The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 23

by Catherine Beery

  Sighing in relief Terana asked.“Could you teach me how to unlock it?”

  “Sure. You just have to be a relative of the one who originally owned it and focus your magic on opening it. Since we are sure this is Sieth’s Gem and you are his daughter this should be easy. Just focus.”

  “Okay.”Terana said taking the chain back. She touched the Star Gem and focused on it. She pulled a thread of magic from within and touched it to the jewel. The opal glimmered and both Jewel and Terana could feel the beat of power coming from it. It was waking. Terana focused harder, she could feel that she was so close to opening it. So…



  The opal glowed with a thousand secrets. Its magic pulsed in warm welcome. But it wouldn’t open. Terana met Jewel’s frown with one of her own. Why wasn’t it working?

  “May I?”Jewel asked holding out a hand. Terana nodded, returning her focus to the star. She felt Jewel’s light touch and her mind joining hers at looking at the lock. Terana’s magic was a glowing silver key that fit perfectly in the lock…but. Jewel narrowed her focus to the keyhole. The key was right, but it was missing a single element. Jewel pulled back.“Aritéreplicating the Gem didn’t damage it, but it did make it so your magic is no longer enough to open it.”Jewel said.

  “Then what do I need?”Terana asked. She was determined to open the gem. She was willing to train harder just so she could accomplish this. She just needed Jewel to tell her what else she needed.

  “Aritéhas both marana and the Sheyestivan mind magic, known as telecy. Her replicating your father’s Star Gem placed another lock that your power cannot affect. You need telecycombined with your magic to open it.”

  “How do I get that?”Terana asked desperately.

  “You are a Marlheman dragon, which means you don’t have it. That means the only way is to have a telecer combine his or her magic with yours. I would suggest waiting till we can go visit Aritéas she has telecy.Milisda and the others would be much more comfortable with that, I think.”Jewel said.

  Terana sagged back.“Because the other alternative is to find a Sheyestivan to help me.”She guessed.

  Jewel nodded.

  Terana sighed and put the chain back on, tucking the ring and the Star Gem under her shirt.“Thanks for your help.”She said before getting up to walk some more. Russy got to his feet and padded after her. So close. She thought angrily to herself I hope the others will let me visit Aritésoon. Maybe she can help me through the dreams… Terana wouldn’t let herself think about trying to find a Sheyestivan to help her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two–The Setting of a Trap

  Just north of the Nirami’s Grave, Sheyestiva

  Thunder crashed, shaking the earth. Before the wild magic could capture him in its web once again, Kaishan dove through a narrow ravine. On the other side stretched the vast Sheyan plain. The tall blue-gray grasses swayed in the constant breeze. Kaishan skimmed several feet above the plain for a couple heartbeats before using the wind to push him up into the sky again. He circled then headed toward the distance camp that marked the emperor’s location.

  He hated the fact that he had to fly though the mountains. But there was no help for it. The magic within the mountain’s boundary was so wild that it interfered with even telecy. A Telecer could jump to its limit, but not beyond it. Thankfully, luck had been with Kaishan on this last flight through. A storm didn’t start until he was at the very end of his flight. Mentally he grimaced. Of course he would be traveling through the Grave again. He would have to, to lead the army through. But, knowing his father, he would be going through even sooner. Like right after he made his report.

  His Imperial Father wanted a Dragon Royal. He knew there was one. Emperor Shantév would demand that that royal be brought to him immediately. The only problem with this was that Kaishan had a feeling that the royal was none other than Little Star: the one he was hunting. Kaishan narrowed his eyes as the camp came closer. Knowing his father, the man would want the royal for revenge. With their spell that had paused the war they had, in a way, embarrassed Shantév. He would want to humiliate the royal in return. A slave collar with a chain and a servant’s duties would probably be enough to satisfy the emperor. And if the royal in question was truly Star, then Kaishan would just have to make sure she served him.

