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Chocolate Heart Murder (A Maple Hills Cozy Mystery Book 11)

Page 4

by Wendy Meadows

  “Hey, Seth,” she called.


  “Can you help me load the candies?” Nikki asked.

  “As soon as I’m done with this customer,” Seth replied.

  Nikki started loading the trays into her car. The cold weather would help to keep them fresh and solid. Seth came out with a couple of trays and put them in the trunk.

  “Is that all?” he asked.

  Nikki counted the trays nervously. “Yes. I have to get my purse, and I’ll be ready to go. I will need you to hold down the fort while I’m gone.”

  “Aye-aye, captain,” Seth said with a mock salute. Nikki grinned, ran and got her purse, and took off for the rehearsal dinner hall.

  When Nikki arrived at the rehearsal venue at the appointed drop-off time, she was not sure where to unload her chocolates. She parked in the main lot and went in the front door. There were people running around with last-minute decorations. Nikki stopped one of the decorators and asked where the wedding planner was. The young girl pointed at the bar. Nikki thanked her and walked over. The wedding planner was giving instructions to two waiters in between carrying on a conversation with someone else on the phone. Impressive multitasking, Nikki thought. Nikki waited until there was a break in the conversation and then introduced herself.

  “Hi, I’m Nikki. Susan asked me to bring some of my chocolates for tonight’s dinner.”

  “Yes, of course,” the wedding planner said. “My name is Madeline. You can go ahead and put them in the refrigerators in the back kitchen. If you drive your car around to the back of the building, you can go through the double doors. You will be in a hallway, and the kitchen is the second door on the left.”

  Nikki thanked her and went back to her car. She drove around and unloaded the chocolates. A couple of waiters were hanging around, and they offered to help her. Nikki thanked them and together they unloaded everything and got it into the refrigerator in a few minutes. Nikki found the wedding planner again.

  “The chocolates are in the refrigerator. When will they be served tonight?”

  “I plan on serving them after dinner but before our main dessert. Our guests will not have a sit-down meal; instead, the waiters will mingle with trays. Everything is bite-sized, but the quantity will fill everyone up. Your chocolates will make a nice intermission between dinner and dessert.”

  “That sounds great,” Nikki said. “Do you need me to be here early to set up the trays?”

  “No, I have an expediter who will be handling that in the kitchen. If you want to check the trays you are welcome to, but he has been doing this for years. He has worked in many five-star restaurants. Only the best for Susan, you know.”

  “Absolutely,” Nikki said. She was impressed with the organization of the evening and felt reassured. Nikki looked at her watch and realized she needed to go home to get ready for the dinner. She thanked Madeline and went to her car. Maybe I should call Seth and see if the store is busy, she thought. She called, and there was no answer. That is odd. Nikki decided to point the car in the direction of the store.

  When Nikki got to the store, she realized why no one had answered the phone. The store was packed. Nikki jumped out of the car and went inside to help. Lidia and Tori were waiting on customers, and Seth was cashiering. Nikki walked behind the counter and started wrapping the chocolates for Lidia and Tori. Both women thanked her. With Nikki’s help, the customers were all taken care of quickly. Nikki turned to scold Seth.

  “You should have called me,” she said.

  “It got too busy too quickly,” he replied. “Besides, you were delivering the chocolates for the dinner. It all worked out, though.”

  “Yes, it did. Next time try to call me. I would have gotten here sooner.”

  “Speaking of time, don’t you have to get ready?” Seth asked Nikki.

  Nikki looked at her watch. She sighed and smiled at Seth. “Thank you for keeping track of my comings and goings. I do have to run. Please be sure to lock up when you leave for the night.”

  “I will. Have a great evening,” Seth said and hugged his mom around her neck.

  “Thank you, I will,” she replied. Nikki put on her coat and went out to the car and started driving home. The road was mostly clear, but there were patches of ice. Nikki had to be cautious going up the hill to her house. She was getting better at driving in the snow, but she still erred on the side of caution.

