The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 21

by Catherine Beery

“L’teran?”Father Thomas asked softly after edging his horse close enough.

  L’teran shook his head slowly before meeting Father Thomas’s eyes.“I don’t like this.”He mouthed.“It’s too quiet.”Jason realized that was what he had been missing. There was no bird song, nor were small creatures moving in the underbrush.

  “It has been a while since I’ve been out this far, do you know what that used to be?” Father Thomas asked nodding toward the blocks of stone.

  Master L’teran shook his head. He didn’t know.“I don’t like the look of them.”He replied.“We’ll back up and go around.”Jason and the others liked that idea. They couldn’t explain it, but something was greatly disturbing about the pile of stone blocks. The knights in back turned their horses to head back. The ones who had been in front kept their eyes on the ruins.

  Jason had just turned his horse about when a chill ran down his spine. He looked back and his eyes widened. A deep rumble shook the trees. The others struggled to calm their panicking horses. Trance tried to scoot away, but Jason slowed him down unable to take his eyes from the ruin. Five bone yellow claws sprouted around one of stones. A great heave and the stone rolled away. The tree clinging to it toppled with a screech of wood. The knights backed their horses away and drew their swords.

  A hissing roar emanated from the rocks. More stones tumbled out of the way. The trees were torn from the ground. The claws disappeared for a moment. Then a draconic head pushed itself free of the ruins. It was slender and about the length of a horse. It looked skeletal with papery gray skin clinging to its skull. It opened eyes that were clouded, but didn’t seem to have any trouble spotting the knights. It hissed, revealing jagged sword like teeth.

  “What on earth is that?”Master L’teran breathed.

  The monster heaved forward. Grating could be heard as it pulled and pushed its slender, serpentine body out of the hole. Like its head, its entire form was covered by the same dry, pale gray leather. It was like a dragon, but without the wings.

  The knights stilled. Even the horses froze in abject terror. War trained they may be, but this monster caused a soul deep horror. The creature also stilled. The moment stretched long as both men and monster waited for the other to make a move. The creature suddenly raised its head and looked hungrily in the direction opposite them. A pressure touched their necks at the same time the creature hissed and moved. A creature roughly sixty feet long shouldn’t be able to move that fast through a thick forest. The knights looked at each other. They couldn’t help feeling relief that the thing was no longer looking at them. This relief was short lived when they heard the screams.

  “I don’t know what we can do, but come on.”Master L’teran ordered, riding in the direction the creature had gone. None of the knight’s horses were thrilled with this. Neither were the knights, but their duty was to protect those who needed them.

  The Grimedian’s came to a broader road than the one they had been following. Servants and white robed Maltacken priests were scurrying about. Supplies littered the road. One of the priests turned and quickly cast a spell to stop the monster that was bearing down on him. The creature opened its mouth and ate the spell. The priest stared in shock as the monster licked its lips. It then lunged forward and snapped the man up. It then turned and snatched a fleeing servant.

  The knights shared a look. The priests down the road may serve the Enemy, but no one deserved to die like this. The knights began to blur themselves so they could sneak close and cut the monster down to size. Immediately the draconic monster turned on them. Father Thomas realized that it could see them. It was drawn to magic.

  “Don’t use magic!”He called out, dropping his own spell. The others were quick to do what he said. But it didn’t matter, it was on to them now. The knights spurred their horses to dodge the creature’s attack. They then slashed at it with their swords before ducking away again. The creature roared and swatted at L’teran. Its claw missed, but its tail didn’t. The horse screamed as its legs were swept out from under it. L’teran rolled when he hit the ground. He managed to get his sword up in time to deflect the claws racking at him. He grunted from the impact. The monster hissed and pushed forcing the knight back several steps. It was that or being pushed to the ground. The others quickly lunged in and hacked at the monster while it was distracted. The Maltackens and the servants were no where to be seen.

