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Killian: Heartlands Motorcycle Club

Page 2

by Turner, Olivia T.

  When those dark passionate eyes lock onto mine, I feel my body react in the most intense way. It’s not just the tingling all over. It’s more.

  I want to give myself to him. I want him to have me. To own me.

  The sudden urge to run across the street and jump into his arms has my pulse racing. It’s almost irresistible and I have to cling onto the car to stop my feet from moving.

  He seems to be feeling something similar because he’s not walking anymore. He’s standing there in shock, staring at me like I’m otherworldly. Beautiful. Angelic.

  Then his look switches.

  It turns possessive. Like I’m his.

  I like this look much better.

  My cheeks burn hot and my breath starts coming out all choppy and hoarse. The air feels electric. Tiny shocks and sparks tickle my skin as he looks me up and down, looking like he’s about to storm over here, pick me up, throw me over his shoulder, and carry me back to wherever he came from.

  A part of me deep down—a part that’s quickly taking over—is hoping he will.

  Everything else fades away. It’s just us two on the street. Just us two in the world. Nothing else matters.

  Then, the world comes crashing back in.

  “Goodnight, Daisy,” a raspy voice says from behind me. I turn with a startled gasp and see the elderly couple that my father was talking to inside the diner. The old man has his arm wrapped around his tiny wife who seems to be shrinking with every passing second.

  “Goodnight,” I mutter with a forced smile before my eyes dart back to the man who now owns my attention.

  “I hope you have fun with your father,” the woman says, not realizing that this conversation is over. “He’s such a wonderful man.”

  This time I don’t take my eyes off the mysterious stranger. “Yup. He’s great.”

  And suddenly, he’s back.

  My father appears on the other side of the car, smiling at the couple. “Goodnight, Mr and Mrs Robinson. You enjoy your weekend and no crazy parties or I’ll have to come and shut it down.”

  Mr and Mrs Robinson burst out laughing. “It’s been too long since we’ve partied like that,” she says.

  I’m barely listening as they chat. All of my focus is on the man and all of his focus is on me. Well, most of it. He seems shocked and uneasy to see my father.

  He must be one of those bikers that my father always warned me to stay away from. Why does that make him even more intriguing? Why does that make me want him even more?

  “Well, goodnight Sheriff Ramsey,” the lady says. “Goodnight, Daisy.”

  “Goodnight,” I murmur back. I’m physically unable to take my eyes off this man. I don’t want to get in the car. I don’t want to leave. I definitely don’t want to do that stupid puzzle.

  Panic hits me when I think that this might be the last time I see him. What if he doesn’t find me? This could be it.

  No one ever tells you that love at first sight could be such a short-lived affair.

  My father finally notices how distracted I am and he follows my gaze across the street.

  “Oh, hell no,” he hisses under his breath.

  My eyes dart to his face and I see a glimpse of that darkness as he glares at the man with an intensity that shocks me. Waves of hate are pouring off him. He looks furious.

  “Get in the car,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “Now.”

  He never takes his eyes off the man.

  Mr and Mrs Robinson bump into another parked car as they drive away and my father doesn’t even notice. His vicious eyes are fixated on the man.

  “Who is that?” I ask, desperately hoping he’ll give me a name. If he does, I can stalk him on social media when I get home.

  “Someone who should know better than to gawk at my daughter,” he says with a growl. “Get in the car.”

  His tone is terrifying and my body moves before my brain can tell me that I’m twenty and don’t have to follow his orders anymore. I close the door and put on the seatbelt as I look in the side mirror, trying to get one more glimpse of him.

  My father gets in the car and slams the door closed. He shoves the key in the ignition, turns on the car, and bursts out of the parking lot like the diner is about to explode. The tires squeal and shriek as he backs up and then roughly turns the car and takes off down the street.

  Leaving the man behind.

  Leaving my love at first sight in the rearview mirror.

  And leaving me heartbroken.

  Chapter Three


  I must have a deathwish or something.

  This is the last place on the planet where I should be, but I can’t help it. I can’t seem to stay away. I’m being drawn to this girl like a moth to a flamethrower.

  A light goes on in an upstairs window and my heart starts pounding. I don’t know if it’s her room or the Sheriff’s room.

  I didn’t even know the Sheriff had a daughter. At first, I thought it might be his girlfriend, which would have been a disaster because I knew immediately that there was nothing I wouldn’t do to make that sweet girl mine. And that included putting a bullet in the brain of any ‘boyfriend’ who tried to lay ownership to what is clearly mine.

  She is mine. She belongs to me in every way.

  She’ll find that out soon enough, and so will the Sheriff.

  When I realized she was Sheriff Ramsey’s daughter, I started to breathe easier, even though that dynamic won’t be much easier. I’m sure he’d rather kill me than see a member of the Heartlands Motorcycle Club holding the hand of his precious daughter.

  And I don’t blame him.

  This beautiful girl is so pure. She looks as innocent as an angel.

  My filthy hands don’t belong anywhere near her, but that’s not going to stop me. I’m taking her. As soon as I have the chance, that sweet ripe body will be mine.

