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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

Page 3

by T. S. Hill

  Continuing these motions to her crotch with her right hand, she now slid her left hand down to join the right in a joint, two handed, endeavor to coax pleasure from amid the now wet, and matted, hair surrounding her soaked pussy. As she bent forward clutching at her pussy with both hands, her upper arms pressed her tits together and forward, with her open blouse framing her breasts like two curtains framing a stage upon which they danced as she moved.

  Just as Lori started to buck on my cock in earnest, Sasha, with her tight black skirt pulled up around her waist, began slowly walking forward, around the right of the table, toward us, all the while keeping both of her hands occupied with her twat. With each twisting step that she took, and movement of her hands on her pussy, her mammoth melons with their enormous nipples, wobbled and wiggled.

  She was almost even with Lori’s head, when Lori’s started gyrating her pussy wildly on my cock. Suddenly, something finally snapped and released in my psychic, and I pushed forward on Lori’s legs, simultaneously withdrawing my cock.

  I tried to speak but all that came out of my mouth was a loud guttural, “Ahh! Ahh!” Lori’s eyes popped open with a look of surprise. At first, she looked at me, then her eyes caught the movement of the big titted, blonde librarian, moving down the side of the table toward us.

  Lori’s body jumped and she quickly came up on her elbows, and gasped, “What the fuck?”

  Lori glanced back at me and must have seen the glazed look of confusion on my face, as I repeated all that would emit from my throat, the groaning “Ahh!” Lori looked back that the still advancing Sasha, and forcefully spoke at her.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”, she demanded. Sasha didn’t react at all. She appeared to still be locked into a trance of passion. Her eyes were glazed over and she was staring at my jutting and bouncing cock, as it hovered between Lori’s legs and above her lower abdomen. Juices from Lori’s pussy and precum, flipped off the flared head of my shaft, with each bounce, caused by its involuntary spasms.

  Lori spoke to her again, “Answer me bitch! What the fuck are you doing?” The young, blonde, librarian, appearing to be lost in her own world of sensuality, continued moving forward, staring at my cock, and not responding.

  Suddenly, the look on Lori’s face turned strange, and sinister, and she turned partially to her side toward the mesmerized librarian. Then, propping up on her right elbow facing the girl, she reached for my cock, wrapping her left hand around the middle of its shaft. With my cock slathered in her pussy juice to lubricate it, she began moderately stroking her hand up and down its length, while she closely watched the ever slowly approaching Sasha. When the girl drew alongside Lori, she began speaking to the sexually entranced librarian in a soothing even tone.

  “You like the cowboy’s big cock?”, she asked the girl, without getting a response. “That big cock would feel so good going into your pussy, stretching your pussy’s lips tight, sliding deep down into your cunt, making you scream with pleasure, making you cum. You want the cowboy’s big cock, don’t you?

  I can tell that you want to wrap your lips around it, and lick up my pussy juice from its shaft. You want that big cock? You want to taste it? Touch it? Feel it deep inside of you? Do you want it? Do you want the big cock?”

  The big titted girl still didn’t respond, only moaning once, and then her eyes began to roll in her head. I thought that she was going to collapse, but Lori kept steadily stroking my cock, and speaking softly and evenly to her. I wasn’t sure that I was in the real world anymore, or had died, and landed in some alternative hell, where pleasure, insanity, and fear were all mixed together.

  “If you want that cock, you have to know the secret.”, Lori told her. I know the cock’s secret. You want me to tell you the cock’s secret, so you can have it?” The girl’s hands were still occupied with her pussy, and her eyes were still locked on my cock as Lori stroked it, but she slowly, and slightly, nodded her head affirmatively. Lori began smiling a sinister, and almost evil, smile, and spoke to the girl now in almost a whisper.

  “I’ll tell you the cock’s secret. Come close so I can whisper it in your ear.”

  The girl made a sideways movement to the edge of the table. Lori leaned out toward her, slightly raising herself, and continued her quiet seductive whisper to the sexually entranced girl.

