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Skater Boys

Page 15

by Neil Plakcy

  Douglas placed an arm behind his head. “DuBose?”


  “Thanks for coming to see me at the jail. I was going nuts.”

  “Yeah, I could tell.”

  Douglas sniffled, then swallowed. He shifted his weight and his leg pressed Carter’s. Extending his arm, Douglas rested it on Carter’s pillow, the underside of his wrist touching the crown of Carter’s head.

  Carter stared at the ceiling, flexing his toes. What was Douglas up to?



  “They hurt me in jail; I’m raw and sore down below, but…”


  “You can touch me in front if you want; it’s okay.”

  Carter’s belly fluttered. Douglas was offering himself, but why? And how should he, Carter, respond?

  Shifting to his side and facing Douglas, Carter bent an elbow and rested his head against the heel of his hand. “You don’t have to do this, Douglas; you don’t owe me anything.”

  Reaching for Carter’s hand, Douglas placed it between his thighs. Douglas’s cock was stiff, as thick as a broom handle. Carter wrapped his fingers around the shaft while his heart hammered his rib cage. He thought, Holy crap…

  Douglas cleared his throat. “You want to suck me off?”

  “Are you serious?”

  Douglas bobbed his chin. “You said you’re gay, right?”

  “Yeah, but are you? “

  Douglas moved his shoulders. “Stuff happened in jail—please don’t ask what ’cause I don’t want to say—but maybe I’m not who I thought I was.”

  Carter puckered one side of his face. “I don’t understand.”

  Douglas shifted position. His face came close to touching Carter’s and he whispered, “I got hard, DuBose, most every time a guy touched me, and I came when I got raped. Why is that? I feel so…ashamed.”

  The boys kept quiet a few moments, Carter’s fingers still wrapped around Douglas’s cock, a connection that seemed important right then. Again, Douglas sniffled and moonlight reflected in a tear sliding down his cheek. He brought his lips to Carter’s ear. “I’m sorry I called you a faggot.”

  “It’s okay.”

  Douglas reached for Carter’s temple and he stroked it with his thumb. “Do you like me, DuBose?”

  “Yeah, of course I do. I always have.”

  “Then go ahead: satisfy yourself…and me too.”

  Carter’s voice cracked when he spoke. “All right,” was all he could manage. His body shook so hard the bed wobbled. Why did it take jail, he thought, to bring us to this point?

  Douglas pulled aside the sheet and blanket and Carter changed position, so that he knelt between Douglas’s thighs. He lowered his face to Douglas’s groin, trying to recall exactly how the man in the park had gone about things. The scent of Douglas’s crotch sweat was pungent, and when Carter retracted Douglas’s foreskin a cheddar aroma hit Carter’s nostrils like a whiff of ammonia.

  It surprised Carter that he found Douglas’s various stinks arousing, but he clearly did. His pulse raced and his cock tingled.

  I guess I’m a first-class faggot.

  The head of Douglas’s cock was bullet shaped and Carter took it into his mouth, savoring its salty taste. He formed a seal with his lips, taking care to cover his teeth before bobbing his head, applying pressure with his tongue and getting a rhythm, his spit smacking. A few minutes passed, then he switched to Douglas’s ball sac, taking one testicle at a time into his mouth, sucking each gently.

  Douglas groaned, ran his fingers through Carter’s hair and played with Carter’s ears. He whispered, “It feels good, DuBose—very nice—and I like the fuckin’ music, too.”

  In the darkness, Carter giggled. Douglas liked Mahler? The night was full of surprises.

  Carter returned his attention to Douglas’s cock. He sucked and slurped, and very soon Douglas’s body tensed and he bucked his hips. His chest heaved and his cock throbbed inside Carter’s mouth, then Douglas shot semen into Carter’s throat, four or five jets that nearly gagged Carter as he swallowed the stuff. The saline taste of Douglas’s seed and the weight of his swollen cock on Carter’s tongue thrilled Carter in a way the incident in the park had not.

  After all, this was Douglas.

  He is giving himself to me in a very private way, Carter told himself. It’s a sort of surrender, isn’t it?

  Carter reached between his own legs. He touched himself and his nuts moved in their sac, alive and tingling. A clicking noise sounded inside his head, and in seconds his cock spewed the inside of his boxers with sticky liquid. His body jerked each time he came, his heart thumped and for a moment he thought he might faint.

