The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 20

by Catherine Beery

  “Yes, I think we should bring Searten and Arelle here soon.”

  Reshan chuckled mentally, picking up on his brother’s strategy. Some of the Council Lords knew who the Sheyestivans were. That was fine. The Lords would soon need to decide whose side they were on. Those who said the Sheyestivans were a threat or on the Sheyestivan’s side. Searten and Arelle would prove to the council that they needed to trust in the Sheyestivans.

  It was about that time that the Wizard Razyan told the council what Lord Illion was. The brothers met each other’s gaze. A dragon was in the council. The inner predator in both of them raised it head. Kaishan turned back to watch the dragon prove who he was. Of course it was a dragon who knew what had been attacking the coastal cities. Kaishan narrowed his eyes. So the dragons were finally showing themselves. He knew it would happen eventually. He was glad that it was sooner rather than later.

  “So what is the plan?”Reshan asked eagerly.

  “We continue with what we had been doing. We won’t even follow this dragon to see where he lives.”

  “Why not?”Reshan muttered dejectedly.

  “Because it has the chance of proving them right to the Council. We will use the gift they gave us to further alienate them from the humans. They have already named us, rightfully, the enemy. The game will be to paint them as the tyrants that weare trying to save Marlhema from.”

  “That doesn’t sound hard.”

  Kaishan shrugged.“I called it a‘game’, not a‘challenge’.”

  Reshan thought a moment before asking“If we see this dragon some other time, like when the Council is ours, we will follow him yes?”

  Kaishan smiled at him, the predator bright in his eyes.“Of course.”And then I’ll be able to find that little dragon, Star. Kaishan thought to himself. The predator within salivated and chittered in glee. I told you, Star, it is only a matter of time…


  The Citadel of Mardo, Marlhema

  A few days later, Terana sat in a small, natural cavern. When the Citadel was being built, it had been decided that it would be left alone because of the presence of the glowing crystal flora. It was now a crystal garden. Terana took advantage of its quiet and perfect lighting to be alone and draw. Okay, she wasn’t entirely alone as Russy was curled up next to her.

  It had been some time since she had had time to herself. Time to draw. So she had slipped away with her charcoal and paper. Several drawings had already been completed. Their themes coming from the history lessons she had had as well as dreams. The first had been of the old woman, Aritéwith her owl on her shoulder. Her finger was stroking the owl’s feathers in a soothing gesture. The bird meanwhile stared at the viewer. Aritédid as well, but not as directly. The second was an action scene. There were two men just past their prime. One stood before the other with a brightly glowing sword, its point toward the floor. The other man, dressed in leather and had the appearance of a warlord was shielding his eyes from the light. A black hilt showed over this man’s shoulder, absorbing the light of the shining blade. Terana figured the man with the shining sword was her grandfather, the old king. The other was Kaishan’s father, the emperor. She had no idea if the scene was at all realistic, but it appealed to the artist in her. The last drawing was of a wavy-edged dagger flanked by two wings.

  As she worked on the last drawing Terana thought about the last two and a half weeks. The dragons hadn’t been kidding that there was much they had to teach her. She had been kept busy learning the basics of sword craft and using her magic. The sword craft was fun in that it was something entirely new to her. The various different forms intrigued her. But at the same time in frightened her to think that she may have to use these new skills against an actual person or other living thing. She dreaded that the day was coming soon when she would have to.

  The rest of her time was occupied with with magic lessons and discussions with the Persharans. The magic lessons were interesting. The only problem was that her magic seemed more wild than others. It was called 'wild' because it had a strong connection to her emotions. Not only was it connected to her emotions, it came up with ways to defend her. Back in Plarn, when the Pan boys were teasing her about the’Yelping Spider’, her magic had responded to her wish that they would leave. It did so by shattering the rocks around them. It had also saved her life after the landslide. Each occurrence was an uncontrolled release of power. And not only was her magic wild, it was also stronger; the well deeper.

