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You Are My Sunshine

Page 16

by Angie Merriam

  “Sunshine, sweetheart. I know this is shocking to you, shit how could it not be? But you need to know that you are not him. Your father is Kenny Hanson. You hear me? He raised you. He loved you. He nurtured you. You are his daughter through and through. Joe may have knocked your mom up but Kenny is your dad.” Trish was firm but gentle when she spoke. I looked up at my friends, my Matt. I was grateful they were there.

  “Thank you. All of you. This whole thing is just so fucked up. I don't know what to think anymore,” I offered weakly and kissed Matt on the lips before standing. “We have to stop him. I know there is no real evidence right now but it's him. I know it.”

  “We will stop him, Sunny. He won't get to you. I promise,” Matt said as he stood beside me. I believed he would try his best but I wasn't sure his best would be good enough with Joe. If he went after my mother, than logically he would go after me next. I just hoped they could find enough evidence to lock him up before that happened.

  “I don't want the kids here, Matt. Do you think your parents can take them to the city for a few days?”

  “Yeah, they would love that. I will talk to them tomorrow.”

  “Hey, I have an idea,” Dade said.

  “What's that, brotha?” Matt replied.

  “Well, you and I don't have to report to the station until tomorrow morning. There isn't a lot we can do tonight. So, fuck it. Let's get trashed and pretend that shit's not fucked up, for one night. What do you say?”

  “I say, bring on the booze,” Matt replied laughing.

  “Let's raid that liquor cabinet! Whoohoo! Party time!” Trish yelled on her way into the house, with Dade close behind her. I started to follow them when Matt grabbed me, turning me to face him. His crystal blue eyes were full of worry.

  “You okay, babe?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine,” I said, offering a weak smile.

  “I know you're not okay, Sunny, but you will be. I will be here to make sure of it.” His voice was low and serious.

  “I know I will be. I'm thankful you're here with me right now. I love you, Matt,” I said and kissed him. “Come on, before our friends drink all the liquor.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. I wanted nothing more than to forget, just for the night. We drank an obscene amount of liquor, at least I did. We started with some card games before we sang karaoke and danced around the living room before collapsing onto the furniture breathless but happy, if only for a moment. I was beyond drunk and on the verge of passing out when I felt Matt lift me into his arms.

  “What are you doing? It's early,” I slurred and heard him laugh.

  “I think you’re done, babe. I'm taking you to bed.”

  “What about them?” I pointed at some shapes, hoping they belonged to Dade and Trish, but I couldn't be sure. My vision was doubled.

  “Don't worry about us. We know how to make ourselves at home, sweetheart. Night.” I felt Trish kiss my forehead, which made me giggle. “I love you, Trish,” I said and hoped she understood me. I faintly heard an, “I love you too, baby girl,” before I let my head fall against Matt's chest. “Take me to bed, make an honest woman out of me,” I teased but the next thing I remembered was being tucked into bed with Matt snuggled in close to my back side.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I woke the next morning with a raging headache and a dry mouth. Matt was wrapped around me tightly, and I had to wiggle out of his arms, careful not to wake him. It was nice to have him there when I woke up. It was like it should have always been. He was sleeping peacefully. He was shirtless, and his hair was a mess. He was beyond sexy and if I didn't have such a hangover, I'd crawl back into bed and wake him up for some morning sex. That was out of the question though since my stomach was turning.

  I snuck out of the bedroom in search of water and bread. I tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I smiled at my house guests. Trish was curled up on the couch and Dade was sprawled out on the floor. There were beer bottles and empty liquor bottles around the house making it reek of day old alcohol. The smell made me gag, but I swallowed hard, determined not to vomit. I grabbed a glass of ice water, a cup of instant coffee, and a piece of bread before heading outside.

  The sun was just beginning to rise causing the sky to be painted in fantastic hues of pink and purple. I sat down and enjoyed the cool air. The hues in the sky coupled with the green that painted the base of the mountain, reaching up to the snowcapped summit were breathtaking. I took a deep breath. My lungs relishing in the fresh air after I assaulted them with smoke the night before. My stomach was slowing, and the headache was slowly easing. The morning was peaceful, and I was allowing my mind to relax when I heard footsteps coming from the right side of my porch.

  I turned to the sound of footsteps and saw him. My father. I guess I could see it. Maybe I should have always seen it. I looked nothing like my father but resembled his side. I always took it as a generation skip thing. My uncle Joe looked nothing like my father, and now I see the resemblance between him and me. It made my stomach turn. It was bad enough thinking my uncle Joe was killing people, but my father? That's almost more than my brain can handle. I stood anyway and faced him.

  “Hello, Sunshine. Lovely morning don't you think?” He said, the words dripping with sweetness and sadism.

  “It was until you interrupted it,” I replied curtly.

  “Well, that's very rude. I just came by to see how you're doing. How's your mother?” I wanted to deck him when he mentioned my mother. Did he think I was fucking stupid?

  “You don't get to ask about her or ever talk about her, Dad.” I met his eyes, and I shuddered inside. They were so dark, empty.