  Jason shook his head and guided Trance in so he could join the attack. The monster screamed and flailed wildly. It slammed its weight into its attackers. Trance reared and pulled Jason out of the way. Jason only managed to stay on thanks to endless lessons on keeping one’s seat. Angry, the monster made to smash the others with its bulk. There was no way his friends could get out of the way fast enough. Thinking quickly, Jason called a magelight to his hand. The monster paused in its move to smash the downed knights. Jason’s plan worked, he had the creature’s attention.

  Now what?

  Wishing that he had thought this far ahead, Jason kicked Trance into a gallop the gelding was only too happy to be in.

  “The idiot is going to get himself killed.”Master L’teran muttered as he got to his feet.

  “He saved our lives, though. Sir.”One of the novices said.

  “I know.”L’teran said looking over the young knights and older masters. They picked themselves up.“Let’s go and rescue him from himself.”L’teran said.“At least he is headed in the right direction.”He muttered to himself. He turned to Father Thomas.“Do you have any idea what that thing was?”

  Father Thomas shook his head.“All I know is that magic is not our friend in this case. But it seems that steel hurts it.”

  Master L’teran grunted.“It’s just a matter of getting close enough to cause damage. Piece of cake…”the last caused the knights closest to look at them with incredulous expressions.

  The woods fell away to vast fields. In the distance, Jason could see the column of heavenly light that Trevor had told him about. A thunderous clack spurred Trance faster. Jason clung to his friend, leaning against the horse’s neck to help him run faster. He also gave Trance his head. Jason glanced behind and saw that the monster was only a horse length behind. Its breath washed over them. Trance stumbled and Jason moved to help him regain his balance.“Come on, buddy, think of all the apples I’ll give you when we make it to the city.”Trance’s ear quirked toward him.“We just have to live to get to the light from Heaven.”Jason added and Trance snorted. Jason prayed that the light would deter the monster.

  Around a bend and they met with another party of Maltacken priests and servants. They turned at the sound of Trance’s thundering hooves.“Run!”Jason shouted. A moment later they must have seen the monster. Jason guided Trance around the chaotic jumble of wagons and people. There was a snarl and Jason found himself flying through the air. Jason landed hard and rolled onto his back. Panting he turned to see that Trance and one of the wagons this group had with them had been swept aside like toys.

  The few minor priests with the group cast spells, which only drew the monster to them. It ate their spells and its skin looked less brittle. One of the priests avoided it and knelt next to Jason.“What is that thing?!”He demanded.

  Dazed, Jason could only shake his head. It hurt making him distantly wonder if he had hit his head.

  “I don’t believe you.”The priest growled and slapped his face, which didn’t help matters. Seeing this, the priest glanced back at the monster who was tearing through his group. Muttering he reached into his robe and pulled out a transport symbol.“You will tell my masters what you know.”He said as he activated the symbol as one of the other priests cast a large fire spell at the monster. He then grabbed Jason and transported to Pershara City.

  The Grimedian knights who still had horses came just in time to see Jason disappear. The monster had torn through the entire Maltacken party before turning toward the column of light. Its skin was darker, glossier, and no longer clung to its bones. The wounds they had dealt it earlier were
gone. Before the knights could get closer it turned its head toward the column of light in the distance and ducked away as if, Father Thomas imagined, it was ashamed of its existence. That heaven could see it. Then it dug down into the earth. In moments, its entire body disappeared into the ground. It dug so that the hole filled itself in behind it. About the turned earth were the remains of the Maltacken party and a lone Grimedian horse which was miraculously getting up. With a pronounced limp, Jason's horse reached the spot where his knight had been and lowered its head.


  Thioden, Pershara

  The dragonets in the eggs chirped happily. They were found. They had someone other than themselves to talk to. Though they still did that. Kindra smiled as she sat next to them.

  “I like Kindra.” The young female told her siblings.

  “I’m glad you like me.”Kindra said. The little female purred.

  “You are fun to talk to.” She confided to Kindra.

  Unfortunately her brothers could still hear her.“And we’re not?”One of them asked.

