The Dragon Twins

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The Dragon Twins Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  "Just say yes, Hunter." Came the deep, serious tones of Forbes.

  “I want to, but I can’t pay you much.”

  "We don't need your money, let us help you." Flynn moved closer as did Forbes. Hunter could feel their warmth, and it made him relax, how crazy was that? Their nearness always left him feeling better.

  “Yes, I’ll stay. Thank you.” Hunter felt a weight lift off him the moment he decided to stay with the handsome strangers. He smiled suddenly filled with a sense of relief and expectancy.

  Forbes and Flynn spent the next half hour explaining to Hunter the layout of the property, the inhabitants and the businesses owned by the group. They explained their background without getting into the paranormal side of things. Flynn told him they were all family and even threw out the word clan several times and he seemed to grasp it. They'd traveled for years as a motorcycle club known as the Dragon's Blood but over the past eight years had settled in Laramie and have been making it their home. There was a lot more to share, but this process would be a step at a time.

  Flynn glanced at Forbes to see if he had anything to add. Forbes turned in his seat and had Hunter do the same so that they were face to face. He took both of Hunter’s hands in his before he began. Cameron had informed Forbes of a fair amount of Hunter’s back story. Cameron was definitely a master when it came to searching out information from social media. Hunter did not hold any social media accounts, but his brother and neighbors did. Forbes had a good idea what Hunter went through and had shared it with Flynn.

  “I just want to make something clear in case you were unsure. Flynn and I are both gay as are the majority of our family. You will find that most of the men living at the Lodge and on the surrounding properties are gay and have partners. There is no stigma here, everyone is accepted for who they are.” Forbes kept his gaze firm yet open. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Yeah, that’s okay.” Hunter’s voice was less than a whisper and his eyes filled with pain. Forbes continued to hold his hands as Flynn began to rub his shoulders. They were his mates, they had the ability to comfort him when he was hurting. Forbes wanted to ask him about the things his brother had posted. Some of it was brutal and some was filled with regret, but the gist was pure betrayal. Hunter had been abandoned by both his father and his brother, kicked out and banished from his home.

  Forbes wanted to take him into his arms and assure him he didn’t need those people. He and Flynn were there for him, they would always be there for him as would the Clan and the Dragon Circle. Hunter was not alone, and he was not without protection, but he didn’t know that.

  Hunter took a long shaky breath and spoke again. “I hid who I was because it was not accepted in my corner of the world. For years I managed to hide and pretend. Only one person knew the truth and I trusted that person with my life, and they sold me out for a birthright.” Hunter shook his head and gave a sickening laugh. “There was no birthright, there was only hard work and humiliation.” He took several deep breaths clearly trying to get his emotions in check.

  "All I have is my truck and the few things in the back. My father didn't give me time to pack. I came to Laramie because I thought I could get a job here quickly, but that proved harder than I thought. The Federal was a dive bar, but they hired me immediately." He lifted his head and looked at Forbes not realizing he'd dropped his gaze until he looked into those brilliant green eyes and felt the power of that look.

  Flynn was still rubbing his shoulders, and nothing had ever felt so good. He’d just told them about his family, and he was not feeling embarrassed or humiliated, it was okay. He sensed no judgment. Forbes leaned in and took Hunter's lips in a gentle embrace and progressively deepened the kiss as Hunter gradually began to reciprocate.

  Hunter was tingling down to his toes the sensations coming from the ministrations of these two men was intense. Forbes moved his hands to Hunter’s waist and steadily pulled him closer until Hunter was straddling Forbes’ lap.

  Flynn continued to massage his back and shoulders and peppered kisses to his neck and shoulders. He pressed himself up against Hunter's back forcing him against Forbes' growing hardness. Hunter felt Flynn slowly riding him from behind, and the movement was pressing Hunter firmly against Forbes. The experience was mind blowing but also so loving that Hunter found himself melting into their arms.

  Forbes released Hunter’s lips and moved to trail hungry kisses across his jaw and down his throat as Flynn shifted his position and turned Hunter’s head to the side taking possession of his plump reddened lips.

