The Dragon Twins

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The Dragon Twins Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  “Fate brought him to us so we could save him. We were there for him and will always be there for him.” Forbes answered with enough solid conviction that Flynn was forced to agree and accept that their saving him was meant to be. Everything happened this night for a reason.

  “He’s been asleep a long time. Are you sure he’s alright?” Flynn trusted his brother’s medical ability but also worried that something might have been missed.

  "He's fine physically, but mentally he's still coming to grips with what he witnessed. It'll take a while, but he's alright." Forbes reached up and brushed the hair off Hunter's forehead and felt for his temperature. "He's okay, everything is normal we just have to wait."


  Hunter woke not recognizing the smells or the mood of what was surrounding him. He was on a bed, not his bench seat, and his hands were being held. The touch was firm, yet loving and he was drawing strength from the embrace. He could feel the sensation of energy surging in slow beats into his hands and feeding the rest of his body. It was a ridiculous claim, yet it was true. It was the sense of power prickling his nerves that had woken him in the first place.

  He opened his eyes and took in the two men on either side of him. The brothers, the twins from earlier in the evening. Were they real or a figment of his lustful imagination? He'd gone to sleep with these two sexy bastards on his mind, was this just a lucid experience? He flexed his grip, and the twins flexed back. They were there, they were real but where exactly was here?

  "Do you remember anything?" Forbes asked him. He knew it was Forbes because he was the one with a serious set to his brow and a firmness around his mouth. Flynn was bright eyed and more playful. They were both formidable men and, he sensed, deadly in their own right, but they didn't scare him. He thought for a moment considering the question Forbes had asked. Did he remember anything? "About what?" He said his voice barely there.

  "About what happened on Pine Street," Flynn spoke up.

  "You were there." He said, and then the entire event came back to him in a rush of panic. The crazy beast that broke his window and the fire that consumed him. Hunter found his heart had lurched into his throat and chocked out his breath. Speech was impossible as he stared into Forbes' brilliant green eyes and then into Flynn's matching gaze. They'd vaporized that thing.

  He tried to jump from the bed, but Forbes and Flynn were on him instantly each holding him gently yet persuasively and comforting him with their touch and soft words of soothing compassion. Hunter stopped resisting and fell into Forbes' arms while Flynn continued to rub his back and place warm, lovely kisses to his shoulders.

  “Easy my love. You’re safe with us. We won’t hurt you and neither will anyone else.” Forbes breathed the words into Hunter’s ear. “You are ours to protect.” He added and kissed the side of Hunter’s face.

  The touches and the words combined with his heightened emotional state brought on the one thing he'd fiercely fought off for days. Something he hadn't given into in years was welling up in his soul and pushing him over the edge. Tears were falling, and he couldn't stop them. He rubbed his face against Forbes' shirt trying to get his emotions in check but the more they comforted him, the more emotional he became.

  He found himself wrapped in their arms Forbes in front and Flynn behind him and it was the most secure and settled he'd felt in forever. It was a feeling like no other, and it left him with the desire to remain just like this for the rest of his life. The two men were simply holding him not asking for anything just giving him what he needed. Hunter hadn't realized how desperately he craved to be held. After a few minutes, he sat up but remained within the circle of their arms.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to go all emotional on you. I know you saved me from that thing. I don’t know how you did it, but I know you did. Thank you for being there.” He drew in a ragged breath before continued.

  “That thing didn’t look human. It looked like a monster, a raging monster. I’ve seen things since coming to Laramie that I am hard pressed to explain or put a name too. But that guy was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. I know there have to be powers at work here that are outside the norm for an average American town.”

  He paused to organize his words and his meaning, trying not to sound crazy. "I suspect you two are probably more than what meets the eye as well. I'm not asking for an explanation, not yet anyhow, I just want you to know where I'm at cognitively speaking."

  Hunter wasn’t ready to hear the truth regarding the society of Laramie. He had too much on his plate with his life being pulled out from under him just a few days ago. He needed to process his personal pain and get his life back onto a stable foundation before taking on news that was sure to be extreme enough to shift his understanding of the world, he lived in.

  He knew some truths, but he wasn't going to think about it now since he still had to sleep in his car. Fearing the night was not something he could afford right now. Forbes pressed him closer, and he felt a light kiss to the side of his head.

  "Let me tell you this much," Flynn spoke to him from behind. "What you experienced this night was real including how much Forbes and I care about you."

  "We like you Hunter, and we'd like to get to know you better." Forbes chimed in urging Hunter to listen. "We understand your hesitance in learning everything about this town, and when you're ready, we will tell you everything. There will be no lies and no half-truths between us but in the meantime let's get to know each other."

  “I’d like to know you too, but my life is a mess right now, and I have more baggage than you could imagine. I’m not light or carefree, my life is heavy, and I doubt if I even have the capacity or strength right now to be a friend to anyone." Hunter hated sharing his pain or allowing anyone to touch his sadness, but it seemed to flow naturally when speaking with Forbes and Flynn. Being near them called for honesty, and he had no explanation for it. Perhaps it was because they promised him honesty.

