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Flint_Northern Grizzlies [Book 2]

Page 8

by M. Merin

  Propped up on one arm, I give the lady what she’s asking for. Using my other thumb to massage her clit, she soon has her right leg wrapped around my waist and I’ve all but forgotten about her wounds as her tight pussy starts to clench around my dick.

  I almost pause at one point, pretty fucking surprised at what a dirty mouth Bree has as she closes in on her orgasm. My slight disruption in our rhythm earns me a kick in the ass and nails across my back as she screams.

  “Don’t slow down, Flint. Make me cum, I’m almost…” She screams. “There. Fuck. Oh, yeah.”

  Feeling her release ripple up and down my cock is all the permission I need to let go and empty myself into her.

  Shifting first to her right side, I softly whisper, “Don’t move.” Heading to the bathroom to rinse myself off, I grab a washcloth for her. Returning to her, I quickly wipe our creampie from her entrance before I’m stuck changing out the sheets.

  Dropping a quick kiss to the hood above her clit, “How long did this take, Bree?” I ask, indicating her smoothness.

  “What? Oh, probably close to thirty hours over several months.” She murmurs. Curled up to me like a kitten.

  “Fuck! That must have hurt like hell!”

  “You have tattoos.” She smirks at me.

  “Not on my dick!” I’m looking at my sweet, lady-like Bree with different eyes now. She has a dirty mouth during sex and had needles jammed into every hair follicle around her vagina and rosebud. “Guess I didn’t really consider you a badass, Doll!”

  Looking at her, naked and nearly asleep in my arms, I kiss her forehead and take the chance of telling her how I feel again. “I do love you, Bree.” She nods and snuggles closer. I guess I’ll have to take that for now.

  I’m really looking forward to waking her up tomorrow.


  I get up early the next morning and leaving a note for Flint, I finish loading up my truck. Driving by the bar, I pick up the rent check Rusty left for me. I hate to leave him short-handed but I know I’m still not ready to be on my feet for the shifts.

  Before everything happened, Rusty had known I had planned some time off. I know Flint will flip as I never discussed it with him; but no matter how great last night was, I need time away to consider having a deeper relationship with him.

  Shortly after I cross the state line with Ragnar in the bench seat behind me, my Bluetooth announces an incoming call.

  “Morning, Flint.” I’m surprised he’s slept this late but am glad I can stop dreading this conversation now.

  “Where are you?” He asks in a very quiet, un-Flint-like voice.

  “Heading to Chicago, did you see my note?” I’m trying really hard not to feel like I was just caught sneaking out of the house as a teenager.


  “Can you speak up? I can barely hear you. Yes, I left you a note next to the coffee machine.”

  “Is this funny to you, Bree?” I think it’s the connection; surely his voice isn’t that scary.

  “I planned it a while ago.” Ragnar starts barking.

  “Un-fucking-plan it, Bree,” He growls. “Turn your truck around.”

  “I’m meeting up with friends and family, Flint. You’ve been gone for days and besides, I didn’t feel I had to clear it with you.”

  “And after last night?” He’s switched back to his low voice.

  “You always make me feel so good.” I’m completely sincere but am met with absolute silence. It drags on and on. “Hello?”

  “And me telling you I love you?” He did? I am speechless as I totally missed that part.

  “I didn’t take you for a coward, Bree.”

  “I wasn’t, I mean I didn’t hear you say that, Flint.” I stutter. “Look, thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I need some time away right now though. I’ll give us some thought though if that’s…if us being together is something you still want.”

  Silence, absolute silence. “Flint, don’t be angry. When I get back we can…”

  “Last night, Bree; last night gives me the fucking right to be pissed off.” He cuts me off, raising his voice again. “You running out on me this morning is bullshit and you know it!”

  “I’m sorry you’re upset, Flint, really. I had planned this time away and really need it now, with everything that’s happened. We can talk when I get back.” I disconnect the call and pull over at the next stop. Once I get done crying, I turn my phone to airplane mode before continuing my trip home.