  Flynn was over the moon at the ease and acceptance of their mate. Hunter was in a heightened state of emotion which added to the embrace and opened him to the possibilities of two. Flynn ate away at Hunter’s willing mouth, tasting him and committing it to memory.

  Forbes gripped Hunter's waist firmer pressing them tightly together. He felt Hunter's hardness riding his own, and it was stirring him to his depth and encouraging him to go faster, but he moved slowly to savor Hunter's growing excitement. His dragon though had other ideas and pushed for the completion of their bond, but this was Hunter's introduction to the Keith twins, and it had to be handled perfectly.

  Flynn pressed his groin into Hunter’s supple ass and began a rhythm that was both titillating and liberating. Having his mate in his arms and responding was the answer to his dreams. The moans and signs of satisfaction coming from Hunter made his need for more ratchet up and caused his dragon to begin to stir. He felt the shift in his eyes and the ripple of scales as they washed across his face. He was slipping as Hunter invaded his soul.

  Forbes saw that Flynn was losing the battle with his dragon and rather than have Hunter catch a glimpse of the subtle shift he turned Hunter back to him and began a slow ebbing of the kiss and brought the moment to a soft conclusion. All were catching their breath as Flynn and Forbes held tight to their mate.


  Forbes and Flynn were feeling positive about their progress so far although they hadn't discussed the paranormal aspect of things. The fact he agreed to stay with them and had no qualms with making out was fantastic. It would provide ample opportunity for them to grow their connection and their bond and introduce Hunter to the joy of two. From there they'd get into the discussion of dragons, vampires, and werewolves all of whom, whether he knew it or not, Hunter had already met.

  They eased apart, Forbes helped Hunter return to his chair as Flynn continued his attention and loving words. "Let's get you settled here with us," Flynn said. Hunter was still looking blissed out a bit, and it warmed them to know they had this effect on their mate.

  “Go with Flynn get your things from the Federal and pick up some clothes and personal items.” Forbes handed Flynn a handful of cash. Forbes wasn’t into credit or debit, he liked green backs. Flynn took it and put it in his pocket, he wasn’t going to argue, Hunter belonged to them both. They would share the expenses.

  “No, you don’t have to do that.” Hunter balked at the gift.

  "Consider it a loan," Forbes said in order to get the man to accept.

  "Okay, but I'll pay you back." He insisted, and Forbes gave him a half smile.

  “I know you will.” He answered. Forbes wasn’t thinking in terms of green backs.


  Flynn left with Hunter to accompany him to the Federal to get his last check and Forbes headed to the main house to see about Chance and the baby and meet with Cameron. He wanted to know if Hunter’s dad and brother were potential problems or people who could be relegated, in time, to Hunter’s past. He hated being away from his mate, but he knew Flynn would take good care of him. The separation hit him once the two pulled out of the drive and he was left standing alone on the porch.

  The idea that he would feel such loss and need at the absence of his mate would have been difficult to understand yesterday. Today it was real, and it was a burning that started in his gut and then slowly encompassed his entire being.

  Every other warrior’s p
light in winning and securing their mate became tangible, and he felt regret at not taking their need more serious at the time and being of more help to them. He pulled his thoughts out of his feelings, schooled his features and headed to the main house. But the memory of Hunter’s pliant body in his arms was something he continued to hold close.

  Flynn drove and Hunter sat next to him in the SUV as they made their way to the Federal. Frank told him he could pick up his check after five and it was now five thirty. Flynn parked out front and was about to get out when Hunter stopped him.

  “I should go in alone.” He said but didn’t look all that convinced.

  “I should go with you.” Flynn countered.

  “If you want to, but you don’t have to.” Flynn could sense that Hunter was afraid of appearing helpless.

  "I want to," Flynn stated and got out quickly rounding the vehicle to stand next to Hunter.

  When they entered the bar, Flynn was glad he insisted on accompanying Hunter. There standing with Frank and Briggs was the large wolf from last night who’d accosted his mate. His dragon became immediately defensive and pushed to the surface. Flynn moved to stand slightly in front of Hunter although still to his left. Everyone in the room noticed the move except Hunter.

