The Dragon Twins

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The Dragon Twins Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  Flynn was torn with the need to pursue and the need to take care of his injured mate. The jackal would be dealt with, but for now, he needed to see to his mate. He did a quick scan of Hunter's person noticing the bruising on his throat and the cuts to his upper arms where his shirt was torn. "Can you stand up?" He asked, and Hunter just stared at him like he didn't understand his words.

  He scooped Hunter up into his arms and carried him to the SUV. He didn’t want to linger in the alley in case the cashier had called the police. “Let’s get you home. Forbes will see to your injuries, he’s a medic.” Flynn took one deep breath after another forcing his dragon to back down. Now was not the time to shift in front of his mate. Hunter had enough shock for one afternoon.

  “What was that thing? He looked like a wild dog.” Hunter managed to croak out as he gave a full body shudder. “He looked worse than that monster that attacked me last night.

  "He shifted in front of you?" Flynn was floored. There was one rule that was honored by all paranormal species, and that was, you never shift in public in front of humans. It's the one thing that had kept the paranormal world safe and hidden for hundreds of years.

  "His face and hands changed into some sort of hairy beast, and then when he heard you coming, he changed back and started running. I've never seen anyone move as fast as he did." He looked at Flynn with a look that said he wanted to know why but was afraid to hear it.

  “This is part of the conversation we started last night. Are you sure you want to know?” Flynn asked as he pulled into the Lodge drive and continued to the back and parked in front of their home. When Hunter didn’t respond immediately, he turned off the engine and turned in his seat to look at him directly and held his gaze.

  “Yes, I think I need to know.” Hunter’s thoughtful response spoke to his character and intelligence. Denial is not safety and hiding from the truth is no way to live your life.

  Flynn went to Hunter's side of the vehicle, and when he started to wince as he tried to get out, Flynn once again scooped him up into his arms and carried him towards the house. Forbes was on the porch waiting, and Flynn saw the flash of rage encompass his expression when he saw that Hunter was injured.

  "What happened?" Forbes rushed them and took Hunter from Flynn's arms and cuddled him tight while tucking Hunter's face into his shoulder. Forbes was feeling his skin prickling and his dragon's agitation at seeing the bruises and blood. His eyes were flashing hot, and he didn't want Hunter to see.

  They hurried into the house and went straight to their bedroom, he decided then and there that Hunter belonged with them, not in the guest room. They would convince him one way or another to stay with them.

  He set him down on the edge of the bed and instructed Flynn to grab the first aid kit from the bathroom. Forbes crouched down in front of Hunter and swept the hair back from Hunter’s face so he could see him more clearly. “Are you hurt elsewhere besides your neck and your arm.” He kept his voice even and low. Hunter looked to be on an emotional edge and Forbes didn’t want him to tumble over.

  "My side," Hunter told him.

  "May I?" Forbes asked before raising the hem of his t-shirt. Hunter nodded and moved his arm and leaned to the one side. "Are you okay with taking this off?" Hunter nodded again, and Forbes gently removed the torn t-shirt.

  He then took the items from Flynn and cleaned and dressed the wounds. They were shallow, surface injuries and would heal rapidly. Being the mate to a dragon, even an unclaimed mate aided in rapid healing when in close proximity of the dragon or rather dragons in this case. He would be well soon Forbes kept telling himself in order to stay calm enough to help him.

  Flynn remained seated on the edge of the bed next to Hunter and Forbes was still crouched between Hunter's legs. Forbes rested his hands at Hunter's waist and his arms on Hunter's legs as he asked again, what happened. Now that Hunter was cared for, and his wellness established Forbes wanted the whole story.

  Flynn started and gave his account of what happened, and then Hunter filled in the rest except for the shifting part. Flynn wasn't sure why he chose to ignore that part, but he intended to address it.

  "The attacker was a jackal, I caught his scent in the store and the alley," Flynn stated boldly. Forbes shot him a warning glance at his openness and Flynn quickly added. "The fucker shifted in front of Hunter." Forbes' eyes grew wide, and he turned to look at Hunter.

