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Primani (Primani Series Book One)

Page 24

by Laurie Olerich

“ARE YOU SURE this is a good idea? What if they need your help?” I asked for the third time. I was jogging to keep up with Dec.

  He didn’t slow down. Exasperated, he said, “Sean and Killian have destroyed more demons than I have. They don’t need my help with that. Stop worrying. You’re messing up my concentration.”

  The man we were tailing was moving surprisingly fast for someone who recently left a bar brawl. I guess he was knocked out early on and slept through it. He tried to slip out the door during the confusion, but Dec had spotted him just as we were about to leave. I wanted to help Sean, but Dec dragged me with him. So now we were tailing one of the assholes from a block behind. The man hadn’t seen us, so he must be an amateur. We weren’t that good at hiding.

  After several zigzags, I lost track of our direction. We hugged the shadows and followed the man to a bridge. He stopped at the base to catch his breath. His back was to me, but I could clearly see him in the streetlight. He was wearing a Devil’s hockey jersey and a red skull cap.

  As I caught my breath too, I pointed a thumb at the guy. “He has no taste in hockey teams.”

  Dec gave me a confused look and hushed me. Apparently he had no taste in hockey teams either.

  The area around the bridge was industrial and rundown. In the harsh winter light, it looked bare and abandoned. There were metal buildings surrounded by chain link fences clustered here and there. Parking lots were empty and rutted with packed snow. There were no trees or anything remotely vegetable in nature. Probably it was really ugly in the daylight. We hung back because there was little cover. Our luck held, though. Our man was more worried about getting into a dilapidated warehouse than making sure he wasn’t being followed. As he slipped through a gate, Dec tugged me behind the cab of an eighteen wheeler parked in the lot. The warehouse was fabricated metal and the color was washed out in the poor light. It had an abandoned feel to it, except for the security lights discreetly mounted on the corners. Ah. Someone didn’t want to be surprised. Where there are lights, there might be cameras. I made myself smaller behind the truck. We crouched and watched—and watched—and watched some more. Nothing moved.

  “I hate to say this, but I have to pee. How much longer?”

  After checking the time on his cell phone, he said, “We should get back anyway. We’re not going in by ourselves, and the others are wondering what’s going on.” He chuckled softly at my surprised expression as he scooped me into his arms. “Let’s take a shortcut.”

  Our re-entry was much smoother than the last time I’d traveled. Instead of tumbling to the floor in a pile of body parts, we arrived in the living room exactly as we left the warehouse. As before, I didn’t notice the movement and was still protesting when I realized we had an audience. I stopped in mid-sentence as Dec set me back on my feet.

  Alex dismissed me immediately. Guess I wasn’t in the inner circle just yet. I should’ve been unconscious as soon as I hit the pillow, but I tossed and turned instead. Where were the others? Were they okay? What happened to the demons? Where was Sean? When I did finally fall asleep, I dreamed vividly and came awake with adrenaline surging through me. I lay shaking with the last fuzzy images from the dream fading into the dark. I was left with only a crushing feeling of loss. I tried to hold onto the dream, but it was gone. There was nothing for me to see. It was 5:00 and still very dark outside. Frustrated with the dream, I jumped into a hot shower and got dressed. It was going to be a long day.

  I was surprised to find Raphael in the kitchen. He poured me a cup of coffee and sat down. We chatted about the brawl at Dump and the warehouse. He was interested in what I sensed there. Sensed? Hmm. “I didn’t sense anything. It was dark, cold . . . I didn’t sense anything weird.”

  “You must have. You may not have mastered your abilities, but they won’t go away. They’ll get stronger as you mature. Even now your senses will pick up impressions and send them to your brain. It’s up to you to weed out the important information from the endless flow of mundane items. We’ve got nothing special to do right now. Why don’t we work on that?”

  For the next hour, he patiently grilled me on every minute of last night. I was surprised by how much I absorbed unconsciously. By emptying my mind of the mundane images, things like weather, food smells, car horns, and people’s conversations, I was able to retrieve memories relating to what he wanted to know about. I described the faces of the sentries in painstaking detail. I was able to recall that the thugs in the bar spoke with a strange accent. I don’t remember noticing that while we were at Dump. After more thought, I recalled the looks of recognition between the Mob Guy and Skinhead. They ignored each other outwardly, but they knew each other. Were they working together? Whose interests did they represent? What did they want from the demons?

  Satisfied with my progress, Raphael gave me a fatherly smile and told me to go wake up the others. We had a lot to do today, and it was already 7:00. Feeling lighter somehow, I hopped up and set off to wake up the guys. They were sharing a suite that was beautifully decorated with black and white paintings and deep blue walls. Whoever decorated this place had a thing for blue, but the effect was lovely. I hovered in the doorway, marveling at the three bodies sleeping in front of me.