  Kaishan circled over the camp before diving toward the clearing left for landing scouts. Soldiers saw him and moved out of the way. He slowed his decent, his great wings pushing a pillow of air beneath him. The silver marks left by marana flashed in the aging sunlight. Just as his toe touched the ground Kaishan shifted into his human form. The men around him instantly bowed. He stretched his neck before nodding in acknowledgment of them. He then headed toward the command tent. Unless there was some serious matter that required the emperor’s attention, he could be found at the command tent. Considering that no one wanted to attract the emperor’s negative attention, which would be the type they got if something was wrong, the men and officers tended to fix problems on their own. If that failed, they turned to Kaishan. Kaishan may be feared among the men and servants, but he was also respected. He led them into battle, was there for them. His father left such things to him.

  The Winged Dagger made his way through the camp. People parted before him so it didn’t take long for him to reach the command tent. He opened the flap to see Shantév studying a map spread out on the camp table. He looked up to see his son and general bow before him.

  “Ah, Kaishan. What news from the south?”

  “The Council puppets are working perfectly, but that is not the reason I bring a report to you now, im sord.”my lord.

  “Then why?” Shantév asked straightening.

  “I felt the power of the Dragon King’s sword, the Enaza Terelle.”Kaishan reported.

  Emperor Shantév’s eyes gleamed.“A royal at last.”Kaishan nodded.“You are to focus on retrieving this royal. I want you to bring him or her to me directly.”

  Kaishan bowed again.“It will be done, im emavo”my emperor. Kaishan than turned and left the tent. He had been right, of course. He would have to fly right back through the Nirami’s Grave. He looked up toward the sun, measuring how much daylight was left. Another thing regarding the Nirami’s Grave, one avoided flying through it at night. It was bad enough when it was a good day with bright sunlight and no storms. It was horrible when one couldn’t see a thing. In the Nirami, there were no stars or moonlight. Sunlight was the only light strong enough to shine in its region.

  “I know that look.”Reshan said coming up beside him.“Our father is sending you back through the Grave, isn’t he?”

  Kaishan glanced at his younger brother sidelong. The younger man had good eyes.“Viya.”He affirmed. Kaishan started to walk back toward the landing clearing.“I felt the Enaza Terelle.”He told Reshan.

  Reshan’s eyes widened. “I see now why you are heading back so soon. So father wants you to bring the royal to him.” Reshan surmised. Kaishan wasn’t the only one who knew their father well. Reshan glanced at the sky. “Teshév has been getting annoying again.” Reshan sighed suddenly, his gaze wondering over the tents on his side of the path. “He has been going on and on about how wonderful his sons are at sword craft… I don’t understand why he thinks they are so wonderful. The poor lads just swing their wooden swords around as wildly as they can. At their age they should have real swords…” Reshan continued in bored voice.

  To most, this abrupt change in topic would have seemed strange. Kaishan glanced at the still relatively high sun before saying “You can come assist me if you like. There is no need to complain about Teshév.”

  Reshan rolled his eyes.“But it is fun to complain about the peacock. It is the only reason to keep the sop around. And you don’t care because youdon’t have to listen to it because you are off on special Winged Dagger missions. I have to listen to it whenever I’m stuck here.”Reshan pointed out.

  “As I said, you can come with me.”Kaishan repeated

  “I heard.”Reshan looked at him with a smug smile“That was the plan, after all.”

  The two brothers flew through the Nirami’s Grave. Being brothers, they tested each other’s skill at flying. They kept a wary eye on the weather, but performed aerial feats that they found exhilarating and fun. Others may have been jealous of their tricks, but they would cover it by saying they were foolhardy. But the others were not there, not that either cared. They dived and rolled through the mountains; daring the ground to touch them as they skimmed inches away from it. It wasn’t until near the end of their flight through the pass that the Nirami’s Grave decided to join their fun. The winds picked up and a roiling storm formed around them.

  Kaishan sped up and Reshan followed his example at first. Reshan, his fool daredevil of a brother, faced the storm and shouted a challenge at it before diving backwards and flapping hard to catch up to Kaishan.

  “You are an idiot, you know that right?” Kaishan observed along the link the brothers shared.