  “Jackal as in, jackal the animal?” Hunter’s words were careful and spaced. He looked back and forth between Flynn and Forbes.

  "Yes." They both said at the same time. Forbes backed off, and although he continued to hold onto Hunter, he let Flynn explain what needed to be explained, starting with the importance that the information given would be kept secret. Hunter agreed, so Flynn began with the vampire from last night. Forbes watched Hunter's expressions and gauged his acceptance of what he was being told.

  Hunter was stunned and a little dazed by what he was hearing. His mind scrambled for other explanations and reasons why these two would lie to him, but he came up with nothing. Everyone knew the stories about Laramie, the whispers of thing not being quite right. Everyone knew someone, who knew someone who saw something strange or otherworldly, but he always just shrugged it off. Since arriving in Laramie though, he had seen and felt things not normal but kept filing them away as anomalies or misunderstandings. But what he saw last night and what he saw today could not be explained away.

  How could this entire other world exist right next to him and he not know of it? The word shifter made sense in as much as he'd heard the word used in a mythological sense but not in reality. This was real, the man turned into a jackal and the man last night turned into a bloodthirsty beast, and according to Flynn, there were wolves and a variety of other species that were both human and animal.

  “I want so bad to say that I think you’re crazy, but I know that you’re not. The evidence has been right in front of me more than once. But my mind is racing right now trying to fit this new knowledge into my old understanding of this world.” Hunter suddenly felt a horror wash over him. “I’ve hunted with my brother, we’ve killed deer and elk and one bear.”

  "You didn't kill a shifter," Forbes assured him. "Shifters don't run wild, and they don't shift during hunting season. Shifters have existed for as long as humans have, we know how to protect ourselves." Hunter heard the admittance as soon as Forbes voiced it, but he wasn't ready to go further.

  “The Federal is a shifter bar?” Hunter decided to ask instead of the question that was hanging between them.

  “Yes, but some humans go there too. They just don’t realize they’re surrounded by shifters, mostly wolves.” Flynn answered.

  “Briggs, Frank?” The question was clear, so Flynn answered.

  “Briggs yes, Frank no.”

  Hunter turned back to Forbes and asked the question. “Are you and Flynn shifters?”

  "Yes," Forbes answered with just the one word. Forbes and Flynn exchanged looks wondering if Hunter would ask what kind but instead he looked to the ceiling, let out a long and labored breath and then pitched forward resting his head on Forbes' shoulder.

  Forbes immediately wrapped his arms around him, and Flynn began to rub circles on his lower back.

  “It all makes sense, in the most bizarre way imaginable, but it all makes sense.” Hunter rolled his head back and forth and then reached out to place his hand on Flynn’s knee and then ran his hand up his thigh and back to his knee. He did this slowly taking in the feeling of the warm and solid flesh beneath his touch.

  He enjoyed the closeness of these men, and he needed to touch them both. He placed his other hand on Forbes' chest and relished stroking his rigid muscles as much as he enjoyed Flynn's firm thigh. Together they set him on fire, the energy and the intensity of what he was feeling made his head spin. He wanted them both so badly he was aching. He rubbed his face into Forbes’ shoulder again and boldly placed a soft kiss to the side of his throat.

  At the same
time, he allowed his hand to travel up Flynn's leg to lightly brush his fingers across his hardening cock. It was outlandish, but he couldn't help himself. He could feel the brothers coming closer enveloping him and reciprocating his advances. His head was lifted by Forbes, and with a steadying hand on the back of his head Forbes once again took his lips in a demanding embrace and seized the opportunity to thrust inside when Hunter opened to suck in a desperate breath.

  Flynn was shocked and delighted by Hunter’s bold move. Never in his life had a touch felt so right as Hunter’s hand on his cock. He and Forbes exchanged a glance when it became obvious Hunter wanted more than just a hug, and so it began. This was the beginning, tonight they would claim their mate.

  Hunter's bare torso was white as snow with his arms a soft tan. It was a look Flynn decided he loved. His body was smaller than theirs, but his muscles were toned from hard work, and Flynn hungered to have Hunter’s callous roughened hands on his bare cock.