  “Come closer so I can whisper the cock’s secret to you. When you have the secret, you can have the cock.” The girl leaned in close to Lori. “Closer!”, Lori whispered in a rasp. The girl leaned in even closer against Lori, her large brown left nipple just touching Lori’s chest between her breasts.

  Lori picked up the pace with which she was stroking my cock. I was spell bound, watching the two women, and feeling the waves of pleasure evoked with each stroke Lori applied to my cock. This all seemed weird, wrong, mentally painful, and exotically pleasurable, all at once. I wanted to stop but couldn’t. I could feel my orgasm building toward the point where it would trigger release, and wanted to back away from it, but couldn’t resist Lori’s pull on my cock.

  “Hold the cock behind my hand, Lori raspily informed the girl. With her eyes set on my cock, the library girl slowly reached out to my cock, and cautiously wrapped her right hand around its base. “Jerk it with me.”, she whispered loudly to the girl.

  The sexually intoxicated girl managed to match Lori’s rhythm, with the girl’s right hand working at the base, and Lori’s left hand steering the upper part, they both stroked my cock like a synchronized machine. All the while the mesmerized girl kept her eyes locked on my cock, which was now pointed at Lori’s face.

  Lori began whispering to the girl again, “Come closer, so I can whisper the secret to you.” The girl moved forward and was almost on top of Lori now with their breasts mashed into each other. Lori sped up her strokes to my cock and the sex drunk librarian struggled to catch up to the pace. I felt dizzy and almost displaced from my body, while at the same time feeling every nerve ending screaming with pleasure.

  “The cock want’s to cum! Put your ear to my mouth, so I can tell you the secret!”, Lori hoarsely whispered at the girl. The girl pushed forward against Lori, and tilting her head upward, pressed her ear back toward Lori’s lips. Lori began violently jerking my cock, and spoke out loud into the girl’s ear, “Do you want the cock?”

  “Yes! Yes! I want the cock!”, the girl whimpered, and began jerking my cock wildly trying to match Lori’s violent jerks. The sights, the sounds, the smells, and the violent jerking of my cock, by two hands, with Lori’s pussy lubricant squishing between their fingers, was more than I could stand.

  Despite the guilt, the confusion, and the utter lunacy of the whole scenario, I was about to unleash a massive ejaculation. It was building rapidly and I couldn’t stop it. The girl was still entranced, with her eyes locked on my cock, and Lori must have sensed my impending orgasm by the feel of my totally turgid cock. She once again began talking into the girl’s ear, “Do you want to know the cock’s secret?”

  “Yes! Please tell me the cock’s secret!”, the little library slut whined, pressing her ear to Lori’s mouth. It was either the last few combined, two handed, strokes, that those two women stroked together, their talk, or my own warped mind, but I totally reached my end, and the first huge cum spurt shot through my cock, and went flying straight into the library girls face, splattering over her nose and cheeks.

  She opened her mouth wide, tilting her head back even further, and I felt the second large surge of cum course through my cock and exit into the air. I watched it land on her top teeth, upper lip, and up her nostrils, with some across the tip of her nose. The third massive cum load gushed through my cock with a hard force and hit directly in the center of the girl’s mouth.

  The fourth landed just inside her lower lip on her tongue, with the remainder on her lip and chin, where it began to run down and drip. She started to close her mouth and the fifth and final load of cum hit her squarely across both lips, and began oozing down her face. The girl’s t
ongue licked around the circumference of her mouth, hungrily chasing the thick cum. Lori, realizing that my loads had landed where she intended, slowed her pull on my cock, and tightened her grip.

  She then snarled in the blonde librarian’s ear, “The cock’s secret is that it’s my cock!”, and then began her final stroke up the length of my cock. As her hand met with my cock’s head, she let her hand slip off, and drove it into the blonde’s face, hitting her squarely on her cum covered nose. I heard a crack and knew that she had broken the girls nose. I believe the entranced librarian was trying to swallow my cum when Lori hit her, because she only made a muffled grunt noise, followed by a quick choking like cough.

  Lori next drew back her left fist and brought it around toward the girls face with such force, that as her knuckles found their mark, squarely on the cum dribbled chin of the girl, it lifted both of them off of the table.

