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Page 23

by Katie Reus

  “Did you know about this?” Yasha asked.

  “I knew nothing about that. What did you do to them?” Andre motioned behind him.

  His father ignored his question. “What are you going to do with the women?”

  “That’s not your concern. I have a proposition for you. I’ll give you full reign of the warehouses you asked about if you leave both sisters alone. Forever.” Andre was filled with rage and another emotion he didn’t want to acknowledge that Alena had been clearly using him, but he wouldn’t let her die for it. He wasn’t a monster, not like his father.

  “You think I should let this go? They tried to kill me,” Yasha ground out.

  “Yet, you’re still alive. The decision is yours, but once you walk out that door, the offer will be rescinded.”

  Yasha paused for just a moment, then nodded sharply. “That is acceptable. I will need the B2 warehouse all day tomorrow and at least twice more this year. Make sure your security steers clear of the area.”

  “So we have a deal then?”

  “We have a deal.”

  Andre held out a hand. “You’ll have the warehouse as early as midnight tonight if you need it. I’ll make the call.”

  After his father had gone, he found Declan in the dining room bagging the silverware and plate where Yasha had been sitting.

  “You think they were going to poison him?”

  Declan nodded as he glanced up. “There was something about the way they were both looking at him as he picked up his fork. They were tense, on edge. And any woman would have been livid after a man called her a common whore to her face yet Alena sat there and just took it. She wanted him to stay for a reason. I’ll know for sure what they were going to poison him with once I run this. What do you plan to do with them?”

  “I’m not turning them over to the police.” He did plan to kick them out, but not until he got his questions answered from Alena first. And not until he was certain his father wasn’t a threat to them.

  Declan sighed heavily. “I think I might know why they hate him so much.”

  Andre frowned. “Why?”

  “I need to show you.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a slim manila envelope. “You can’t keep these photos, but the people in these pictures were their parents. I think your father had something to do with their deaths.” Declan’s expression was grim as he handed the packet over. “A warning…they’re not easy to look at.”

  Andre paused, but opened it. As he pulled out the first glossy photograph, his stomach churned. He’d known what a monster his father was, but this… “My father is responsible for this?”

  “I believe that twenty years ago he and three other men did that. They raped the woman before killing her.” Declan nodded at the picture without looking at it.

  “What about the other men involved?”


  “Killed by Alena and Nika?”

  Declan shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  As he looked at the pictures, something inside him shifted. How could he even be related to someone who could do this? “I know you still have government contacts. I think my father is planning something tomorrow. Probably illegal. Do you know of anyone who would be interested in that information?”

  Declan’s body went predator-still. “Yasha’s planning something tomorrow?”

  “I gave him unlimited access to one of my warehouses starting at midnight tonight in exchange for leaving Alena and Nika alone forever.”

  “You’re sure it’s tomorrow?”

  “He was very specific.”


  “The spread of warehouses I own near the Port of Miami, the exact number is B2.”

  Declan’s head cocked slightly to the side. “You realize what will happen to Yasha when I pass this information on?”

  Andre looked at the photo of the dead woman. The woman was so bruised and bloody…there shouldn’t have been so much blood. And her face…He swallowed hard then looked back up at Declan. He understood. He just didn’t care. Yasha could rot in hell. Jail was too good for him, but if that was the only option, Andre would take it. “I know. He deserves worse than what will happen to him.”

  “I’ll make the call.” Declan pulled out his cell on the spot. Andre didn’t miss the way his mouth curved up, as if he was trying to hold back a smile.

  Andre didn’t blame him. Yasha…was beyond evil. Andre could accept it. He’d destroyed Alena and Nika’s family. Those photos…his stomach roiled. While Andre knew firsthand the havoc the man had wreaked within his own family, he’d never moved against him. Now he realized he should have. The man was his blood, his father. But seeing firsthand in bright colors, it was too much to turn away anymore. He’d stolen Alena’s parents in the most brutal way possible. His father had taken all that from a woman he’d fallen for. Even calling Yasha human seemed to be an insult to the rest of the planet.

  After scanning the rest of the pictures, he laid them face down on the dining room table and went in search of Alena.

  * * *

  “Do you trust your son not to betray you?” Dima asked as they pulled away from Andre’s home.

  “He wants to save that slut’s life. He’ll give me what I want.” Yasha was positive of that.

  “Who were those women?”

  “I couldn’t place them at first, but I believe I killed their parents. It was many years ago.” Almost twenty, in fact. He couldn’t be sure, but Alena looked very similar to the Aston woman he and the Lazarev brothers had killed so long ago. The woman had been pale while Alena was darker skinned, but their facial features were the same. They both had that stunning quality truly beautiful women had. The dead woman had been a double-agent who’d gotten exactly what she deserved. Working for the Americans instead of her own country and married to a British-American national. Now that he thought about it, he remembered her well. Traitorous bitch. He’d enjoyed killing her. She’d screamed but she’d never begged. Even when he’d told her to.

  “For the Belovs?”