  Jesus, Carter thought, this is the best moment of my life.

  When his pulse slowed and his breathing relaxed, Carter let Douglas’s cock slip from his mouth. Changing position, he lay next to Douglas and placed his cheek upon Douglas’s muscled chest. He draped an arm across Douglas’s belly. The Mahler symphony neared its conclusion, and Carter drew a deep breath, hearing Douglas’s heartbeat.

  Tha-wump. Tha-wump.

  Carter listened to Douglas breathe while he savored Douglas’s rankness. A cloud passed before the moon and the room darkened.

  Douglas ran his fingers through Carter’s hair. “That was nice, DuBose. You’re not like the guys in the jail; you’re gentle. Just like I knew you would be.”

  Carter’s eyes itched and he found it tough to swallow.

  Douglas toyed with Carter’s ear. “Thanks again, DuBose, for being my friend.”

  Carter kissed Douglas’s pectoral. He whispered, “Good night,” then he returned his cheek to Douglas’s chest. He felt special, lying with Douglas like this. The moment, he knew, was one he would never forget

  Closing his eyes, Carter drew a breath. He recalled his discussion with Douglas under the overpass, the smell of rain and a tangerine glow from mercury lamps. How long ago had it been?

  Much had changed since then, so many things had happened.

  Douglas and Carter shifted position so they lay spoon style, Carter’s back meeting Douglas’s chest. Wrapping an arm around Carter’s skinny waist, Douglas kissed the top of Carter’s head. Each boy breathed in darkness, thinking private thoughts.

  Above them, clouds parted and the moon reappeared. It cast a silver rhombus upon Carter’s bedroom carpet, but neither boy noticed.

  Both Douglas and Carter had drifted into sleep.


  Stephen Osborne

  The blond boy flew up the ramp, his long hair spraying out in all directions. Gavin wondered how he could see what he was doing with the long locks partially obscuring his face. The boy hit air and spun around. Gavin thought he looked like a wild Muppet, all bony arms and legs. Still, the kid was impressive. He moved like the board was magnetically clamped to the soles of his Vans.

  Gavin looked down at his monitor. The long hair worked in his favor. Not being able to see the kid’s face most of the time was actually a godsend. The camera could come in fairly close without anyone being able to tell that the kid on the skateboard wasn’t porn star Billy Wylde.

  Good for the kid. Who would want to look like Wylde? Wylde had a good body and had kept his trademark blond hair long since he’d become a fan favorite in the film Ghost Fuckers, but years of partying and drugs had ravaged the man’s face. If it had been up to Gavin, Wylde wouldn’t even be in the film. Who was going to believe Wylde was a twenty-year-old skater punk? Hell, the man looked over thirty, even though he was four years short of that mark.

  Danny, the cameraman, followed the action as the blond kid, Brian, landed perfectly. Gavin, eyeing the monitor, saw Brian perform a quick heel flip before skidding to a stop.

  The kid ran a hand over his face to get the hair out of his eyes. “How was that?” he asked.

  Gavin looked up from the monitor, a grin on his face. “Excellent,” he said. “Just what we needed. Thank you.” He looked over t
o where his other skater, Kye, was resting. Kye, a muscular young black man with bleached white hair, was sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette. Kye was bare-chested and wore baggy tan shorts, floppy gray socks and Chuck Taylors that had been mended with duct tape. He let out a puff of smoke, a frown on his handsome face. It was hard to tell which was smoldering more, Kye or the cigarette.

  The black man grunted. “Still don’t see why the fuck you don’t just use us for the rest of the movie. I seen that dude I’m doubling for, and he ain’t shit. My cock is bigger than his any day.”

  In truth, Gavin would have been perfectly happy using both Kye and Brian for the rest of the film. Both were better looking than his actual stars and easier to get along with. Gavin also was curious about the size of Kye’s meat. When the young man had been skating, Gavin thought he’d caught sight of a boner showing through Kye’s tan shorts. It may have just been a trick of the light, but if it wasn’t then Kye was extraordinarily blessed.

  “You do realize,” Gavin said, “that this is a gay fuck film. Even if I could use you instead of the guys under contract, you’d have to be doing a guy.”

