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Page 12

by Katie Reus

  “Where?” She sat on the edge of the mattress but didn’t make an attempt to get up. She knew she was in a house and so far she’d only seen one or two captors. Everyone stayed masked though. And she knew there were more men. Maybe a dozen. But they didn’t hover in the house. She usually heard them outside, probably as they watched the perimeter of wherever she was.

  “You don’t ask questions. Come now.” He took a few steps in the room, impatience in every line of his body.

  At this point she knew she had few options. These men wanted to kill Andre. She couldn’t allow that. He was a good man, but the darkest part of her knew she needed him to get to Yasha. The thought alone made her feel shitty, but she would have her vengeance. Right now she had the fact that these kidnappers needed her alive. So even if she failed in her attempt to escape, she didn’t think they’d kill her. At least not right away.

  Knowing that, she steeled herself for what she had to do and stood. She stuck out her bottom lip in what she knew was a sensual pout. She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing up her breasts in the process. “Where are we going?” She put a little extra whine into the question.

  The man let out an exasperated sigh and took another step forward. He held out an arm. “You come now. No more questions.”

  Sighing, she stepped closer to him but instead of walking past him, sidled up to him, pressing her body to his as she laid her hands on his chest. “No one will tell me anything,” she murmured, stroking her fingers down his chest.

  He stilled, his eyes going wide. With a mask on it was hard to read him, but his eyes gave him away. “Ah…” He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced toward the entryway, as if looking for someone.

  She took the only opportunity she might have. Striking out fast and hard, she punched him in the throat. Collapsing someone’s trachea was hard to do and she didn’t know if she’d done it now.

  The man stumbled back, one hand flying to his throat as he swung out at her with a fist.

  She ducked and kicked out at his knee instead of going for his groin. Men always seemed to expect that. She heard the crack, rejoiced in the sound.

  A gasping, hoarse noise escaped his throat, but he didn’t cry out as he fell. Oh yeah, she’d damaged his throat good.

  Adrenaline pumped through her as she attacked again, jumping onto his back as he started to fall forward. Despite his injuries he was reaching for his holstered weapon.

  She wrapped her arm around his neck, cutting off his blood supply. Her uncle had taught her this move. One of many he’d taught her.

  The man grabbed onto her arm, digging his fingers into her skin, but she tightened her grip. Ten seconds was all she needed and he was too weak to truly fight.

  Eventually he fell limp against her, but she continued holding him, needing to make sure he was down. He might regain consciousness after this, he might not. She wasn’t sticking around to find out.

  After another thirty seconds she let him go. As he slumped to the floor she pulled his weapon from the side holster and chambered a round. She’d only have a small window to get the hell out of here now.

  Moving quickly she patted him down and found a set of keys for a Chevy. SUV she guessed. Palming them, she jumped to her feet, pistol in hand. Her heart was a wild thump against her chest as she stepped into the hallway. It was lined with more open beams of wood.

  She hurried down it, looking for a way out. Going on foot wasn’t an option, she needed to find the vehicle. It would be armored. These guys had planned this kidnapping well and wouldn’t leave something like that to chance. Not after that insane attack on Andre’s vehicles.

  The layout of the house was easy enough. As she reached what would be a kitchen given the cutouts in the frames, she heard a door open somewhere.

  “Where the fuck are you? Come on man!”

  Damn it. She didn’t want to use the gun because it would be loud and draw attention, but she would if she had to.

  Blood rushing in her ears, she pushed open a door without a knob and breathed a sigh of relief to see a black SUV sitting in the three-car garage.

  Moving quickly and quietly, she stepped into it and shut the door behind her. Not bothering to try the garage door opener since she doubted this place had electricity, she raced to the SUV and slid into the driver’s seat.

  Her hands were shaking as she put her foot on the brake and pressed the start button. She liked the newer model vehicles that didn’t need keys. The engine roared to life and she gunned it, flying through the shut garage door without pause.

  No one was in the driveway as she barreled through, sending debris flying everywhere. Someone shouted behind her, a man, as she flew into the street. Someone was running after her from the busted up garage.

  She swung a sharp left and pressed the OnStar button. She was getting help.

  * * *

  Declan answered his cell when he saw Odell’s number. “You got a visual on the satellite yet?”

  “Alena’s escaped,” Nika said. “I’m using Odell’s phone because she’s on my line.”

  His fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “Are you sure?” His gut told him she was telling the truth, but the last woman he’d trusted had turned out to be a bigger liar than he could have imagined.

  “Of course I’m sure. She just called me. Odell’s talking to one of your guys. He said you have a team or something near a neighborhood you thought she was being held at.” There was a hint of accusation in her voice, but he ignored it.

  “Let me talk to Odell. Now.” He turned to Clay who was in the passenger seat. “Contact the team. Tell them potential change of plans—Odell, what’s going on?” he asked as his friend came on the line.

  “Alena called her sister from a vehicle. It was easy enough to trace the number. It’s linked to an SUV’s communications system. She doesn’t know where she is, but I located the vehicle through the GPS. She’s about two blocks from London and Cash. Same area we thought she was being held. I’ve told them to find and follow her. She’s either got men after her or will soon.”

