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Enlightened End (Lotus House Book 7)

Page 19

by Audrey Carlan

  Grant has explained to me that the development and buildings to be built on my street have been named the Berkeley Four. Each tower will simply be numbered Berkeley One, Two, Three, and Four.

  “Okay, I see the buildings, what looks like a play area for kids, and some fountains. What about the businesses?” I ask.

  Grant loops his arm around my waist and tugs me close.

  “That’s the best part.” Brandon allows the first sheet to roll up on itself before showing the next. “Here’s the ground level of each tower and the breezeways which will connect two towers to one another. Look what’s in the breezeways.”

  Berkeley One shows the lobby of the tower, but to the right of the tower is another door.

  “Lotus House Yoga. And the best part”—Brandon is practically leaping out of his skin with exuberance as he points to the breezeway—“nothing in Lotus House changes except the color of the front of the building and maybe some additional windows along with a second story addition for expansion.”

  “My idea…” Grant rumbles near my ear, and my stomach clenches.

  Brandon keeps pointing. “Instead of having a huge garden area like the one across the street with the pool and playground, this tower will have Lotus House and Sunflower Bakery. Completely intact, zero changes to what you have now with the exception of the expanded space and a paint job.”

  I open and close my mouth, not sure what to say or how to even form the words to express my gratitude. It washes over me, and tears prick at the back of my eyes. “I’m not losing Lotus House…” I choke on the phrase.

  Grant turns me to the side and cups my cheeks. “You love it, right?”

  I nod as twin tears fall down my cheeks.

  He swipes them away with his thumbs. “And I love you.” He leans forward and kisses me softly.

  “A-And— A-And Sunflower stays the same? D-Dara doesn’t have to move either?”

  He smiles wide. “No, lamb, your best friend’s flagship store stays. Both of those locations will be excellent contributions to the towers. And with a different scale of wealth hitting the neighborhood, you can raise your prices. Maybe allow the folks already in to have a grandfathered set price and new clients the brand-new rates. Possibly offer Towers residents a ten-percent discount. Something that makes them feel welcome.”

  “Oh, my God…I will. I’ll do whatever it takes to make this work!” I jump up, wrap my arms around Grant’s neck, and lay a big, fat, wet kiss on him. He takes my head and slants it the way he wants as he plunges his tongue, tasting me deep.

  I give him everything I’m feeling in this kiss.




  I know he went to incredible lengths to make this happen for me and my best friend, and it just solidifies how much he loves me and is committed to our relationship. My heart swells as I pull away. He nips my top lip and then my bottom lip, wiping at my tears as he goes.

  “Guys, can you stop making out long enough to see the rest of the plans? Not all of it is as exciting. There were several businesses we couldn’t save, I’m sorry to say.”

  “Oh no.” I suck in a quick breath and straighten my spine, ready to take the hit.

  “This entire street of businesses is gone. Unfortunately, an antique store, smoke shop, and thrift store don’t fit anywhere near the master community plan and would not be a draw for the type of clientele we’re going to secure in these million-dollar apartments.”

  The tears come back as I see my friends’ businesses wiped off the street. “What’s going to replace them?”

  “Well, as you may have noticed, The Tattered Pages Bookstore was not on the same street as Lotus House and Sunflower.”

  My heart sank. The bookstore is always packed, and the couple who own it have owned it as long as I can remember. It’s their dream business. They plan to pass it on to their children one day.

  “As you can see in this image, we’ve moved the bookstore across the street to the breezeway section between tower three and tower four. We’ve also left room for two upscale businesses to move in.”

  “You’re keeping the bookstore?”

  “Yeah, baby, it’s a great place, and it’s always packed. Plus, even though they are used books, when we talked to them and told them we’re giving them more space, they promised to add brand-new books and bestsellers as well as host some reading hours for kids and book clubs.”

  “Oh, my God! They will love that! They were already bursting at the seams as it was.”