  Brian sauntered over, his board resting on his shoulder. He sported a cheeky grin. “Hell, pay me enough I’ll stick my dick wherever you want, dude.”

  Gavin raised his eyebrows and shot the blond-haired kid an appraising look. Brian was wearing a wife-beater T-shirt that was at least a size too small, torn jean shorts, long white socks and scuffed black Vans. The boy was pretty hot, although Gavin generally didn’t like long hair on his men. “Maybe next time, boys.”

  Gavin heard Paul, the sound guy, mutter under his breath, “Hell, I’d pay to see that.”

  The idea crossed Gavin’s mind to take the boys up on their offer. It would be a hot scene. He could picture Kye shoving his big cock into the blond boy’s ass, both of them sweating and moaning. No. Kye had already colored his hair to match Renalto Mars’s trademark hairdo, and two black men with bleached white hair in the same movie would be questionable. The producers would never go for it. When shooting porn, it was important to offer a wide variety of types, or at least that was the mantra of Gavin’s bosses.

  Gavin decided to shoot one last, brief scene. After all, these were only meant to be establishing shots, to fix in the viewer’s mind that his stars, Wylde and Mars, were skaters. Gavin didn’t want to waste a lot of time here when there was so much of the hard-core stuff left to be filmed.

  They set up the last shot of the day, with Kye doing some moves on the ramp. When they were done, Kye skated over to Gavin, the cigarette still hanging out of his mouth. Just before he reached the director, Kye bent slightly and then maneuvered the board so that it flipped around under him as he rolled along. When Gavin’s eyebrows raised in appreciation, Kye smirked. “That fucking move is called a pop shuv-it.”

  “Shove it?” Gavin repeated.

  Kye’s eyes twinkled. “If you fucking want me to, I will.”

  Back in his hotel room, Gavin took a sip of the minibar scotch. For hotel room booze, it wasn’t bad. He tipped the plastic cup and drank more, enjoying the warm burn that went down his throat and warmed his insides.

  He used the remote and switched off the television. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he closed his eyes and tried to empty his mind. The day’s shoot had gone well, thanks in no small part to Kye and Brian. The two young men had enjoyed being in front of the camera and had provided Gavin with plenty of footage.

  Now would come the hard part: filming the sex scenes with Wylde and Mars. Fucking divas, Gavin thought to himself. If only they knew how lucky they were to be in this fucking film. Now that most people got their porn off the Internet, actual fuck films were going the way of the dinosaur. Soon Mars and Wylde would be out-of-work porno stars.

  “It’s all amateur stuff now,” Gavin said aloud. The room was too quiet and the sound of his voice sounded odd. He drained the rest of the scotch and plopped back onto the bed. Gavin felt extraordinarily tired, even though the day had been fairly uneventful. This would be his last porn film, he promised himself. He’d go back to commercials after this. Dogs and snot-nosed kids were easier to deal with than the likes of Billy-fucking-Wylde.

  Shame he couldn’t have used his two skater punks instead, he thought. Gavin smiled, thinking of Brian and Kye naked and fucking. They would be untamed animals, he was quite sure.

  Gavin closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

  The next thing he was aware of was a knock at his door. He sat up, momentarily disoriented. Gavin shook his head and realized he had dozed off. He looked at his wrist but he had taken off his watch earlier, and he couldn’t recall offhand what he’d done with it. What time was it? The curtains were closed, but there was no light coming through the cracks so it was night. It felt late. Who the hell would be pounding on his hotel room door?

  “Who is it?” Gavin’s voice was heavy and slurred, more from sleep than the booze.

  “Your fucking stars, dude,” came the reply.

  Great, Gavin thought. The last people he wanted to see tonight were Mars and Wylde. He frowned, though, trying to pin the voice to either of the actors. It certainly hadn’t been Wylde who’d spoken. Must have been Renalto Mars. “Just a second,” Gavin called out. The now empty plastic cup had fallen onto the floor when he’d fallen asleep. He scooped it up and tossed it toward the waste can next to the dresser. It hit the rim and bounced onto the floor. Fuck it, Gavin thought. Just the way my life is going. Can’t even hit a basket three feet away.