  “If you can trace that vehicle, her kidnappers can too. If they’re not already on her trail. Nika needs to tell her to go with our guys. She won’t listen to anyone but her sister.”

  “Agreed. Hold on.”

  After Odell relayed the information to Nika, Declan called London and Cash just to confirm. They already had a visual on Alena. Said an SUV had come barreling out of the neighborhood and they’d followed.

  As soon as they disconnected, he radioed the team driving behind him. “Head back to base now. Mission aborted.” He’d explain everything later, but for now that was all anyone needed to know.

  Declan met Andre’s gaze in the rearview mirror. The man had been unusually silent. “Looks like these guys made a mistake.”

  Andre simply nodded, relief in his expression.

  Declan was relieved too. Unfortunately Yasha had been brought into this equation now. The last thing Declan could afford to do was leave either sister alone with Yasha. Now that the opportunity had presented itself he doubted the sisters would pass it up if they truly intended to go after the criminal. If he could get Yasha out of the house without any further contact with the women, he might be able to neutralize whatever Alena and Nika’s plans were.

  Chapter 14

  Nika waited in the marble foyer of Andre’s home, barely able to contain herself. Energy hummed through her at the thought of seeing her sister in a few minutes. Alena was alive and safe. Odell hadn’t told Yasha, who was apparently making himself at home in Andre’s place. He was in the pool house she’d heard¸ but she didn’t care.

  Odell, who was standing next to her, was talking into his mic. He had an earpiece in and had been conversing with someone. Maybe Declan, she couldn’t be sure.

  “Your sister is here. Pulling down the drive now.” He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and squeezed once.

  “Thank you for tracking her down. What you did back there,
” she said, referring to the magic he’d done on the computer, “was freaking amazing. Thank you sounds stupid, but it’s all I have.”

  To her surprise he seemed flustered and just grunted a non-response. He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck as if embarrassed.

  Before she could say anything else the front door opened. Alena stepped inside, looking rumpled but okay.

  A smile split her face when she saw Nika. Nika didn’t care if she made a scene as she raced for her sister and pulled Alena into a big hug. “I thought I’d lost you!”

  “I’m okay.”

  “You’re sure?” she asked quietly, mindful of the men who were spilling into the foyer. “I know what you said, but…did they hurt you? I saw the video.” Nika’s voice broke on the last word. She’d been so damn terrified.

  A harsh laugh escaped as Alena pulled back. “That was all for show. They bound my wrists and strung me up in a garage for about ten minutes. After that they dumped me in a room. I had to pee in a bucket and they didn’t even let me take a shower,” she grumbled.

  Nika snorted. “It could have been worse.” Even thinking about how bad it could have been made her stomach roil.

  Expression turning grim, Alena nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Come on ladies,” Odell said, motioning to both of them. “I’m sure you’re hungry or thirsty. Or both.” It was directed at Alena, concern in the man’s face.

  “Water would be really good,” her sister said gratefully.

  He started to usher them in the direction of the kitchen, but paused. Nika could tell he was listening to someone on his earpiece. “Head to the kitchen. Declan and Andre are almost here,” he said almost absently, turning away from them and heading back for the front of the mansion.

  Once they were alone in the kitchen, Nika grasped Alena’s hands. Instinctively she lowered her voice. “Yasha is here. He’s in Andre’s pool house right now I think.”

  Alena’s expression went hard, her body pulling taut with tension. “What?”

  “From what I can tell, Andre and his father do not get along, but he had to borrow some of the money for your ransom from Yasha.”

  Surprise flickered across Alena’s face. The bruise on the side of it had turned a faint shade of purple, but did nothing to distract from her beauty. “How much were those guys asking?”

  “Twenty million in cash and bonds.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “And Andre was willing to pay it?”

  “Yes. We’ve got to call this off or find another way to get to Yasha. This is getting to be insane. We can’t use Andre anymore.” Nika’s conscience could only handle so much. Not to mention her recent involvement with Declan.

  “Forget it. This is perfect,” her sister whispered through clenched teeth.

  “Andre was willing to pay twenty million dollars to get you back. We need to walk away, now. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” The man had been willing to save her sister. Nika didn’t like owing anyone anything, but she owed Andre everything. He might not have actually saved Alena, but he’d been willing to. That meant something.

  Alena ignored Nika’s plea. “Are you having…dreams?”

  “No, well, yes, visions.” She’d never imagined that she’d consider her dreams of Declan more disturbing than dreams of the future.

  “About Yasha?”

  She wanted to lie but the truth was she hadn’t had any about the man. And she couldn’t tell if the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach was pure guilt or more than that. Her emotions were on too much of a rollercoaster. “No.”

  “Then I don’t see what the problem is. If we do this right, Andre will never know anyway. It’s going to look like an accident. You worry too much.”

  “And you don’t worry enough.” Nika hated the feeling of utter powerlessness surging through her. She’d just gotten Alena back, she didn’t want her sister to willingly put herself in danger now.

  Before she could continue the door opened and Declan and Andre walked in. Her chest constricted when she made eye contact with Declan. There was something raw and possessive in his gaze and she felt it all the way to her core.