  These two facts about her magic had both amazed and startled her two teachers, Lori and Tsoya. A mother/ daughter team that often taught young Marlheman dragons together. Lori took it more in stride. Seeing the depth of Terana's ability she had given the younger woman more challenging tasks. The more complex something became, the more control Terana needed. And that was her biggest challenge: control. Lori taught her how to manipulate the elements such as fire, earth, water, and air. From those basics, Terana learned how to activate a speaking spell, various types of shields, and was now starting on how to create a portal. The other thing Lori taught Terana was how to heal. It was something Terana found easier, practically instinctual. All Lori had to do was refine Terana's raw skill.

  There was another magical skill that Terana found instinctive once she was shown how to do it and that was shapeshifting. Tsoya had told her in the beginning not to worry if she found it hard because it required focus. Tsoya had admitted after the first lesson that she had been concerned that Terana would have a harder time with shifting because she hadn't been raised as a shapeshifter, used to the idea of becoming something else. The first lesson proved that being raised knowing one was a shapeshiter or not did't really matter. Tsoya walked her through the steps and she instantly melted into a blue eyed, copper wolf. There was no experience that could compare to shifting form. It was freeing in so many ways, opened so many doors to see the world. There was also the added bonus that one could fly.

  At meals, Terana sat with Jewel, Grim, and Jay Dee. (It was impossible to get the sailors to leave the marina.Even Willaim could not be convinced to leave the water. As a group the rest decided that it was probably best to leave them. Less confrontational that way...) Terana asked them about Pershara.

  “Where to start?”Grim had laughed.“What do you want to know?”

  Terana shrugged.“Why do you call yourself Grim when your name is Thomas? Is it because it is part of your last name? Or were you always grim when you were little and people just called you that and the name stuck?”

  Jay Dee laughed and Grim smiled.“Grim is a title. I am part of the Grimedian Order of Knights. The Order are protectors of the Church. We serve the Church instead of the King.”Grim explained.“When a man becomes a full knight he adds the honorific‘grim’to his surname. For example‘GrimHolden’. I go by Grim because back in Pershara I was the leader of the Order, The Grim.”

  “Oh.”Terana leaned forward and asked“What is a church? And why did your order serve it instead of the king? Are not knights supposed to support the king?”A breath then“And what was that wood thing you were holding back in the mountains? Are all Persharan’s magical?”

  “One question at a time, please!”Grim said with a laugh, raising his hands to stall the flood. Jay Dee and Jewel grinned at the poor man’s predicament. But they could also tell that he liked teaching. And Terana’s eagerness became his own.

  “Sorry.”Terana muttered sheepishly, her cheeks turning pink.

  “It’s okay.”Grim said.“Simply put, the Church are the people of God.”Grim saw the curiosity brighten in the young woman’s eyes.“And God is the Creator of the universe.”Grim answered before Terana could ask.“He created everything.”He said gesturing about them.“He created all the people, animals, and plants.”

  “Did He create that thing that attacked Jewel?”Terana asked.

  Grim shook his head.“No. Creation’s brokenness was responsible for that. That was a Dark Son, or a person who had given their soul to the Darkness. The Dark Kin are evil
and they hate God, who is the Light.”


  “Because He is everything they can never be. They are hate and all the horrible things creation can be toward each other. God is Love, Grace, and Mercy…You asked about the cross I held on the mountain, it is a symbol of my faith.”Grim said pulling the cross out and placing it on the table.“My King, God, sent His own son to save me and everyone else from the Darkness. As it had been known, the people didn’t recognize Him even though they had been told that He was coming, and they killed Him on the cross. But God brought him back to life, thus breaking the chains of evil so that those that sought a relationship with Him could be with Him.”

  “He is the one who helped us on the mountain.”Jewel said, awe coloring her tone. Terana stared at her before looking between the three of them.

  “Does He do that kind of thing often?”She found herself asking. She wasn’t sure how to react to the news that the Creator of Everything had spoken to her, had cared to know her name. How did one react to that?

  Grim chuckled as he answered.“Oh yes. More than people appreciate. The trick is recognizing it.”Grim said tapping near the corner of his eye.

