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Love Divided (Fortis Security Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Maddie Wade

  He pulled his mouth from hers and left a trail of hot open mouthed kisses down her neck and over the delicate skin of her collar bone. Lucy’s head fell back as he nipped the swell of her breast and she ground her hips into his.

  “I thought I said no fucking on my sofa!” boomed Zack as he came into the room causing Lucy and Jace to break apart. Lucy dropped her head into his neck, and Jace eased his hand from her top. He could feel her giggle against his throat at getting caught necking on the boss’s sofa.

  “Yeah sorry Zack.” He grinned and swatted Lucy on the behind when she licked his neck causing his dick to jump in his jeans.

  “So, I guess you sorted things out then?” Zack said as he went to the drinks cabinet he had along the back of his dining area and poured himself a drink, downing it in one swallow.

  “Yeah, we sorted it out,” said Jace as he manoeuvred Lucy so that she was sitting next to him on the sofa. He sat forward as Zack came back and sat opposite him, trying to hide his fast cooling erection.

  Zack nodded, “About fucking time,” he stated. “So, I take it we are all on the same page about how we move forward?” Zack asked his eyes moving from Lucy to Jace.

  “Kind of,” Lucy interjected as Jace started to nod. He twisted his head to look at her his eyes asking the question.

  “Kind of?” he asked, his body going alert.

  “Well now, before I go on you need to know that not even Dane knows this.” She looked at Zack whose mouth was twitching in an uncharacteristic grin. Lucy held up her hands placatingly. “So, you know I worked for GCHQ as an analyst.” Jace nodded and felt like the axe was about to fall. “Well in my first year there I was approached by a private organisation. They wanted me to do a job with them as they had recently lost an operative and needed someone to stand in last minute. I was an obvious choice as my martial arts skills had given me a bit of a name,” she said with no smugness at all.

  Lucy stood and went to stand by the fireplace before facing him. Jace sat perfectly still knowing that he was not going to like what she said next. “Anyway, they took me on and trained me, and I ended up working for them for just under six years before I left shortly before Zack took me on.”

  “What did you do Lucy?” Jace asked feeling his nerves start to hum.

  “I was an um… an um….”

  “She was an assassin for the British Military.” Zack blurted out, and Jace thought his head was going to explode. He jumped up from the sofa.

  “What the fucking hell Luce!” He shouted looking at Lucy who was not denying what Zack said and instead looked as guilty as hell.

  “We did the jobs the British Military couldn’t legally do, and because we were contracted, we didn’t have the same rules.”

  “So, you’re an assassin?” he asked incredulously.

  “No, I’m an ex-assassin.” She said sounding a bit pissed off now.

  Jace started to pace, his hands-on-hips as he tried to wrap his head around this shocking piece of information.

  “So, all this time you have been running around playing soldier and putting yourself in harm’s way, and nobody knew?”

  “Now hang on a fucking minute!”

  “Hang on Sly.” Lucy and Zack voiced their protest at the same time.

  “Don’t tell me to hang on. Did you know?” Jace asked turning to Zack.

  “I only know because she and her team helped rescue me from that hell hole in Iraq. I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for Lucy and speaking as someone who saw her in action, I can honestly say she is not playing soldier. She is a soldier and one of the best I have ever seen.”

  “Aw, thanks, boss,” Lucy said smiling, and Jace and Zack shot her a frown.

  “Listen, baby,” Lucy said as she came to Jace and slipped her arms around him, her head going to his chest. “I was good at what I did, but I had to get out. That kind of thing it takes a piece of your soul each time and lucky for me Zack poached me away.” She said with a small smile. “Plus, I missed my family,” she said with a shrug.

  Jace stroked her hair away from her face, as his anger calmed and looked into her beautiful eyes seeing the real Lucy for the first time. She was magnificent.

  “I guess that explains why you are so cool under fire.” He said, and he felt the tension leave Lucy’s body as she realised he was okay with her previous job.

