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Love Divided (Fortis Security Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Maddie Wade

  “I just have this feeling of doom, and I can’t shake it,” she said and dropped her eyes from his face to look at his chest. He gently tipped her chin back up with his finger so that she was looking at him again.

  “Eyes to me Luce,” he said and dropped a light kiss to her upturned mouth. “What triggered it?”

  “I’m not sure. I had it at Christmas, but then it went and now its back, and it's worse. It’s like something is going to happen, and it’s going to be bad.” Jace pulled her to him and held her tight.

  “Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together.” He said and kissed her head.

  “So you don’t think I’m overreacting?”

  He laughed then. “No Luce I don’t, you’re the most grounded person I know so if you are worried then I know you have reasons. But whatever happens, you will be okay because you’re strong and feisty and compassionate and you’ll get a big head if I keep going,” He laughed and nuzzled her neck, “Now, get your ass into gear we need to go before the big boss man gets mad.”

  Lucy snorted, “Ha, Zack doesn’t scare me,” she smirked.

  “Yeah well, he scares me,” Jace laughed.

  “Ah poor baby, don’t worry I’ll protect you from big bad Zack,” she said and pinched his cheeks as she went by and out the front door. She heard Jace mutter something under his breath and turned,

  “What did you say?” she asked with a frown.

  “I said you’re the most perfect woman in the world,” he lied.

  “Yeah right,” she said and saw him blow her a kiss as he went to his car.

  Getting into their own cars, they drove to Fortis, her listening to Little Mix, him listening to Oasis.


  They pulled into Fortis side by side. Entering the reception area, Lucy stopped to pet Samson, Celeste’s German Shepard. The dog, as usual, was at Celeste’s feet.

  “Hey Celeste,” Lucy said.

  “Hey Luce, hey Jace,” she replied with a smile, “everyone else is in the conference room.”

  “We best get going then,” said Jace with a smile for Celeste. He turned and playfully tapped Lucy on the ass and said to Celeste in a stage whisper, “She’s an animal, She wouldn’t let me out of bed. Honestly, I’m exhausted.” Celeste giggled and blushed. Lucy punched him in the arm, “I did not you big assclown!” she denied hotly.

  “Ouch,” he laughed and grabbed for her as she hustled her ass through the door.

  They both walked into the conference room laughing. They stopped when they saw Zack’s flinty expression.

  “Thanks for joining us,” he said sounding pissed.

  Lucy thought better of answering him back and just glared back at him. She smiled at her brother and Nate who were across from her. Dane was shaking his head, and Nate was grinning. Shit was that what love did, turned you into a smiling loon?

  She turned back to the front as Zack stood and took control of the meeting.

  “Now that everyone is here I’ll start. I have explained to everyone about your previous employment to save time,” he stated looking at Lucy. She nodded her understanding and looked around the room. She received a wink from Daniel and a grin from Drew. Will looked annoyed and as usual when he was pissed, he was fiddling with bits of paper making some origami shit. She would collar him later and find out what his major malfunction was.

  “Lucy received Intel yesterday that Fortis or at least someone inside Fortis is a direct target of the Divine Watchers. At this time, that is all we know.” He continued his pacing as he spoke, hands on hips, top shirt button undone. “I am making it so that moving forward every single person that has a connection to us will have protection. Nobody sleeps unprotected, that includes wives, girlfriends, and family members. I want them either in a public place with others around them or with one of us. Daniel, I want you to arrange it so that everyone is covered. If we need to bring people in, do it.”

  “No problem,” Dan replied with a firm nod.

  “From now on we keep this tight. I don’t want them getting wind that we have our guards up. They need to think we are unaware. Has anyone got questions?” he asked.

  “Yes,” stated Ava from beside him. He turned to look at her, as did Lucy.

  “What’s up?” he asked sharply. Ava stood and went to the projector. She clicked through some buttons and brought up some text that meant absolutely nothing to her. Ava seriously impressed Lucy. She was clever and funny and wore awesome shoes.