  “Hey Terana.”Tsoya greeted, drawing Terana out of her reverie. The young dragon glanced curiously at the drawings before saying“Mom would like to see you.”

  “Okay.”Terana said as she put away her charcoal and gathered her sketches together. Russy got up and stretched.

  “Those are really good.”Tsoya complimented.

  Terana smiled at the compliment. Tsoya led her out into the hallways of the Citadel then out into a courtyard. Russy trotted along with them. It was truly amazing how this entire city was carved into the mountain. They met Lori near the entrance of a crystal hedge maze. Lori smiled in greeting.“Thank you, dear.”She said to Tsoya.

  Tsoya nodded.“You’re welcome, mom. I should probably get going. Milisda is getting strict about training again.”The young woman said rolling her eyes.

  “Now Tsoya, be nice. She is worried and the Guard now has an actual Silsharea to guard.”Lori reproved.

  Tsoya sighed.“I know, but really she nitpicks the tiniest things.”Tsoya rolled her eyes. She bid Terana and her mother good bye before jogging off.

  “I feel so inadequate.”Terana muttered watching Tsoya disappear.

  “Don’t.”Lori said guiding her into the maze.“The Guard is not to make you feel like you cannot protect yourself. You very likely could, don’t tell Milisda I told you that.”Lori said conspiratorially.“The thing is, Milisda likes to err on the side of over caution. Not to add unneeded pressure, but you are the hope of our race, our world. Milisda doesn’t want you in danger.”

  “Yeah, no pressure.”Terana said shaking her head.“I understand her concern, I just think she could be nicer, though.”Terana muttered.

  Lori sighed.“Milisda’s family has always protected the Silsharea. She has trained her entire life to uphold the tradition.”Lori rubbed Terana’s back.“Give her time. She’ll learn to balance her over protectiveness with an acknowledgement of your feelings. She may even listen to you.”Lori added with a humorous glint in her eye.

  Terana laughed.

  Eventually they came to the center of the maze. The ground here was an emerald tile that gleamed in the crystal light. In the center was a statue of a man dressed in flowing robes. He was made of two different colored stones. The statue’s hands and face were made out of a light pink stone with flecks of red and blue. His robes were a black littered with flecks of blue, green, and red that flashed in the light. Terana had seen a stone like it before, in the silver star trinket she had threaded onto the chain with the ring. She touched it lightly, her attention focused elsewhere. Upon the statue's golden hair rested a silver coronet. Terana recognized the man, despite the colorful stone he likeness was carved into.

  “Is that of King Plarrean?”She asked glancing at Lori.

  Lori nodded.“Yes, it is his likeness carved into black and pink opal. He was the last to wield the Enaza Terelle.”Lori gestured to the statue. On the flat of his hands, held out in offering, was a entirely silver sword. Its hilt gleamed in the crystal light cast by the plants. Its blade seemed to glow and pulse sleepily.“Long has he held it, waiting for his Heir to come.”Lori said looking at Terana. Terana looked between her and the sword offered by a statue of a long dead king.“Pick it up.”Lori encouraged.

  Terana hesitated a moment before stepping closer to the statue. Terana met the statue's eternally watchful eyes. She reached forward, one hand under the blade as the other grasped the hilt. She kept expecting the statue to take the sword back. But it didn’t. Terana lifted the sword and a sudden welcoming warmth poured over her. She gasped in surprise, but didn’t drop the sword. Its blade brightened, the core shining blue-white.

  “No one can doubt who you are now.”Lori said drawing Terana’s wide eyes, the magic of the sword heating the silver threads in them. Lori was smiling.“Not even the human council. For you see, only the true Ruler of Marlhema can bring forth the Silver Star’s light.”