  The next week is a whirlwind of family visits and a couple trips to sort through and pack up my storage locker. I’ll be pulling a U-Haul back to Rowansville with everything I’ve decided to keep. Once I finally get a little time to myself, I bring Ragnar down to the lakefront, letting him enjoy the dog beach and park. Standing back and watching him play, I’m surprised when he suddenly turns away from the water and runs at me, barking his head off.

  Right past me.

  To Gunner, who’s standing ten feet behind me. Ragnar throws himself at Gunner’s feet, immediately giving him his belly for attention from his friend. With Gunner distracted, I quickly scan the area; expecting, dreading, and hoping to see Flint.

  “He’s not here,” Gunner says, in that smoke-roughened voice of his. “Thought to look into something, so I got here a few days ago.”

  “Oh,” I’m at an absolute loss. Looking at Gunner standing in the park close to my childhood home, I suddenly know how badly I miss the life I started rebuilding for myself; and most of all, Flint. “How is he?”

  “Haven’t talked to him.” Gunner is giving me a hard stare that I’m not ready for, so I decide to focus my eyes on Ragnar. “Hadn’t told him I was going to head this way, I called to check in with Jasper this morning and he told me he figured something happened between you two. That you had both left town separately.”

  “How’d you find me?”

  “Wrench tracked your cell phone.” He shrugs off that breach of privacy like it’s nothing.

  “Gunner!” I shriek. “Un-fucking-acceptable!”

  “You planning on staying here now, Bree?” He asks, cutting through the small talk.

  “No, Gunner. There were some things I had left behind I wanted and it was my niece’s birthday.” I hazard a look up at him. “What are you doing here, really?”

  “Just wanted to check around for loose ends, Pretty Lady. Wanted to make sure no one else would come looking for you.”

  My jaw drops open and I’m absolutely speechless. Unable to process that Gunner would do this for me – or even how he would accomplish it; until I flash back to being annoyed at them moments ago for tracking me by my cell. Of course, they can ‘look into’ these things.

  “I don’t know what to say, Gunner…”

  “Well, I kinda thought I’d be breaking this news to you and Flint, together; but looks like you’re in the clear. No one left who didn’t want those two dead anyway.” He shrugs, dismissing their lives.

  “How long are you staying?”

  “Connal and I were supposed to leave this morning but he hooked up with some chick last night and hasn’t turned up yet. Hoping to head out by tomorrow now. How about you?” He asks, looking at me likes he’s all kinds of disappointed in me.

  “I’m here until the weekend.”

  “See you get home safe then, Bree.” He squeezes my shoulder before he turns back to his bike.

  “Thank you for…Can I, is there any way I can pay you back for all this?” I’m trying real hard not to offend him, but he rode halfway across the country to make sure I didn’t have to look over my shoulder.

  “Nah. Just kinda thought you were part of the family now and all…” He says, without turning back.

  I spend all the remaining time I can with my family. We have a blast. When the week is winding down, I call Rusty.

  “Bree?” He sounds surprised to hear from me. “Are you heading back?”

  “Well, I wanted to stay a few more days, if…”
He cuts me off.

  “You won’t have a job if you do that,” He sounds exhausted. “Of course, the place is yours and you’ll be getting paid the rent that’s owed but if I hadn’t marked this time off for you when you started…well, my partner in the business, he’s being difficult about your employment. I just don’t need to be in the middle of this anymore, Kiddo.”

  “I’m sorry, Rusty, of course.” I sigh, “I’ll start driving in the morning. I’ll be there for my shift on Tuesday. How are you doing otherwise?”

  “Just tired. Looking forward to my time off and I can’t do that if you don’t come back, understand?”

  “Sorry for, well, sorry you had to deal with so much.” My voice catches and I quickly hit mute so I won’t embarrass myself.

  “I know it’s none of my business, but I was here when his dad died, when his ex left with their kids; well, I’ve seen a lot. Anyway just don’t expect things to be easy when you get back here, Kiddo.” Rusty confides to me.

