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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

Page 29

by T. S. Hill

  Once the table and chairs were in place, Sasha helped Rosita set the table. It was as though they had a mental telepathy going on. Rosita would point and Sasha would respond, with place mats, plates, napkins, silverware, glasses filled with ice, serving spoons, forks, and spatulas. Finally, Rosita began filling bowls and platters, while Sasha placed them around the center of the table. There was fried chicken, fried pork chops in gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, lima beans, sweet peas, rolls, coleslaw, a huge bowl of collard greens, and finally a towel wrapped basket of homemade sourdough rolls.

  Butter, and Louisiana hot sauce, were the final condiments to hit the table, beside the salt and pepper shakers. Sasha had just started filling the ice filled glasses with sweet tea, when Lori, and Sally, came through the door.

  “Cowboy, we’ve got a ton of packages in Sally’s car, that we’ll need help with.”, Lori called out as she came through the door.

  “We’ll get them after we eat.”, I answered. “You’re just right on time, it seems.” About then, I spotted Sally coming in the door, and about dropped my teeth. She looked taller than her already tall five feet and eleven inch self, which was explained by the spike heeled, green tint, semi plats, that she wore on her feet. From her feet up, her legs looked gorgeous in some kind of sheer, sexy hose, which vanished beneath the short, tight, slit skirt, of matching green tint, topped by a white silk, open chested, blouse, that must have had a push up bra beneath it. Her hair was blonde with highlights, and curled, much as Lori’s had been when I first met her. Her makeup was meticulous. Just then, I realized that her skirt and shoes, also matched her eyes. The overall look was stunning and wildly sexy. Sal was scorching hot!

  I let out a long, loud, wolf whistle, which made everyone freeze in their tracks, and the room grew eerily silent. At the same time, I blurted, “If that doesn’t make Aug clear the table, and take you right there on it, then there’s no hope for him!” Everyone laughed except Sal, but she grinned and blushed.

  “Isn’t she totally fucking hot, Cowboy?”, Lori asked proudly.

  “So what kind of wax job did you get to go with that?”, I asked. Sally blushed even a deeper red.

  “What did you get Sal? The diamond? Tell me you got the diamond!”, Sasha coaxed her. Sally only blushed and looked sheepish.

  “She got the diamond wax! And, the bleach and blonde dye job!”, Lori finally announced. Sasha and Rosita cheered and clapped.

  “Way to go Sal!”, I joined in, applauding her.

  “Show them what else Sal!”. Lori encouraged her.

  “I don’t think so Lor.”, she spoke up. Isn’t that kinda private?”, Sally asked her.

  “Hell no! Unbutton your blouse and show them the fucking thing!”, Lori chastised her, somewhat playfully. Sally began unbuttoning her blouse from the highest button at her cleavage, downward to the waist of her green, tint skirt. Parting her blouse with her fingers, she revealed an emerald green stone navel piercing.

  “So, what do you think?”, Sally asked.

  “Fucking A!”, Sasha shouted.

  “Yes! Fucking A!”, Lori confirmed.

  “Fahking A!”, Rosita, cheered.

  “Let’s make it unanimous. Fucking A!”, I shouted. Sally held her blouse pulled open and turned from one of us to the next, showing off, to each of us, a full front view of her piercing, meanwhile, grinning a wide toothy grin, with her eyes almost crinkled shut.

  “I just hope Aug likes it! Do you think he will Tagg?”, Sal asked me.

  “If he doesn’t, then he’s as gay as the day is long!”, I answered. Then all of the women gave their two cents at once. I heard, “He’ll love it!”, “Yep, he’d be gay.”, and “What is not to like?”

  No sooner had Sally, rebuttoned her blouse than I heard footsteps on the steps, and within seconds, Aug burst through the door, with his day bag slung over his shoulder, and his face, hands, arms, and hair covered in soot. He looked like a black faced, minstrel player.

  “I’m sorry everybody! We had a bitch of a day at the department! I just got loose!”, he said glancing around the room. Tagg, can I use your shower? I got a change in my day bag.”

  “Sure Aug!”, I responded. “You know where it is!”

  Rosita chimed in, “And rinse the shower down when you finish, Senor Aug! You, leave a mess of hell in the shower the last time you use it!”

  “When did I use Tagg’s shower before?”, Aug asked passing through the doorway into the hall.