  Reshan clacked his beak and swerved out of the path of a lightning bolt.“Maybe you are right…”

  “Please, we both know I am” Kaishan muttered as he barrel rolled to the left then dove and wove through the forest of lightning bolts. Reshan laughed and joined the game of dodge-bolt. Luckily they were only a couple miles from the edge of the Nirami’s Grave. Kaishan noted that the storm wasn’t too bad, still bad, but it wasn’t anything like the monster that had taken him down a few months ago. He wondered if the old woman had anything to do with it.

  They darted out of the mountains without injury. Reshan turned and laughed at the Nirami’s Grave. A crack of thunder was its response. Kaishan shook his head.“You know we have to fly back through there.” He said softly over the link.

  There was a pause as Reshan considered this. Kaishan felt him mentally shrug“It’s water under a bridge now. We will just have to deal with it when we have to fly through again.” Kaishan sighed and caught an updraft to get him to a higher altitude. Reshan followed him.“So where are we going to find this royal father is so interested in?” Reshan asked.

  Kaishan narrowed his eyes at his brother’s innocent word choice. The predator within really didn’t like the fact that his father was interested in the Silsharea that may very likely be his little Star. He silently reminded himself that Reshan didn’t know about any of this. Over the brother’s link he answered“The Silsharea is on Mardo. But the island is highly fortified. We will need to find a way to lure her away from there.”

  “Her?” Reshan was quick to pick up on.“Did you see this Silsharea?”

  “No.”Kaishan replied. Mentally he shook his head. This fixation he had was beginning to distract him and he hadn’t even met the woman in real life…It isn’t that bad of a slip. He thought to himself. After all, the royal can only be either male or female.

  “You are just guessing, huh?” Reshan said, proving his thought.

  “It’s one or the other.” Kaishan confirmed.

  In the upper drafts, the two brothers flew quickly south.“So what is the plan?” Reshan asked.

  In the distance Kaishan spotted one of the larger Marlheman cities. Unless he was greatly mistaken, it was Carrean, Lord Tanar’s city. They needed to set a trap, but what would be enough incentive to draw the Silsharea out?“The answer you seek…in the city…” A very, very faint voice whispered. One Kaishan had never heard before, yet…he recognized it. The Coldness seemed to shrink from it. Both sensations startled him, but he managed to keep any of it from showing outwardly.

  “Who are you?” Kaishan thought toward the voice.

  He could feel a sense of humor as the soft voice answered“I am that I am. And you are the one who can protect her, but you are so lost.”

  Kaishan frowned.“I do not understand what you mean and how are you talking to me?”He asked after checking his mind walls. They were all still intact. Which meant this voice had some link to his mind. It was greatly disturbing to him to have at least two other people who had some access to his thoughts.“You shouldn’t be able to.” He continued.

  “Ah Kaishan, nothing is impossible for me.”

  “Kaishan?”Reshan unknowingly interrupted.

  “Go to the city. You will find the answer there.”The soft voice repeated.

  Kaishan answered his brother through their link.“We will try the city. Perhaps there will be some inspiration there.”He then turned his attention back to the soft voice.“Now tell me, how do you have access to my mind? And actually answer this time.”

  “Ask the one who shares your skin.”The voice said.

  Kaishan blinked and missed a wing beat.“What?” but the voice had either softened or didn’t answer. A sense of loss filled him at that thought.

  “Kaishan, are you okay?”His brother asked in concern.

  “I’m fine.”He replied before simultaneously shapeshifting and teleporting to a secluded location on the ground outside the city. Kaishan and Reshan cast a very minor illusion to make both of their eyes blue. Kaishan took off the sash that had the insignia of his office. Reshan went about making his unremarkable mud brown clothing look travel stained by rubbing mud into the leggings. Kaishan did the same with his, though the mud was more apparent on his own clothing. Once the two princes were satisfied with their travel staining, they headed toward the city.

  Two sets of changed eyes watched everything around them without appearing to do so as they entered the city. Kaishan wondered where the answer to his predicament would appear and what form would it take. The two brothers split up, Reshan went into the markets. Kaishan continued to what was called the Fountain Square. He didn’t know why, but it felt like the right place to go.