  “Thanks again. I’ll see you in a few days.” I look towards my brother’s house and get back to the send-off dinner. Ragnar senses the shift in my mood and spends the rest of the meal wrapped around my feet.

  No one to blame but myself.

  Chapter 13


  The part that has burned me every day since I woke up without her is the depth of the connection I felt when we were…Goddamnit, when I was making love to her and I was some fling for her. I went to the clubhouse that morning thinking to ask Wrench to track her phone.

  Walked into a fucking party for Jas and Emma. Wives, Ol’ Ladies, and children in every goddamn corner of the room. Making my way through the crowd and shrugging off questions about Bree; I head back to my room with a plateful of food and a bottle.

  Halfway through the whiskey, there’s a knock on my door.

  “Go the fuck away.” That’ll work on all but one person, and damn my luck.

  “Flint, it’s Jas.” I open the door but stand blocking the entrance.


  “What happened?”


  “Bree alright?”

  “I imagine so. Look, do you need anything?”

  “No, just thought…”

  “Congrats on the family, Pres; enjoy it.” I close the door in his face.

  Next day, I ride over to Rusty’s. I’m part owner of that bar and I can’t even get her fired. He fucking knew she had planned time off, I start to put the screws to him and he quotes labor laws to get around doing what I want. Next, I head to the house to pack a bag and head out on the road for a week or so. She’s not the only one who can ride off whenever she wants to.

  I never thought to ask when she’d be back.


  Over the next few days, Gunner’s the only one who’s smart enough not to try to pry into my fucking life. Guess this is what he’s dealt with all year anyway. Some nights I get drunk enough to consider some of the honey holes, but damn if my conscious doesn’t rear up every time.

  Another week goes by and I see a group of Brothers’ heading out. Scanning the nearly empty bar, I see Deb bouncing on Shade’s lap while Frank’s got Diamond’s head between his legs. Frank gives me a sly look and mentions that the others are heading to Rusty’s.

  I haven’t been over there in a while and I tell myself that I might as well see if there’s a poker game going on in the basement. Middle of the week usually has some of locals or ranchers in for that. Pulling in to the parking lot around nine and it looks like a full house, then I walk in and feel like I’ve been hit.

  Bree’s back.

  Vice looks over his shoulders from one of the tables before his head snaps back when he registers that I’m standing at the door. He nudges Connal and moves to greet me.

  She hasn’t seen me yet, so I head towards my regular seat. The one I spent months in. Some rich looking assholes are in the seats, trying to suck up to Bree.

  After serving up an order she looks around and gives me a tight smile like she saw me yesterday. “Coffee? I’ll have to brew some.”

  “Jameson, fill the glass.” I bark out.

  “Hey, Boss,” Vice has made it through the crowd and looks more flustered than Bree does. “Wanna come join us?”

  Bree sets my glass down, motioning to the next patron and I start to turn away with Vice. Fuck that.

  “Gonna stay here, Vice.” He nods, then taps the nobodies sitting on the stools I’m partial to. Vice may not be tall, but he has a presence about him. That group finally notices the wall of leather and tats behind them and decide they’d be happier standing against the wall.

  “She got back a week ago,” He says, quietly. “I know something went sideways, I just thought it was best to stay out of it.”

  “Not like we weren’t ever going to see each other again.”

  “Don’t make it any better though, does it?” He replies. “She looks thin.”

  “She lost a lot after the shooting; doesn’t look healthy yet.” It pisses me off that I care, so I throw back my drink and wave at her for another one.

  “What do you want us to do here, Boss?” He looks pained, giving a glance to Connal on his other side. “I mean, we all like this place as an alternative to the clubhouse. You’re still making a profit here too, right? Do we blackball her where we can?”

  “It’s amazing to me that you think I give two fucks,” I say, raising my voice as she nears. “Since when did you ever care where you got your dick wet, Boy? I’ve been getting pussy since before you were born and I ain’t done yet.” Bree slams my glass down on the bar in front of me, not even bothering to look at me.