  I can see the TV playing through the downstairs window. It’s probably the Sheriff getting a hard on as he watches some stupid cop show while his stunning daughter moves around upstairs.

  I picture her lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, and I start to get hard. What is she thinking about? Could she be thinking about me?

  I’m leaning against the neighbor’s pick-up truck across the street as I watch the house and try to remember every detail of the encounter before.

  She is so perfect.

  I was stunned when I saw her on the street. Utterly captivated by her beauty and the innocent way she carried herself.

  Primal thoughts were pounding in my ears, my chest was aching, my body shaking as I struggled to control myself. The need to bury my nose into her soft long auburn hair was almost as intense as the need to bury my hard raging cock deep between her legs.

  Her face is flawless and the longing to see it again is killing me. I want to stare at her soft tender features and curvy hips for hours. I know I could spend a decade with this girl and not get tired of staring at her smooth skin and mesmerizing eyes.

  “Hey!” a voice yells from the house behind me. “Get away from my truck!”


  I turn around and see a man in the window who instantly darts away when I look at him.

  “Sheriff!” he starts screaming at the top of his lungs. “Sheriff Ramsey! Car thief in my driveway!”

  The Sheriff’s door bursts open and he explodes out with a revolver in his hand. His eyes are full of hate and I think he might kill me as he points the gun at my head and rushes over.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he hisses as he storms up to me. I put my hands up, but I don’t think it’s going to do a lick of good against his fury. Or his bullets.

  “Going for a walk?” I say with a gulp.

  He turns the revolver in his hand and slams the handle into my face. My vision goes black as pain shoots through my brain. I stumble back into the truck with a grunt. His fists come flying forward, slamming into my stomach, my head, my face as I raise my arms to try and protect myself.

  I can’t throw a punch back. Not at the Sheriff.

  Nevada is full of desert and I’ll be buried at the bottom of it if I touch him. The law enforcement around here doesn’t fuck around.

  I just have to take it.

  He goes on for a while. His fists pound into me over and over again, crunching against bone and smacking against muscle. I feel the wet warmth of blood leaking down my cheek and onto my neck.

  Is this fucker ever going to get tired?

  Finally, my knees buckle when he lands a hard right to my chin. I drop to the pavement and he steps back, wheezing and taking deep breaths as he glares down at me.

  “You’re here for my daughter.”

  It’s not a question. He knows what’s up.

  He was there when we first spotted each other and saw the look in both of our eyes.

  “I love her,” I say and then brace for the impact.

  It comes hard.

  His boot slams into my ribs and my breath gets knocked out of my lungs as I collide back into the truck.

  “Dad, what are you doing?”

  I barely hear the sweet voice over the pounding in my ears, but it’s there and it makes all the pain worth it.

  My eyes are watering, but I can still see her when the Sheriff turns around. She’s standing on the sidewalk, looking even more gorgeous than I remembered.

  She’s no longer wearing the sundress that captivated me, but somehow she looks even better in her pajama pants and white tank top. I realize I haven’t taken a breath in a while when she lays those soft hazel eyes on me.

  There’s pity in those eyes—I must look pretty pitiful right now on the pavement and covered in blood—but there’s something else too. There’s intrigue, attraction, curiosity, and excitement. She’s trying to hide it in front of her father, but I can see her eyes sparkling with a gleam of wonder.

  She knows I’m here for her, risking it all to see her.

  “Go back inside, Daisy,” the Sheriff barks.

  Daisy. The word rumbles through my head, changing everything. Rewiring my brain. She’s the only thing that matters anymore. The obsession is building.

  “Daisy,” he snaps and she jumps up, startled.

  I grit my teeth as I get up to my feet. Father or not, I won’t permit anyone talking to my girl like that. Ever.

  “Watch your tone,” I warn him as I stand straight up.

  The Sheriff whips his head back around to me with murder in his eyes. He tries to pistol whip me again, but this time I catch his arm and pull him in nice and close. Close enough that I can smell the cheap whiskey on his breath.

  “No one talks to my Daisy like that,” I say in a low controlled voice.

  He doesn’t like that. At all.

  “Your Daisy?”

  With a growl, he turns the pistol in his hand and digs the barrel into my forehead, pushing me back into the truck.

  For a second, I think this is it. I think everything is about to go black.

  My eyes dart over to the girl who’s made me lost my mind. At least if I’m going to die, I’m going to die happy with my eyes locked on an angel.

  Daisy screams as she rushes over. I watch in awe as she grabs her father’s arm and desperately tries to pull the gun away from my head.

  “Daddy, don’t!” she screams as her face goes red with the effort.

  My heart pounds. Not from the gun, but from seeing her. What she’s doing for me. What she’s risking for me.

  Finally, Ramsey lowers the gun and lets me go with a snarl.

  “Get back in the house,” he hisses at Daisy as he shrugs out of her grip. “Now!”

  She knows now that she’s pushed his limits, and starts to back away across the street. Her eyes are locked on me as she goes.

  My whole body is aching with need. I fucking have to have her. I need to touch her. To kiss her. To make her mine. I need to claim every inch of that ripe body or I won’t be able to breathe.