  Briggs moved to the end of the bar and the wolf went with him. Frank remained and addressed the two when they approached. "Hello, Hunter. Sorry, we had to close down, but some piece of shit complained to the city about our cleanliness and our fire safety." He turned to towards Flynn before adding. "You wouldn't know who that was, would you?"

  “Of course, I do. Forbes called, he’s a stickler for safety.” Flynn stated with what looked like a warm smile. “Wouldn’t want any of your regulars getting sick or hurt.” He added and glanced down the bar towards the wolf who was glaring at him but unwilling to come closer.

  Frank looked at him hard but like the wolf seemed unwilling to engage further. He handed Hunter his check and then turned towards the two at the end of the bar giving them his back.

  “Is it all there Hunter? I wouldn’t want them to stiff you.” Flynn had called his brother the instigator, but he too had that inclination, but he wasn’t as bad as Forbes. Frank turned around abruptly and eyed Hunter for a fraction of a second but dropped his gaze when Flynn stepped in front of him.

  "It's all here. Thank you, Frank." Hunter must have felt the need to try and settle the aggressive energy sparking through the air. Flynn didn't think he needed to thank Frank for anything. He earned that money, it wasn't a gift. Frank nodded and turned back to the wolf and Briggs. "Let's get out of here," Hunter suggested, but it took Flynn a couple of beats to turn and follow him.

  There was something lingering that had Flynn's attention, but he wasn't sure what it was. The wolf was angry that was tangible and could be his constant state of mind, or he was as they suspected looking for payback. When the wolf looked at them, he saw intent, and that was the signal his dragon held on to. He would discuss it with Forbes when they got home, the wolf may be meeting the white marble before the day was over.

  "That was tenser than I'd expected," Hunter commented as they returned to the SUV. "I doubt Frank will have me back after the repairs. I think my time at the Federal is over just going by the stink eye that was being flashed."

  "Not necessarily." Flynn started the vehicle once Hunter was buckled in. "Frank isn't the owner, he's the manager, and I hear the new owners are looking to replace him."

  Hunter was intrigued. “New owners? When do they take possession? Do you think I might have a chance at keeping my job?”

  “Do you want to keep your job?”

  “It’s not what I imagined I’d be doing but I’m adjusting, and it pays well. The tips are terrible, but it pays well. Yes, I’d like to keep my job.” Hunter tried to explain and sound positive. He needed the job he didn’t want the job.

  “If money wasn’t a crushing issue for you now, would you still want your job back?”

  "Hell no, that place scares the shit out of me," Hunter responded without contemplation. If he didn't need the money so urgently, he would apply elsewhere and wait.

  "What job would you like, if you could choose?" Flynn sounded casual, but Hunter sensed he was looking for real information.

  “I like bartending, I just don’t like bartending at the Federal.” Hunter turned to look at Flynn directly went he barked a laugh.

  “Well, I have good news for you then. I have it on good authority that the new owners are looking to class up the joint. They want to make it a reputable drinking establishment.” Flynn sounded like he had a lot of inside information and Hunter ached to ask questions. Hunter was about to ask if he could get the e-mail of the new owners or other contact information when Flynn pulled up to one of the larger department stores downtown and parked.

  “Come on Hunter let’s go spend Forbes’ money.” He laughed and slipped his arm around Hunter as they entered the store.


  Forbes met with Cameron in the tech room which consisted of wall to wall state of the art technology. Calum demanded that the tech department always stays ahead of the curve. Technology was the way of the future and the way to stay hidden and protected while earning the most on every dollar and growing their culture. Staying on the cutting edge was a necessity.

  It seemed that mates were chosen by Fate for their capacity to love and accept the unusual and also their skills and connections. Each mate fit the Clan to perfection and always brought something new and special that the dragons didn't even know they needed until they did. Forbes wondered what Hunter would bring apart from his pure beauty and excellence.