  Yasha nodded and glanced out the window. It had been so long ago, it didn’t matter who he’d killed them for. He’d killed so many after all. If he wanted to move the meet up to tomorrow, he had many calls to make. “Contact Mr. Carter. Our next meeting is at nine sharp, I want the business with Carter finished by then.”


  “Make it six. And tell him he may bring three men only. If he doesn’t like it, we don’t meet and I’ll find another buyer.”

  * * *

  FBI Director Vernon Nash scrubbed a hand over his face and exited his last meeting of the day. He grabbed his cell phone from the basket sitting outside the door. As a mandatory precaution everyone had left their phones out during the meeting. The temporary field office in Miami was okay as far as things went, but that wasn’t what had him worried. He’d expected results from Declan Gallagher days ago. The man was known for his ability to extract information from people, especially when he got into their heads. Or at least he had been years ago.

  Since he’d started his own security firm, his type of work had changed, but his skill of getting people to talk shouldn’t have. As far as Vernon knew, Declan had never let a pretty face get in the way of business, but maybe that was what had happened.

  Instead of heading for his temporary office Vernon strode toward the stairs. His corner office in the two-story building was secure, but the FBI was working with the DEA and other government agencies. He didn’t want anyone overhearing his conversation and the stairwell would provide the perfect amount of interference.

  He started to call Declan when his phone rang. “Speak of the devil,” he muttered.

  “What the hell is going on?” Declan’s voice was tight.

  “What’s happened? Is it Yasha? I heard he was coming to dinner at Andre’s.”

  There was a moment of silence. “How did you know he was coming to dinner?”

  Shit. “That’s not important.”

It is fucking important! Alena Brennan just tried to kill Yasha and earlier today I found out one of my guys—my friend—is a traitor. I’ve been trying to call you the past couple hours. I might owe you but if I find out you knew about any of this—”

  “Whoa, slow down! I have a source within Yasha’s organization. I can’t tell you his name. That’s how I knew about the dinner. What’s going on with your security team? You have a traitor?” Vernon couldn’t hide his surprise. Declan vetted his guys very thoroughly.

  “I’ve got that under control. Do you know who Alena and Nika Brennan really are? And don’t lie to me.”

  Yeah, he knew. By the sound of it, so did Declan. “You said she tried to kill Yasha so I’m guessing she didn’t succeed?”

  “No. Now tell me what you know.”

  “A long time ago you’d have already figured this out on your own.”

  Declan swore under his breath. “You son of a bitch. You know who they are, don’t you.” It wasn’t a question.

  Vernon sighed. He should have just told Declan everything he suspected from the beginning, but it hadn’t seemed necessary. Keeping the women away from Yasha was all that mattered, regardless of who they were. “I have a fairly good idea they’re not who they say they are. You’re too young to remember, but you’ve heard about the Aston incident, correct?”

  “Shit. You do know who they are.”

  “Wait, you’re sure it’s them?”

  Declan sighed heavily. “As of a couple hours ago, yeah. I wasn’t positive they wanted Yasha dead though. I am now.”

  “This is above your old pay grade and it’s above my current one, but the unofficial rumor is the Lazarev brothers and Yasha Makarov killed Anya and Blake Aston. I wasn’t completely sure of the sisters’ identities, but after some digging, I made some connections and filled in the blanks myself. Wouldn’t have found them if I wasn’t looking hard though. So I was right. Give me a SITREP.”

  “I promised I’d keep them away from Yasha and that’s what I’ve done. When we first met, you said this was personal for you. Why are you interested in these women?”

  Vernon paused, but decided on honesty. “I was friends with Blake Aston. I knew if these were his daughters, you wouldn’t let them get hurt in the crossfire. It’s why I asked you for the favor.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me all this?” Declan asked.

  “It wasn’t important and I didn’t want it to cloud your judgment. I need Yasha alive until we find out where those girls are being held.” It ate away at him, knowing so many young women would be auctioned off and sold into hell. No one had the right to own another human being.

  “Yasha left this house alive and I know where he’s going. According to Andre, his father is using one of his warehouses tomorrow to conduct some business.” His inflection left no doubt it was illegal. “It’s another reason I’m calling.”

  “How certain of this are you?”

  “It’s happening. If I was a betting man, I’d say he’s probably going to unload the product you’re worried about.”

  Vernon listened as Declan filled him in on all the details of where the meet would take place. When he finished, Vernon sagged against the wall in the stairwell. They had more than enough time to plan an ambush. “We can take him down with this information. Thank you.”

  “Just free those girls.”

  After they disconnected, Vernon pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and walked down the flight of stairs. He could worry about quitting another day. Until Yasha was in custody he needed something to calm his nerves.

  Chapter 28

  “I didn’t tell Declan about tonight, Alena, I swear. I…I wanted to and I almost did, but I didn’t.” Nika shifted on Alena’s bed and wrapped her arms around her sister’s shoulders. She’d already told Alena about the pictures and that he knew their true identity. Her sister’s pain tore her up inside.

  “We were so close,” Alena mumbled against her shoulder. Sniffling, she pulled back and looked at Nika. Her eyes were glassy and puffy. “Do you think Andre will turn us over to Yasha?”