  “Well…you have your moments. Kindra is different, new. She reminds me of mommy.” The last was said sadly.

  “I miss mommy!” One of the little males sobbed.

  Pained by the little one’s sorrow, Kindra stroked his shell soothingly.“I know, baby.”Kindra said. The young one sniffled.

  “Do you know where our mommy is?” The female asked hopefully.

  Kindra bowed her head.“I am sorry, little ones. But we are the last. All the others passed on long ago.”All three eggs rocked as the dragonets shivered at hearing such a revelation.

  “Mommy and Daddy are…dead?” The usually quiet male asked.

  Kindra swallowed.“I’ll take care of you.”Kindra promised. Times ahead would be hard, but she prayed that they, at least, would no longer suffer. They had been exposed to evil enough in their young lives. After a moment she asked“do you know who your parents were?”

  “They are Mommy and Daddy.”The female answered.“And I know Daddy isn’t dead. Mommy said he would find us.” Kindra’s heart broke. She didn’t want to hurt them anymore. But they would soon learn the truth…

  “You’re right. The Guardian said that he would come. He is lost and needs help.” The quiet male said.

  Kindra frowned at his words. A dragon lost? How? Where?“When you say 'guardian', do you mean the Guardian of the Table?” she asked aloud.

  “Yes. It couldn’t stop the horrible draining, but it did lessen it. It spoke to us as we waited for someone to hear us.”

  “Did the Guardian ever tell you when your daddy would come? And how is he lost?”

  “Daddy will come when we hatch, just you wait.”The female said excitedly.“As to how he is lost, the Guardian would never say. I will help him when he comes. I can’t wait to hatch!”

  Kindra left a few minutes later so the younglings could sleep and grow. She climbed out of the lower chambers of the Great Library.

  The first time she had been here, the Library had suffered greatly from an attack. The second time she had come fleeing another attack. Now the Great Library protected the future of her race. And that was only within the last year.“We keep running into each other, old friend.”She said to the walls around her. A light chiming in the air was the Library’s warm response.“Where is Kairevasigh?”She asked. A golden light trail lit up.


  Kairevasigh sat at a study table in one of the smaller rooms. It was the one that she had been practicing magic in when Kaizir had come and told her that he had been troubled by dreams. The furniture had changed, but that was about it. She thought it appropriate that she read the book he had given her in this room. The book lay propped open before her. Her chin rested on her arms as her eyes stared at the pages. That was how Kindra found her. The mother dragon chuckled causing Kairevasigh to jump.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”Kindra said pulling a chair up to sit next to the girl.

  Kairevasigh smiled back.“So how are the eggs?”

  “They are well.”Kindra sobered slightly.“I had to tell them that their parents are gone.”

  Kairevasigh grimaced.“I do not envy you that. But I think you did the right thing. It would have been cruel to let them think that their parents would be there when they hatched and then have them not show, to discover that they are dead.”

  “That is the interesting thing; they do not think that their father is dead. Apparently the Guardian told them that their father will be here when they hatch.”Kairevasigh’s brows rose at that. Kindra continued, asking“Is that Guardian truly able to know something like that?”

  Kairevasigh shrugged.“It is possible. Kaizir made it and he was a prophet.”

  Kindra leaned back in her chair.“It makes me wonder where their father has been all these years.”Anger stirred in her heart.“How could a father leave his children in that kind of situation for a second?”

  Kairevasigh frowned.“Maybe he didn’t know…Did the dragonets say what the Guardian told them? Exactly?”

  Kindra’s anger calmed slightly at Kairevasigh’s suggestion. She answered the girl’s question“They only told me that he was lost and needed help. It also told them that he would be there when they hatched.”

  “Lost?”Kairevasigh sat back and stretched her arms over her head thoughtfully. Eventually she shook her head and shrugged at Kindra.“I guess we will just have to wait and see.”

  “I guess…What are you reading?”

  “Before I left Kaizir, he had given me this book. It’s about the Three Swords of Power. I just thought that since I am here I may as well study it since all three are alluded to in the prophecy, and see if it had any hints about how we can find them.”