  “I found this text late last night,” she started, but Zack interrupted.

  “I thought I told you to take a break when you went home,” he said angrily. Ava clenched her jaw, and Lucy smiled this was her kind of woman.

  “I don’t have a home. I have a hotel room,” she ground out.

  Zack waved a hand in a whatever motion, “Why are you taking this stuff with you?”

  “Because I get bored and it stops me from missing my,” she paused, “from missing my family,” she said.

  Everyone was as engrossed in the back and forth between the two as Lucy was.

  “I thought they came for Christmas?” Zack asked and tipped his head to the side. Lucy watched Ava dip her head, but not before, she saw the sadness in her eyes. She was sure Zack saw it too because his jaw hardened.

  “They couldn’t, they were poorly,” she finished. Lucy could tell by her face that she missed her son badly. As soon as this meeting was finished she was going to speak to Zac about bringing him over.

  Ava waved a hand and got herself together. “Anyway, I found this script. It took me a while to decode, but it talks about blooded sisters being the key to all eternity. It also mentions a chained library.”

  “Fuck,” said Jace beside her, “It must be the chained library in the Cathedral.” Everyone started nodding and talking at once.

  “That’s what I thought, and I did some research. Your chained library dates back to the 17th century. I need to get in there and take a look at some of the books and see if there is anything in Thracian.”

  “I’ll arrange it,” said Zack smiling at her.

  “Thank you,” Ava replied, and Lucy could see a cease-fire had been reached for now. She was going to have to do some digging when she got a chance and find out what was going on with those two.

  “As most of you know Zin and Lucy had an incident on their way back from a meeting with Billy Gates yesterday. The meeting uncovered nothing but out of the four men that attacked Lucy and Zin, Lucy kindly left one alive for us,” He said sarcastically. Lucy shot him the finger.

  “Zin and I questioned him,” Zin muttered something in Russian which made Ava giggle. Zin’s eyes shot to her, and he smirked. Zack watched the exchange and Lucy saw him frown.

  “As I was saying, we questioned him, and he managed to tell us that the men he was with were not the missing SAS operatives and that most, but not all were still alive. We will continue with his questioning later today. This is a positive for us.”

  “Do we have any ID on the men from the car?” Drew asked.

  “Will is running them through Facial Recognition now. As soon as we get a match, we’ll let everyone know. Anything else?”

  “Yes. How did they know where we would be?” Zin asked.

  “It looks like Billy Gates carer tipped someone off. He was found dead last night.”

  “What about Billy?” Lucy asked, sitting forward, her back filled with tension.

  “He was fine. I suspect they know he is too far gone to be of any help to anyone. We will go through the carer’s bank details and see if we can find anything. Right so if that’s all,” Zack said, and everyone agreed. “Dane, I want you and Jace to liaise with Jack and help him work the leads he has on Smithy and the others. Daniel, you sort the cover for everyone ASAP, and then I want a full report on those last two recruits on my desk. Drew and Will I want security on this place so tight, an ant won’t get close without me noticing. Zin and Lucy follow the leads on the Russian mob connection. Lucy if you hear from
Roz I want to know.” He finished.

  “What about the fertility clinic?” Lucy asked

  “It’s blown, us being a target means they know us all. There is no way you are getting close to that now. I will have Will and Drew follow up on Redcast and Elliot Henderson and see if they can find ties to any of the players so far. Jace, when you and Dane have finished I want you and Drew to visit Felicity Lockwood and see if you can get her to talk. If not see what you can find out through other means.” He gave Jace a look, which made it clear that if Jace had to use his new gift he should. Lucy wasn’t happy about it, but Jace just nodded.

  Lucy nodded and stood as the others also stood to leave. Jace kissed her cheek and said, “Catch you later babe,” as he left with Dane to talk to Jack.

  “Later baby,” she answered and smiled. She watched everyone else leave and then followed Zack as he walked to his office.