  “No.” If Nika hadn’t been so sure of that she would have been scared to death. But Andre hated his father too. Not as much as they did, but there would be no love lost between them. And, in her heart she knew Declan wouldn’t let him turn them over anyway. He probably didn’t want to see her again, but he wasn’t a cruel man.

  “You think he’ll call the cops?”

  “I…don’t know.” She didn’t think so, but she wasn’t going to rule out any possibility. “Do you want to change?” she asked in reference to Alena’s ruined yellow dress. The only good thing to develop out of the whole situation was that Nika’s vision had been wrong. Well, it had been right, but it had been wine, not blood covering her sister.

  “Yeah.” She started to push up when the door opened.

  Andre looked between the two of them as he closed the door behind himself, his expression hard. All his focus was on Alena, laser-sharp. “Did you originally meet me with the intention of killing my father?”

  “Yes.” Her sister didn’t pause in her answer.

  “Was the kidnapping part of your plan?”

  Alena shook her head vehemently. “No…It didn’t hurt my cause though.”

  “Why do you want to kill him?” he asked, but Nika was under the impression he already knew the answer.

  Alena glanced at Nika before meeting his gaze. “He killed our parents while we were in the house. I was ten when I saw…what he did to my mother. I swore whoever killed them would pay for it with their life. Until a couple years ago I didn’t know it was him.”

  “I’m sorry about your parents.” His voice was hoarse.

  Her sister stared at him with a guarded expression. “Are you going to turn us over to the cops?”

  He raked a hand through his already rumpled blond hair and took a step farther into the room. “No.”

  “Are we free to go?” Alena asked.

  In an instant, his blue eyes hardened as he stared at Alena. “Was everything we shared a lie?”

  She shook her head. “Not everything.”

  Nika knew her sister was telling the truth. She actually cared about this man. Maybe more than she wanted to admit…maybe she even loved him.

  His hands were balled into fists at his sides. He seemed so different from the man who’d been doting after her sister the past month. It was like a switch had flipped inside him. Nika wrapped her arms around herself. Even though it wasn’t presently directed at her, the angry look in his icy eyes was terrifying.

  “I should kick you out on your asses right now,” he ground out.

  Nika was surprised he wasn’t doing just that.

  Alena’s voice trembled slightly as she spoke. “I’m so sorry, Andre. For everything. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant…”

  When she trailed off, he laughed, the sound harsh and angry. “You never meant to hurt me? But you planned to leave after you’d killed him, yes?”

  Guiltily, Alena nodded. Nika looked at her feet, unable to meet his gaze.

  “Pack your stuff. You leave in the morning.”

  “We can leave now if—”

  “Yasha probably has men watching the house tonight. You’ll leave in the morning. You can take my plane anywhere you want to go. Then you’re on your own.” His voice was so bitter, but it was the offer of his plane that made Nika’s head snap up.

  “What?” Alena asked, the surprise in her voice mirroring Nika’s own feelings.

  “If you get on a commercial flight anywhere, Yasha will have little problem hunting you down. I’m not my father, I’m not a murderer.” He spat the last word. “He’s sworn to me he’ll let you live, but I know him. I saw those pictures. I saw what he did to your family.” With those words, he left the room, pulling the door shut with more force than necessary. The resounding slam made them both jump.

  “I’m going to go pack,” Nika muttered.

  “Good idea.
” Alena’s voice was hollow, tired.

  Nika wanted to comfort her sister, to ask where they were going next, but she also wanted to cry. Once in her room she folded and packed her clothes with rapid efficiency. She’d traveled enough that she knew how to pack quickly.

  Once she was finished she changed into her pajamas and laid her head against the soft pillow. After tonight, she and Alena would have to go into hiding. They couldn’t return to their New Orleans home. They’d probably have to sell it. Their contingency plan had always been to escape to their uncle’s cabin in upstate New York if anything went wrong. Shit had definitely gone wrong.

  As she closed her eyes, a sharp knock sounded on the door.

  “Nika, it’s me. Open up.” It was Declan.

  She froze. He knocked again, but she remained immobile. When she heard him mutter a curse, she knew he’d given up and let out a sigh of relief. There was nothing left to say to him anyway. They were over. She’d lied to him in the worst way possible and didn’t want to hash everything out. In the end, he still wouldn’t want her and she didn’t feel like seeing all that sadness and disappointment in his eyes. She knew it made her the worst kind of coward, but she couldn’t handle anything else tonight.

  As of tomorrow, she was leaving Miami and all this shit behind. She was tired of living out of a suitcase and tired of living for revenge. And she was thoroughly sick of not having a real life and not being able to trust anyone. She had a few friends in New York and London. She’d make a decision later on exactly where she wanted to live, but the one thing she knew for sure, she had to get the hell out of here.

  If for some reason Declan could forgive her, which she doubted, even if she got involved with him, he’d have a target on his back simply by being associated with her. Yasha wasn’t going to forget what she and her sister had done. She wouldn’t put Declan in danger because of her.


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