  He guided her to sit next to him and held her to his side, scared that if he let go another bomb would drop. They faced Zack who was now sitting back in his chair, his arms relaxed on the armrests.

  “So, what did you mean by kind of on the same page?” Zack asked Lucy, his gaze never leaving hers.

  “I contacted Roz.” She stated, and Zack swore.

  “Come on Zack you know she is the best, and we need her. I want my sister back, and Jace needs to know if anything came of the sample.”

  “Fine,” he bit out, “But you know what she said to you.”

  “I know, but I have to take that risk.” She said quietly.

  “What risk?” Jace asked.

  “Well Roz who runs the organisation wasn’t too happy about me leaving, and kind of said she would kill me if she saw me again. But I’m sure she won’t.” She rushed on as Jace tensed and started shaking his head in denial.

  Jace looked at Zack who had raised his eyebrows at that.

  “Zack?” he questioned.

  “She is a nasty piece of work when she is pissed, and she holds a mean grudge.” He said honestly.

  “Oh, come on Zack the only reason she hates you is because stole her favourite employee.”

  “That is not a reason to take pot shots at someone with a rifle,” Zack replied indignantly. “Zack, she was nowhere near you.” Lucy shot back and laughed. Jace’s head was swivelling from Zack to Lucy and back again.

  “I still don’t want her anywhere near Fortis or any of the civilians.”

  “Fine, don’t get your knickers in a bunch,” said Lucy crossing her arms. Zack gave her a quelling look and turned to Jace.

  “You’re gonna be her backup on this, can you handle that?” Zack asked.

  Jace held Zack’s eyes not blinking or showing how insulted he was by that comment.

  “Of course, I have her back, this changes nothing,” he said motioning between him and Lucy. Zack looked at him the doubt evident in his eyes.

  “Fine, when she meets Roz you go too. I will brief everyone after you have told Dane.”

  Lucy looked relieved and nodded.

  Jace stood and held his hand out for Lucy.

  “Want to catch a movie and get some lunch?” he asked.

  She smiled up at him and the open look of love and trust, which he thought he had lost forever, was there in her big brown eyes. It nearly brought him to his knees with relief.

  “Sure, let's go,” she said standing and threading her fingers through his and leaning her body into him. Zack walked them to the door, and Lucy stopped and turned, “You coming to Dane’s get together the day after tomorrow?”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it,” Zack replied. Lucy nodded and walked to her car where Jace was standing waiting for her. He smiled as she approached him and she stepped up close so that there was only a hair's breadth between them.

  He reached out and twirled a piece of her hair between his fingers. “Shall I follow you back to yours and then I can drive us in?”

  “Sounds good to me.” She answered and tilted her head up for the kiss he dropped on her mouth. Jace stepped back and opened her door for her. He walked to his car and folded himself in. Turning on the ignition, he cranked up Imagine Dragons on the stereo and followed Lucy as she zipped down Zack’s driveway.

  Chapter Seven

  As he drove, he thought about the last few hours and everything that had been said. He was humbled that Lucy would and did forgive him, and wanted to stick by him, but not surprised. Luce was loyal, and he just prayed he didn’t make her end up regretting it. He knew she wanted to be okay with it but it would be hard,
and he wasn’t sure if he could do it if the boot were on the other foot. And didn’t that make him a bastard?

  It wasn’t that he didn’t love her, he did, he always had. She was the only woman he had ever loved. He would die for her, but the thought of another man having some claim on her made him sick with jealousy. He crunched the gears in agitation as he slowed for her turning. He would just have to make it so she never doubted how he felt and never regretted her decision to stick by him. He would show her that she was number one on his priority list.

  With that thought, he pulled in behind Lucy on the drive, put his car in neutral, pulled up the handbrake and released his seat belt. Getting out of his car he strode to Lucy grabbing her up from behind and throwing her over his shoulder.

  She shrieked with laughter and yelled, “Jace put me down.”