  “June six! Last year! You leave black soot everywhere in the tile!”, Rosita shouted after him. “Rinse!”

  “When Sal gets here, you all start without me, and I’ll join you!”, he called back as he disappeared down the hall.

  “He didn’t recognize me!”, Sally wailed.

  “Don’t start crying!” Lori yelled at her.

  “Your makeup will run!”, Sasha added.

  “Is not a bad thing!”, Rosita added.

  “It’s not?”, Sally asked, temporarily distracted from bursting into tears.

  “No! Is good thing!”, Rosita continued. “Lori will explain. Sit down at table! We eat!”

  Lori first looked at Rosita, like, “What the fuck are you talking about?”, and then looked at Sasha, like “Holy shit, help me!”

  If Sasha’s looks could talk, they would have said, “What the fuck am I supposed to do?” But she dug in, and spoke up. “Sure, it’s not a bad thing.”, Sasha began. “The last person you want to be tonight, with these changes, is Old Sal!”

  “It is?”, Sally asked.

  “Sure!”, Sasha sounded confident. “What is your whole name?”

  “Um, Sally Anna Ricks Benoit.”

  “Yes!”, Sasha answered her. “Tonight you definitely don’t want to be Old Sal! Tonight, you want to be Sally Anna Benoit! Hot seductress! Got it?”

  “Yeah!”, Sally answered slowly, “I got this!”

  “Good!”, I interjected, finally getting into the mix. “Come sit as my special guest, on my left!”, I spoke from my head seat at the table. “Lori will sit as my mistress of the house, at the foot of the table, and Sasha next to me, with Rosita between them, and across from Aug. This seems to be an appropriate arrangement.”

  “By the way, I would like to thank Rosita for her special efforts to provide this meal for us. If there is any praise for the enjoyment of this evening, please heap it upon Rosita, for her grand expertise, exquisite taste in choices, and culinary skill.”

  “Tagg?”, Lori addressed me, using my name for the first time since, I think maybe, Oklahoma City.

  “Yes, Sweetheart?”

  “Even though we only have our traditional, southern sweet tea, may I make a toast, before we begin to eat?”

  “Certainly, Sweetheart!”

  Then raising her tea glass toward Rosita, she said, “To Rosita, who is not only a grand cook, but also one of the strongest women that I have ever met, and a woman, of not only strength, and obvious beauty, but also a woman of great wisdom, whom I have come to love in such a short time, that it makes me sure, that I shall love her for such a long time!”

  “Here, here!”, the other three of us responded, raising our glasses to Rosita.

  Rosita beamed at everyone around the table, then said, “And, Rosita loves you all! You are the family of Rosita Arianna Almeyda.” Then everyone, raised their glasses and took a drink of good, old fashioned, southern, iced, sweet tea.

  We were still filling our plates, and passing food around, when Aug walked back in, all clean as a whistle, and dressed in jeans, grey T shirt, and his usual cowboy boots. He took the empty chair between Lori and Sal and across from Rosita.

  After being seated, he turned toward Sal and stuck out his hand, saying, “Hi! I’m Aug Benoit.” Then his mouth fell open, as he realized who was sitting beside him.

  “Hi there, big guy!”, Sal responded to him in a sultry voice. “I’m Sally Anna Benoit. Charmed to meet you, I’m sure.”, she said taking his hand, in a demure manner.

  “Holy shit Sal!”, Aug sputtered to her, with his eyes wide.

  “Please Sir, you may call me Sally Anna.”, Sally responded to him, continuing her sultry, seductive play. Aug’s eyes almost crossed, as he stared down at Sal’s ample pushed up cleavage.

  “Yes mam!”, he blurted.

  “Can I pass you anything, you big hunk?”, Sal continued. “I just bet that you’re starving after a long day at that fire department, risking your life to save other people, and fighting scary fires and all. What can I put on your plate for you?”

  “Tagg?”, Aug called out to me, all the while looking Sal up and down.

  “What is it Aug?”, I asked.

  “If I do what I want to do right now, then, you’re going to kill me, and never forgive me, for the rest of my life, aren’t you? I mean, is that right?”

  “Yep Aug! That’s exactly right!”, I shot back at him, having no idea what he actually had in mind.