  "We're not without issue ourselves, as you eluded to earlier." Flynn chuckled, and Hunter felt the rumble against his back. They were still holding him close. "But like Forbes' said, let's get to know each other and just see where it goes, no expectations and no judgment."

  Hunter nodded first and then put a voice to his acceptance. "Alright, I'd like that, I'd really like that." He was at a loss as to why he fell so quickly, but he didn't want to drive these two visions of perfection away. He could fight it but down deep he too wanted to see where this would go. He didn’t know if they wanted more than friendship from him, but he certainly hoped so.

  Hunter’s thoughts began to scramble as he contemplated having to pick one of them. It would be an impossible choice. Together they were the perfect partners for him with Forbes’ hard lined care and concern and Flynn’s natural tenderness.

  Together they were everything but how could he tell them that he wanted them both without looking a selfish and kinky bastard? He decided that was a conversation he would never have with them and squashed the lustful imaginings before they took root.

  The twins began to release him and eased him back down onto the bed. He wanted to reach out to them and pull them down with him, but he resisted.

  "You have had a tiring night so why don't you try and rest a while it's still early," Flynn spoke softly. "There's water and aspirin by the bed if you need it and the room has an attached bathroom."

  “Where am I? Where’s my truck?” He had forgotten to ask. The twins both smiled at his sudden concern.

  “You’re at our place in the guestroom and your truck is outside. So, relax and sleep.” Forbes’ words were more of an order and Hunter had no trouble following that order. He burrowed into the thick comforter as Flynn threw a blanket over him and tucked him in. It wasn’t long before he felt himself drifting off snug in a cocoon of blankets.


  "I'll call and arrange to have our things moved here," Flynn stated as they headed towards the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Forbes had put it on to brew b
efore joining his brother and mate in the bedroom. He poured a cup for Flynn and himself and they sat at the small island in the middle of the room.

  "Cameron's an early riser so I'll call him and see if he can get any information and background on our Hunter Davis." Forbes immediately pulled out his phone and began the discussion with Cameron as Flynn spoke with Alrick who gave them permission to take over the guest house and assured them their things would be gathered and transferred. He also informed him that Kyle had taken over the process of purchasing the Federal for them.

  Alrick ordered them to stay close to their mate and their duties would be suspended until after their bond was established and secure. Everyone in their Clan understood the vital importance of a mate and everyone was thrilled that the final two of their Quest had succeeded in finding theirs.

  “Has Chance given birth?” He figured he’d have heard if he had but needed to check.

  “Not yet but it’s getting close. Calum is not leaving his side.” Alrick sounded pleased, but Flynn also sensed a hint of worry. This was the first child in so long that everyone was holding their breath. "There will be a great party when the elders arrive from home to celebrate the birth and the completion of our Quest."

  Alrick circled the conversation back to them finding their mate and congratulated them. The fact that he and Forbes shared one man did not cause a second of surprise or concern to his leaders. “Take care of your mate and if you need anything else call.”

  "We will, thank you, Alrick, and give Calum my and Forbes love and regard." With that, he hung up and turned to look at his twin who was still seated across the table from him sipping his coffee. "It's all set." He said, and Forbes nodded.

  "Cameron will get back to us as soon as he has anything, which won't be long, according to him." Forbes cocked a half smile at the man's confidence. Cameron had been quiet and somewhat withdrawn when he first arrived, but over the past year and a half, he'd found his purpose and his confidence within Clan Keith. His computer work and investigatory skills were without equal. It was to the point that even Kyle their crack tech specialist called Cameron for help and pointers.

  "Well, we already know that there's baggage, as he called it." Flynn finished his coffee and poured himself another cup. "He's living out of his car, few possessions, his life has recently been turned upside down."

  "He's also desperate otherwise he wouldn't have taken a job at the Federal," Forbes added. "He's not the type of guy who aspires to a bartending job at the shittiest hole in town."

  "He was a ranch hand, or his family were ranchers. It's obvious by the brand and condition of his boots along with the well-used pickup, and the muscles and callouses show hard physical labor." Flynn speculated further.

  "He seemed to be responding to us, both of us," Forbes mentioned while pouring himself another cup of coffee and leaning back against the counter. “I hate that he was in danger but saving his life has worked in our favor. But I never want that to happen again. He is never to be in danger again.” He added with force.

  "We can't let him go back to the Federal. The purchase is in motion, Alrick has Kyle handling it, and we'll be the owners eventually, but we can't let him go back there. That bunch of wolves may be holding a grudge. I don't want to take any chances with his protection.” Flynn continued their dilemma. Forbes finished his coffee, rinsed his cup and put it on the drainer.

  "We'll figure something out but for now the place is closed we don't have to worry about him going back there," Forbes said with a smile that was treacherous. "I called in some code violations to the health department and the fire department. The place is likely to remain closed until we take it over."

  “Good move.” Flynn congratulated his brother with a slap on the shoulder. “So, we wait for him to wake up.”



