estate hired me to look after the property. And that includes keeping undesirables out.”

  The skater laughed. “Catch me if you can,” he said, jumping on his board and taking off. Tyler chased him, but the guy was too quick, racing and turning on the complicated system of walkways and ramps. After a couple of minutes of running and feinting, he was panting for breath.

  He realized he couldn’t outrace the kid on the board. That meant he had to out think him instead. He stepped back and watched the kid, studying his patterns. Then he anticipated where the kid would turn and jumped in the way.

  The boarder slammed into him, causing them both to tumble to one of the grassy squares between walkways. Tyler fell to the ground, the boarder on top of him. His shirt scooted up, baring his skin, putting him in contact with the boarder’s bare chest. It was thrilling and sexy and scary all at the same time.

  Their bodies touched in a dozen places—bare leg against bare leg, arm against arm, the boarder’s head against Tyler’s shoulder. The kid had been knocked senseless, too, and he rested against Tyler, sucking in air, struggling to catch his breath. That was enough to send Tyler’s dick into immediate erection, and he blushed as he tried to shove the kid off him.

  It was only as he did, though, that he realized the kid was hard, too. “It seems like we have a problem here,” Tyler said.

  “It is only a problem if you make it so,” the kid said. He twisted his head so his mouth was just above Tyler’s. His breath smelled sweet and spicy. His lips brushed Tyler’s so gently the kiss felt like it was taking place in a dream. Tyler lifted his head off the ground and pressed his lips back against the skater’s, his tongue snaking out of his mouth as if it had a will of its own, pressing against the kid’s mouth, then being accepted inside.

  The skater writhed, grinding his body against Tyler’s, rubbing his hard dick along Tyler’s thigh and causing Tyler’s dick to rub against the kid’s naked abdomen. Tyler wrapped his arms around the skater above him, pressing his hands against the kid’s cool skin. “I don’t even know your name,” he panted, when their mouths finally separated.

  “Call me Paco,” the kid said. “And you are?”


  The kid balanced on one hand, snaking the other between his body and Tyler’s to grasp Tyler’s dick through his shorts. After only a few quick jerks, Tyler lost control, giving out a strangled cry as his dick erupted. He released his grip on Paco’s back, and his arms flopped next to him.

  As soon as he let go, Paco jumped up and grabbed his board. He rode it to the far wall and did a complicated jump, grabbing his board in midair, then hopping over the wall. He disappeared into the grove of palm trees next door.

  Tyler lay on the ground, catching his breath. It wasn’t exactly the way he’d anticipated his first time with another guy—he’d thought there would be more conversation, more foreplay, even getting naked together. But even so, it had felt pretty damn good.

  And the boarder was gone, which had been the objective. Given his hasty retreat, it was unlikely he’d be back. Mr. Sbroggio, next door, would be happy. So would Lightner. And Tyler could focus on his schoolwork and his golf. It was good all around.

  Except he couldn’t stop thinking about the taste of the boarder’s lips against his own, the press of his body and the touch of his skin and the way his own dick had erupted with a power that he’d never felt from his own hand.

  A trail of cold semen dripped down his leg, and Tyler realized he needed to clean up. He rose, dusted himself off and trudged back into the house. In the shower, he closed his eyes and imagined Paco there with him. He struggled to remember every detail of Paco’s long, narrow face; his hooded eyes; the way his black hair flowed over his shoulders. As he rubbed his chest with a bar of cheap, white soap, he thought of Paco’s long, slender fingers touching him.

  The boarder had been nearly hairless, except for a wiry thatch surrounding that beautiful uncircumcised dick. Tyler had never seen a hoodie before—in the showers he was always careful to keep his eyes away from other guys’ junk. He was fascinated by it, wanted to touch it, lick it, grab it with his teeth and pull it away.

  His own dick was hard again, and he lathered up his right hand and started jerking himself, tasting Paco’s lips against his own as his body swelled and shook. The force of the orgasm took his breath away, left him slumped against the tiled wall of the shower. He rinsed himself off, careful to avoid getting water on his lips that might wipe away the taste of the handsome skateboarder.

