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Maid For The Tycoon: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 3

by Lacey Legend

  Spending quality time with her mother on Saturday night was splendid and discussing her sister’s antics on Sunday was equally enjoyable, but today she was back to the real world. On the plus side, she hadn’t received a call from Ms. Princely, so it appeared Spencer hadn’t told tales of her brazen back-talk at work on Saturday. For that reason, she felt a degree of warmth toward the chilly billionaire.

  Waving with an absence of enthusiasm to the doorman of Spencer Lawson’s building, she slumped through the revolving doors at the same time a willow blonde was exiting.

  Wonder if she lives here or if she was keep Spencer company last night, thought Jenna.

  A petite five foot four, Jenna felt substandard when comparing herself to the mystery lady. With a backpack slung over her shoulder with clothes to change into upon arriving on campus, she felt frumpy in her uniform. There wasn’t a crease in her apron or polo shirt. Signing in and attempting to exchange conversational pleasantries with the man at reception, Jenna made her way to the elevator.

  Taking the keys from her handbag, she inserted a small one into a slot on the panel of buttons in the elevator. . Turning it clockwise, she was permitted to press the button to take her to the top floor to Spencer’s penthouse suite. She forced herself to control her breathing. There was nothing to be fearful about. Spencer hadn’t complained. All she had to do was continue as normal and fade into the background.

  The mental pep talk she’d given herself, didn’t improve Jenna’s frame of mind. She slipped the keys in the door and used the fob to sneak into the apartment. The sound of her exhalation was audible upon discovering Spencer wasn’t in the kitchen or living room. She bolted to the minimalistic white modern kitchen and attacked the dirty dishes.

  Why on Earth can’t he use a dishwasher, she mulled while scrubbing. I understand that he built his own fortune, but that shouldn’t preclude him from everyday tasks.

  As she conducted a private assassination of what little she knew about Spencer Lawson, the handsome English gent strode into the kitchen. Their schedules were out of sync that morning. Normally, she’d be finished with the kitchen by the time he was ready for breakfast and she’d be tidying his bedroom while he ate. A domestic, responsible part of her (the part that respected her position at Supreme Cleaning Services) was inclined to ask him if she could fix him something to eat. The part of her that thought he had an inflated ego from earning too much too young, decided he could fix his own breakfast.

  As Spencer moved behind her, she experienced a frisson as his hard body brushed against her. She steeled her resolve to prevent her going weak at the knees. He felt solid and strong and she wanted to melt into him. Remembering that some other woman was melded with his body only hours earlier had her straightening her back and swiftly skipping out of his way. She watched as he put two crumpets in the toaster. Slowing her pace to that of a snail’s, she studied him as he retrieved butter from the fridge and lathered it on the toasted crumpets.

  God knows how he keeps trim eating fatty foods like that, she thought.

  Leaving the butter on the counter and the toaster plugged in, he tossed the knife and plate into the dishwater. The water barely rippled enough to splash Jenna’s apron, but she kissed her teeth at the action to demonstrate her disapproval.

  A slow smile spread on Spencer’s face. If Jenna didn’t know better, she’d think he was trying to evoke a reaction from her. She held her head high and maintained her composure.

  Spencer waited to see if the feisty girl would take the bait. He refused to let his disappointment show that she couldn’t be drawn into talking to him.

  Checking his watch, he decided to toy with Jenna a little longer. He sat at the marble breakfast bench and began reading the newspaper. The large spread of the paper covered a sizeable portion of the bench preventing Jenna from wiping it clean. With an exaggerated sigh, she drained the sink and wiped the dishes.

  Rather than ask Spencer to move the newspaper, she decided to start on the bedroom and return to the kitchen after his departure. Spencer was a businessman. She knew from his habits he was an early starter at work. Whatever game he was playing this morning he’d soon tire of and head out to his offices.