  He got up and opened the door. The bright light of the corridor made him blink. It wasn’t his porn stars standing there, though, but the two kids he’d hired for the skating shots, Kye and Brian. They were dressed as they had been earlier and had apparently been skating most of the time since he’d seen them. Their bodies glistened with sweat, and both guys had a musky smell about them. Brian had apparently suffered a tumble, as he sported a slight scrape across his left cheek and both his knees and elbows were skinned.

  Kye flashed Gavin a cocky smile. “We thought we’d give you another fucking chance.”

  Standing slightly behind Kye, Brian nodded. “We figure we’re better at fucking than any porn stars you’ve ever worked with.”

  Gavin found himself smiling even as he shook his head. “I appreciate the offer, boys, but I couldn’t use you even if I wanted. I’ve got contracts with the other guys. Besides, I really don’t think you know what you’d be getting yourselves into.”

  Kye pushed past Gavin, using his skateboard to shove the door open farther. “Think we don’t know how to fuck?” he asked.

  “I’m sure you do,” Gavin said. He held the door open for Brian, who made sure he brushed up against Gavin as he entered. Gavin closed the door quickly. He followed the boys over to the minibar, where Kye was helping himself to one of the small bottles of scotch. The black man unscrewed the top and took a long swig. He glared at the bottle as if it had bitten him. “This fucking shit sucks,” he said.

  Brian sat down on the bed, bouncing on the mattress slightly as if he was a little kid. He dropped his board onto the floor and rested his feet on it, rocking it back and forth. “So you don’t think we’ve got what it takes to be in your fuck film?”

  Gavin swallowed hard. The sight of the tightly muscled blond sitting on his bed was creating quite a stir in his loins. “It’s not that, it’s…”

  The director’s sentence was interrupted as Kye came up behind him. The skater grabbed Gavin from behind and hugged him tightly, pressing his crotch up against Gavin’s butt. Gavin could feel Kye’s hard cock pushing against the soft flesh of his ass. “What if we fucking show ya?” Kye asked.

  Brian’s hand moved to the zipper of his shorts. As he slowly opened his fly, he said with a smirk, “We better warn ya, though. Kye and I like it rough. So if you don’t want to do this, now would be the time to speak up.”

  Gavin hesitated. Of course he wanted these two guys, who wouldn’t? But would having se
x with them, in their minds, obligate him to using them further in his movie?

  The boys must have taken his lack of response as a yes, for suddenly Brian pulled his cock out. At the same moment Kye roughly bent Gavin forward, shoving his face close to the blond’s stiff pole. Gavin felt Kye’s strong hands grip the back of his head, forcing his face into Brian’s crotch. “Suck that dick,” Kye commanded. “Suck it like the bitch you are.”

  Gavin took Brian’s cock greedily into his mouth. God, it tasted good. The blond stud bucked his hips, shoving more of the thick meat down Gavin’s eager throat. Brian leaned back with a moan, allowing his elbows to support him. “Nothing I like better than a hot blow job,” he muttered.

  Kye used more force, making Gavin take in the rest of Brian’s dick. “All the way, fucker. Deep-throat that cock.”

  Gavin had to force himself not to gag. He willed his throat muscles to relax as his nose nuzzled Brian’s thick and slightly musky smelling pubic hair. Kye kept his hands on Gavin’s head, guiding him up and down the blond’s shaft. Gavin would have been more comfortable kneeling in front of Brian and sucking him rather than awkwardly bent over, but he wasn’t about to complain.

  Without warning Kye pulled Gavin upright. His mouth made a slurping sound sliding off Brian’s dick. “Now the fun begins,” Kye growled.

  In seconds, Brian and Kye shucked off their shorts. Gavin nearly gasped as he saw the true size of Kye’s erect cock. It was a monster. Gavin licked his lips in anticipation. The boys, now naked except for their shoes and socks, suddenly grabbed Gavin and began ripping off his clothes. Buttons popped and fabric tore, but Gavin barely noticed. When they had him totally nude Brian grabbed him roughly and pulled him onto the bed. Gavin was reeling, not only from being manhandled, but also from the sheer primal force the two young men were generating. They were no longer human beings. They were animals. And Gavin was loving it.

  As Gavin was being shoved around on the bed by Brian, he noticed that Kye had picked up his discarded shorts and was rummaging in the pockets. The black man pulled out a baggy and at first Gavin assumed it contained weed, but then he saw it held several condoms and a small bottle of lube.


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