  He sat outside the next evening, hoping Paco would make another appearance. But though he waited from ten o’clock to midnight, the boarder never showed up. Reluctantly, he went in to sleep, and Paco only appeared in his dreams.

  By the time three nights had passed, Tyler had given up. The taste of Paco’s lips against his faded, and he almost believed the amazing sex had been part of a fevered dream. He was lying naked in bed just after midnight, idly stroking his stiff dick, when he heard the telltale sound of Paco’s wheels against the waterfront pavement.

  He jumped up and ran over to the window. In the moonlight he saw the shirtless boarder propelling himself along the walkway, building up speed for a flip and turn. Tyler pulled on his shorts and walked out through the sliding glass door. “I thought we came to an agreement,” he said.

  “You came,” Paco said, laughing. “I agreed to nothing.”

  Hearing the boarder’s sexy Latin accent made Tyler hard again. But he didn’t know what to do. Should he call the cops? Paco would be gone long before the police could arrive. And besides, he didn’t want to chase the kid away—he wanted to kiss him, feel their bodies next to each other, come with an amazing eruption like he had before.

  Looking at Paco closely, Tyler realized the boarder was older than he had first thought—at least a couple of years older than Tyler himself, at twenty. Fine lines around his eyes, the result of too much sun, and a general worldly attitude, made him seem more adult than teenager.

  Paco seemed to care only for skating. He took off, zipping down the sloping walkway that led to the waterfront, then turning once again at the last minute in that twist and flip.

  A light went on in the house next door. Any minute, grumpy old Mr. Sbroggio would show up in his bathrobe yelling, and then he’d call Lightner, and Tyler would get fired. He’d be broke and homeless. He’d have to drop out of school and get a job somewhere.

  Desperation sparked an idea. “You’re pretty good out here where there’s lots of space,” he said to Paco, as the boarder zoomed past him. “But I’ll bet you’d be screwed if you tried to do those tricks inside the house.”

  Paco laughed. “You are right,” he said, pausing, kicking his board up to grab the tip with his hand. “There is no room to skate inside a home.”

  “There is inside this one,” Tyler said. “Long hallways, ramps, extrawide doorways. And there’s almost no furniture inside.”

  Paco looked toward the house. “Really?”

  “You could give it a try,” Tyler s
aid. “But if you’re not up for the challenge…”

  Paco slapped his board back to the ground and turned it toward the open sliding glass door that led to the living room, then kicked off with his right foot. He did a small jump over the track of the sliding door, and disappeared inside.

  Tyler ran over to the door and saw the boarder circling around inside the big empty living room. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, pulling the vertical blinds closed. That should keep things quiet, and Sbroggio wouldn’t be able to complain.

  Paco circled past him, tracing a single finger down Tyler’s chest as he passed. Tyler shivered at the touch. He started after Paco, but when the boarder reached the hallway he took off down it.

  Tyler chased after him. The hall was wide enough that Paco could make a complete turn as he reached the end and then return toward Tyler. This time, though, as the boarder passed, Tyler grabbed him by the waist and pulled him off the board.

  The kid’s forward motion propelled both of them back against the wall, slamming Paco’s bare chest against Tyler’s. “We always seem to end up like this,” Paco said. He brushed his lips against Tyler’s once again.

  Tyler dug his hands under the waistband of Paco’s shorts, grabbing the globes of his ass and pressing the boarder close. Once again, Paco began pressing and rubbing his body against Tyler’s. But this time Tyler wasn’t going to settle for a quick body rub and hand job. He hoisted the skinny boarder up off the floor, flipping him right over his shoulder.

  He stumbled for a moment as Paco said, “Oyez!”

  Then Tyler walked down the hall as Paco traced patterns on his bare back. He navigated the wide doorway to the bedroom easily and stepped across the floor to the king-sized bed. He flopped Paco roughly onto the bed, then stood over him. His hard-on tented his shorts, and he pushed them to the floor and stepped out of them.