  I think that lick actually rendered the girl unconscious, but Lori, pulling herself out from under the girl, then round housed the girl to her right lower jaw, knocking the girl off the table, where she banged into the chair before tumbling to the floor. The carpet on the floor, dampened the sound, and somewhat cushioned her fall. Lori sat up on the table panting.

  “Oh fuck!”, she said. “I think I’ve killed her.” And just that quick, her rage was spent. I had been standing still at the end of the table, in a dazed stupor, but that last blow and fall of the girl’s body to the floor, seemed to snap me out of it. My jeans were wrapped around my ankles with my Colt laying in the middle. I quickly dropped to put my bare knees on the carpet, and gently rolled the now face down girl, over toward me. I felt her neck and there was a pulse.

  “She’s got a heartbeat.”, I reported to Lori who was now climbing down from the table. I laid the side of my head between her huge breasts that were flayed apart leaving her center chest exposed. The huge brown, still erect, nipple of her right breast was just beyond my nose. I didn’t remember ever seeing nipples this big on such a small girl.

  Placing my flat palm on her stomach, I listened to her chest for breaths, and felt through my hand for the regularity and depth of her respiration.

  After I listened for a portion of a minute, and determined that her breathing was regular and deep, I reported to Lori, “She’s going to be alright. You just knocked her out.”

  “Whew!”, Lori replied, I meant to hurt her, not kill her!”

  “We’ve got to get out of here!”, I told Lori, as I stood up retrieving the Colt from within my wadded pants around my boots.

  “My blouse is all fucked up!”, Lori blurted.

  “I’m sorry.”, I replied. “That was my bad.”

  “That’s okay. I think that I can tuck it shut, long enough to get out of here.”, she mumbled back. “What about her?”, she said, looking at the girl on the floor. “Are you sure that she going to be alright?”

  “Yeah.”, I answered, looking down at the girl, and noting her bruised and bent nose. “She’ll wake up real soon, and except for a headache, a sore jaw, and a broken nose, she’s going to be alright.”

  “Are you sure, Cowboy?”, Lori asked, placing her hand on my arm.

  I looked back down at the peacefully sleeping, bleached blond, librarian. Her huge nipples and areola had now relaxed into what appeared to be large smears of Nutella on the outer edges of her flayed breasts. “Yeah, I’m sure.”, I said, even though I wasn’t positive. “Let’s pull her skirt back down and try to close her blouse, in case someone comes looking for her before she wakes up.”

  “Fuck that!”, Lori responded. “Leave the little cock hound bitch laying like she is. We don’t owe her any dignity.”

  “Damn! You can be cold woman.”, I commented.

  “Yes, I can Cowboy.”, she responded.

  “Sometime after we get out of here,”, I began, “we’ve got to talk about this. This whole incident has really blown my mind, and left me with questions about myself, and just exactly what the fuck happened here.”

  “Yeah, I can sorta tell, Cowboy, she remarked. “I badly surprised myself too, and feel like we both need to do some sorting out of this thing, if nothing else, so that we can understand it, and live with it.”

  “Exactly, I answered. “Right now, I can’t say that I understand what happened here, to you, to me, or to her.”, I said, nodding toward the sleeping library girl. At this point we had straightened our clothes out, as best as we could, and gathered up my file box and the digital camera. We left, closing the door behind us, leaving the “occupied” sign displayed.

  As we walked through the lobby, people who glanced up at us, instead of going back to their reading, continued to watch us until we were out the door. Talk about paranoid feelings! By the time we made it out the door we were both feeling the heat of people’s constant gaze.

  It wasn’t until Lori climbed into the truck that she noticed, that her torn red panties, which I had dropped in the heat of our passion, had hung in the top of her right boot shaft. The red laced remnant was dangling down the outside of her boot, which was completely exposed well below her hemline. Who wouldn’t have noticed a pair of torn, red, panties dangling from the top of a woman’s cowboy boot?

  As we pulled away from the library, and headed back toward the hotel, I commented to Lori, “You do realize that my DNA is now going to be in an FBI data base of sexual crimes and predators, don’t you?”