  Spencer bit the side of his cheek as Jenna left the kitchen. He was usually a good judge of character. It may have been a brief encounter, but he’d got the impression on Saturday that Jenna was a motivated, confident, high achiever. He admired those qualities and liked her spirit.

  Talking with her had been unexpectedly fun. She challenged him and that was a rare quality in the women he mingled with. That she was a university student with a part time cleaning job and wasn’t intimidated by him, made her all the more attractive in his eyes. Today though, she’d reverted back to being a faceless cleaner with no personal connection to him.

  She was efficient, punctual and good at her job. It appeared as though that was all that was on offer to him. She’d intimated that his life was boring, but her ability to embrace a hands-off approach so readily after Saturday’s encounter suggested her life wasn’t overly stimulating. Clearly maintaining a professional facade was more important to her than engaging in a little flirty banter as they passed in and out of one another’s lives.

  Grabbing his briefcase and double-checking his pockets for his cell phone, keys and wallet, he discarded the potential plans he’d created for Jenna. He stuck his head round the door to see her making the bed up with fresh sheets and a distasteful look painted on her face.

  The jeans, polo shirt and apron did nothing for her figure. He’d been attracted to her personality, but seeing her as a cleaner in his apartment, he realized he hadn’t lost anything by not distracting Jenna. She was no major loss to him.

  However, as he strode out of the apartment, he experienced a niggle inside that prevented him from focusing on the day ahead. It was irrelevant. Even with his billions, he couldn’t buy Jenna’s affections. He couldn’t pay her to like him. Perturbed, he nodded at the receptionist and doorman and hopped in the limousine that routinely took him to work.

  Jenna finished her tasks after a quick tidying of the apartment. She’d got through the shift without any awkwardness. Now Spencer was witness to the fact that she could behave as nothing more than a faceless, emotionless maid. That is what he’d wanted and that’s what she delivered.

  Jenna was relieved the following day to find Spencer’s schedule was back in sync and their paths didn’t cross until he left the apartment each morning with his normal brief nod.

  Looks like work can revert to normal, she declared, somewhat disheartened, to the empty apartment.

  Chapter Three

  “Mr. Lawson’s away for the next two weeks,” stated Ms. Princely.

  Jenna felt the view of Central Park from the 25th floor in a grand, but dim and darkened office of Victorian design, was a little extravagant for a cleaning agency – whatever the company’s net worth was. The furniture was authentic and so aged, Jenna feared she might inadvertently break something when she was obligated to meet Ms. Princely from time to time in her employer’s private office.

  “He has, however, asked for you to continue tending to his apartment in his absence.”

  “As in I should visit the day before he’s due back to clean the apartment thoroughly?” clarified Jenna.

  “As is your current terms. Two hours in the morning on weekdays and half a day on Saturdays. This way it won’t impact on your earnings for the two-week period.”

  Jenna was at a loss for words. There was very little for her to clean if no one was living in the apartment, but at the same time, she desperately needed a steady income stream.

  Ms. Princely read Jenna’s face accurately. Privately, she too thought it was unnecessary for Jenna King to spend time in the apartment, but her job was to provide a service to Mr. Lawson, not question his decisions.

  “You can at least keep it dust-free and I believe he’d like you to collect his mail and dispose of the newspapers. Make sure nothing is out
of date in his fridge or cupboards.”

  The two women eyed each other, neither daring to intimate the comment that it was an odd arrangement. Ms. Princely was plump and barely reached five foot, but she was well dressed and had an air of a headmistress about her. Jenna didn’t dare argue. Her conscious was pricked. Spencer may be able to afford her services, but he shouldn’t throw his money away carelessly.

  “Maybe I should cut my hours so that he’s not paying me to sit around and....”

  Ms. Princely smiled kindly at Jenna. The young lady was hard working and good hearted.

  Clearly, Mr. Lawson saw those same qualities and didn’t want to deprive Jenna of her regular income.