  “No way woman, not now I’ve got you just where I want you.” He said with a grin she couldn’t see. He caressed the curve of her ass with his hand, causing her to go soft and pliant in his arms. “Keys!” he said gruffly and held up his hand so that she could reach back and put them in his hand. Jace opened the door and then turned and locked it. He allowed Lucy to slide down his body before asking “How hungry are you?”

  She must have read the look in his eyes correctly because she replied. “Very, but not for food.”

  “Good answer,” he said and swung her back over his shoulder and headed for the stairs. Luce giggled again, and he smiled. That was the one thing he loved about her the most - she saw the joy in every situation and was never afraid to show it. Lucy was toeing off her boots as he reached the top of the stairs and turned heading for her room.

  He knew exactly which one was hers as he had helped her move into this house. Tossing her down on her bed, he watched her bounce and then come up on her elbows. Her eyes had gone heavy with desire, and her hair was in wonderful disarray making her look like she had been thoroughly fucked and oh she was going to be.

  He stepped towards her and her head went back so that she could keep his eyes. He bent and slowly undid the zip on her jacket and slid it off her shoulders throwing it to the floor before unwinding the scarf from her neck and doing the same. He stood back, taking off his jacket, he threw that to the floor as well and then came down on top of her forcing her to go flat on the bed.

  Neither spoke as they just looked at each other, their noses nearly touching. Jace watched as her tongue came out to touch her lip, and he was done.

  Done with waiting, done with worrying about other people. It was just the two of them. He dropped his head and captured her mouth in his - the fire and heat in their kiss was instant and it seared a path to his dick, which pushed painfully against his zip. Her mouth opened under his and she sighed, he flicked her tongue with his, causing her to wrap her arms around him tight and fist the hair at the back of his head.

  Jace ran his hands down her sides and tugged her top upwards. He broke the kiss just long enough to remove his top while she divested herself of hers. Leaving her lush breasts encased in satin and lace. He buried his head in her neck and kissed the soft skin as his hand skimmed the taught quivering muscles of her tummy. Her heat encased him as she wrapped her legs around his waist bringing her body flush with his. Jace’s hand closed over her breast, and she arched into him as he rubbed her nipple over the top of her lace bra. His mouth followed, and he kissed the curve of her breast as he flicked the clasp at the front of her bra open revealing her sexy curves to him.

  His body was on fire as he tried to take things slow and make this the most wonderful experience of her life. Lucy wasn’t making it easy, though. The way she responded to him was nearly his undoing.

  He felt her hands leave his hair, go for his zip, and slide it down. She grasped his hard length, and the contact made him rock his hips into her. He trailed his hand down her belly and unzipped her jeans. Her hands left his cock, and he moved to the side so that she could wiggle her way out of her jeans as he watched.

  She rolled into him and pushed up so that she was straddling his thighs. She was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. Luce leaned down and started dropping light kisses on his chest, her hair tickling his skin as she moved lower. She slid off the end of the bed and started to pull off his jeans and boots

  Before he could sit up to help she was back, and her head was bent over his cock. He hissed as she took him in her mouth. His hand swept into her hair and held it back from her face. God what a sight, he could come just from the sight of her mouth on him. In all his wildest dreams, and there had been many, he had had no idea it would be this good between them.

  He’d known it would be good, but this was next level, write a sonnet about it good. He caressed her perfect ass and watched as goose bumps covered her skin making her suck his cock even deeper and harder. Knowing he had reached his limit, he pulled on her hair so that her mouth released him. Pulling her up he flipped her so that he was lying in between her thighs.

  “Baby, you on contraception or do you want to use a condom?” he asked softly while he enjoyed the languorous look in her eyes.

  “I’m covered, I have the contraceptive implant, and I’m clean. You know what Zack is like with his medicals.” She whispered still keeping the mood light.

  “Me too baby,” he said dropping a kiss on her tummy as he rose and peeled her underwear down her legs. Settling back between her soft heat, he slid his hands down the backs of her thighs drawing them up and over his hips.

