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Love Divided (Fortis Security Series Book 3)

Page 17

by Maddie Wade

  Julian handed them both cotton gloves and led them to the book he had mentioned earlier when he phoned. He’d told Julian it was for pleasure and hadn’t mentioned the Divine Watchers or anything connected to them. The fewer people who knew the better, and he didn't want to drag Julian or his family into any of this.

  Zack took the gloves, and Julian excused himself and left them to it. As carefully as if she was handling a precious gem, Ava opened the book. The pages were faded and brittle, but the script was beautifully written, not that he could understand a word of it. The artful script was written in Thracian she explained. He sat next to her for hours as she made notes and muttered to herself. He was content to watch her work. He wondered what that said about him. This was the longest he had sat and done nothing for over two years, probably since he was with her last. He watched her lips move and remembered what they had felt like on his skin.

  She turned suddenly and caught him watching her. Her eyes instantly darkened with desire, and he knew she was mirroring what was evident in his eyes.

  “Zack,” and he didn’t know if it was a plea or a protest.

  “I want you!” he exclaimed. She shook her head and dropped her eyes.

  “We can’t. I…., I just can’t. It wouldn’t fair. I have people who depend on me. I can’t afford to get into this with you and have my world turned upside down just for a fling.”

  Her words were like a dose of cold water. That was all the confirmation he needed. She had someone who was important to her.

  “Of course you’re right. It wouldn’t be appropriate for a few hours of fun, and that’s all it would be.” He said defensively, and for the first time in his adult life he felt cheap, and he hated it.

  The rest of the afternoon went slowly with all of the joy gone. An hour later Ava closed the book after finishing her notes and photographing every page declaring she was done. Zack went to find Julian, and he gave them a quick tour of the cloisters and the Mappa Mundi. Ava smiled and said all the right things, but he knew some of the pleasure was dulled by their earlier conversation.

  He wanted to kick his own ass for blurting that out. He seemed to say all the wrong things with her and he didn’t fucking like it. He needed to put distance between them and do his job.

  They said their goodbyes to Julian with a promise to call if they wanted a second look at the library. It seemed Julian was very taken with Ava. Zack squelched the jealousy bubbling low in his gut and followed Ava back to his car.

  The afternoon was already starting fade into the night, and the temperature had dropped. It would freeze again tonight. He would drop Ava back to Fortis, then go, and catch up with Dane at his dads. Dane had seemed off earlier, and Zack was worried this whole Lizzie thing had tipped him over the edge. Even the strongest people could only take so much before something gave. Zack just hoped that wasn’t the case with Dane.


  It was two weeks since Lizzie had been taken from her shop and every lead they followed up had fizzled out. Lucy’s nerves were on a wire. She’d started snapping at everyone including Jace. Everyone was doing their damndest to find Lizzie. She knew that, but the thought of her sister, sisters, at the mercy of those sick motherfuckers, made her feel ill. Her dad was worried sick. He was better than he was but she could see the worry etched in the lines at his eyes.

  Mateo kept asking when mummy would be home from her trip and Lucy hated lying to him. But what else could she do? Marco had suddenly become the husband of the year and was looking out for their dad and caring for Matty. He’d taken a sabbatical from his job and ditched the bimbo. He seemed genuinely worried sick about Lizzie, and she almost remembered why she’d liked him. She hadn’t forgiven the cheating little bugger, though.

  Jace and Dane had found some links to their families that went back to their great-great-grandparents. Apparently, their great-great-grandmothers had both worked for the Duke and Duchess of Burford at Hampton Court Castle. The two women had remained friends it seemed and so had their children and so on. Her mother and Jace's mother had gone to school together but had lost touch before their children were born. Jace's father had been military, and the two friends had lost touch when they were posted to Germany.

  Jace's mother hadn’t even been aware that her friend had married. It had been quite emotional for Lucy and Irene when they’d met. Irene had shown her school pictures of her mother and pictures of them as toddlers. Lucy had been shocked at how much Lizzie looked like their mother. Lizzie would have loved seeing those pictures.