  Hunter groaned as Forbes ate away at his mouth. He went for it and gripped Flynn’s throbbing cock. Flynn gave a lustful groan of his own and covered Hunter’s hand with his own to keep it there not wanting him to move it. He ground his cock into Hunter’s grip showing him that his advances were more than welcome while moving slightly to trail kisses across his shoulder.

  Hunter moved with both men giving and getting and loving the slow buildup to a climax that would surely take his breath away. He wasn't a prude and definitely not a virgin, but the thought of taking both men was sending a nervous yet excited thrill up his spine.

  Forbes released his mouth for a moment to ask some questions and all Hunter wanted was his lips back on his. Thankfully his thoughts were diverted to Flynn who was currently unfastening Hunter’s jeans and little by little slipping his hand inside. His touch on Hunter’s sensitized flesh was arousing him to a painful condition. He needed his pants off in the worst way and right now.

  "We want to make love to you. Do you want us, Hunter, do you want us both as much as we want you?" Forbes made their desires clear, and Hunter refused to shy away.

  “Yes, yes I want you both. God, I want you both.” Hunter held back nothing.

  Hunter soon found himself laid out flat as his jeans were removed. He was now completely naked, his body on full view for these two men to devour. Forbes and Flynn ate him up with their eyes as they too quickly disrobed tossing their clothes aside in a rush to join him on the large expansive bed. Hunter had never been in a bed this big. There was plenty of space for all three of them with room to spare.

  The twins were a sight to behold as acres of smooth tanned flesh pulled tight across hard muscle was bared for his viewing pleasure. His breathing became labored, and his heart rate skyrocketed with the anticipation of what was to come. He couldn't take his eyes off them, so masculine, so gorgeous and they wanted him.

  Forbes came up on his right and Flynn on his left and stretched out on their sides facing him. Flynn reached for him and rolled Hunter to his side to face him while Forbes positioned himself flush to Hunter’s back. It was becoming familiar to him to have one in front and one in back as they treated him to a sensual sensory explosion. Their bodies, their scent, their touch, Hunter was beginning to crave everything about them like a man possessed.

  Flynn began with gentle touches and a soft explorative kiss. Forbes first pressed his substantial cock firmly against the crease of Hunter’s ass, not entering just riding the surface and triggering the creation of an intense need.

  Flynn’s hands were everywhere at first and then one settled on stroking Hunters cock and messaging his balls. Flynn’s large firm grip provided a satisfaction Hunter hadn’t known before. By stimulating him at every pleasure point Flynn and Forbes were sinking him into a total blissful meltdown.

  Hunter reached between down between him and Flynn and wrapped his fingers around Flynn's hard, leaking cock feeling the hot pulsing neediness within. Hunter groaned into Flynn's mouth when Forbes entered him with his fingers. He felt a cool slippery substance and fleetingly wondered when He'd gotten the lube. The thrusting of his large fingers stretched and stimulated him widening his passage for the two of them.

  Flynn released his lips and moved to place open mouth kisses down his throat and across his shoulder. Hunter kissed him in return on his cheek and ear any available piece of flesh within reach. He was losing himself in these men, and he loved it.

  It wasn’t long although it seemed an eternity before Hunter felt Forbes probing his hole with the head of his cock. He was thrusting causing pressure that increased slowly until he popped inside stretching the muscles even further and heightening Hunter’s pleasure tenfold.

  Flynn gripped him tighter and rapidly stroked Hunter's sensitive member as Forbes pushed further and plunged deep inside filling him fully and stretching him to accommodate his considerable size and length. Hunter's channel gripped Forbes cock and held him tight within his warm, velvety embrace.

  Hunter felt the moment his channel relaxed, and Forbes began a rhythm of pounding thrusts which forced Hunter's cock to slide rapidly back and forth within Flynn's grasp. The buildup was reaching an unbearable level.

  Forbes suddenly plunged deep ramming their bodies together and came hard with a bursting growl of pleasure and pain that fanned the back of Hunter’s neck. The instant that Forbes came Hunter too exploded in Flynn’s hand painting his palm with his warm seed. His head was reeling with the power of the experience.

