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Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7)

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by Avery Gale

  Peter’s fingers slid over the slick folds of her newly waxed pussy lips and she heard him chuckle, “Mi amõre, your body betrays you. Those little frown lines between your brows are trying to convince me you don’t like to have your lovely ass warmed by my hand, but your juicy little pussy says something else entirely.” In her peripheral vision, Lara could see Fischer’s all too arrogant smile. He knew exactly what his brother was doing to her and he obviously wasn’t going to do a thing to distract him. “Which one do you think I’m more inclined to believe, precious girl?”

  That was a rhetorical question, right? Because he surely couldn’t be serious about requiring an answer when the truth was coating his fingers slick with her juices. Fuck me, if he’d just push a little further forward and press just a smidgen harder… “Brother, I do believe our sub is in need of a good orgasm. Those breathy little moans of hers are starting to attract attention.” Lara felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on her, every one of her muscles stiffened and her eyes went instantly wide as embarrassment rocked her.

  Fischer stepped in front of her and tipped her chin up with his fingers trying to gain her attention, but she was frantically searching to see who was watching them finger her to the edge of release in front of God and everybody. Lara hadn’t even realized she wasn’t breathing until his voice broke through her panic, “Stop, Lara. Look at me—and only at me. Breathe with me, baby.” She gasped in the first breath as if she’d just run a marathon. “There’s a good girl. Damn, sweetheart, I thought we were past this.”

  Chapter Two

  Peter had been blindsided by Lara’s reaction to his comment. Hell, there wasn’t anyone even close to them, but her entire body had locked down when she thought she’d attracted attention by responding to his touch. The woman’s body was pure fucking blonde bombshell perfection, but her parents’ emphasis on modesty had definitely left its mark on her subconscious. She was just under five and a half feet tall with luscious curves and long blond hair falling in soft curls that always made her look like she’d just tumbled out of bed reminding Peter of a stereotypical Hollywood starlet from the fifties.

  If he had to guess, Peter would assume her parents had encouraged the young beauty to hide her assets so she wouldn’t draw unwanted attention. As a former Special Forces operative, he’d been in most of the areas of the world where she’d lived and knew all too well how dangerous they could be for a beautiful woman—particularly one whose golden hair and fair complexion would have made her stand out no matter what she’d been wearing.

  It was damned frustrating to have to guess what was going through her mind. Even though he was finally beginning to read her emotions, he still couldn’t grasp her thoughts and it was crazy-making. He and Fischer had wondered many times during the past couple of months how their friends managed to keep their woman happy when they didn’t have the vaguest idea what they wanted. Kent and Kyle West had laughed out loud about their complaints, claiming they didn’t need to be empaths because Tobi’s face and body told them everything they needed to know. Kyle had actually shuddered, “It scares me to think about hearing what’s going on in her pretty head because most of the time I think she is plotting our painful demise.”

  Gracie’s husbands, Micah Drake and Jax McDonald, had been more circumspect. Micah had simply pointed out one of the things that made a woman so appealing was her mystique, Jax had agreed and then simply laughed while telling them to suck it up. Oddly enough, it had been Taz Ledek, who was, without question, the most dangerous of their former teammates, who’d provided the most valuable insight. Taz’s Native American grandmother was a well-respected healer and Taz had obviously inherited some of her unique gifts. He’d asked if they were listening with their hearts or their minds, and Peter had been too stunned to even attempt to answer. When neither he nor his brother responded, Taz had simply nodded as if he’d done his part and leaned back in his chair casually continuing to sip his beer.

  Looking back, Peter could see he and Fischer had both been trying so hard to sort through what she was saying, they hadn’t been listening nearly enough to what she wasn’t saying. She had adamantly denied the way she’d been raised had influenced her fear of public nudity, but Peter and Fischer both disagreed even though they hadn’t taken the time to fully explore the issue with her yet. Her parents might have been trying to protect their young daughter, but the truth of the message had been skewed in the process. Public nudity would continue to be an issue until she understood her safety was in their very capable hands.

  Returning his attention to the woman in front of him, Peter realized Fischer had talked her down fairly quickly, and that fact alone indicated they were making progress. Hell, the first time she’d panicked it had taken them over an hour to get her settled. They needed to work harder to identify the triggers so they could begin helping her overcome them. Neither he nor his brother were particularly committed to public scenes, but knew they could be fun on occasion. They wanted to help Lara reach a point where it was at least an option. Kyle had mentioned they’d had some of the same issues with Tobi, which surprised Peter because the woman was practically an exhibitionist now. Damn, maybe he and Fischer needed to speak with the Wests and see if they had any suggestions on how to help her find herself as a submissive.

  When he finally withdrew his hand from under her skirt, he palmed her ass and gave the taunt little globes each a firm squeeze. “Precious girl, we’re going to be discussing this later—count on it. But for now, let’s join our friends and offer our congratulations, shall we?”

  Her breathy, “Yes, Sir,” would have been music to his ears if it hadn’t been followed by a gasp of surprise. Fischer had still been pressed close to her and his frown let Peter know they had a new problem.