  I hated to wake them. Sean grimaced and flung out an arm. He’s dreaming again. I wish I knew what he dreamed about. He was making me crazy with his secrets. He mumbled something I couldn’t understand and inhaled sharply. Okay, that’s enough. It was time to wake them up. I cleared my throat. Killian sat up instantly—his eyes zeroed in on my face—hand wrapped around the haft of a knife. The sheet fell to his waist. My eyes followed the movement and got stuck. Whoa! Yum! He was all carved muscles and tan skin. He was perfect. With his face and this body . . . No woman would stand a chance if he actually cared enough to be charming.

  Dragging my eyes away, I licked my bottom lip, and announced, “Uh, it’s time to get up. Raphael wants you in the kitchen.”

  For once, he didn’t comment on my thoughts. Instead, he gave me a sardonic smile and swung his legs off the bed. Flustered, I scuttled over to Sean. He was awake and frowning at me. In fairness, he also looked perfect. He had a beautiful body too, but I was used to it. A naked Killian was a mind-blowing shock.

  The morning meeting took a few hours, but everyone thought we were ready by the time we were done. The plan was simple. Later tonight, we would go to the warehouse and three Primani would slip inside to investigate. Killian was leading the operation and went over the plan, again and again, until we knew it by heart. I would play lookout on one end of the parking lot. James would play lookout on the other end of the access road. I was taking my Sig in case I was attacked. Sean and I were going over minor details now. I sat very still as he fitted me with a tiny earpiece.

  “This will help us keep in touch with you. We’ll be silent most of the time, but if something happens, we’ll let you know. Same goes for you. Don’t use the mic unless you have an emergency. We don’t want to be distracted once we’re inside. Got it?” He stepped back to look at his work.

  My hair covered the tiny mic. Sean insisted I put on body armor for tonight. It was very lightweight, but I felt ridiculous wearing it. He adjusted it once more and declared me ready. We had a few hours to kill before it was time to go. I needed some quiet time. In my room, I stripped off my clothes and sat cross-legged on the floor to meditate.

  I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing. I cleared my mind and thought of my happy place. The tiny clear pool was surrounded by purple orchids and tendrils of mist. Dripping tropical plants hid the pool from prying eyes. I pictured myself standing in the pool with the small waterfall sluicing over my bare shoulders. Relaxing my shoulders, I took another deep breath. The waterfall was warm, and the air was sweet. I was very relaxed now and let my head droop.

  A wisp of cool air washed over my wet shoulders. I whipped my head around to see someone else. His look of shock must have mirrored my own. Our eyes met. He approached me slowly as if I wo
uld bolt and run away. I trembled but didn’t move—couldn’t move. The water turned to blood as the air caught fire and whipped around my face. The ticking of a clock echoed in my mind as he cupped my chin in his hand.

  “You’re so beautiful. I didn’t see it before.”

  And then he kissed me for the first time and the world exploded into chaos.

  “Babe? Are you awake?” Sean’s voice brought me back to the physical world. He closed the door with a click.

  Oh, thank God, that was just a dream! I threw my arms around his neck and attacked him like I would never see him again. I needed to kiss him, needed to feel him. I pressed myself against him, desperate to wipe that vision out of my memory. The image taunted me . . . floated inside my mind like a dream, a premonition. What could I have been thinking? Sean was the only one I wanted, and I wanted him right now. Squeezing my eyes shut, I clung to him, spreading kisses down his neck, groping him shamelessly until he shoved me against the wall and pinned my hands over my head. “Slow down. We have time, darlin’.”


  The vision danced in my eyes; my heartbeat thundered in my ears as I shook my head. No. We don’t have time. “Now! It has to be now!” We might not get another chance.

  Murmuring words I didn’t understand, he unzipped his jeans and lifted my leg to his waist. In one quick thrust, he was buried deep. Throwing my head back, I dug my nails into his shoulders, crying, “Harder!”

  Sweat dripped in my eyes, but I didn’t feel the sting. I didn’t feel anything but Sean’s shoulders flexing under my hands and his cock slamming into me, making me soar before leaving me shattered in his arms.

  As I came apart, he buried his face in my neck, rasping, “You’re mine, Mica. Mine,” before his hips jacked hard one more time as he claimed his release. Leaning against the wall, panting for air, he held me up with an arm. After a few seconds, he whispered raggedly, “Will you look at that?” and raised our hands between us. Our two hands were gone—there was only one—and the wavering mirage flowed over our arms and down our chests to cover every part of us that touched. The pale golden glow of Sean’s saol shimmered across my skin, settling into my muscle and bones until it flowed through my veins. We were truly one now.

  “I want to say I love you, but that seems like such an understatement now.” Sean smiled into my dazed eyes. “Are you still conscious?”

  “I think so. I’m not sure this isn’t a dream. Did that really just happen?” I was still glowing . . . literally and figuratively. My body was gently pulsing with light, and my locket was like a tiny sun around my neck. The lines of his body were indistinct . . . as if we were still one person. I closed my eyes to clear the fuzziness. When I opened them again, the solid muscles were clearly defined. Something had definitely happened. I felt the click of connection and knew we’d both been changed.