  When Nikki got back to her house, she had just enough time to jump in the shower. She blow-dried her hair and put on the clothes she had laid out that morning. Just as she was picking out a pair of earrings to match her blue dress, she heard the front door open.

  “Hey Nikki, you in here?” Hawk called.

  “I’m upstairs. I will be down in a minute,” she said. She finished putting her earrings on and walked down the steps.

  Hawk was standing in the foyer. He saw her and whistled. “You look gorgeous,” he exclaimed.

  “Thank you,” Nikki said. “You look quite handsome yourself.” She walked over to him, kissed him, and handed him her clutch.

  “Hold this, please, while I grab my coat.”

  “Certainly, but it does not match my shoes,” Hawk said. Nikki laughed.

  Hawk walked with Nikki to his truck. She slipped on a patch of ice right before she got to the truck and somehow Hawk managed to catch her in his arms.

  “Careful now,” Hawk chided gently.

  Nikki smirked and climbed into the truck. Hawk got in, and they drove to the rehearsal hall together through the early dark of a February evening.

  When they walked in, they saw that the hall was decorated beautifully. Nikki realized that what she had seen earlier in the day was barely the beginning of the decorations, and it now looked truly elegant. The waiters were in black and white tuxes, and they were carrying appetizers and drinks around to the guests. There was a band in the corner playing some quiet jazz. The tables had candles and some white and pink flowers arranged in vases. It was simple but elegant. Just like Susan, Nikki thought. Hawk saw someone they knew, and they went over to say hello. The rehearsal dinner guests were mingling around, enjoying the food and music.

  “Nikki, this is a pleasant surprise,” Nikki heard. She turned around and saw the mayor. He was walking toward them with an older gentleman.

  “Hello Mr. Mayor and Chief Daily,” Nikki said. The chief walked over and gave her a hug. Hawk turned around.

  “Hey, Dad,” he said to the chief.

  “Hey, Hawk,” the chief replied. He shook Hawk’s hand. “Good to see you here, son.”

  “I’m looking forward to your chocolates,” the mayor said to Nikki with a wink.

  “Thank you. I hope you enjoy them,” she replied.

  “I’m sure they will be delicious,” he said. “Knowing you, probably better than that main dessert course the wedding planner picked out.”

  “If Nikki made them, they will taste like heaven,” the chief reassured him.

  Nikki blushed and thanked them both for their votes of confidence. She really liked Hawk’s father. He was a hard-working man who cared for his son. She had won him over by helping Hawk with some of his cases. When the chief found out her father was a former FBI agent, he had welcomed her with open arms.

  A waiter came by with a tray of appetizers. There was a crab claw with deviled crabmeat inside. Nikki thought it was a cute idea and tried one. It was delicious, and the trays looked incredible. Nikki decided she would put her trust in the expediter working in the kitchen to make her chocolates look just as incredible, and just enjoy the night. She and Hawk chatted for some time with the mayor and the chief. The next course came out. It was skewered filet mignon. The steak was cooked a perfect medium rare. Hawk helped himself to two skewers and Nikki laughed.

  “Madeline said there would be plenty of food. You don’t have to grab it all at once,” she joked.

  “Who is Madeline?” Hawk asked, devouring a bite from his skewer with a look of bliss on his face.

>   “She is the wedding planner,” Nikki said. “I don’t see her on the floor. She is probably in the back driving the waiters crazy,” she said. Hawk laughed. Nikki looked around. Everyone was having a good time. She saw Susan and Tim walking around to the different groups. They came over to Nikki’s group.

  “Thank you for coming, Nikki,” Susan said. “And thank you for bringing your chocolates.”

  “You are welcome.” Nikki turned to introduce Hawk.

  “Why Hawk, you do dress up well,” said Susan. Nikki looked at Hawk.

  “Thank you, Susie Q,” Hawk said. Susan laughed.

  “I haven’t heard that nickname in years,” she said.

  Hawk looked at Nikki. “I have known Susie for many years now. Our fathers have been friends for a long time.”