  Lara had completely forgotten about the phone in her pocket until she felt it vibrate against her hip. Fuckalistic. Maybe with just a little of luck— Before she’d even finished the thought Fischer moved around to stand in front of her, his eyes had narrowed and his entire expression immediately darkened. He leaned down and whispered against her ear, “Cupcake, that just cost you ten. You know the rules—you bring any electronic device into the club and you answer for it immediately.”

  A flash of warmth moved over her chest before moving up to paint her cheeks in a wave of heat she was sure meant her face was probably glowing scarlet. She silently cursed her pale coloring, even with make-up she’d never been able to hide the evidence of her embarrassment. Fischer’s expression softened marginally, but the smile he gave her looked positively sinister. “Of course, since my brother and I are the generous types, we might be willing to negotiate, since this technically isn’t a club function.”

  Oh, she could definitely take this ball and run with it. Even though she was trying to control her outward responses, her blood was surging to her nipples and sex so quickly she wondered if she wouldn’t get light-headed. Oh yeah, dropping into a dead faint won’t draw any attention at all, Lara, you dope. Hoping to distract him, she took a deep breath and spoke quickly, “That’s right, this is a wedding—it just happens to be hosted here because the Barnes own the building. So those rules don’t really apply. I needed my phone in case the caterers or someone else needed additional information…you know, for deliveries and the like.” It probably would have been more effective if she hadn’t been bouncing on the balls of her feet and babbling like a hopped up Energizer Bunny.

  “Well, technically that is no longer true, precious girl. The paperwork was all finalized this morning. You now work for Kent and Kyle West, and I can tell you their rules about phones are every bit as strict as Cam’s. I saw Tobi get a paddling that I am quite sure—even though she’s had many—she still remembers vividly for having her phone in her pocket as she walked through the club. Hell, the club wasn’t even open at the time, so as you can see, you are in quite a pickle here.” Peter’s words might have been those of a sexual Dominant, but his voice was sex set to sound. God the man had a vo
ice that probably had girls dropping their panties all over the city.

  Peter’s hand was caressing her ass again, giving it a firm squeeze every few passes and Lara felt her entire body shudder in response to his touch. She couldn’t decide if it was anxiety or anticipation—hell, it was probably a toss-up at this point. “Oh, I do so love having my hands on your ass—those lovely rounded cheeks fit my palm as if they were made for me. And seeing that creamy perfection draped over my lap makes it almost impossible to think because all my blood rushes to my cock.” Dear God, they were going to make her come right there—from their words alone if she wasn’t careful. When she tried to step to the side, Peter’s palm slapped her ass with enough sting to make her gasp in surprise. “Don’t you dare move, you are already in enough trouble as it is. You’d do well to listen to what your other Master has to say, mi amõre.”

  Well, I’m probably not in too deep if he’s still calling me his love. She could hear her own heart beating a staccato pace and knew her breathing had quickly become dangerously shallow and much too fast. When Fischer looked down at her, his expression was considering and she knew exactly what he was seeing. Her nipples were already rasping against her dress, the fabric that had felt silky smooth just minutes earlier was now abrading the sensitive nubs. When he started to slide his hand in the front of her dress, she knew her situation was about to get a lot more dicey. When the fabric didn’t slide open, she felt him tense and she wasn’t able to hold back her muttered curse.

  Fischer was battling an epic internal battle to keep from laughing out loud. Lara was in so deep and he knew she had to feel like everything was falling down all around her. He wasn’t sure how a sub who always seemed to make every effort to behave managed to consistently get herself in so much trouble. And the look of abject horror on her face when she’d cursed aloud had been almost hysterical. Their older brother, Adam, had complained endlessly about his wife’s ability to distract him during scenes with her irreverent behavior, and Fischer was just now beginning to understand his frustration. Hell, Lara had a fucking phone on her, she’d taped her dress down to avoid flashing her lovely breasts—something he and Peter had been looking forward to enjoying, and now she’d spit out a string of curse words that would make every sailor in the room proud.

  ‘I swear if she makes me laugh I’m going to paddle her sweet ass right here and now. Did you know she used double-stick tape on the front of her dress?’

  ‘Nope, but can’t say I’m terribly surprised, she was worried about falling out of it before we left the office. Now I know why she went up there.’ Fischer could hear the laughter in his brother’s tone and knew he was likely working to keep a straight face as well.

  Lara Emmons was, without a doubt, one of the most submissive women Fischer had ever met, there hadn’t been any doubt about that fact from the first moment he’d laid eyes on the little beauty. But her desire to please others seemed to get her into an inordinate amount of trouble and he’d be willing to bet she’d seen the tape as a way to please them by looking appropriate during the wedding.

  ‘Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, she is racking up so many swats she isn’t going to be able to sit for a fucking week. I’m not sure what to do with her.’ Fischer agreed with his brother’s assessment, but he didn’t want to deal with the situation during the reception.

  ‘We’ll deal with it when we get back upstairs. I think it might do our sweet subbie some good to sweat it out for a while.’

  Tobi West nudged her friend and nodded toward the other side of the room, “Gracie, check it out. I’d recognize that body language at a thousand paces.”