  It still didn’t answer the question as to how she and Jace, because that’s what it boiled down to, had been pushed together. Was their attraction and love forced? She’d been thinking about it ever since Zack had brought up the possibility the week before. It was partly the reason she was being such a bitch. She hated to think that she had been manipulated. But the more she thought about it, the more she thought their love was real.

  She’d never mentioned her attraction to Jace so how could someone manipulate her feelings? No, it was real in her heart and she knew that. Jace had been so patient as she talked it out with him. He hadn’t belittled her ideas or told her she was stupid. He’d talked it through with her and even played devil's advocate a few times.

  She was frustrated with the lack of leads on the Surgeon, though. She and Zin had tapped up every lead they could and had even gone after their known informants to see what they had heard, but it was a bust. They all knew he was in the country, and it was for something big, but nobody knew where or for what and if they did, they were more scared of him than them. Roz was being a pain in her ass and had gone stubbornly silent.

  In the past, if she’d been in a shitty mood she would have gone to the gym and kicked some knob head in the mush, but she had been restricted by Zack and his security. She got it she really did but Christ she needed to hurt someone, or poor Jace was gonna be worn out. Using sex as a stress relief was okay, but she would prefer not to have the stress and just have the hot sex.

  She was now going through the surveillance from the Prison where Michaels was being kept. Jack had found some discrepancies, and she had offered to check it out. Zooming in on the image, everything looked normal. Hold the phone; she zoomed in closer on Michaels. No! No! No! That wasn’t right. Michaels was right handed, and yet this guy was using his left hand to write.

  Lucy quickly went into the archives and pulled up the footage of Michaels from Laurens flat. Pressing play, she watched as the sick little tosser punched and kicked poor Drew. Little twat wouldn’t get so many licks in now. Drew was coming on like a star in training. But what she noticed was he was definitely right handed. Lucy watched the footage from the prison again. That wasn’t Michaels.

  Fucking hell someone had switched him but who and how and when? Pushing back from her chair, she shot out of the room and nearly collided with Zack.

  He grabbed her arm to steady her, “Where’s the fire?” he asked.

  “Zack you need to see this,” she took his arm and dragged him to the computer screens. Bending she pressed play on the tape from the night Drew was beaten by his father and Michaels.

  Zack’s face darkened in fury, “Why are you showing me this?” he asked.

  “Wait just pay attention to Michaels,” she said excitedly. Zack crossed his arms over his chest and watched, a look of anger and disgust on his face. The video finished, and she pressed play on the footage from the prison. She knew when Zack spotted it. He leant in closer and grabbing the mouse paused the video.

  “That’s not Michaels,” he declared.

  “Exactly, so who is it and where is Michaels?” Zack pulled out his phone, hit some buttons, and then waited for the person to answer. “Nate get your ass in the tech room!” he demanded and hung up.

  Zack paced while Lucy watched. Her blood was pumping, and she felt like this was it. This was the lead they needed to kick start the case.

  Nate walked in, and Zack quickly explained what they she had found.
  “I need you to go down there and find out who that is and how the fuck nobody noticed before.”

  “It does look incredibly like him,” Nate said.

  “So Michaels either has a fugly twin that looks just like him or that is make-up. Either way, I want to know what the fuck is going on,” Zack finished on a near shout.

  “Sure thing, I’ll get going now. I just need to sort out cover for Noah and Skye.”

  “Go, I’ll cover them and take Liam with you - he needs to get out before Zin flattens him.”

  Nate nodded and left.

  “I need to talk to Jack, but I need a favour,” he asked

  “Knock yourself out,” she said

  “I need you to spar with one of the recruits. Daniel is going to spar with the other. I will observe. I need you not to hold back. Obviously don’t maim him for life but don’t go easy. He has issues with women doing this job, and I need for him to see that danger is everywhere and that women can be deadlier than men.”

  Lucy smiled and kissed Zack on the cheek in glee, “It’s like you read my mind and answered my prayers,” she joked. She laughed as Zack mock shuddered.

  “God forbid I read your mind.”