  Ronair, Marlhema

  Kaishan stood in the shadows of the Marlheman Council once again. None were aware of his presence, not even when he gently prodded his puppets along. He was just waiting for the dragon lord and his allies to make a mistake. Being the generous soul he was, he was giving them plenty of opportunities…

  It was then that a warmth brushed against his skin and pressed lightly against the nape of his neck. Kaishan’s eyes half closed in pleasure. There was only one thing that affected him and any other Sheyestivan this way: marana. Besides the fact that it could manipulate the elements, its danger lay in the pleasure its presence gave a Sheyestivan. It was a little strange, he admitted, but it was almost like catnip. Some of the younger warriors had found themselves in serious trouble during the war because of its potent presence. It seemed to draw a Sheyestivan. It was like it held some sort of promise to fill in…Kaishan didn’t know. But he recognized this particular touch. An over whelming wave of it had flowed over him five hundred years ago as he was tracking down the dragon prince and his wife. The bright light had been all he remembered. The next was waking up in the Kikel Varcressi nearly twenty years ago now.

  The dragons have found their queen: the last Silsharea.A thought that was not entirely his own said. It was faint and Kaishan couldn’t trace where it had come from. He surmised that it was from the old woman. Once again, she hadn’t done anything more than communicate an idea. And where that was typically dangerous, it wasn’t opposed to what he had concluded on his own. The warmth of the marana could only come from the Enaza Terelle.

  Kaishan waited a moment to see if the voice thought anything else. When she didn’t and the warmth from the Enaza Terelle started to cool did Kaishan leave the Council. He teleported to a place along the shore a mile or so away from the city. He automatically covered his usage of magic. Once arriving to the empty stretch of beach, he transformed into the Night Eagle. Following the cooling trace of magic south over the Strait of Mardo.

  The pull of marana drew him over the Islands called Mardo. In the common tongue, it meant Dragon Claw. Kaishan wondered at his obliviousness in silence. Why had he never thought to fly about Mardo? It made perfect sense, even ironic sense for the dragons to come to the Dragon Claw. It was farthest from the Sheyestivans. It was also the Dragon Claw…

  I blame you, old woman. He thought incase she was listening in. Very faintly he thought he detected a snort.

  Maranaformed a shield around the islands. From the weave, he guessed that it was to keep humans and anyone else from finding them. Too bad for them that they didn’t hid their usage of power. Even after the spell’s pressure had faded, the feel of marana could be felt. At least by Sheyestivans. And flying over the mountainous islands, Kaishan could feel the touch behind the Enaza Terelle, Found you, little Star, he thought, circling intently. Now he just had to figure out exactly where she was.

ral forms shot out of the dense forests toward him. Birds at first before they melted into dragons. Kaishan back winged, waiting till the last moment before lunging backwards into a dive, his black claws racked into the first dragon’s underbelly. He dodged the blasts of fire from the next two. Hissing, he barrel rolled to the left and racked his claws down the fourth’s back. The dragon bellowed in pain as the Cursed’s poison burned through his veins. The first he had struck was floundering from pain as well. The bellow brought more dragons.

  Too many. He thought grimly. A few he could take alone. But this was ten against one. The two he had clawed were flying back to the island. Whatever antidote the dragon’s had concocted to cure the Curse would be administered long before sunset. He would get no help that way. All ten dragons converged on him, marana sparked along their scales in ever increasing flickers…

  Kaishan teleported to clear sky just as the wave of lethal marana reached him. It had been close, searing his feathers. The predator within snarled. His prey was so close! We’ll get her, he calmed himself now is just not the time.Immediately the predator stopped clawing at him. Instead it focused on the thrill of setting the trap, leaving Kaishan to get them away from the vengeful guard dragons. He flew above them before teleporting just south of the Nirami's Grave. His father’s camp was just on the other side.

  Chapter Twenty–The Soul of a Sword

  Pershara-North-east of the City of Pershara

  Master L’teran pulled his horse to a stop, a hand raised. The rest stopped and listened. L’teran frowned. Jason studied the trees about them. Not too far away he could see huge blocks of stone that looked to have been part of an ancient ruin. Trees grew between them. Some seemed to be crawling over the stones, enveloping them into the living wood. A strange tingling kept him on edge. His horse, Trance, shifted uneasily sensing his rider’s caution. The other horses were also shifting.


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