  “I’m surprised no one has knocked on the door yet. It’s getting late, isn’t it?”

  He nuzzled my neck. “They’re giving us some privacy. Occasionally they’re considerate like that.”

  “Are you telling me everyone knows what we just did?” I blushed to my toes.

  “Not exactly. They aren’t in here with us, now are they? They can’t see through walls, right? But your thoughts aren’t exactly your own these days . . . and you were kind of vocal. Maybe I should’ve gagged you?”

  Oh, God! “Killian knows? He read my thoughts? That’s sick!” I would have to kill him. That’s the only solution. And after that dream . . . Uh-oh! Did he see the dream too?

  Sean was scandalized by this idea. “What? No, he wasn’t trying to read your thoughts. But your, ah, emotional state was pretty intense, and he would pick up on that even from the other room. I’m sure, well, mostly sure, he wouldn’t want to read your mind while we were . . .”

  I covered my face and groaned. We’d be needed very soon, and I didn’t want to leave this room. I would remember this moment forever. No matter what happened tonight or tomorrow. Time was running out. I was going to lose him. I shoved the niggling feeling of foreboding into the back of my mind.

  “Regrets, Mica?” He pried my hands away from my face. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “What? No, never! I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t understand my destiny, and I don’t understand ours. All I know is that I need you like I need air.”

  “And I need you. Now, come on, love. We’re about to be interrupted.”

  Awkward doesn’t begin to describe the atmosphere in the foyer. We’d gotten dressed for the mission and were in the foyer getting ready to leave. Sean was adjusting my body armor for the second time when Dec came in. Regardless of what he did or didn’t know, I turned purple with embarrassment. Dec didn’t say anything, but I saw the questions in his eyes. He looked from me to Sean and back again. He knew something was different, but didn’t ask. His eyes settled on my mouth. He knew! I stared at the floor, hoping to become invisible. Sean ignored him while he adjusted my mic with his usual professional attitude. When he accidently grazed my neck with his knuckles, I felt the effect down to my toes. Dec snorted with amusement.

  “What?” I whispered to Sean.

  He shook his head with some humor. Dec snorted again just as Killian walked into the room. His expression was colder than I had seen it in years. His disapproval cut like a knife.

  His gaze swiveled from me to Sean. “Why is she glowing? What did you do to her?”

  I nearly burst into flames right then and there. Mortified, I turned my back, burying my face in my hands. This time, I intentionally sent a plea to him. Please, Killian, don’t be disappointed in us. There’s no more time! Please . . . don’t cut me out! My emotions were already on edge, and I stifled a sob.

  And this is what you want from Sean?

  No, I want everything from him. But this is a start.

  Still playing with fire, little girl? His tone was softer now.

  Sean put an arm around me and turned me around again. He whispered, “It’ll be okay. Trust me.”

  He faced the others and made an unequivocal statement.

  “I have no secrets from you. We all know there is something between Mica and I that we can’t explain. I’ve tried to deny it—I’ve tried to fight it—I’m not fighting it anymore.” He linked our hands and raised them up for the others to see. As before, the lines between us blurred, shimmered, and disappeared. We were connected again.

  Killian and Dec both gaped in surprise. Sean continued, “What does this mean? I don’t know yet! But she’s changing. Her blood . . . her body temperature . . . her intuition . . . She’s becoming more like us every day. Why? There must be a reason for it. There must be a reason for us!”

  He cupped my face, kissed me once, before stating boldly, “I love her. She belongs to me, and I belong to her. I will stand by her no matter what happens. I will teach her everything I know to make her strong. And I will destroy anyone who tries to hurt her. So now I ask you, my brothers, what will you do?”

  The silence was deafening. We were all in shock. He was completely serious. Alex and Raphael stood in the back of the room frozen in surprise.

  Finally, I said softly, “I am yours, and you are mine.” I searched his eyes and sealed my vow with a light kiss on his mouth.

  Dec came over to us, and vowed formally, “Mica, you’re my sister now, and I will always have your back.” He kissed my cheek and rested his hand on my head before turning to Sean. ”Sean, I swear to you that I will be here for her when you can’t be. I’ll protect her with my life.”

  We all looked at Killian. I was holding my breath. He considered Sean’s words and the ramifications of our relationship carefully. He seemed to be communicating with Sean, but neither said a word. His blue eyes softened when he glanced at me. He answered Sean’s formal challenge with a serious expression.

  “I’ve stood by you against demons and humans. There is no one else I want fighting beside me. You’re right. Mica’s transformation has purp
ose that we are only beginning to understand. We must be patient. If this is your choice, I swear to you I will stand by you both. And yes, I will protect her with my life should something happen to you.” He bowed slightly.

  With a lighter tone, he said, “Oh, and happy birthday, Princess!”

  Chapter 24: A Birthday to Remember


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