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Sugar and Spice

Page 19

by Temple Madison

  “I understand only one thing, you bastard. I want you dead!”

  “And who’s going to kill me, Sugar?” he gasped out. “Not you, not a woman who needs me to do everything for her! You can’t kill me. You can’t! I’ll get free, and when I do—”

  “You’ll do what? What can you do to me that you haven’t already done? You turned those I loved into animals, and then after putting a knife in my hand and turning my son on me, you chose me to play your demented moon-games. Well, tonight it ends. Do you understand? I may die doing it, but one thing I know. You will pay for what you’ve done to me and those I love. You’re going to die, Lupercus.”

  “I can’t die, you bitch. I’m a god! I have powers. You kill me, and I will simply replicate as all gods do. And then I’ll return for you.”

  “Powers? Where are they, Lupercus? Where are those powers you keep spouting about? They’re gone. And do you know why? Because you don’t deserve them. You’ve been stripped of your position, your powers, and your rank. You’re nothing. An impotent little man that doesn’t even know how to set himself free of a simple knot.”

  Lupercus tugged at the ties, struggled to get free, but he was helpless.

  “Your love of evil has defeated you, Lupercus. You’re not even worthy to kiss the feet of that backslidden priest whose identity you stole. I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of turning into an animal during every full moon. I’m tired of killing innocent people. I won’t be your toy anymore, Lupercus.” While speaking, she furtively reached over and grabbed a whip and lifted herself from straddling his body as she unfurled it. “Now the real fun begins,” she murmured as she backed away, giving herself more room.

  Everything was silent. Lupercus knew he was about to die, and sheer black fright flooded him. “Someone help!” he sobbed like the coward he was, his gravelly voice growing louder and louder. “Satan! I command all the powers of darkness to come!” He waited, but there was no response. Not a rumble in the sky or a whirl of the wind. Instead the cool night air reeked of his own sickly, deathly odor of rotting souls sizzling in the depths of Hell.

  He heard a sharp crack over his head and looked up.

  “Sugar, where are you? What is that?” he said, turning his head, trying to see. Without warning the next crack stung his body. “Argh!”

  “What’s wrong?” Sugar said with false concern. “Doesn’t our little game amuse you?” Lifting her hand again, the dangerous leather circled her head, and then with a flick of her wrist, it came zooming toward him, the stiff, sharp leather cutting deep into his flesh.

  “And this is for the men I loved!”—crack—

  “And this is for me, and all the people who died needlessly at your hands!”—crack—

  She didn’t stop but was wild with delight as the whip continued its punishment. By the time she got through, blood and flesh dripped from the leather.

  “Satan!” Lupercus gurgled out over and over again while the stripes on his body burned like fire. But it wouldn’t stop. It kept coming again and again.

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  “Save me! I’ve…I’ve served you for years. I pray you will grant me my powers once again.”

  Sugar laughed loud and long. “He’s deserted you, Lupercus. Your god has deserted you.”

  “No! He wouldn’t! Satan is king. Satan is all-powerful. All glory and honor to…” His words faded, nothing but weak, powerless syllables echoing in the darkness. He waited for the familiar burst of energy in the atmosphere, but it didn’t come.

  Lupercus struggled beneath the lashes while sour, salty sweat mixed with blood dripped down his face to his lips, trickling into his open mouth. With labored breath, and a hoarse voice, he continued to call out to Satan, but nothing happened. The night remained silent as the moon glittered against his flesh, against the bloody scars that crisscrossed over his chest, ribs, abdomen, and legs.

  Suddenly the wicked snap of the whip stopped when Sugar’s body gave a jerk. She turned and looked at the moon. It shimmered in the sky, and her lush red lips twisted up in an evil smirk. It was the first and only time that she was happy to feel that sharp tingle that burned along her spine.

  The pain was excruciating, but she didn’t care. She could feel her bones melting and reshaping, her fangs slanting downward, their sharp points hungry for blood. Her hair sprung up, red and wild. Her hairline lowered toward her nose, and as she entered the last phase of her change into Spice, her ears came to a point, and a soft snarl that began as a rumble came bursting into the dark, eerie night as a roar.