  Yasha Makarov be damned. At this point, she was ready to pack up and leave. Everything about this was too personal. When her sister had poisoned the Lazarev brothers, the two of them hadn’t spent any time with the men. They hadn’t gotten to know them. Not that it would have mattered if they had. She wasn’t sorry they were dead, but she didn’t like using someone the way they were using Andre. It made her feel dirty. So far she’d been able to compartmentalize their actions, but this…this was different. Andre wasn’t the monster his father was. She wasn’t sure if using him made them just as bad as Yasha. No, they weren’t even on the same level, but it still felt wrong.

  Not to mention Declan was involved in this and she wasn’t sure what to do with her feelings for him. There was no way she could compartmentalize what he made her feel.

  “Alena.” Andre said the word like a prayer as he crossed to her. “I’m so sorry. This is my fault—”

  Alena cut him off almost immediately. “Stop, please. I’m okay and that’s all that matters.”

  While Andre murmured a few soothing words to her sister, Nika took a step in Declan’s direction. She didn’t want to eavesdrop on something that was so personal. As she neared Declan she felt more grounded. For some inexplicable reason, she was more in control of her senses around the sexy man. Sure, he made her nervous as hell, but he knew about her gift and he didn’t think she was crazy. “Did you find out anything about the kidnappers? Where they are?”

  “No, but we’re searching the area your sister escaped from now.” He cleared his throat and focused his attention on Alena. “Ms. Brennan, I know you’ve been through a lot but I have some questions for you.”

  With Andre hovering protectively over her, Alena pushed back a stray lock of hair and nodded. “I’ll tell you whatever I can.”

  “Do you need medical care?” he asked.

  “No, but I should tell you that I killed someone. A man. When I was escaping. Or I think I did, I don’t know if he’s actually dead. I didn’t stick around to find out.”

  Next to her, Andre stiffened, looking surprised right before guilt bled into his expression.

  “How?” Declan asked.

  “I punched him in his trachea. I might have collapsed it but I’m not sure. After choking him into unconsciousness I stole his gun and keys and ran.”

  For a moment Declan looked thoughtful, but just nodded. “Do you know where you were being held?”

  “Not really. It was a house, but not finished. I drove an SUV right through a garage door. There wasn’t anyone out on the streets and all the yards had wildly overgrown grass. I guess the neighborhood was abandoned. I drove a little like a crazy person trying to find an escape. Then your guys found me.” She pressed her face against Andre’s chest for a moment and Nika knew her sister well enough that she wasn’t acting.

  Nika could tell that Alena actually cared for him, even if she didn’t want to admit it.

  Declan didn’t pause in his questioning. “Did you see any of their faces?”

  “No, they were very careful to wear masks but I did overhear them talking before I escaped. One man was angry that the guy in charge wouldn’t let the other men, well, rape me. He didn’t say the actual words, but I understood the intent. More than once I heard the men talking outside the house I was in. Sometimes in another language. I don’t know what it was, but it was harsh sounding.”

  Nika’s vision funneled for a moment after the word rape. The thought of anyone hurting her sister like that made her want to vomit.

  “Do you remember any of the words?” Declan asked.

  “No, but I think it was possibly Russian. The man I think was in charge was angry at Andre for something. He didn’t explain it, but it was obvious he hates him—you.” She glanced at Andre, who remained silent. Alena quickly looked back at Declan. “I don’t think he planned to kill m
e, but he definitely wanted Andre to die. He told the other man he wanted to take his money and make him suffer. His voice was really raspy too, like he was a smoker.”

  “What you said about punching one of your captors in the trachea, can you run through everything from that point?” Declan asked.

  They all listened quietly as she relayed everything.

  Declan glanced at Nika as Alena finished. And Nika could practically see the wheels turning in his head. Her sister’s story was similar to what she’d told Declan from her vision, at least right up until Alena had escaped. Nika had never had visions about people in her life before, at least not that she knew about. It worried her that she was now.

  “Is there anything else you can think of that might be important?” Declan asked.

  “Yeah.” She reached behind her and pulled out a gun she must have had tucked into her jeans. “I took this from the man I…” She cleared her throat. “I took it when I left. Maybe you can use it to track the serial number or something?” Alena placed it on the marble island and slid it a few inches away from her.

  Andre picked the gun up by the edges and walked it over to Declan. “You can ask her these questions later. She needs rest and I’m going to have my physician look her over,” he murmured.

  Nika started to speak, but caught her sister’s eye. Alena shook her head once, telling Nika not to say anything. Biting her tongue, Nika watched as Andre ushered Alena from the room, practically carrying her. A stab of pity cut through her for Andre. Even if Alena did care about the man, they were both using him and it made Nika feel sick.

  As they left Declan hurried to one of the cabinets and opened it. She frowned as he placed the gun in an oversized freezer bag.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I might be able to get some prints.”

  “Oh right, that’s smart.” Nika shifted from foot to foot, unsure what to say. Her uncle had erased every trace of her and her sister from the system so she wasn’t worried about her sister’s prints. “Are you…uh, are you going to call the police about the man Alena might have killed?”


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