  Brandon nods. “Yeah, and now they’ll have two stories to work with and a much wider section where we’re going to build a little platform for author signings, poetry readings, book reveals, the kids’ hour, and more. We will also be replacing all of the bookcases and making them perfectly matching and dialed in so it suits a higher-scale area. The entire front will be window so patrons walking by can see the rows and rows of books.”

  I run my finger along the look of the bookstore, already excited about visiting and buying new books and attending book club meetings.

  “This is incredible. And Rainy Day Café? You didn’t mention that. Are you getting rid of it?”

  Grant grins. “Lamb, they have the best soup and sandwiches I’ve had in my life. Their salads and the to-go egg breakfast burritos, bagels, and croissants are to die for. People want healthy, well-made food and tasty to-go options when they’ve got to get to the city or just got back from a hellacious day at work.”

  “So that means…”

  “We’re not getting rid of it. We discussed it with them, and we’re expanding it, giving them the patio they want, turning it into two stories, new bigger kitchen, etcetera. They’ll have to hire a lot more people to help with the influx they’re going to get. It will end up being two to four times the size when it’s all said and done.”

  My heart starts pounding, and I swallow against the tears that threaten to fall. “Coree and Bethany have been notified?”

  “Yeah, Luna. Everyone on the street has had a sit-down with Brando and me. Even the businesses we couldn’t save. Turns out those weren’t doing well anyway. We offered them an additional hundred thousand dollars on top of their eviction for their troubles and to help them rebuild or start over.”

  I gasp. “You did? I can’t believe Winters Group would do that. It had to be a blow to the books…”

  Brandon laughs. “Winters Group. The old man would never allow that kind of money out the door. Grant took the dent to his bank account. It was all him….”

  Grant’s gaze flashes to Brandon’s, daggers replacing the happiness of moments before.

  “Dude, your woman should know you were the one who made it right and out of your own pocket. Not the company. Definitely not your old man.” Brandon shivers dramatically. “Man gives me the creeps. He’s so mean.”

  I turn Grant to look my way. “You did this? Made it okay for everyone?”

  “Lamb, I told you I was going to work something out. I’m just lucky that Brando is a genius architect and worked his ass off to make it work. We’re also adding a boxing gym to tower one that will be an expansion of Sal’s Boxing Gym & Fitness Center, as well as three different entertainment clubs on the tops of towers two, three, and four.”

  My eyes are swimming with tears again, but I try to hold them back. All of this is good, too good to believe. “Um…” I swallow down the lump and inhale deeply. “Why is tower one not going to have a club on the top?”

  Grant turns to Brandon and effectively ignores my question. “Thank you for coming, Brandon. I’ll be in touch. Again, appreciate it, man.”

  Brandon claps Grant’s shoulder. “No problem. Glad we could make it work for you and your girl, as well as most of the businesses. This is going to be a great community.”

  Grant and I watch as he rolls up the plans, ties them with a rubber band, and leaves them on Grant’s desk. “For the board meeting next week.”

  “Perfect. We’ll get together soon for a

  Brandon’s eyes widen. “Looks like Luna is changing more than just your business acumen. You’re more approachable, casual. Gotta say, I like what I’m seeing. And I’ll await that call for a brewsky. Great meeting you, Luna. Glad to see Winters so happy.”

  Grant nods and Brandon heads out, offering a short wave.

  “Bye, Brandon, and thank you again for the incredible work. I’m truly grateful.”

  He waves once more, opens the door, and exits.

  Grant turns me in his arms, and I place my hands on his chest.

  He glances down at me, eyes filled with love and loyalty.

  “What’s going on the top of tower one? You evaded my question and then abruptly dismissed your friend. That’s not like you.”

  He curves a hand around my nape and sets his thumb on my cheeks. “Because I didn’t want Brando here for this part. It’s private, between you”—he kisses my lips—“and”—he deepens the kiss with a little touch of his tongue before pulling away—“me.”

  I hum and grip his chest, digging my nails into the breastplate of his shirt, loving the feel of his hard, muscular chest under my fingertips. “Grant…” I mewl, heat building between my thighs. “You didn’t answer me.”