  A slice of moonlight came through the big window and bathed the beautiful man on the bed in silver. Tyler got a good view of his sinuous tattoos, how they climbed around his legs and disappeared into his pubic hair. The boarder was sex in its purest form.

  But Tyler hesitated, paralyzed by fear. What was he going to do next? Paco hadn’t said anything as Tyler carried him down the hall, and now he simply rested there against the pillows, a half smile on his face.

  “I have never met a man who could carry me,” Paco said. “You are as strong as you are handsome.” He looked up at Tyler, then at the bed next to him. “You are going to stay there? You are beautiful to look at, but I would rather hold you with my hands than my eyes.”

  All the tension in Tyler released, and he dropped down on the bed next to Paco. As soon as he did, the boarder flipped over on top of him, pressing his arms against the mattress, kissing him and grinding his hips against Tyler.

  “Not so fast, cowboy,” Tyler said, pressing back against Paco, throwing the boarder onto his back and mounting him. “We’re playing by my rules now.” He skinned down Paco’s shorts and his bikini briefs, freeing his stiff, uncircumcised dick to slap back against his belly. Then he leaned down and clamped his lips around it.

  “Ay, dios mio,” Paco groaned, as Tyler sucked the dick down. It was the first time he’d ever had a dick in his mouth, though he’d dreamed of it long enough. He gagged and pulled back, gasping for breath, but then went right back down. Paco’s dick was spongier than Tyler had anticipated, the hood thicker, the skin rougher. It tasted tangy, like fresh mozzarella cheese or the brine used to soak olives.

  Did every guy taste this way, he wondered? Did he? He buried his nose in Paco’s pubic hair and inhaled deeply, then licked his way all around the base of Paco’s dick. Then he took the whole dick back in his mouth and sucked as hard as he could, and Paco squirmed beneath him.

  He released the bobbing dick and looked up at Paco’s handsome face. Paco reached for him, humping his hips up in silent need. Tyler scooted forward and lay on top of the naked boarder, kissing him deeply. He pressed his body against Paco’s, feeling an overwhelming urge to dominate this man beneath him. It felt primal, as if his desire welled up from some deep place inside him that he had ignored for too long.

  Paco tried to move, but his shorts were snarled around his ankles, caught by his sneakers, and he couldn’t get his legs in the right position.

  “Yeah, how do you like it now, stud,” Tyler said, grinding his thigh against Paco’s stiff dick.

  “I like it like this,” Paco said, grabbing Tyler’s hips, raising them up, and trying to slide his dick beneath Tyler and up into his ass.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Tyler said. “Not without a condom.”

  “I have, in my shorts,” Paco panted.

  Tyler leaned down and nibbled Paco’s chin. “You always carry a condom when you go skateboarding?” he asked.

  “Not always,” Paco said. He grabbed Tyler’s head, twisted it sideways and stuck his tongue in Tyler’s left ear. “Only when I think I will see you.”

  “Mmm,” Tyler said. He pulled back from Paco and twisted his body around so that his dick was at the boarder’s mouth. He took Paco’s dick in his mouth again and began licking and sucking it, teasing the foreskin with his teeth. The taste was saltier now, overlaid with Paco’s sweat, and it acted like an aphrodisiac to Tyler, wiping away any inhibitions he still held.

  Paco was a much more experienced cocksucker than Tyler; he took Tyler’s dick in his mouth and began swallowing it to the root, then Hoovering back up to the very tip. Tyler reached down to the boarder’s crumpled shorts, struggling to find the condom Paco said was there. As he bent, he felt Paco’s finger penetrating his ass, and he jumped. Paco impaled him with that finger, and Tyler felt an electric shock travel through his body, making his dick pulse. “Oh, god,” he said, struggling to master his breath.

  He found the packet, ripped the top off and pulled the limp circle out, as Paco increased his rhythm on Tyler’s dick. With effort, Tyler pulled his dick away, turning his body once again. He held the limp latex sheath in his hand and felt confused. How did this work? Did he stretch it open, slide it down?