  “Can I hurt him a little bit, ya know, just to knock the misogyny out,” she said holding her finger and thumb an inch apart to show her little bit.

  “Just a little bit, but not enough to put him out of action,” he cautioned.

  “Fine I’ll get changed and warm up,” she said and headed to the door.

  “I’ll be about half an hour but go ahead and talk to Daniel about the situation while you wait,” he said as he followed her out.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Lucy was in her gym gear of sports top and leggings when Daniel came in. He was looking so much better than he had earlier that summer when he lost Claire. He still had shadows under his eyes, but they weren’t as bad as they had been. Lucy thought Paige had a lot to do with that. The little girl was the personification of joy and brought light wherever she went.

  “Hey Luce,” he greeted.

  “Hi, Dan. What’s going on with these two recruits?”

  Daniel explained the issues and Lucy had a feeling she was going to like the girl and enjoy teaching the boy some manners. The door opened, and a dark-haired woman came in. She was early twenties and about 5ft 7inches. Her body was toned and muscular, and she carried herself with confidence until she saw them-then her shoulders dropped just a fraction. Not liking that, she started towards her but stopped when a handsome blonde man barged in and shoved past the young woman. Lucy bristled and leapt to help the woman who had stumbled.

  Luce felt her body stiffen when the man smirked, “Oops sorry, babe,” he said in derogatory, dismissive voice. Lucy was about to open her mouth and rip the little wanker’s balls through his throat when Daniel shouted.

  “Harrison, fucking apologise right now, or you’re gone!” Harrison bit back a snarl and glared at Lucy and the girl.

  “Sorry Emme,” he said sulkily, and Lucy knew she was going to enjoy the next half hour teaching him a lesson.

  “Hey Emme, I’m Lucy. Pleased to meet you,” Lucy said with a smile.

  “You’re Lucy? Oh my God. I’m such a fan. I’ve followed you in all your MMA tournaments. You’re the reason I signed up for this,” the girl put out her hand to Lucy.

  Lucy smiled and shook it, “That’s so sweet. Listen don’t worry about him,” she said and flicked her thumb to Harrison the knob head who was being reamed out by Daniel. “He just needs to be taught some manners,”

  “Is it true Zack will be here?” Emme asked.

  Lucy nodded and played it down, “I believe he will be popping in,” she said just as Zack chose that moment to walk in.

  “Daniel, are we ready?” he asked, and Lucy marvelled at the way he commanded a room. She and Jace had talked about it, and Jace had told her that was why Zack had been so good at what he did in the SAS. Jace was the grey man and blended into the background whereas Zin and Zack commanded a room the minute they walked into it.

  Lucy had disagreed with that. Jace did command a room he just did it differently. Zack, Zin and even Dane and Daniel were enigmatic and in your face, but Jace and Nate were different but no less commanding. They were softer and in some ways deadlier for it.

  “Yes, all ready to go,” Daniel said. “Harrison, you will be sparring with Lucy and Emme you’re with me.”

  Lucy watched Harrison rake his eyes over her and then dismiss her. Fucking idiot was going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. Lucy went to the mats, and Harrison followed. Emme and Daniel went to the other mat, and Lucy winked at Emme in encouragement. The girl smiled back at her.

  Lucy knew exactly how she would play this.


  Zack had seen the little exchange with Harrison and Emme, and he was ready to kick the little shite from the program there and then, but decided he would let Lucy have her fun first. Plus, he wanted to see how Emme handled the training session. She had promise, but she was nervous and lacked confidence in her abilities.

  He watched Daniel warm her up with a few jabs and then a sweep to the leg, which she blocked and countered. Her footwork was good, and her balance was great. Dan hit her with an uppercut which she blocked, but she missed the back fist that landed on her head guard.

  She wobbled and failed to block a kick to the mid-section which landed her on her ass. He watched her shoot him a look and drop her head. She was done unless she got out of that mindset. Zack turned to watch Lucy as she easily played the useless female role. He wanted to laugh as Harrison danced around her. He jabbed for her head, and Lucy took it and ducked. Harrison smiled and went for the sweep.