  “She told you? Well, that's wonderful,” he finally said as a slow smile crept across his face. He took a step towards me. Our little chat was over. “Matt, Dade, Trish,” I started screaming. The more I screamed the faster he moved to me until I was running away from him, still screaming for help. He was fast though, faster than I thought the old man could be, and I didn't get very far before he had me on the ground. I kicked, bit, hit, and screamed, but he's a big man and strong. I didn't stand a chance. Where the fuck was Matt? I thought just before I heard him and Dade yelling from the porch, their voices getting closer. Thank God, I thought and stopped fighting Joe. It was almost over. I thought.

  “Stop, Joe, let her fucking go!” Matt yelled as Joe lifted me from the ground holding me in front of him. That's when I realized he had a gun, and it was resting nicely on my temple. I felt tears filling my eyes as I looked at Matt, barely dressed and more afraid than I'd ever seen him.

  “Don't be a hero, Matt. I will shoot her and then I'll shoot you. Don't fucking test me, boy!” Joe replied, his voice calm unlike Matt's.

  “Come on, Joe. Let her go. You don't have to do this, man,” Dade tried. He'd always been diplomatic and it usually worked for him. He didn't usually go up against someone like Joe.

  “Shut the fuck up, Nigger,” Joe replied, repulsion laced his words. I looked to Dade. He flashed his giant, dazzling smile at Joe, unphased. That was his way of saying fuck you!

  “Joe, please let Sunny go. She's your daughter. You don't want to hurt her. Please just let her go and we'll let you go,” Matt tried. I could hear the desperation in his voice. His gun pointed at Joe's head. I knew he wouldn't shoot though, it was too close to my head.

  “Seriously man, let her fucking go. She's a mother. She needs to be here for her kids. Your grandkids. You don't want to fucking do this. I swear to God you will not leave alive with her,” Matt screamed, his eyes fierce. Joe began laughing, which caused the gun to bounce up and down by my skull. Joe's laughter slowed and he slowly began pulling me as he backed away from Matt and Dade, daring them to stop him. I watched as they inched closer, matching his every step. Matt's eyes met mine, and I broke inside. I saw hopelessness there. He couldn't shoot Joe or he'd risk shooting me. They wouldn't be able to stop him.

  “Let her go, Joe,” I heard a familiar voice say calmly behind us. I felt Joe's b
ody tense at the sound of my father’s voice.

  “I can't do that, Kenny. She’s my daughter,” he replied without turning to face his brother.

  “No, she's my daughter. You're just a sperm donor. You know that. Alice never loved you. She just wanted what I couldn't give her, Sunshine. She's my daughter not yours now let her go.” I watched Matt, who never lowered his gun. I felt Joe's grip loosen, and his body relax slightly. The gun he'd been holding against my head swung around to my father as he pushed me to the ground. I heard two shots ring out before I felt Matt's hands pulling me up and forcing me to run.

  I saw Trish running to me. She crashed into me, her body trembling. “Jesus, Sunny, you're okay. The police and an ambulance are on the way,” she announced to no one in particular, while squeezing me tight. “I'm okay, Trish,” I said, wiggling out of her grasp. I turned to see two bodies on the ground, my dad and my father. I ran to my dad where Matt was. I glanced over at Joe, who was currently laying face down, Dade handcuffing him. I could see the gunshot wound was to his leg. He’d live I thought. My dad was laying on his back. Matt was applying pressure to his shoulder.

  “Daddy,” I said, nudging Matt out of the way. “Sunshine. I'm okay, sweetheart. It's superficial just hurts like a bitch,” he said, and I looked at Matt for confirmation. His slight nod flooded me with relief. “Daddy,” I cried and laid my chest gently on his other shoulder. “It's over now, Sunshine. Everything is okay.” I heard the sirens wail as they pulled into my driveway. I moved out of the way, so they could lift my father on the gurney and get him to the hospital.

  After my father was secure in the ambulance, they moved to Joe, lifting him onto the gurney. They removed the cuffs from behind his back and cuffed him to the gurney instead. I felt Matt behind me, his arms enveloping my body. I succumbed to the tremors and tears and broke down as they drove my good father away and my evil father to prison. It was over.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Both of my parents were released from the hospital a few days after Joe's arrest. My dad, Randy, Steve and Walt were all questioned in the murder of Brenda Braxton but since Joe had confessed there was nothing to hold them on. The trial for Joe was short. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two life terms with no chance of parole. He'll die in prison. My aunt Linda attempted suicide twice after she learned what her husband was. My mother tried to be there for her but nothing anyone said consoled her. A few months after his sentencing she packed up and moved away. We heard she ended up in Florida, but that was the last contact we had with her. Our little town was shocked and gossip spread like wildfire, but it soon recovered and life returned to normal. The secret of my paternity was kept by the few who knew the truth.

  As soon as my parents were well enough we sat down for a little chat. They confessed everything to me, and though I'd figured most of it out, it was important for me to hear them say the words. I think it was important for their own sanity to get it all in the open as well. Carrying around secrets like that is a burden. Our relationship was kind of awkward at first, but it didn't take long for things to resume normalcy.