  “Hey Forbes, sit.” Cameron was behind his vast desk which was filled with monitors of varying sizes. Cameron was tied into everything so that the dragons were never surprised. Forbes took a seat in the chair off to the side of the desk, so he had clear eye contact with Cameron.

  Cameron lifted his eyes from his keypad and smiled at Forbes. “Congratulations on finding your mate.”

  "Thank you, he belongs to Flynn and me." Forbes clarified in case Cameron wasn't aware. The sweet smile told him he knew.

  “Yeah, I know, that is so cool Forbes. I’m happy for both of you. I look forward to meeting him, from what I’ve found he seems like a good guy.”

  “He is a good guy.” Forbes found that he puffed up with pride at hearing kind things about his mate. “Flynn and I are very fortunate.”

  Forbes explained his concerns regarding Hunter’s father and brother and wanted to be prepared for whatever trouble they may try to stir up with Hunter. Cameron spent a few minutes gathering what was available for Forbes to go through at his leisure. When finished he emailed the file to Forbes.

  "His brother Lyle is desperate to reconcile, but Hunter has shut him out, which is understandable considering he destroyed Hunter's life. I don't think he's all bad, but the father, Alan Davis is definitely a bad guy. But with that said I doubt he'll bother Hunter. He cut him out of his life, and I believe that's an end to it." Cameron gave a brief synopsis of his findings.

  "Thanks, Cameron."

  “Glad to help.”


  Flynn watched as Hunter carefully picked out a few outfits being obviously too concerned about the price and finally Flynn couldn’t take it any longer.

  "Hunter, price is no object. We may not look it, but Forbes and I are not without means we can easily afford to buy you whatever you wish. Don't go cheap, cheap clothes don't last, and you know that."

  Flynn came up beside him and started putting the things he didn't like back on the shelf and started grabbing some quality clothing that he knew would look great on Hunter. Hunter started to balk at the cost and the quantity, but Flynn's, don't argue with me, expression caused him to step back and shut up.

  Hunter declined to try things on stating that he was sure everything would fit. Flynn convinced him to try on the black form-fitting dress pants that Hunter didn't want, but Flynn had to have them. They fit
Hunter like a second skin cupping his ass and package to perfection. Flynn got hard just thinking about taking Hunter while he wore those sexy, fuck me now pants. Forbes was sure to thank him for that purchase.

  Hunter seemed to feel awkward, and Flynn understood his discomfort, but he needed things, and his mates were damn well going to buy them for him. They completed check out and were carrying the bags to the SUV when Hunter realized he didn't have his cell phone.

  “I think I might have left it in the dressing room. Those pants didn’t leave any room for cell phones.” He said laughing, as he rushed back inside.


  Hunter was not paying attention as he told the cashier that he was going to check the dressing room for his phone. He rounded the corner that leads to the stall he'd used and came face to face with a solid, unmovable body. The person had deliberately stepped out in front of him purposely running into him.

  “Hey, watch where you’re going.” He said as he tried to walk past the man.

  “I was.” The man said through clenched teeth. Hunter looked up at him and quickly recognized he was in trouble. This was one of the men from the bar fight. He’d been sitting at the table in the back when the fight broke out. But why was he here? Why was he bothering him?

  Hunter stepped back but kept his eyes on him. “What’s your problem?”

  "You are, son, you are." He sneered and grabbed Hunter and started dragging him to a side door. "I'm going to fucking rip your throat out and enjoy every minute." Hunter tried to fight, but the guy was strong, freakishly strong like the guy who'd hauled him over the bar by his neck. He struggled to get free and began calling for help as the door that led to the side alley closed behind them.

  Flynn felt the panic before he heard the cry and raced into the shop and back towards the fitting rooms. He checked the stall and grabbed Hunter’s phone. He followed his mates fear and the stench of a jackal to the side door and rushed out into the alley. Panic and rage took him over at the sight of his mate crumpled against the block wall. Hunter was hurt, Flynn could smell blood and Hunter wasn’t moving. He rushed towards him and saw the jackal running away.


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