  Lucy flashed him a smile and went to work. She blocked the sweep and stepped in behind him, grabbing him in an arm and collar hold, which he quickly escaped from. He danced back on his feet and hit her with a counter, which she easily blocked. Harrison was starting to catch on that it wouldn’t be as easy as he thought. He started to get angry, and his attacks became more and more uncontrolled. Lucy blocked and countered and blocked and countered.

  Zack was drawn back to Daniel and Emme, who was on the floor again. He saw her draw in a breath and get back up. He saw the light come back in her eyes and the fire behind them lit. That’s it. Atta girl. Daniel went in with a jab followed by a spinning back kick, which she blocked and then she swept his leg and took Daniel to the mat.

  Zack nearly cheered. Lucy was obviously tired of playing as well, because she went for Harrison with a knee wheel and Zack heard the crunch as his ligament gave. The scream came next. He held up his hand to stop Daniel. He’d seen enough. Harrison was on the floor screaming and out of all the people in the room to give a shit; it was Emme that went to him to help him up.

  Lucy and Dan walked over to him.

  “I thought I said only a bit Luce,” he said.

  “What? It’s just a twinge, he’ll be fine,” she dismissed, and Zack shook his head.

  “Get a doctor to Harrison and then cut him. I don’t want the likes of him on my team.”

  “What about her?” Lucy asked.

  “Cut her too, she hasn’t got the confidence for this job,” he finished and turned towards the door.

  “No, Zack don’t cut her. Let me work with her for a few weeks. She can do this; I know she can,”

  Zack watched the emotions flit across Lucy’s face and thought of the fire he had seen in Emme’s eyes. “Fine you have two weeks,” he said and wondered if he would always let Lucy get away with murder.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she shouted and jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Cut it out Lucy,” Zack said and pushed her away. He couldn’t hide the small twitch of his lips.

  “I mean it. Two weeks, and if she isn’t showing a marked improvement, then she’s gone.”

  They all turned as the door opened and Dane and Jace walked in.

  Chapter Twenty

  Lucy saw Jace and jogged to him, “Hey baby,” she said and reached up to kiss him quickly on the mouth.

  “Hey you,” he replied and slid his hand around her waist. “What has you in such a good mood?”

  “Well, we’ve had a breakthrough. I was going through the footage of Michaels from the prison and noticed some inconsistencies. It turns out Michaels isn’t Michaels. Nate and Liam are headed down there now to find out what the fuck is going on.”

  “Wow, that’s crazy. What happened to that guy?” Jace said as Daniel helped Harrison hobble past them.

  “He needed to be taught some manners,” Lucy answered with a shrug.

  “And I take it you taught him some?”

  “Meh, I doubt it. He’s a douche bag, but I tried.” She said with a look the said she had already dismissed him from her mind.

  She broke from Jace and ran to Emme. Grabbing her hand, she pulled her towards Jace, Dane and Zack.

  “Come meet Jace and Dane,” she said, and she saw the girl blush and put her head down. She would have to work on that. She saw Zack raise an eyebrow and poked out her him. “Don’t be shy; they don’t bite. Well, Jace does but only in the best ways,” she laughed. “And Dane has a loud bark like Zack, but I find if you throw a raw steak at them they’re fine,” she giggled at her own joke.

  Dane and Jace laughed and rolled their eyes at Lucy and both put out their hands for Emme to shake.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” the girl said and smiled hugely.

  “I’m going to be working with Emme over the next few weeks,” Lucy said and watched as Jace and Dane frowned. She knew Emme saw it to.

  Zack stepped in and grabbed the girl’s attention. “Why don’t you get yourself home, I want you working with the others on weapons first thing tomorrow,” Zack said, and Emme instantly nodded and after smiling tentatively took off towards the showers.

  Lucy was about to ask Jace and Dane what the hell that was all about when her phone went. Her gut got a funny feeling, and the thought that this was important hit her hard. She dived for her workout bag and her phone, which was sat on the top. The caller display said unknown. Her heart raced, and her hand almost shook. She felt Jace behind her and swivelled her head to look at him. He saw her look of fear and smiled encouragingly.


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