  Gracie’s unladylike snort of laughter earned her a glare from Tobi before she spoke, “No doubt about that girlfriend.” Tobi almost cringed as she watched Lara’s face turn bright red, “Damn that girl needs to learn how to control her blushing, it gives her away every time. I don’t know what she’s done, but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts she was trying to do the right thing and it backfired on her. That happens to me all the time.”

  This time, Gracie actually spewed punch all over the bar. “Damn it, Tobi.” Tobi tried to give her friend her most sincere look of innocence, but when Gracie rolled her eyes, she’d known it was a wash. “Don’t even try that with me, Tobi West. I know you far too well. If you’ve ever gotten into trouble because you were trying to do the right thing it was purely coincidental.”

  “I agree—and it’s one of the things I love about her.” Lilly West stepped up beside Tobi, giving her a quick hug before using her thumb to indicate the place where Peter, Fischer, and Lara were standing, “What’s going on over there? And how the hell is she keeping her knockers from falling out of that dress? Damn I wish I was built like that, she really does have an amazing rack.”

  This time is was Tobi’s turn to spit and sputter, “Holy shit, I can’t believe you just said that.” Gracie had stopped mopping up her mess on the bar to stare at Lilly with open-mouthed shock. “See? You even shocked Gracie, who knew that was still possible. Hell, I thought I’d broken her of that a long time ago.”

  Lilly looked around, no doubt making sure she wouldn’t be overheard, before whispering, “Sorry, I’m just pissy because my men are holding out on me. My blood pressure was a bit elevated when I had my checkup—have I ever mentioned how much I hate it when Doms think they should be in the room during a sub’s physical? Well, anyway this is a prime example of why that sucks. How was I supposed to claim everything had gone perfectly when they were in the fucking exam room with me? Damn it all to hell, I need to shoot something. I’m sure that would lower my blood pressure and several people here actually deserve it. Like that guy over there, did you see the way he was treating the woman he’s with before Kent had a chat with him? I could shoot him and no one would care. I’d probably be up for some award in no time at all.” By this time Tobi and Gracie had both turned to stare at the woman they considered their friend. The fact she was Tobi’s mother-in-law was something Tobi considered one of her greatest blessings.

  “How high was your blood pressure? It must have been really elevated if your men are withholding sex—and that really sucks by the way. And do your sons know about this? And don’t be telling me it’s a secret either, you know I’ll just end up in trouble with everybody if I try to keep something quiet. Really, I’m good at keeping secrets…usually. But damn if it doesn’t always get me into trouble.” Tobi’s husbands were almost as protective of their mother as they were of her, and Lilly’s husbands might appear laid back where their spirited wife was concerned, but they certainly weren’t above reining her in on a very short leash when they thought her health or safety were being compromised.

  Lilly’s gaze never left Lara and the Westons’, but her hand waved as if she were dismissing the question, “Oh, it wasn’t that high…men are just alarmists sometimes. And I’m telling you, not getting any is certainly not helping the situation—nope, not helping at all. What do you think she did? Boy, they are sure having to work hard at looking pissed. I know that look—I get that a lot.” By this time Gracie was laughing so hard she had tears running down her tanned cheeks and Tobi was quickly losing her own battle to keep a straight face.

  “Damn, you change subjects faster than I do, and that’s saying a lot. I don’t know what she did, but knowing Miss Goodie Two Shoes, it couldn’t have been anything too serious. I swear that girl’s parents have scarred her for life. Living with missionaries in BFE probably instills a special level of good in people that I didn’t get living in the seventh level of hell.” Lilly turned and enfolded Tobi in a tight hug without saying a word.

  “Kitten? What’s going on? Are you alright?” The concern in Kyle’s voice was easy to hear and as soon as Lilly released her, she found herself being pressed protectively against his chest. “If you’re worrying about Lara, don’t. I’ve known Peter Weston for a long time, and I can tell you he isn’t really angry—he’s obviously frustrated with their sub, but it’s nothing every Dom in the r
oom can’t relate to.”

  Tobi wasn’t sure why she was surprised he’d picked up her concern for Lara because both of her husbands always seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. One of the many things she’d learned about Doms was their attention to detail—the way they studied their submissive was downright frightening at times. She and Gracie had joked one afternoon during a high-octane tequila-fueled pool party that they were a couple of orgasms away from having stalkers. The alcohol had clearly fogged their judgment, because they had both forgotten every square inch of the Prairie Winds Club—both inside and out, was closely monitored. The place would probably give the CIA and KGB headquarters a run for their money. Oh yeah, that had come back to haunt them, big time. Damn it all to dangling daffodils, orgasm denial ought to be illegal.

  “We’re fine. I just felt like hugging my daughter-in-law, that’s all. No crime in that, is there? And if I can’t shoot anybody, then I’ll just hug people at random until I feel better. And you all will just have to cope.” With that, Lilly stalked off leaving her son gaping after her in stunned silence.

  “What the hell was that about?” Kent’s voice sounded from the side, but Kyle just stared after his mom, his mouth still hanging open in shock. It was finally just too much and Tobi joined Gracie, as their nearly hysterical giggles filled the room.


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