  She steps onto the Sheriff’s lawn and I let out a little moan when I see her bare feet on the grass. An image of us in bed, naked and exhausted after a sex marathon pops into my head. I have her foot in my hands, playing with her toes as she tells me everything about her. The image is so perfect that it seizes me and tightens my chest.

  “Get your fucking eyes off of my little princess,” the Sheriff hisses under his breath as Daisy moves closer to the house.

  I’m thinking this is a bad time to tell him that his little princess will soon be my little whore. So, I just keep my mouth shut before he knocks all my teeth out.

  I glance at her one more time as she disappears into the house, taking a piece of me with her. The pain from the Sheriff’s beating was nothing compared to this.

  It hurts to have her out of my sight. Out of my reach. Out of my life.

  I vow to never let that happen again.

  I’m going to come back and find this girl. Take this girl if I have to. But she will be mine and then, I’ll never let her go.

  When the front door closes, the Sheriff points the revolver at me as he walks backward to the house, probably realizing if he stays out here any longer, he’ll be spending the night in the hot desert digging up a hole instead of on his comfy couch drinking cheap whiskey.

  “This isn’t over, Conley,” he warns. “Your whole fucking club is going down for this. And I’m going to start with you.”

  I swallow hard as I watch him storm into his house and slam the front door.

  The light goes off in the room upstairs and I see Daisy in the window, watching me.

  I lick my lips and taste metal. I’m a bloody, swollen mess. But she doesn’t seem to mind.

  Her father doesn’t want his little girl with a criminal like me. He doesn’t think I’m good enough for her.

  I agree.

  She’s so innocent and pure. She deserves the best.

  In that moment, as we stare at each other through the night sky, I vow to become clean for her. I vow to become the man that she deserves.

  I want to be that man for her.

  I will be that man for her.

  She blows me a kiss as I force myself to leave and it nearly takes my legs out when I catch it.

  “I’ll be back,” I whisper to her even though she’s too far to hear it. “I’ll be back to take everything.”

  With my body buzzing and feeling better than I’ve ever felt in my entire life, I turn and start the long walk home.

  Chapter Four


  I’m quivering as I stand across the street and stare at the bar. There’s about two dozen motorcycles parked in front of it and one of the scariest looking guys I’ve ever seen leaning against the door.

  Ride or Die Bar. I’m wondering if there’s a third option. Maybe Ride, Die, or go inside to get an orange juice and then return safely?

  I gulp as I force my feet to start moving. I’m going to take my chances.

  The mysterious man from last night took a chance. A big chance. My father looked like he was going to put a bullet in his head, and he might have if I hadn’t rushed out in time.

  My heart starts to go a little haywire in my chest when I wonder for the millionth time what he was doing out there.

  But no matter what crazy scenarios I come up with, I keep coming back to the most plausible one—he was there to see me.

  There was definitely a connection between us outside of the restaurant and it only grew when we saw each other again outside of my father’s house.

  I wasn’t able to eat this morning and I was barely able to sleep last night. I just can’t stop thinking about him. Every moment that passes has him in my thoughts.

  Everyone in the town of Seneca knows that the Heartlands bikers hang out at the Ride or Die Bar—my father has warned me enough to stay away from here that I know all about it.

  I noticed the leather vest on my sexy stalker and decided to take a shot this afternoon, but now, I’m having second thoughts.

  I close my eyes, take a d
eep breath, and let the warmth fill me once again when I begin to think about the way he was looking at me last night.

  I can still feel the possession of his gaze flowing through me, making my body tingle. I want to see it up close as those big hands grab me and pull me into his hard powerful body.

  I want to feel the fear of being so vulnerable underneath him. I want to feel his hot breath on my tingling skin and his hardness digging into my thigh as he gives me my first kiss ever.

  When I open my eyes, I’m ready.

  I hurry across the street toward the bar before I change my mind.

  The bouncer looks at me funny as I walk straight up to him, pretending like I belong here, even though it’s obvious to both of us that I don’t.

  “Can I help you?” he asks with a curious look on his face. “Do you need directions or something?”

  “No,” I say with a crack in my voice. I start to feel my resolve begin to fade and a large part of me—a growing part—wants to turn and flee in the opposite direction. But I hold tight, thinking of those dark eyes staring at me, and answer. “I want to go inside.”

  He raises an eyebrow as he cracks his knuckles. I gulp when I see the tattoos on them. Love Hard is written across them, one letter for each huge knuckle.

  “If you need to use the bathroom, I’d suggest—”

  “I want to go in as a customer,” I say, forcing out an air of self-confidence that I’m definitely not feeling right now.

  His brow furrows. “I see…”

  It’s clear that he doesn’t.

  “Can I go in?”

  He’s taking deep breaths as he looks down at me. This man is built like an oil tanker, but the longer I stay around him, the less scary he gets. I can tell he’s a bit of a sweetheart. He’s hesitating because he’s worried about me.

  “You’re twenty-one?”

  “Of course,” I lie. I turn twenty-one in two months. This is the first time I’ll be in a bar.

  “All right,” he says with a long exhale. “Just stay away from Steve.”

  He pushes the heavy door open and I swallow hard when I hear the 70’s rock music and pool balls clanging.


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