  One of his hands leaves my back and slides down to my ass, where he starts to inch up the hem of my flowy dress. When he has it high enough to where he can run his hand along my panty-clad ass, he grunts and pushes his hips against mine.

  I can feel the long ridge of his manhood pressing into me. Unable to hold myself back any longer, I wedge my own hand between our bodies and slide it down his sizable length. He grunts, dips his head, and lays a line of open-mouthed kisses along my neck.

  Grant slides both hands under my dress, lifts me by my ass, and sets me on the top of his desk. He leans over, pushes a button, and all the windows go frosty. I hear the lock on his door click into place. While he bathes my neck in kisses, he multitasks, gripping my panties in one hand, lifting my body with the other, and tugging the panties down my legs.

  “Wanted to fuck you on my desk the second I saw you the first time you visited. I can’t get the image out of my mind.”

  “Mmm…” I sigh and tilt my head up, letting him work my neck and push down the top of my dress along with the cups of my bra so he can get at my breasts.

  He wraps his lips around one aching point, and I cry out. He hums in his throat and flicks at the erect nipple before sucking it into the warmth of his mouth.


  “Love your tits, lamb. So pink and pretty.” He snuffles his nose along my chest to the other breast, which he gives equal attention.

  I arch into his lush kiss, loving his mouth on me but needing more. So much more. I open my legs wide so he can get even closer and I can reach his belt, button, and zipper, which I make quick work of getting open until his erection falls into my palm. He’s velvety smooth and hard as steel.

  “Fuck, Luna,” he growls and takes my mouth in a searing kiss. His tongue tastes every angle of my mouth while I work his length in my fist.

  He pulls away on a harsh breath. “Lie back. I want to see your body sucking me in while I take you on my desk.” His tone is firm and grating, like he can’t wait a second more to have me.

  I lie back, my breasts exposed and cool to the air. He looks at me, my bared breasts, and the space between my thighs with intense reverence.

  “Love you, Luna. So damn much.” He clenches his teeth, centers his penis at my opening, and enters me, one steely inch at a time.

  The moment he fills me is nothing short of nirvana. Being connected to Grant is the best feeling in the world.

  He’s sunshine and warm winds.

  Dark chocolate drizzled over ice cream.

  Sunday mornings in bed.

  Wood-burning fireplaces and toasted marshmallows.

  He’s everything I could ever need or want…and he’s all mine.

  Grant spreads me open farther with his thumbs, thrusts as deep as he can go, tips his head back, and groans loudly into the empty room. “You’re so tight. Warm. Everything in my life that’s good, Luna. I’d do anything to have you, have this for the rest of my life.”

  I run my nails down his forearms, bringing his gaze back to mine.

  “I love you. Now make me come.” I remind him of where his penis is planted.

  “Your pleasure is my pleasure.” He smiles sexily, grips my hip with his free hand, and proceeds to make love to me thrust after blessed thrust, on the top of his desk, with his entire office running around outside his locked door like buzzing little bees in the hive.

  Content, thoroughly sated, and back in his apartment for a fantastic round two of incredible sex, I watch Grant pull his armor—the black suit I took off—back on, one lovely bit at a time.

  He pushes his arms through the dress shirt and faces me with the sides open, gifting me a sexy swatch of my man’s golden chest and six-pack.

  I sigh and snuggle up to his pillow and watch him, with no intention of moving anytime soon.

  He smirks. “You’re going to lounge around all day or head back to the studio?”

  I stretch out my arms and legs and snuggle back into the pillow. “I think I’m going to lounge for a bit and then head back. You?”

  He frowns. “I have a meeting with my father today. I’m going to show him the plans Brandon made. Make sure he’s on board with the decision before I present it to the board of directors.”

  I nod. “Do you think there’s a possibility of him changing the plans?”