  “Okay, then I’m going to eat some fried chicken and, and, collards, and then, due to circumstances beyond our control, Sally Anna, and I, have to leave. Can you deal with that?”, he said, looking into Sal’s green tinted eyes. Lori, Sash, and Rosita, were all grinning, and giggling, and honestly, I had a big grin on my face also. Sal and Aug couldn’t take their eyes from each other’s eyes. And, I looked for them to totally start ripping clothes from each other, at any second.

  Rosita put some collard greens and a fried chicken thigh on each of their plates and practically yelled at them, “Eat!” Both of them began eating, still while not taking their eyes off of each other. We four sat silently watching them with bemusement, while we helped ourselves to the bountiful food.

  When they had finished what had been put on their plates, Aug spoke first, “Miss Sally Anna, Benoit, I would love to show you where I live. May I?”

  “Why, Mr. Benoit! I am a lady! I hope that you don’t intend to try to entice me into a tryst of some sort!”

  “Oh, far from that, Miss Benoit! I only want to show you what a proper suiter I am, and what resources I may have to offer, as support, for a young lady, such as yourself, should you perchance to ever consider establishing your own domicile with a family, as such a proper lady as yourself would.”

  “Under such circumstances, Mr. Benoit, I would be delighted to review your domicile.”, Sally relayed back to Aug.

  Aug turned to me, with an excited look in his eyes, that I hadn’t seen since we hooked that fourteen foot alligator, five years ago. “Kind sir, your hospitality has been unparalleled!”, he spewed at me. “But we must depart!”, he almost shouted, jerking Sal from her chair and dragging her toward the door.

  “Call me sometime tomorrow, Aug!”, I shouted after him.

  “Right!”, was the only response that I heard from either of them. I didn’t expect a call. The girls, all three, burst into giggles as the door slammed behind Aug and Sal.

  “Well, I have two things to say.”, I interrupted the giggling. “First of all, I’d like to say, great job, to all three of you! Secondly, I’d like to say, that I sincerely doubt, that tonight Sal will be getting fucked straight missionary style!”

  “I bet on doggie!”, Lori shouted out.

  “I theenk, she will suck his deek, tonight!”, Rosita tossed out.

  “I bet, that she will give him head, fuck him doggie, and then, finally in the second round, take it up the ass!”, Sasha spouted. I’m laughing and shaking my head the whole time.

  “Either way,”, I said, “We have a lot of really great food to eat, and I think Aug and Sal are both gonna get their brains fucked out tonight!”

  “Here! Here!”, Sasha said, raising her glass.

  “Here! Here!”, Lori, Rosita, and I, repeated, raising our glasses and drinking, our sweet tea.”

  This had been a real treat, but there was more yet to play out in our evening. Lori spoke up first.

  “This meal, tells what Rosita did today.”, she said. “Sally’s look tells what I did. So, what did you two do today?”, she said, shifting her eyes between Sasha and me.

  “Stan took me to his shooting range, and I learned to handle an AR-15!”, Sasha bubbled.

  “I bet that’s way cooler than the hunting rifles that I was trained on.”, Lori replied.

  “I wouldn’t say cooler, just different.”, I reasoned.

  “Thirty round magazines, even just semi-automatic lays down some awesome fire power!”, Sasha popped back.

  “Sash and I had a long talk also, and resolved the, I guess what you would call, reservations, or reluctance, that I was having about her, with her. I know it sounds strange, but it was like a big brother thing. I was feeling that she needed me to protect her, and that somehow, I would be taking advantage of her circumstances if we got physical in any way. But after we talked it all through, and went to the range, I realized that given the tools, she can really damn well take care of herself.”

  “Of course, I can, Babe.”, Sasha popped back.

  “So, anyway, we’ve made our peace.”, I finished.

  “You made your peace, or you got a piece?”, Lori said smiling and raising an eyebrow.

  “Both.”, I replied.

  “Twice!”, Sasha piped up.

  “What is peace? Both peace? Twice peace?”, Rosita questioned.

  “It means that Sasha and I are okay with each other.”, I replied.

  “And, it also means that they...”, Lori interjected, with an eyebrow raised again and grinning. Then she made a circle with her left index finger and thumb, and poked in and out of the circle with her right index finger. Rosita’s face lit up, and she grinned big, as she recognized the hand signing.

  “¡Sí! Was plenty of that! But also yelling at each other, like two cats fighting in the shower!”, She said excitedly.