  “That makes sense,” said Nikki, smiling.

  “I see you still haven’t lost your appetite,” Susan chided Hawk, looking at his two skewers. “Save enough for everyone.”

  Hawk laughed. “I will, I promise.”

  Susan introduced Tim to Hawk, and they shook hands.

  “So, you have known Susan for a while?” Tim asked. “You probably have some good stories to share.” Susan blushed, and Hawk laughed.

  “I think we need to go and say hello to those people over there,” Susan said while guiding Tim away from Hawk.

  “It was nice meeting you, Hawk.”

  “You too, Tim.” Nikki laughed as Susan led him to the next group.

  Soon enough, the waiters had finished serving the trays of the filet mignon skewers and the main course was almost through. She knew they were getting ready to serve her chocolates next. Nikki held her breath. She knew her chocolates were good, but she hoped everyone would like them. She saw the door to the kitchen open and the waiters started walking out with their trays. Nikki gasped.


  N ikki looked at the trays in amazement. They are beautiful, she thought. Each tray had two tiers with an array of small, delicate spoons. On each silver spoon was one of Nikki’s chocolates. The glass reflected the light of the room, and the trays glittered while the waiters carried them around. Everyone turned and complimented the presentation with enthusiasm. Everyone in Nikki’s group helped themselves to chocolates, and they all praised Nikki on the flavors and designs. Nikki was happy with the displays and was encouraged by the acclamations everyone was throwing her way. She blushed and said thank you a few times.

  “See, I told you everyone would love them,” said Hawk, giving Nikki’s hand a squeeze. Nikki was about to thank him when they heard a clang and the sound of glass breaking. Nikki looked up and saw her chocolates strewn across the floor in a sea of glass. She was livid and embarrassed. Nikki went over to the back corner of the room to give the waiter a piece of her mind, but then she noticed he looked like he was in shock. She stopped and looked where he was staring. Someone was slumped over at the corner table. Nikki recognized her as one of Susan’s bridesmaids, whom she’d met earlier that evening. She ran over to the table, her footsteps crunching over the glass. Hawk called after her and then followed to see what the commotion was about. The waiter was feeling for the girl’s pulse. He looked pale. The woman looked even worse.

  “I just thought she was drunk,” the waiter told Nikki. Nikki turned and saw Hawk. She shook her head back and forth. Hawk moved the waiter to the side and checked for a pulse. There was none. Hawk quickly got on the phone, and Nikki could hear him calling the precinct. She heard him explain what had happened and affirm that he was taking control of the scene. Nikki told the waiter to have a seat at a nearby table. When Nikki turned around, she saw a wave of people approaching with Susan and Tim at the crest. Nikki physically stopped them and told Tim to take Susan across the room and have her sit down.

  “That’s Kim,” Susan exclaimed while Tim held her back. “Is she okay?”

  “Please get her out of here,” Nikki pleaded. Tim held Susan close and guided her to the other side of the room. He sat her at a table and asked a waiter to bring them some water.

  Nikki asked the other guests to have a seat. She let them know that the police were on the way and that they all needed to stay in the building. The chief appeared, and Nikki explained to him what was happening. He thanked her for calming the crowd down and told her he could take it from there. Nikki decided to see how Susan was doing. She walked over to the table where Susan was sitting with Tim.

  “I am so sorry, Susan,” Nikki started. “I know this is shocking for you, but I need you to try to stay as calm and as focused as you can.” Susan nodded, but she had a vacant look in her eyes.

  “We are not sure what has happened yet, but Kim is dead,” Nikki told her. She hated having to tell people their friends and relatives had died. She admired Hawk more every time she had to relay this news. Nikki only had to do this occasionally, but for Hawk, it was part of his job.

  “The police will be here soon,” she continued, holding on to Susan’s hand. Tim had his arm around her. Susan was looking pale. Nikki was afraid she might faint. “Do you have her parents’ number so we can notify them?”