  Hunter woke the second time a little more rested. He knew where he was and what had happened. His mind was clear although this situation confounded him. The handsome twins rescued him and brought him to their home. They took care of him and let him rest. It was so confusing because they weren’t asking him for anything, at least not yet, anyway.

  His whole life had been run on the barter system, no one did anything without getting something in return. No freebies and no good will, everything revolved around cash or goods with no trust or favors offered. But then his father was a well-known rat bastard and not just to his two sons.

  Mr. Davis had no real friends, only people that worked for him and people he did business with. No one trusted Mr. Davis because there was no reason to, he'd lie and cheat at every opportunity. He was not a good man, and he received no favors, unfortunately, that made life for him and Lyle that much harder.

  As much as Hunter hated working for his father, it was all he knew. Having that life taken away from him so abruptly shook his perception of himself. If he wasn’t a ranch hand working his father’s ranch, then who was he. At twenty years old and only a basic high school diploma, ranching was all he knew.

  He pulled himself to the edge of the bed and sat with his bare feet on the plush rug. He saw his boots and socks over by the side table. He also noticed the water and aspirin. He drank the water and took the aspirin. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to check for missed calls. His brother had called him five times since he'd checked his phone yesterday. Hunter had no desire to speak with Lyle. Lyle got what he wanted, so there was nothing left to be said.

  He stopped abruptly when he noticed a text from Frank. The Federal was closed for repairs, and so Hunter didn't need to report to work until the weekend. Frank would notify him when his schedule would resume. He could pick up his check any time after five for the two days he'd worked. That would amount to just under two hundred bucks, not enough to do anything with.

  He sat there staring at his phone for a few minutes before tucking it back into his pocket and heading to the attached bathroom. “Get cleaned up and figure out your next move.” He spoke to himself in the mirror before stripping down for a quick shower.


  "He's awake, I hear the shower," Flynn said as they maneuvered the extra-large and long bed into a comfortable position in the room along with their personal things. The guest house was large, tall ceilings and lots of space. The master bedroom was massive with an attached bathroom which boasted a large jetted tub and a beautiful walk-in shower. It also had three sinks which suit their purpose perfectly. This would become their room, the three of them and both Flynn and Forbes worked to make it as welcoming and comfortable and possible.

  "I really like this place," Flynn commented. "We should have moved out here years ago when it was first built."

  "It is a great space." Forbes agreed and then stilled for a moment as he listened for Hunter. "He's out of the shower." He said, and they couldn't hide their excitement at having their mate there with them.


  Hunter dressed in the clothes he had on yesterday, but at least he felt better. He towel dried his hair and let it take care of itself. He stood there for a few minutes and stared at the door as he contemplated speaking with Forbes and Flynn. They spoke of things last night some fantastical and some personal but there were a lot of questions left unanswered on both sides.

  Flynn and Forbes were in the living room when Hunter walked in. “Hello.” He said hesitantly and sat down on the nearest chair.

  “Hello.” They said together and took a seat on the sofa across from Hunter’s chair. “How are you feeling?” Flynn added.

  Hunter nodded his head. “I’m good, thank you.” Silence ensued.

  The silence was excruciating, but Hunter wasn't sure how to fill it. He needed to speak they sat there both of them watching him and waiting. Forbes was relaxing back against the cushions with his arm across the back of the sofa and his feet stretched out in front of him whereas Flynn was pitched forward with his forearms resting on his thighs.

  “The Federal is closed for repairs.” Hunte
r blurted.

  "A lot of code violations, I hear," Forbes stated casually.

  "I wouldn't doubt it," Hunter responded.

  "Are you hungry," Flynn asked.

  "Yes." He answered immediately. Hunter was so relieved. He was starving, he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, and that had been just an apple. Also, he wouldn't have to do a lot of talking if he were eating. He shouldn't be so nervous he'd cried in their arms earlier, and they'd comforted him, and now here he was all tongue-tied.

  “I put together a breakfast for you. I know it’s the middle of the afternoon, but I like cooking breakfast.” Flynn pulled out some plates and prepared dishes for all of them. He and Forbes hadn’t eaten instead wanting to wait for their mate. They all sat at the island with the twins taking a seat on either side of Hunter.

  “With the Federal closed, do you have other employment or just the bartending gig?” Forbes asked between bites.

  “I’ve only been in town a few days, the Federal was the quickest job I could get, I don’t have any other.” Hunter’s embarrassment was on the rise.

  Forbes turned to look at him directly and held him in that burning green stare. “You cannot sleep in your truck. There are things out there that can hurt you.”

  "Yeah, I met one last night. But something stronger took it out before it could bother me." He turned back and forth looking at both Forbes and Flynn. He chose not to take it further and diverted his train of thought. "I have enough money for a motel room for a few days and hopefully I will find another job soon."

  “Stay here with us. No need to waste your money on a motel. This house is part of a larger estate, there is plenty of room. Please stay.” The offer by Flynn caught Hunter by surprise. He felt like he knew them, but did he know them well enough to accept an offered room? They’ve done nothing but help him so far, but Hunter knew he tended to be naïve. He wanted to say yes. Could he say yes?


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