  Dropping the whip, Spice advanced on her last victim, her eyes anchored on the swollen veins running down the inside of his forearms.

  The juicy fullness of these vessels seduced her.

  She sank to the floor and moved toward them, inching forward, her mouth open wide, her fangs dripping with saliva.

  “No! No!” he cried out when he felt her talons scratching him. “Get back, you beast! I’ll kill you! I’ll—”

  She pounced on him and tore wildly at his flesh.

  It lasted only seconds.

  Death came, the curse lifted.

  Now she tasted only sour, bitter blood.

  “Argh!” She pulled back and heaved, blood rushed up from her stomach, and spilled over the snack tray and pallet.

  She turned away, repelled. She no longer wanted his blood, or the flesh that hung from his dead body. Instead she wanted to run, to get away from the carnage that sickened her. As if answering a call, she turned and looked out the window and toward the woods where she knew a clear, clean body of cleansing water would be waiting.

  Chapter 27

  Sugar strode toward the veranda where she stood with her eyes closed and inhaled the sweet, lemony scent of magnolias. It had been such a long time since she’d smelled them, smelled anything but blood and raw carnage. She turned when Judas rushed in.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve been to the landing. He didn’t show up.”

  “He’s dead,” Sugar said in a soft voice.

  “I knew it,” he said. “How did it go?”

  “He didn’t make it easy for me, but thanks to his tremendous ego, I managed to talk him into a game of submission and tied him up.” She shivered when a chill raced down her spine. “I never want to go through anything like that again as long as I live.”

  “I need to find him,” Judas said. “Where is he?”

  “I left him in the studio after…Judas, would you remove…?” her hesitation spoke volumes.

  “Right away. In the meantime you need to get some rest.”

  “Yes, I will. The first real rest I’ve had in years.”

  Sugar looked up at him, her gaze a soft caress. “Judas, I’m sorry for not trusting you when we first met. Anyone else would have given up a long time ago. It couldn’t have been easy chasing after me and trying to outwit Lupercus at the same time.” She reached up and gave him a soft peck on the lips.

  He felt her warm, fragrant breath on his face and couldn’t let it end, so he gathered her close and moved his hungry mouth over hers.

  Although the touch of his lips was gentle, the moment they touched, she felt sparks of electricity fly. She expected the velvety warmth and liquid sweetness, but not the fire that burned her all the way down to her soul. She felt herself being lifted and her ass placed on the baluster where she raised her legs to circle Judas’s hips.

  The wind blew against them as he leaned her backward slightly. The position was dangerous since the baluster was the only thing that supported her, but she had learned to trust Judas, and lay confident in his strong arms until she felt his wicked invasion into her cunt. She gasped as he pushed in and out of her, and tiny sounds of whimpers escaped her throat as she slowly began to grind her hips into his. As the passion intensified, she clawed at his back. The two of them trembled together in the cool night air until suddenly the terrible hunger between them exploded into a fiery ecstasy, and an explosion of lust shattered betwee
n them, bringing each of them to a raging climax.

  Judas released her reluctantly, sliding her down from the balustrade. Before he left, he stopped and looked to see her lift her hand slowly to touch her mouth. He had surprised her with his act of love on the balcony and expected her to wipe it off in anger, but her trembling hand hovered, not moving.

  Her lips and body were deliciously bruised by the hot pressure of his love. Her first inclination was to resist the feeling, wipe all traces of his lips from hers, but somehow she couldn’t…no, she didn’t want to. While her hand hovered there, the cold breath of an ocean breeze replaced his fiery kiss with a frigid caress. Was it a warning? Was he too dangerous to allow into her life, her bed, to stay?

  “It’s going to be cold tonight,” she whispered.

  “I’ll close…”

  “No,” she answered abruptly and watched as he turned to face her. She felt a burst of desire, a shower of heat that engulfed the pit of her stomach when she saw his frank eyes look her over seductively. Standing there in the moonlight, he looked dangerous, simply too beautiful to be real. She was reluctant to invite him to stay. She’d just gotten free of one devil. Was he another one? It had only been carnal need up to now, but was it suicide to love him? Was she utterly mad to submit herself, body and soul, to him?