  “Zack,” she called, “can I get a word please.” She was determined to reunite Ava and her son.

  “Sure come in,” he said and settled behind his desk. “What can I do for you?”

  “Did you know Ava had a son?” she asked and watched as Zack went ashen and gritted his jaw.

  “No I did not,” he said with barely concealed anger.

  “Well she does, and I think she is missing him. It must be hard to be separated from him.” She said and kept her eyes on Zack wondering what the fuck was wrong with him. “Are you okay you look ill?” she said.

  “No, no, just a little tired,” he said, and she saw him rally. “I’ll see if I can get him brought over to stay; safely,”

  “Thanks, Zack,” Lucy said with a smile and rose from the seat she had sunk into.

  “No problem. Is that all?” he asked.

  “Yep, I’ll let you know if I get anything else from Roz.” She saw Zack nod and left to find Zin. God that was weird. Maybe he was coming down with something. He’d looked very grey around the gills. She’d ask Celeste to check on him later and make sure he ate something. Much as she bitched at Zack, she admired and respected him and would hate for him to end up ill.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Striding purposefully from the lab, Rhea smiled. Everything was on track for the release of the drug into the wider population thanks to her little chat with Elliot. Margo had been hesitant, citing the trials were not conclusive. But Rhea knew that it would be worth losing a few gifted people to the drug to get it out on time.

  Fortis were proving to be difficult to deal with, constantly bouncing back from whatever distraction she threw at them. It was time to up the game, bring the other two into the fold. She would start with Elizabeth Bennett. She would be easier to get at. Hopefully, she would bring the other sister running to them.

  Everything was coming together just as the ancient script had said it would. Maybe she would visit the library later. She loved to look at the ancient words that had formed her life’s work and given her the reason to go on.

  Twisting the chain she always wore around her neck, she made her way to the patient centre. The nurse stood as she entered, head bent in deferment. The timid little thing had been among the first to succumb to the drug trial. It had taken a ridiculously small amount for her to become the tool she now was, always ready to do her bidding or carry out her work. Rhea was glad she had been so involved in the beginning stages of the drug that would change the world.

  “Good morning,” Rhea clipped and watched as the girls head lowered even more.

  “Good Morning Mrs Winslow,” she answered.

  “How is she?” Rhea asked referring to Megan.

  “Well, Mrs Winslow. She is refusing to eat, but she is staying hydrated.”

  Rhea frowned. They needed Megan and her sisters in optimal health for the implantation.

  She peered through the one-way glass and looked at Megan. She was sitting on her bed reading a book. The girl had been an avid reader all her life. As if sensing her watching, Megan looked up and straight at the glass.

  Rhea saw the same look she’d been seeing for the last twelve months; it was a look of defiance that if she had any feelings would perhaps make Rhea wary. She didn’t however, so all that look did was annoy her.

  Turning back to the nurse at her elbow she said, “If she doesn’t eat her next meal I want to know.”

  “Yes, Mrs Winslow,” said the little mouse.

  Why can’t they all be like her? Rhea thought as she turned and left.

  She went left down the long corridor, her guard as always at her back. She hardly ever noticed them anymore. Opening the door for the security room, she beckoned her head of security over.

  “Michaels I want you to send Smith to see me as soon as he gets back from training.” She said..

  “Yes, of course, Mrs Winslow. May I ask what for?” he said hesitantly wondering if he was overstepping the mark.

  Rhea regarded the man that had worked for her for over twenty years. It had been a good idea to plant him with Marcus Preedy. He had done his job perfectly, which was why he was now head of her security. It had been ridiculously easy to plant a patsy in his cell and break him out. Money could buy anything and if it couldn’t, sex could. As far as she was aware, they still didn’t know he was missing.

  “Yes, you may. I have a special assignment for him, and him having knowledge of the target will be of great benefit to me,” she answered.

  Michaels nodded. “I’ll send him over straight away.”

  “Good. How are the other recruits doing?”