  “Mr. Lawson trusts you. I suspect in terms. of security, he’d feel confident if someone he knew was checking in on the apartment daily. There may not be a lot for you to do in terms. of cleaning, but he’s probably paying for peace of mind while he’s abroad.”

  “His apartment building is like Fort Knox and I doubt his neighbors are petty thieves.”

  “Jenna. Stop talking yourself out of a job. Accept it with good grace. Maybe it is just a goodwill gesture, but is that the worst thing in the world?”

  “No,” Jenna answered quietly. I just don’t want to think of arrogant Spencer Lawson being in possession of a beating heart, she thought.


  The two weeks flew by. Although Jenna knew she only had to pop into the apartment for quarter of an hour a day, she always stayed for the duration of her shift; trying to find things to busy herself with.

  Polishing the wooden floors one Friday morning, she heard the door open.

  Spencer stepped in, dropping a suitcase. He was dressed casually in blue jeans and a white t-shirt. Apart from the time Jenna had seen him attending the gym, she hadn’t ever seen Spencer dressed casually. Rather than ignore her, he smiled at her.

  “Hi Jenna.”

  Jenna was stunned by his friendliness.

  “Hi, Mr. Lawson.” She wanted to ask if it was a good trip, but would that be considered an invasion of his personal life? “I do hope things went well for you while you were away,” she said formally.

  “As good as can be expected, thanks.”

  Jenna knew her mouth was smiling and she was flashing her pearly whites. It wasn’t that he looked as if he’d stepped off a catwalk in Milan that made her happy, but the naturalness of the brief hello.

  “Bedroom free for me to unpack?”

  She nodded.

  “Absolutely. Let me know if you need a hand with anything.”

  He ran a large hand through his locks. As his chiseled face was cleared from the curls she could see his face was pale and his eyes had bags under them. Jenna suspected he was jetlagged.

  “I can scoot off, if you prefer to be by yourself,” she offered.

  “It’s fine. Stay. I might need a hand in the bedroom,” he laughed.

  He’s flirting with me, she thought, Or maybe he just wants me to unpack his luggage. She remained in the living room polishing the timber floor over and over. Straining her ears, she could hear Spencer on the phone.

  “Please tell me that text you sent earlier was a joke, because that is not the news I want to receive when I’ve just jumped off a five hour flight.” There was silence as the person on the other end of the phone spoke. “I’m glad the publicity of a movie premiere is considered more valuable to her than attending a charity event.”

  “Someone famous has stood Spencer Lawson up,” guessed Jenna.

  “It’s very late in the day for me to be finding another date and as this is a high profile function, what I need is a high profile date. Are you seriously telling me you have no one else on your books free and willing to attend tonight?” A long silence stretched. “I sponsored this event. My being absent isn’t feasible. You promised me assistance with the guest list and now you’re failing to deliver. If you can’t come up with something, you can consider our professional relationship over.”

  “I do believe Mr. Lawson doesn’t have a contingency plan for tonight,” giggled Jenna, realizing Spencer was about to experience firsthand what it was to be ‘fed up’.

  “No,” she heard him sneer. “I have no intention of hiring an escort for the night and I don’t care which firms you’d recommend; it’s tacky and unnecessary.”

  His final sentence appeared to terminate the call. Jenna could hear his boots stomping around the bedroom. She fled to put the mop in the laundry room and make herself scarce.

  “Jenna,” he called. His tone was firm.

  “Mr. Lawson,” she piped up from the laundry.

  “Can I see you for a minute please?”

  She made her way to the living room with an expression of naiveté and curiosity.

  “Something I can help you with?”

  “Perhaps, but it doesn’t fall under the category of cleaning,” he said slowly.

  Her hazel eyes studied him and she realized he was scrutinizing her appearance and attempting to assess her character. She could see the brown eyes almost twinkling as the cogs in his brain were formulating some kind of plan.

  “Why don’t you sit down?”