  “What are you?” she whispered. “Who are you? I know where you come from, and still I want you. Am I mad? Is it sheer suicide to give myself to…?”

  “Sugar, I’m more devil than saint simply because I’ve led a very different life than you. I served a being that was…is the very embodiment of evil. He’s not simply some comical character in a fairy tale. He’s very real. In that world, evil is a religion. It’s called Hell, Sugar, and it’s your worst nightmare. Love is a foreign word there, and because it is, it’s an emotion I’ve never felt. Raw lust is so strong that you can smell it in the air. Sex can’t even be called sex because it is so depraved, that depravity being as normal as eating and sleeping. No taboos exist. The more deviant it is, the more it is accepted.” He hesitated, looking closely at her as he advanced toward her. “If it makes you feel any better, I never did fit into that world. Here is where I belong. Knowing who I am and where I come from, you’ll have to make up your own mind. I already know what I want.”

  As she looked up into eyes that burned with a green, hellish glow, she could see the danger that lurked within their depth, but still she couldn’t say no, even if it was only the excitement of being with a demon. She had told him she wasn’t cheap, but now with his hands on her, with his lips whispering seductively into her hair, yes, she felt like a wanton willing to let him love her, like the devil he was.

  Judas pressed his lips to her face while murmuring words of endearment. “I’m drawn to your purity, your innocence—”

  She reached up and put her soft hand on his lips to stop his flow of words. “No, Judas. I’m not pure, not—”

  “Of course you are,” he said, pulling her hand away. “Compared to the women I’ve had, you’re as pure as a virgin.”

  His words thrilled her. “Then let me be your virgin, Judas.”

  “You must be sure, because once we make this commitment—”

  “Yes, my demon lover, I am sure.”

  He took her face in his hands and covered it with kisses. He wondered if she remembered the other times they’d been together. The night they hid in the club, it was a quick, need-filling act that could be called nothing but two frightened people who had no one but each other. The next was a sham. Posing as the man she loved, he took advantage of her when she was weak and a little out of her mind. The last time she was influenced by the moon, and tonight on the balcony, that was two people out of control.

  But now both knew what they were doing.

  With anxious hands, he pulled at her blouse, the buttons giving way to his fumbling fingers. While he undressed her, she groped at his shirt, pulling it away from his mountainous shoulders. She gasped when she saw his chest. His muscles rippled like an erotic stream. She began to lick and kiss each and every ripple, to smooth them beneath her hands. She looked down at his body. Was he different from men of Earth? Being from Hell, was he larger, harder, maybe? She could see that he was perfect in every way, his legs and chest so pleasing to her eyes. Her fingers pushed his hair back, and her searching eyes saw the scar. She smoothed it with her fingers. The imperfection gave his handsome face a tougher, bolder, bad-boy look that stirred the lust in her.

  Closing her eyes, she gloried in the touch of his fingers on her flesh, his lips on her neck, the naked skin of his body against hers. She could feel every hill and valley of his hard body as he reached down and clasped her buttocks, pulling her closer. She had an irresistible desire to climb him and lifted her right leg seductively, opening herself to him. His head lowered slowly, his lips making a moist trail downward from her breasts, each eager bite devouring her like a hungry man dining on her delicious, fragrant flesh.

  Now he knelt before her.

  Sugar was giddy with excitement. She sank her fingers deep into the wealth of his hair, desire for him skyrocketing through her like fire. Her legs ached to wind around him, but he held her hips close as he continued to suckle her soft flesh like a starving man.

  Finally Judas lifted her and carried her to the bed, his lips continuing to savor every inch of her body until he came to her soft pussy that by this time wept with desire. With anxious fingers he opened her, her fragrance as soft and moist as a spring rain.

  She cried out when his tongue entered her pussy and quickly found her clit. Her passion mounted, and her hands grabbed his head and pushed him in deeper. Feeling herself climbing higher and higher, she arched her back while grinding her hips loosely. She cried out as the fiery heat of release exploded throughout her body in a series of orgasms. But it didn’t stop. The fire continued to leap higher and higher, causing her body to writhe, wanting more. Finally, her hands reached up and squeezed the pillows. She was wild. She couldn’t be still. Her head turned back and forth, hair flying around her head.