  Dominating the square was a statue of a dragon spiraling up. It breathed a constant, triumphant jet of water into the sky. Around it danced Ucora with watery manes.

  “The Harold Fountain.”A woman sitting on the lip of the fountain said. Her blond hair was braided and curled over her shoulder to drape down her front. In her lap was a basket of wild flowers. Her nimble hands were braiding the flower stems together to form rings. She had also made flower boats he noted seeing them bob in the fountain’s pool. She smiled at him and continued.“The Ucora were always said to be Seers of old. It’s said that one day they will return to our land when the Dragon Heir claims their rightful throne.”

  “Perhaps.”Kaishan said looking at the fountain again. His mission would see to it that the dragon Heir was a slave of his House. He doubted very much that the Ucora would come back to a land ruled by Sheyestiva. He nodded farewell to the woman and turned to leave.

  She suddenly leapt up and grabbed his forearm. Kaishan frowned at her, looking from her hand on his arm to her face. She didn’t seem to notice the silent command. Instead she opened her mouth.“The one you seek came from Quiet. She will light the shadow, like starlight at night.”The woman told him. In her free hand she offered him a blue flower with five light blue petals. She insisted that he take it, so he did. Once the flower was in his hand, the woman went back to her basket and ignored him. Kaishan looked at the flower in his hand. From his countless lessons as a Winged Dagger apprentice he knew what the flower was; Borage. Or, as some called it, the Star Flower.

  Mere minutes later, Kaishan and Reshan appeared on the road outside of Plarn. Plarn in the dragon’s tongue meant‘quiet’. The answer they sought had indeed been in the city. As it turned out, Kaishan had known the village’s whereabouts because of his first scouting flight. Then, there had been a shield over the village. Now it was gone, proving that its purpose had been to guard the Dragon Heir. His memory of the place had been how the brothers had teleported to the road he had remembered seeing.

  They now had the location of their trap, the Silsharea’s home village. Now they just needed to get things ready.

  Looking even more unremarkable, the brothers entered the very small town. It wasn’t just clothing the brother’s used this time. A mind affecting spell made it p
ossible for them to talk to people, but no one who had seen them would ever remember their existence. They were living ghosts. Because it wasn’t just an illusion, even the animals wouldn’t remember them.

  Late summer saw to it that the fields around the town were heavy with healthy crops almost ready to reward their caregivers with food needed over the winter. The villagers they asked about a girl who had gone missing told them that that girl was none other than the Carpenter’s ungrateful adopted child. Her name was Terana. So little Star was Starfire. The predator within became even more determined to catch her. If he had another dream with her he would ensnare her with her name, linking them. He would then be able to teleport to where she was and take her. If they shared another dream or not may even be a moot point as he planned to set a trap she would never be able to escape from.

  The hunter was fully awake now and the perfect bait made itself readily available…


  Jeremy sat at a table with his best friend Cameron. The two young men were taking a break from setting up the biggest event Plarn ever celebrated, and that was Harvest. The festivities would begin the evening before the Harvest. The villagers would set goals and bets about who would be able to harvest the most in the shortest amount of time. There would also be quality competitions as well as a fair featuring the livestock.

  For Jeremy, the holiday was not as exciting as should have been. Cameron was also somewhat depressed. Both Jeremy and Cameron missed Terana. In the past, Cameron, Terana, and he had their own competitions. They also tended to win when they worked as a team during some of the carnival games. Jeremy had started to wonder if Cameron had a more personal reason for missing Terana, but he hadn’t asked. It would just underline the fact that there was nothing anyone could do. Terana was gone now.

  Jeremy and his family had been worried when she had not come home. They had been devastated when Jeremy had found the note she had left in the forest room. She knew that she was adopted and felt that she had been a burden to them. It was ridiculous, and it was understandably Terana. She had always been wondering why the villagers had hated her. Now she assumed that it was because she wasn’t truly one of them, she was from outside. It made Jeremy furious. Both he and Cameron had wondered how she had learned that she was adopted? They wondered if it was one of the gossiping biddies because if it was…Jeremy wasn't sure what he'd do.


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