  He shakes his head. “No, not that I can imagine. It’s a perfect master community, and originally, we only planned on the towers, not the rest of the street, but with this influx of plans, it will only help us secure wealthy buyers. They want to live in a nice area, with a short commute and a location that suits their wives or husbands, as well as kids, for those who have them.”

  “Well, I love it and you for making it so wonderful and incorporating me, Sunflower, Rainy Day, and the bookstore. And helping out the others…incredible.”

  He grins. “Glad I scored some points with my woman. You never know when you’ll need a get-out-of-jail-free card.”

  “This is true. Now, are you going to tell me what the plan for tower one’s top floor is? If it’s not going to be a swanky club or restaurant, what is it going to be?”

  This time Grant smiles huge, crawls onto the bed, and cages me flat on my back. “It’s going to be my new apartment.”

  “The whole floor?” I open my eyes wide, knowing this building has three-fourths or more as his office building, and this small corner as his apartment, and it’s really big as it is.

  “I’m going to need to be close to Lotus House.”

  I frown. “Why?”

  “Because that’s where my woman lives, and if she likes to live near her work, then she can lay her head in our new home…together.”

  I’m pretty sure my eyes bulge out of my head. “You want me to move in with you?”

  He nods. “I want us to start together there, brand-new with every room planned and decorated by you. All of the appliances, cabinets, bathroom tile—all of it—chosen by the lady of the house…” He pecks my mouth. “You.”

  “Wow. That’s…”

  His gaze turns serious and his jaw hardens, as if he’s preparing for me to respond negatively about moving in together.

  “Freakin’ awesome!” I wrap my naked arms and legs around his clothed body and kiss him hard.

  He dips in his tongue, making the kiss a whole lot hotter a whole lot faster.

  Our tongues tangle, our hands grope, until I literally can’t breathe because he’s kissing me so completely.

  “Yeah?” He pulls back, his eyes dancing with happiness.

  “Oh yeah. Totally. I cannot wait!”

  “There’s only one rule,” he murmurs.

  I raise my eyebrows up toward my hairline.

  “You have to bring your bed. We’ll use m
ine as a guest bed.”

  I snicker and rub my nose with his. “You love my bed, big man.”

  “I do. Almost as much as I love you.”

  “Deal!” I squeal and kick my feet. “We’re moving in together!”

  “Yes, we are. Of course, it won’t be done for a long time, so for now, I think we should start by me moving into your place.”

  I let my arms fall and then cup his cheeks. “Really? You want to live with me?”

  He pets my cheek with his index finger. “Lamb, I told you, I want to be wherever you are. Plus…I really love your bed.”

  I close my eyes and start laughing.

  “Can I assume your laughter is a yes, I can move in with you?”

  I run my thumb along his bottom lip. “Yes, Grant. I’d like nothing more than for you to move in with me. However, I have no idea where you’re going to put any of your stuff.”

  He chuckles. “Lamb, I’m not taking anything with me right now, maybe not at all. We’ll keep the apartment available in case I need to be in the city or have out-of-town businessmen and women who need a place to stay. Only thing I’ll be bringing are my clothes and moving our picture on the mantle to my office desk. Nothing else matters.”

  “You’re right, nothing else matters. And you know what, big man?”

  He hovers over me, waiting. “What?”

  “I can’t freakin’ wait!”

  Chapter Seventeen

  A couple driven by the crown chakra are fiercely loyal to one another in all things.


  Once we finished making out after our second round of lovemaking, Grant left to meet his business obligations for the day and said he would return to me later in the evening for dinner.

  Internally, I squealed with delight. We’re going to move in together. The entire floor of tower one of the new buildings would be our home. He assured me there would be many bedrooms for not only our overnight guests, but our home would grow along with our love. Which meant he planned on us having our children there one day.


  The thought of bearing Grant’s child has me wanting to spin in circles where I stand, arms out, wild and free. On top of that, he’s found a way to save most of the businesses on my street, including Lotus House, Sunflower Bakery, Rainy Day Café, and the Tattered Pages Bookstore. I could not be happier.


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