  “Could you get me a bag of ice?” Nikki asked a nearby waiter. He left and returned with a small bag. “That is fine,” Nikki said. She instructed Tim to hold this on the back of Susan’s neck.

  “I can’t just sit here,” Tim said angrily. “What happened to Kim? She was fine an hour ago. Who is in charge?” Tim started to get up, but Nikki took him by the hand.

  “Please. Susan needs you right now. Hawk and Chief Daily are in charge of the investigation. I know they will fill you in as soon as they have any answers,” Nikki reassured him. Tim sat back down and held Susan. Nikki noticed the crowd getting a little louder. She got up and found Chief Daily.

  “I think people may be starting to panic,” she told the chief.

  “I think you’re right,” he said. The chief raised his voice and asked for silence. There was the sound of muffled weeping, but everyone’s attention was on the chief.

  “I know this has been a rough evening. I ask you for your continued patience. We will need to interview everyone here before you leave. I will set up an interview table in the back hallway. Nikki will come and get you when I want to speak with you. Everyone just remain calm, and we will get through this in an orderly fashion. Once I have talked with you, you will be cleared to go home.”

  The guests seemed to calm down. Nikki was going to ask the chief who he wanted to talk with first when she saw Becky, Susan’s maid of honor. She was crying, so Nikki went over to talk to her. Nikki gave Becky a hug.

  “I know this must be hard. Can I ask you for a favor, though?” Becky looked at Nikki, sniffed, and nodded.

  “Could you please keep an eye on Tim and Susan? She really needs you by her side right now.”

  Becky nodded again, wiping away her tears and looking a little heartened to have a task to do, and Nikki left the three of them at the table together. Nikki talked to the chief, and they decided to talk to the bridal party first, then the families, other guests, and staff. While the chief was questioning the witnesses, Hawk was talking with the local police. Nikki did not have a chance to go near him, as the chief had her hopping. Nikki did notice when the medical examiner arrived and the body was bagged. They took Kim to the morgue for an autopsy. It was a long night with a lot of paperwork to get through – so many statements. Finally, the last guest was questioned, cleared, and sent home. Hawk and the chief talked for a few minutes, and then Hawk came over to where Nikki was sitting, sipping some water a waiter had brought her.

  “Are you ready to go home?” Hawk asked.

  “Absolutely,” Nikki said, exhausted. Hawk helped her up, and they went to his truck. He drove her home and followed her into the house. Seth and Tori were there. They looked anxious.

  “We heard what happened,” Seth said. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” said Nikki, giving Seth a hug. “I’m sorry to have worried you, I should have called earlier,
but we were so busy. I’m just stopping by the house to get changed. Hawk and I are going to head to the station.”

  Seth started to interrupt her, “But Mom, you look exhausted…”

  “I will be fine,” Nikki reassured him.

  “I tried calling you, and you didn’t answer,” he said.

  “I’m sorry. I was caught up in the middle of everything. I will try to remember to check my phone next time.”

  “Okay. I’m just glad you are both okay,” he reiterated. Tori squeezed Seth’s hand in solidarity and they sat on the couch, talking in low tones about the events of that night.

  Nikki went up to her bedroom. The bed was calling to her, but she knew Hawk would need help with this case. She had helped him before, and he had appreciated it. She was not only a witness, she was an experienced investigator by this point, and she was needed by the man that she loved. She changed into jeans and a warm, blue cable-knit sweater and went back downstairs.

  “You know, if you need to rest, I can take care of this,” Hawk said.

  “I will be fine,” said Nikki, feeling the rush of adrenaline she always got when working on a case. Nikki knew this would keep her awake, so she might as well be awake by Hawk’s side.

  “Okay,” Hawk answered. His fierce hug told her that he appreciated her fortitude in the face of such a perplexing case.

  “Let’s have a cup of coffee before we go,” suggested Nikki.

  “I already have a pot brewed,” answered Tori, appearing with four cups. Nikki thanked her, and they sat at the table and drank their coffee.


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