  “Sometimes those yelling cats aren’t fighting.”, Sasha said smiling. “And, we certainly weren’t fighting in the shower.”

  “At least that’s resolved now.”, Lori said, sighing and smiling. She and Rosita looked at each other in an odd way, as though they were sharing something secretly between them. “Rosita, would you like to stay over tonight?”, Lori asked her. Rosita’s facial expression changed slightly before she answered.

  “Oh, I can not.”, she whined. “I have to pack an order of my lace, to mail out first thing tomorrow morning. It is my first internet order, and they pay extra for three day delivery. So, I must do this.”

  “Wow! Your business is growing Rosita!”, I stated.

  “Sí, a leetle more.”, Rosita responded. “We will welcome Sasha another day?”

  “Yes, another day.”, Lori answered her.

  “Welcome me? Lace? What’s up?”, Sasha asked.

  “Rosita makes and sells Spanish lace as a business from her home.”, Lori explained. “And, a little initiation welcome into our sisterhood is what we have in mind for you.”, Lori explained.

  “Initiation? Like hazing in a sorority?”, Sasha asked, looking a little apprehensive.

  “No.”, Lori answered. “I think… No! I know, that you will really like this initiation. There’s no hazing.”

  “No spanking?”, Sasha asked, still looking somewhat pensive.

  “Not unless you want spanked.”, Lori told her. “Would you like some spanking included?”

  “Not really!”, Sasha shot back.

  “Then there won’t be any, Sugar. Don’t worry. But, you know, in the right sexual context, a little, or sometimes a lot, of spanking can be kinda nice!”

  “Stan! Tell me that she’s not serious!”, Sasha said to me wide eyed.

  “Don’t worry, Sash. You’ll not get spanked by anyone around here, unless you are wanting it, except that if you are disrespectful or disloyal, in which case I will be the one administering that discipline.”, I told her.

  “Good! Thanks, Stan!”

  “You will see the spanking sex play to me, or to Lori sometime, and you might like.”, Rosita offered.

  “I don’t think so!”, Sasha qu
ickly replied.

  “Is like tasting new food.” Rosita continued. “First, a small taste. A play spank. Then maybe you think, I like.”

  “Not fucking likely!” Sash replied to her, shifting her doubtful eyes first to Lori and then me.

  “No worries, Sash. Just like I told you.”, I said.

  “Nobody has to do anything, or have anything done to them, that they don’t want.”, Lori assured her.

  “Yes, sí. I am say is okay to change, or to get new taste. Next week, next year, later. Rosita is not communicate good. Is long day.”

  “It’s okay, Rosita.”, Sasha told her. “I just really don’t like getting spanked.

  “There will be no harm to my little seesta!”, Rosita told her, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek. Rosita then picked up Sasha’s right hand and brought it to her lips, kissing its back slowly, and gently. Still holding on to Sasha’s hand, she sighed and continued, “Now I must put away all of this left-over food, and clean the kitchen.”

  “Stan Babe, can I help Rosita clean this up?”, Sasha asked.

  “Why don’t you and I both help, by cleaning this up, and letting Rosita go take care of her business?”, I replied, adding, “Lori, I bet that you’re frazzled from your day with Sal, so Sash and I can get this.”

  “Actually, I sat a lot while she tried a lot of stuff on, and I sat reading magazines at the Salon, so I’m ready to do something.”

  “It’s settled then, Rosita!”, I said, “Thank you for such a wonderful meal, and everything else that you do around here!”

  “Maybe after widow Donovan tomorrow, I Rosita can come here to be here with you for a time?”

  “You mean you want to come visit?”, Lori interrupted. “No, I don’t mean that. What’s the word, Cowboy?”

  “Not sure there is a word.”, I answered. “Just, to be together?”

  “To be with my family.”, Rosita said with confidence. “You Tagg, Lori, and Sasha the sugar teets.”, she said smiling at Sasha. You are my family. I want to come to be with my family.”

  “Rosita, our house is your home. Nuestra casa es su hogar. You are a member of this household. Do not ask for permission to be here. You belong here. You come and you go as you please. This is my home, Lori’s home, Sasha’s home, y este es el hogar de Rosita. As soon as Aug finds that contractor, we’ll be building on the extra rooms, and an out building for storage, and maybe you can put your business there?”


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