  Matt moved home and the next summer we re-married, only this time we didn't head to the courthouse. I wore a cream colored summer dress covered in lace and walked down the aisle in our backyard. It was a small, simple wedding with our family and closest friends, and when we said our vows, I knew it would be forever.


  What kind of luck would land his wife's killer in the same cell as his? Nick was sick to his sto mach when Matt had kindly informed him that Joe was the man who murdered his wife, who was, in fact, pregnant. He'd tried to apologize to Matt, begged him to release him, but he was still a cocksucker that forced him into a cell with Joe for six months. He'd been charged with attempted murder when he attacked Sunshine, which was bullshit. He would have never killed her. Her was grieving and a little insane, but he'd have stopped before she stopped breathing.

  “Well, hello, my friend,” Joe said with a smile that made Nick's skin crawl.

  “Fuck you, old man. You killed my wife then let me take the fall for it.”

  “Oh, don't be such a juvenile, Nick. There is still work to be done with the Everly's.”

  “Are you out of your fucking mind? There is nothing to be done. You're in jail, going to prison in case you missed it. This is no fucking vacation.” Nick's heart was racing, and he felt rage building up inside of him.

  “You have a killer inside of you, son. Let me teach you how to use it,” Joe said calmly.

  “I'm not a killer,” Nick said with much less conviction than he intended.

  Joe just smiled and laughed before sprawling out on the bottom bunk. “I'll take this bed, Nick, and we will see just how well I can train you during our little stay here.”

  Nick watched the man lay down and open the bible. Either this man was fucking crazy or a genius, but he was right. Something was wrong inside of Nick. With Shannon gone, there was no reason to deny it or hide it. Could he allow the man who took away the only light in his life to guide him to the darkness? Did he really have a choice?

  The End…..or not


  I have a lot of people to thank. It took me a long time to write this book. After completing the Neveah series, I had a hard time finding new characters. Everything I wrote seemed like a cheap copy of the Neveah story so I stopped for a while. Then, while watching Dexter it hit me, I needed to write something different. I had to find a story that wasn’t fantasy. That’s when I met Sunshine Everly. She came to me suddenly and forced me to tell this story. I was nervous at first though. Wasn’t so sure that genre hopping was welcomed but then I went to a signing/concert/Q&A and all around amazing shindig for Colleen Hoover. She said, and no, this is not an exact quote but what I remember: Write what is in your heart and comes to mind. Don’t write stories in specific genres hoping to catch a ride on the bandwagon, it will pass. Write the best story you can write about whatever you want to write about. If you do that readers will love it. This stuck with me and with encouragement from many others the story came to life. So thank you everyone and to Colleen Hoover, I may just have a girl crush on you!

  Kim, Lisa Messier, and Lisa Rome, thank you for reading this story in its rawest form and giving me honest feedback. Your honesty helped make this story the best it could be. I was scared writing this, given the dark character, but your words and encouragement gave me courage to release this story. I love you three with all my heart and am so proud to call you my friend.

  As I was writing this story, I met two girls, LeAmbra Rodgers and Gracie Wilson, and they became sounding boards for my stories. I sent you bits and pieces of this story and your enthusiasm and encouragement gave me fuel to keep writing. I am thankful every day that you both came in to my life and though we have never officially ‘met’ you are two of my favorite girls in the world!

  To my marketing girls, Xavier, Krysten, and Shelly. You are freaking rock stars and if this book reaches thousands of readers, I will have you to thank for working your asses off to get this book into reader’s hands. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have working on this and future projects with! I can’t thank you girls enough. Mwah!

  My editor, Kathy Krick, what can I say? You are a rock and one of the biggest reasons I chose to keep this story and publish it through Entertwine. Your encouragement, support, honesty, and friendship is unfounded and I am truly grateful to have you along on this ride with me. Thanks for your rock star editing and ability to tell me when something isn’t so good! I appreciate that honesty more than you know.

  To my family, I know I’ve been at this a long time now and neglect things sometimes, like a clean house and dinner, but you encourage and support me anyway. I love you to the moon and back. Paeris, Samuel, and Chloe, if you learn nothing else from me other than to go after your dreams no matter how crazy they seem, then I think I’ve done my job. James, I know I am unavailable at times, especially when I’m in the midst of a sto
ry, but you stick by me, strong and silent. Knowing you tell the guys at work that your wife writes books gives me more happiness than you know. I love you and thank you for being my best friend. Nina, one of my favorite sister’s in law, and now business partner, thank you so much for all the work you’ve done so far. I appreciate you and love you to the moon. Now, go write your book so I can critique it then we can publish that bad boy and watch your story shine!

  Mom…My biggest supporter and encourager. I may have given up a long time ago if you hadn’t convinced me I was good at this storytelling stuff. You’re the best mom in the world, and I love you forever!

  Other books by Angie Merriam

  Fantasy Series

  Neveah A Broken Forever (Beau Coup Publishing)

  Neveah Standing Broken (Beau Coup Publishing)

  Neveah Breaking the Wicked: coming soon (Beau Coup Publishing)

  Short Neveah Stories: Jax, Denali, and Serephina coming soon (Beau Coup Publishing)


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