  Sexual frenzy possessed her.

  Suddenly flames she knew must have come from the very bowels of Hell surrounded her, licking her breasts and her pussy until she wanted to scream, but when she felt his sweet heaviness upon her, she saw it was Judas’s flame-like tongue making every lick and bite feel like a sweet invasion into her very soul.

  She writhed, her beautiful body moving beneath him like the tail of a tornado. As soon as she exploded, she was ready again, pushing Judas back on the bed and mounting him. Judas let her ride his erection while he reached up and positioned her hips on him so his cock rubbed her clit right into paradise.

  Electrified pleasure exploded inside her, forcing out a scream that broke through the silence. She leaned forward, her tongue devouring Judas hungrily. He flipped her over. She loved to feel his weight on top of her and clasped his buttocks, pulling him in deeper, her hard nipples rubbing against his strong chest. His teeth nipped at her flesh until he finally thrust his tongue into her ear. She screamed out his name as he pumped into her with such fury, her cunt grasped his cock as she came over and over again. With the ferocity of a wanton of Hell, she raked his back with her nails.

  The bed rocked, and moans and cries of passion filled the room. The fires of Judas’s hellish passion thrust Sugar into a different realm, a realm of fire and brimstone. She saw it, felt it, clung to Judas’s muscular body as he rode her, the rhythm of their bodies in perfect synch. Where was she?

  The touch of his body became hot, his cock so long and hard she could feel it penetrate her very soul. She teetered on the edge of a passion she had never known. Was it in her mind, or was it real?

  Judas pulled her up into a sitting position with her legs around his waist, his cock buried deep inside her weeping cunt. Her scratching hands dug deep into his thick hair, pressing his face to her breasts. Sugar could feel his tongue licking, sucking, and flicking her stiff globes. His hands squeezed her throbbi
ng breasts while he continued to plunge into her, sending her into an even higher frenzy of passion where she felt herself spinning upward into a red haze of wicked lust. She closed her eyes, her moans rising high in her throat until they burst forth.

  Their bodies bucked, she screamed.

  They rolled, and she surrendered to the dizzying heat, the passion.

  They were heading toward an orgasm of such spectacular depth Sugar thought she might die. Still they sucked, and fed on each other’s flesh with hungry tongues.

  “Sugar,” he whispered, “are you ready?”

  “Yes, Judas, oh, God, yes!”

  With strong hands at her back, he pressed her to him hard and plunged once, twice, three times before she fell on him, the victim of a gigantic shatter. With a grunt and a groan, Judas spewed forth a creamy substance that was so hot it almost blazed.

  * * * *

  In the early hours of dawn, Judas woke, remembering what he had to do. Moving quickly he got dressed and moved toward the desk and pulled out a sheet of paper, a pen, and an envelope. He sat in the dark, his pen making a scratching sound as he scribbled out a message.

  My dearest Sugar,

  If I am not here when you awake, then chances are I will never see you again. No matter what happens, I will always remember you the way we were last night, and if by some miracle I am able to hold you in my arms again, I promise you that I will never leave again.


  Quickly folding the sheet and stuffing it into an envelope, he laid it on his pillow beside Sugar while his eyes embraced her. He wanted so to kiss her, to love her tenderly, but he didn’t dare take the time. Instead, he turned and quietly slipped out into the corridor, where his own words came whirling into his thoughts.

  “You’re a half-breed like me…no longer a god…powers put on like armor.”

  Their mad dizzying swirl almost made him light-headed as he hurried down the hallway in search of Lupercus’s dead body. He remembered when he had arrived at the landing earlier tonight for their confrontation. It was dark, cold, and private. The perfect place for a war between two of Hell’s inhabitants. He waited, but Lupercus never showed up, so he came back to the mansion knowing that Sugar must have made him her last full-moon kill. Even though it had all happened as he had hoped, it seemed too good to be true. Evil had a way of replicating itself. It would be just like Lupercus to be waiting in the studio with a smirk twisting his thin lips. Hoping it wasn’t so, he walked until he was hit by the biting odor of blood, and then he stopped and turned toward the studio where he rushed down the hall and quickly turned into the doorway.


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