  “I’m sorry Cowboy.”, she spoke back sheepishly. I’ve made this big fucking mess, and all you wanted to do was process your documents. I didn’t think about DNA! How the hell can we clear that up Cowboy?”

  “We can’t.”, I told her. “I just can’t afford to ever be in police custody, or get in the middle of a case where my DNA gets processed by officials.”

  “I’m so sorry that I let my temper get the best of me Cowboy. Now, I’ve just made a big, fucking assed mess for you!”

  “Lighten up Lori. I should have backed down, and should have been able to back down, at any point during that whole incident, but I couldn’t. And, that’s the thing that bothers me worse than anything about this. If I could have just backed out and shut the whole thing down, we wouldn’t be in these circumstances now. I was as badly hypnotized, and bewitched, as that stupid assed library girl. I don’t think that she could help herself one bit, and I know that I couldn’t.”

  “I’m used to being that way with you Lori, but when that little bitch entered the picture, I should have been able to just pull the plug on the whole thing, but I couldn’t. And that’s what’s bothering me more than anything.”

  “I think I could have, Cowboy, but didn’t. And that’s what I’m struggling with. I don’t know why, but once titty girl, entered the picture, and I saw how mesmerized she was, I didn’t want to stop. It wasn’t that I couldn’t, but that I didn’t want to. Yeah, we got a lot to sort out and think about Cowboy, but we’ll help each other, just like we’ve been doing, won’t we?”

  “Sure, Miss Cowboy!”, I told her.

  “I’m thinking that I might, someday, like being called Mrs. Cowboy, but I’m not so sure that I care for being called Miss. Cowboy.”, she remarked.

  “Then I’ll only do it occasionally, when it’s relevant.”, I stated.

  “Like when”, she asked.

  “Like the next time you get ready to shoot a store clerk or a library girl in the foot.”, I quipped back.

  “Oh Cowboy, sometimes you’re nuts!”, she shot back.

  Chapter Two

  Beginning to Sort It All

  Many a delectable meal, once consumed, becomes difficult to digest.

  “Do you think that we need to get out of town?”, Lori asked, as we were turning into the Hotel parking basement ramp.

  I thought for a few seconds and then answered her, “It’ll take a while to get anything like a profile, or composite pictures, out.”, I explained. And then, most of the efforts to locate the people fitting the profile, or composites, will be focused on the exits from town. So, prob
ably the safest thing for us to do is to just not run up and down the streets, where that girl, or anyone who saw us at the library, might spot us and drop a dime on us.”

  “What’s dropping a dime?”, she questioned.

  “Back in the old days, before cell phones, there were public pay phones all over the place. Phone calls were ten cents. When someone spotted a wanted suspect, they would make a phone call to the police. A ten cents phone call equated dropping a dime.”

  “Okay that’s just weird.” Lori said. Then she changed the subject, “Can we still go do our laundry? I really want to get some of my stuff clean again.”

  “Sure.”, I answered. Since we can’t very well go back to a library in Huston County, I’ve got to go buy a laptop computer now to get all of my documents processed and sent to Steve. I can use the Hotel Wi-Fi and process everything in the room.”

  “It looks like a run is in order to Real-Mart, to pick up a laptop and microchip. So, we may as well stop off at that laundromat and get the washing done. We need to make a note probably to not wear this shirt and that dress again in this town, especially at the same time.”

  “I need to change this blouse anyway.”, Lori commented. “It’s not easy keeping it shut with all the buttons popped, and ripped down the front.” Then she giggled.

  “We’ll plan on bedding down in the hotel for an extra day, instead of leaving out tomorrow. That should let all the exit patrols cool off before we pass through.” I said. “It may actually take that long, or longer, to get the paperwork processed. I’m really not sure exactly how long it will take. Anyway, I think we should just stay put, at least until I get the file box processed and sent to Steve. Then, we strike out on the road again and start wreaking havoc on Sam Milinni.”

  “I really wish you wouldn’t say that name, Cowboy.” she pointed out.

  “Wreaking havoc on the SOB!”, I corrected.


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