  Just as Hunter was gaining his bearings, Forbes struck sinking his teeth in Hunter's shoulder biting down and sucking the flesh into his mouth. Hunter instantly stiffened and came again orgasming a second time in less than a minute. His eyes rolled back in his head this time, and he rode the flashing lights that danced behind his eyelids. It was magnificent, but it wasn't over.

  Forbes licked the wound, and the act eased the sting to a sensitively erotic level which Hunter had no explanation for. He was lulling in the aftershocks when Forbes slowly pulled out and rolled Hunter towards him giving his back to Flynn. Hunter was floored by the tender look in Forbes' eyes and the loving way he touched him. The encounter touched him and, in that moment, he could feel them both, heart and soul. "You are ours, Hunter, our love our mate, ours forever," Forbes spoke so softly against Hunter's cheek that the words were felt more than heard.

  Forbes covered Hunter’s face and shoulder with soft kisses and tiny seductive nips while Flynn kissed the back of his neck. Hunter knew what was coming and ached for it needing the fullness of his other lover to feel complete. Flynn thrust inside easily and began a vigorous pounding of Hunter’s hole filling him over and over and hitting his prostate on every slam. It was sending him into a state of frenzied excitement which was pushing him immediately over the edge.

  Within minutes Hunter was crying out, and Forbes swallowed every cry. Hunter came even harder than he had the last two times, he didn't think it was possible, but he was covering Forbes' groin with warm ejaculate and trying to breathe. Again, he was bitten, Flynn struck sinking his teeth into his other shoulder and sucking up the flesh much as Forbes had done.

  “No, no, it can be possible.” Hunter slammed his eyes shut and uttered through strained grinding teeth as he came once more adding to the pool of seed dripping down Forbes’s abdomen. His mind and his nerves were tingling and swirling as the lights flashed in the corners of his eyes making his vision fade in and out and then nothing.


  Forbes continued to kiss and caress Hunter while Flynn licked the wound closed and sealed his bond with their mate. Hunter was now theirs in every way, he belonged to them, the dragon twins. They lay there for a few minutes holding Hunter between them glorying in the connection that had been established.

  "I have never been as happy as I am at this moment," Flynn stated and wrapped his arms around Hunter.

  "He's a treasure, Flynn, our treasure." Forbes was proud and impressed with their mate's stamina and his capacity to believe the fantastical. He plac
ed another kiss to Hunter's forehead and smoothed the hair back from his face. "We knocked him out, Flynn."

  Flynn chuckled. “He went out with a smile.” Forbes barked a laugh and then grew serious.

  “His attacker was the jackal from the fight last night?” Forbes questioned.

  “Yes, he took off as soon as he heard me coming. I couldn’t go after him and leave Hunter alone and injured.” Flynn rubbed the palm of his hand up and down Hunter’s leg calming himself with the touch of his mate.

  “You did the right thing. Besides, I know where to find the jackal.” Forbes let go of Hunter and sat up on the edge of the bed. “Rest until he wakes up. Keep him safe.” He instructed Flynn and bent to place one last kiss to his mate’s lips.

  “I love you more than life.” He whispered into Hunter’s ear and Flynn seconded the statement from behind Hunter.

  "I'll be back," Forbes said and grabbed his clothes and left.


  Flynn cuddled his mate close and pulled the comforter over them both. His mate was overcome, and the rest was good for him. Flynn was well aware that Forbes’ intended to eliminate the threat to their mate, and he was confident in his success. Jackals were tough and heartless, but they were also of low intelligence, hence attacking the mate of a dragon.

  Hunter came to gradually and rolled over to face Flynn who was cuddling him close. The memory of their lovemaking came back to him, and he smiled sweetly. "Hello." He said with just a touch of shyness.

  “Hello, my love, how are you?” Flynn’s voice was so comforting Hunter just wanted to roll in it.

  "I'm good." Hunter ran his fingers down the side of Flynn's face needing to touch and convince himself that it was all real. Their lovemaking had been beyond expectations there had been no awkward moments or self-consciousness of any kind. These men treated him to a perfect feast of sensual delight.


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