  “Any luck?”Kindra asked.

  Kairevasigh sighed.“Well I know what they were made of, when they were made, and their many names. I also know what they demanded from their wielders.”

  “So no hints?”

  Kairevasigh stared at the book a moment before tilting her head to glance at Kindra.“You know, maybe. Here, can I read you something?”Kindra nodded. Kairevasigh pulled the book closer to her and flipped back several pages before finding the passage she wanted.“Tell me what you think of this”

  “‘The third Sword of Power is the youngest of the three. Though not by much. It was forged not for a king or even protection. It was forged with change in mind. The blade was made of Veraillian Black Diamond with a core of pure energy. The hilt was of Persharan Brass. The Sword cares not who wields it only that they had changed due to contact with its original wielder. It was not passed through death, though that did sometimes happened. Nor did it betray its wielder. In some ways it was like a normal sword. But its power could only be commanded by one who had been changed. Like the other Swords of Power it can communicate to its wielder, though there are times when it chooses not to.

  “Due to its dynamic nature, the third Sword of Power has many names: The Catalyst, in the same vain The Sword of Change, The Sword of Silence when it decides to keep to itself, and finally, The Soul Bane. This final name refers to its ability to cut a soul from a body. Either to kill a person with a cut (the wielder must willfully want to do this) or freeing a tortured soul from a dark magic spell. Even works to free those who sold their souls to the Dark Kin.’”Kairevasigh met Kindra’s eyes.“The Catalyst is the only Sword that is described not to speak to the person wielding it. And it cuts through dark Sons.”

  “I can see now why it is one of the Three of Three.”Kindra said thoughtfully. The abilities of the Catalyst sounded very familiar. Her eyes widened.“So Robert’s sword…”

  “Might be it.”Kairevasigh finished.“See, I kept thinking that it was a Sheyestivan sword, but Robert uses it to power his machines. And I was told that he had used it to cut through the Fires of the Damned.”

  “You are right.”Kindra said.“I’m not dismissing what you have said. It would be wonderful if Robert already has the Catalyst. But there
may be a chance that is only a magical sword. I remember that it had been suspected before and it had been run through tests. It is a my understanding that it didn’t pass any of them.”

  “Who ran the tests?”Kairevasigh asked.“It only works with someone who had had contact with it before, was changed by it.”Kairevasigh wet her lips before continuing in a softer voice.“And I think that it may have spoken a few times to me.”

  Kindra blinked.“When?”

  “When I was fleeing Altana I had been wondering where to go. A voice guided me north.”Kairevasigh looked away self-consciously.“I had thought it was strange. When I had confronted it, it said that it was the horse I was riding. I couldn’t refute it and it was silent after the horse died. But before the horse died, it guided me north. When I first saw Bendon and Robert, I was tired, but I didn’t think I could trust them.”Kairevasigh met Kindra’s eyes again,“But a feeling convinced me that I was safe. Since giving the sword back, I haven't heard or felt that thought pattern again."

  “And Robert got his sword back…”Kindra said thoughtfully.“But it hasn’t talked to Robert. Does that mean you are its true wielder?”Kindra’s brow furrowed,“But then why would it go back to Robert?”

  Kairevasigh shrugged.“I wondered that too. Maybe it is waiting for something?”

  Kindra snorted“Like us to figure out the prophecy and find the other two Swords?”Kindra asked.“The two Swords that it broke…Does that book say anything about how we can re-forge the broken swords?”

  Kairevasigh shook her head.“No, it was written before the shattering.”

  “So perhaps part of it is getting all the parts back together again…”Kindra suggested, aware of how strange it sounded. And too easy. After all, the Dragon Crystal she had been in had shattered into three pieces, only two of which she still had. Kairevasigh was thinking along the same lines. The soul that had been in the Sword of the Created had been last seen as a flash of light across the sky. And the Sword of the Blessed had been split into two separate swords.


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