  Lucy grasped his shoulders with her hands and kissed his neck. The tip of his cock touched her opening, and he slowly pushed into her. She was wet and so tight he thought he would come. Stopping until she got used to his size, he pushed in fully when she started to push against him silently asking for more.

  “Jace, honey,” she whispered and tilted her hips to his as he began to fuck her slowly.

  “What baby, what do you need?”

  “You. I need you.” He lifted up as her hand started to go for her clit and he stopped her.

  “Nuh, uh that’s mine baby.” He said as he kissed her fingertips and held her hand to the bed. She looked up fire in her eyes, and he tried to smother the grin at her feisty temper. Deciding to put her out of her misery, he released her hand and touched his finger to her clit, teasing until he felt her climax coming. He kept going until her body tightened around his cock and she arched under him as his name fell from her beautiful lips.

  The vision and sound of her made him lose control, and he hastened his pace as he slammed into her hard, setting off another orgasm in her and bringing his own powerful release. Jace slumped to the bed rolling his Luce so that she lay ensconced in his arms. No words were said as each processed a moment that was too important to either of them for words.

  A little while later, he felt Lucy relax into him as she fell asleep. She must be exhausted after the last two days. God knew he was. Pulling up the covers and wrapping his arms around the woman who had stolen his heart over a decade ago he fell asleep

  Chapter Eight

  Lucy slowly came awake and felt refreshed for the first time in a long time. She turned her head and watched Jace, his face relaxed in sleep. She noticed the tiny lines around his eyes and his long eyelashes. His strong jaw was covered in strawberry blonde stubble and wondered what it would feel like against her skin.

  It had been a long time coming, but they were finally together. Her every dream for the last fifteen years had come true. But it had a cost. It came with her knowing that she probably wouldn’t be the first to carry his child. As silly and as childish as that might seem, it meant a lot to her.

  It was a cost she was willing to pay though. She just prayed Jace didn’t have a change of heart. She knew he had strong feelings for her and she had made hers abundantly clear. But Jace was loyal and had traditional values. If Megan were pregnant, he would want to try and make a go of it with her for the child’s sake, and she didn’t know if ultimately love would be enough to keep him from choosing his child over her.
  The damned thing was that was one of the reasons she loved him. Their lovemaking earlier had been momentous for her, and she knew it had for him too. There was no doubt in her mind he cared, but the seed of foreboding still sat in the pit of her stomach.

  She dismissed her thoughts as her body let her know that she was still hungry and this time it was for food. Slipping soundlessly out of bed, she went to the bathroom to relieve herself and brush her teeth. As she stood looking in the mirror at a woman who was clearly in love, her lips tipped up into a smile.

  She was just going to do what she always did, ignore the bad stuff and concentrate on the good. With that in mind, she bounced back into her room and dove on Jace. She settled herself over his hips and watched his eyes lazily open.

  “Aren’t you SAS boys meant to sleep with one eye open?” she asked laughing.

  “We do and a fine view of your pert little ass walking to the bathroom it was,” he said with a grin. She leaned down and ran her hands over his muscled stomach, loving the ridges and planes there.

  “Um must be losing my touch,” she replied as her fingertips trailed down, following the line of his happy trail. Lucy squirmed and grinned as she felt him harden underneath her.

  “I wouldn’t say that,” he replied as he gripped her hips in his hands, “But everyone knows we SAS boys,” he said with a grin “are the best of the best. It’s not a surprise you couldn’t quite hold up.” Lucy watched as his lips twitched in mirth.

  “Excuse me?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. Not really annoyed but teasing him back. “I’ll have you know I could run rings round you SAS boys, and I can shoot a sandwich out of your hand from nearly a mile away.” She watched as his smile dimmed a bit but then came back. She knew he was going to do something as she felt his muscles tense a split second before he flipped her to her back and came down on top of her.


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