  “Okay two more have succumbed to the drug, but the other died,” he answered.

  “Um, good news about those the two but disappointing about the dead one. Have you sent his body to the lab for testing?”

  “Yes, they removed him about ten minutes ago.”

  “Good, keep me updated,” She turned on her four-inch designer heels and walked back to her office.

  An hour later, she was behind her desk going over reports from Margo when there was a knock at the door. Removing her glasses and standing, she straightened her pencil skirt and buttoned the jacket of her cream suit. “Come in,” she called.

  Smithy walked in and came to stand in front of her. His eyes fixed to a point behind her head. “You wanted to see me, Ma’am,” he said in a voice devoid of emotion. The title filled her with pleasure. This unemotional man would do whatever she asked no question. She had done that for him; she had got rid of all the silly emotions that made people do stupid things.

  “Yes, I have a job for you,” she passed him a picture, which he took; “Do you recognise this woman?” She watched as he studied the picture no flicker of recognition in his eyes.

  “No Ma’am,” he answered in a monotone and passed the picture back.

  “Good, I need you to go to this address and retrieve her for me. She is not to be injured in any way. Make sure you nobody sees you,” she commanded.

  He just nodded and took the paper. Rhea looked at him closely. He was a handsome man. Not in the usual way, he was more a rugged. She would have liked him in her younger, more naive days. Now she just appreciated him as she would a painting or sculpture.

  “You may leave go now. Bring her straight to the medical wing when you have her.” The man tipped his head in understanding and left. His back straight, his gate sure.

  Rhea sat back at her desk and thought about how her plans would soon come together. Time for Armageddon was coming.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Zack fumed silently, his hands clasped on his desk in case he threw something. How could Ava have a son? The child couldn’t be very old. He wondered who the father was and if she was still with him.

  The thought of her having a relationship with someone really bothered him. He’d hoped to convince her to continue a short mutually beneficial relationship with him while she was here. He hadn’t been successful so far, though, and he wondered if that was why.

  He hadn’t thought to get a full background check on her as he thought he’d known all he n
eeded to know. Now though, he felt like maybe Ms Drake had some secrets. Pulling up her file he looked it over. There was nothing about a child or a spouse. Knowing he could waste his time or get Will to do it in a quarter of the time, he picked up his phone. “Will, get your ass in here.” He had demanded before Will had a chance to speak. He hung up and studied her picture. She was a stunningly beautiful woman. The woman she was today was such a contrast to the woman he had known. She had been so innocent and had smiled a lot. Always bestowing her laugh or smile on those around her, including him.

  It was the smile, and he hadn’t been able to resist. She had been a hellion in the sack too. Just the thought of her long limbs wrapped around him had his body going hard. Closing her file, he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He had a couple of hours free and decided he would hit the gym, then check out the two recruits that had caught Daniel's eye.

  Will knocked on the door, put his head in, “You wanted me?” he asked, and Zack beckoned him in.

  “Come in, shut the door.”

  Will closed the door and sat in the chair opposite. His ankle crossed over his knee; arms hung loosely on the arms of the chair. The headband that he wore just covering the tattoo on his hairline.

  Zack wondered how the fuck he managed to pull as many women as he had covered in that shit. His entire body, well what Zack had seen of it, was covered in tattoos; he had pierced ears, eyebrow, and lip. He was the polar opposite of every man Zack had ever worked with and the best fucking hacker and internet security specialist Zack had ever known.

  He could be a billionaire if he had ever sold the patents to his designs. Lucky for them he had made a deal with Fortis and Eidolon to only contract his current security design to them. It had saved Zack a fortune. Will had done all right and was now a multi-millionaire, not that anyone would know it by the way he lived and dressed.

  He lived like a student in a one bedroom house that was in a fairly good area but not extravagant by any stretch of the imagination. He ate, drank, and slept computers. Zack felt lucky that he had him on his team. Will was the difference between winning losing most times.


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