  Jenna accepted the invite. She resisted the urge to be humorous by kicking off her sneakers and half lying on the couch. Spencer didn’t seem to be in the mood to find her faux insolence amusing.

  “I’m in something of a bind,” he started honestly.

  Don’t I know it, she thought.

  “There’s a rather major charity event on tonight for which I’m something of an ambassador for.”

  “That’s...commendable,” teased Jenna gently, throwing his own words back in his face.

  “Touché,” he conceded. “I need a date to accompany me. The lady I was paired with can’t make it.”

  “Surely that little black book of yours is full of names of women that’d be more than happy to go with you.”

  Spencer took the barb in good humor.

  “It’s not a little black book,” he corrected. “It’s a big black book that’s coming apart at the seaMs. with all the names and numbers I have in it.”

  Jenna laughed and shook her head at his arrogance.

  “Besides,” he continued. “They aren’t appropriate for this event. I wondered if you might step in.”

  I do believe there was a compliment somewhere in there, thought Jenna, is he saying of all the wealthy, beautiful women he’s bedded, little old me, a twenty-one year old student in her final year at NYU is more suitable for this highly important function? He’s been stood up by some famous socialite or actress or singer and he thinks I’m the next best thing. Maybe he did notice me and I read him all wrong.

  “What do you think? I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “In what way?”

  “Well I’ll pay you for your time, of course. I was thinking $1000 for the evening. I’d hope that covers the cancellation of any other plans you’ve made.”

  He knows I couldn’t afford to turn a sum like that down, grimaced Jenna inwardly, and, it’d make a huge difference to the family income. She felt hurt, but couldn’t pinpoint why.

  “Obviously I’ll pay for transport to Macy’s and you can buy whatever outfit you need and I’ll have it put on my account.”

  Jenna suddenly realized why she was hurt, because this was nothing more than a business transaction to Spencer. Even though she was fully aware how important business was to him, and even though she knew how little women meant to him, she still wanted to be special to Spencer Lawson. Her enthusiasm waned. Pride would have her decline the invitation, but love of her family and the thought of extra savings for Liana and baby Zada would make her accept the offer.

  “Sure. That sounds fine to me.”


  “Yes, I’m on my way,” promised Kelly, on the phone to Jenna. “I’ll be in ladies wear before you arrive.”

  “Well I’m in a cab now and I want the works done there. Not just the outfit, but hair and makeup too ,” panicked

  “This is possibly the most exciting thing to happen in your life, next to your ex being jailed.”


  “Sorry. Too soon?”

  “Too soon and seeing my boyfriend jailed wasn’t exciting. It practically broke me and tore me apart from my family.”

  “Sorry, Jen.”

  Kelly’s apology was more sincere. In all the thrilling news of Jenna’s new appointment as British billionaire Spencer Lawson’s guest for the evening, Kelly had been completely insensitive to her friend’s past.

  “It’s okay. It’s just... I don’t like to think about it.”

  “I’ll say no more about it.”

  “Kelly, I know you stood by me through that. Even though this is a professional engagement, you’re right – I am moving forward in a good way.”



  “I’m in Macy’s now and the selection and prices here are incredible. You can’t afford to stint tonight by showing up in something shoddy.”

  “I know that’s the best part. I can spend his money and not feel guilty,” agreed Jenna as she paid the cab driver.

  As Jenna swept in and gave Kelly a hug, the two girls squeezed hands.

  “Good day, ladies,” greeted a well-dressed woman. “Mr. Lawson has requested my services as a personal shopper should you require any assistance today. Now would you be Jenna?” she enquired shaking Kelly’s hand.

  “No,” replied Kelly coolly. “This foxy lady is.”

  The personal assistant raised an eyebrow.

  “You think Spencer Lawson doesn’t do interracial dating,” whispered Kelly to her friend. “Why target the blonde haired, blue eyed, ex cheerleader who never quite made it to college? Unless that’s his normal type.”


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