  Paco sensed his confusion and took the condom from him. Tyler watched in fascination as Paco stretched the opening, then slid it over his erect dick. “See, mi amor?” he said. “This is how you do it. But we must have some lubricant.”

  “Hand lotion?” Tyler asked.

  “Si,” Paco said.

  Tyler jumped up off the bed, then hesitated. “You’re not going to leave, are you?”

  Paco laughed and pointed to his stiff dick bobbing back and forth. “You think I will leave before you have satisfied me?”

  “Guess not,” Tyler said. He dashed into the bathroom, grabbed the hand-lotion dispenser, then rushed back into the bedroom, relieved to see Paco still there. He hopped back on the bed and squeezed some lotion into his hand. He rubbed it up and down Paco’s dick, and the boarder moaned.

  “Turn around,” Paco said. “Bring me your ass.”

  With hesitation, Tyler turned awkwardly on the bed, presenting his ass to Paco. “Ay, que lindo,” Paco said. “What a beautiful sight.” He squeezed some lotion into his hand and traced his finger down Tyler’s crack. Tyler shivered at the boarder’s touch and his dick pulsed with pleasure. “You like this?” Paco said softly.

  “Yes,” Tyler breathed. He had never imagined such pleasure, never known his ass could feel so good. Then he felt Paco’s finger penetrate him once more, this time coated in creamy lotion, and the pleasure intensified. “Oh,” he said. “Oh, man.”

  “Lie down next to me,” Paco said. “With your back to me.”

  Tyler whimpered as Paco removed his finger but did as he was told. “Take a deep breath,” Paco instructed, and Tyler did. Paco placed his hand on Tyler’s hip, positioning him. “I am going to enter you now,” he said.

  Tyler nodded into the pillow and sensed the head of Paco’s dick at his ass. Then he felt a searing pain as the boarder pushed past his anal ring, and he yelped, clenching his mouth and
his eyes. “Relax, mi amor,” Paco said. “Take it easy, let the pleasure rise.”

  Paco snaked his hand up to Tyler’s chest and rubbed circles around his left nipple. “Keep breathing, mi amor,” Paco said. Tyler felt Paco so close behind him, his dick so big inside Tyler’s ass. But as he lay there, trying to breathe, the pain eased, and a fire began building inside him. Tentatively, he pushed back toward Paco, and the boarder’s dick slid a centimeter farther up his ass.

  “Ah, you are liking it,” Paco murmured against Tyler’s back. He pulled slowly back from Tyler, whose body shivered as the waves of heat coursed through him. He felt the boarder’s dick slide out along the walls of his ass, until it was almost free.

  Slowly, carefully, Paco began a rhythm, pressing in and then out of Tyler’s ass.

  Tyler’s desire rose, and he began to slam back, his own yelp matching Paco’s.

  In and out, in and out. Tears pooled at the corners of Tyler’s eyes and sweat streamed down his back. Paco moved behind him, their two bodies joined, then as Paco neared climax he grabbed Tyler’s dick and began jerking him. The two of them came together, both howling and thrashing.

  Tyler released his ass’s hold on Paco’s dick and slumped to the bed next to him. “That was amazing,” he gulped. “I never… I never thought it would be…”

  “It was your first?” Paco said.

  “Well, you pulling my dick was my first,” Tyler said. “This was my second.”

  “I am honored to have been your first,” Paco said. “Mine was not so nice, back in my country, Peru. It was six years ago, just before I come here, when I was sixteen. A very bad man caught me skating at his warehouse. He beat me and then he fucked me. And then he cut me.”

  He pointed to his legs, where Tyler had first noticed his sinuous tattoos. Looking closely he could see that they covered a series of scars. “I’m sorry,” Tyler said.

  “Is why I come to this country.” He reached his arm around Tyler and pulled him close. Tyler rested his head on Paco’s chest and closed his eyes.

  When Tyler woke in the morning Paco was gone. But the bed was still warm next to him, his ass was sore, and his own sperm was caked against his groin. It had definitely not been a dream.


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