  “Boss,” Vice says in a low voice after she walks away. “You know I respect the hell out of you, but Bree’s not a club slut and you’re angry. I can’t help but think that Gunner wouldn’t allow you to talk about her like that and would bitch slap me if I didn’t speak up.”

  Never was close to Vice like I was some of the others of his generation, but the truth of his words strike home. I look over at him with fresh eyes, then looking back towards Bree and see hatred shining in her eyes as our gazes lock.

  And fuck all if I don’t deserve it.

  Pushing back from the bar, I pay for the drinks, clapping him on his shoulder and nodding to Connal; I head outside to clear my head. There’s no doubt winter is in the air. Fuck, inside and out here.

  I reach into my pocket for my keys and fumble them. Picking them up off the ground, I notice the key to Bree’s apartment is still on the ring; moving my ride around back, I head up to her place.

  Ragnar attacks me upon entry. And by that I mean, gives my face a tongue bath.


  Flint heads out after shitting all over me. Vice sits there trying to catch my eye. When that fails, he corners me after my bathroom run.

  “Bree!” His arm hits the wall in front of me; forcing me to come to a stop. “Come on. I’m worse at this kind of stuff than Gunner is.”

  “Yeah, thanks, know that.” I motion to move around him.

  “Bree, Flint didn’t mean it. He cares about you.” Vice tries.

  “Vice, I was the one who wanted a one night stand. He’s the one acting like a little bitch because I was gone when he woke up.” There’s no way I will let this man-whore think I’m torn up.

  I am, but it sure as hell doesn’t concern him.

  Vice’s jaw is on the floor, so I maneuver past him and get back to the bar.

  I have missed Flint every day since I left. The nights he was in here the past few months, staring at me, waiting for me, made me slowly come back to life. This time away, I thought long and hard about us. Of his life with the MC, of my fear that giving any more of myself away there wouldn’t be anything left, of the many reasons it might not work.

  But walking away from him would make me a shadow again, in a different way. I thought we’d have time to talk, to give us a chance but not now.


  Frank was th
rilled to tell me he sent Flint to Rusty’s. Fuck. I should have warned Flint.

  No sooner do I pull up that I see Vice walking outside. He hails me and jumps in the passenger side of my Explorer.

  “I think I made everything worse, Brother,” I feel tired, like we’re suddenly little girls in high school kind of tired.

  He explains what happened at the bar, then how he cornered Bree. I was pretty sure what would happen when he found out she was back, but still feel for Flint. I know he cares about her and I’ve been around her enough to know she feels the same.

  I’m not Doctor-fucking-Love though and don’t want to deal with this shit.

  I tell Vice to forget it and to get the fuck out of my truck.

  Then as he walks back inside, he calls out to a sedan of women who have just pulled up to the bar. He’ll shrug this off and probably fuck every woman in that car tonight. I still have to wait a few months before I get any release, but for now, I’m more worried about Bree and Flint.


  I’m at her dining table nursing a Glenmorangie when she comes in shortly after midnight. I’ve had the benefit of a nap but she looks exhausted.

  “Give me my key back, Flint,” She says with narrowed eyes.

  “Do you honestly think that will stop me?”

  She doesn’t say anything else; she just heads to her room like my presence doesn’t matter.

  “Don’t you even want a fuck buddy tonight, Bree? Or have you been getting that itch scratched elsewhere?” I call out to her, like the ass I’ve been since first seeing her tonight.

  Her bedroom door slams shut and I let myself out, keeping her key. More pissed at myself than anything.

  Chapter 14


  The next week is occupied with Brothers from visiting Chapters of Northern Grizzlies; though I know Gunner has been waiting to get time with me, I keep putting that off. The morning after our guests depart finds Gunner pounding on my door for a breakfast run to the diner.

  Sliding into a booth, we spend the first few minutes catching up with Marge. She’s been here nearly as long as the diner and is hands down one of the best sources of information in this county.


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