The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages)

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The Three Swords (The Ways of Mages) Page 24

by Catherine Beery

  Zeeve, the stranger, and Liam Seedman had left suddenly too. At about the same time that Jeremy had found Terana’s note. It made him wonder if they had known she had left. If they had, than why hadn’t they brought her home?

  Then there was the peridot gem that Jeremy had found in his room. He didn’t know how, but he knew that the gem belonged to Zeeve. Taking it out of his pocket Jeremy set it on the table between him and Cameron.“I feel like it could call him.”Jeremy observed.

  Cameron didn’t have to ask who Jeremy was talking about, because just about every day Jeremy said the same thing.“Then why don’t you?”He asked

  Jeremy sighed.“Because, it just doesn’t seem to be the right time…”

  Cameron tilted his head. That was a different answer than normal. Typically Jeremy would shrug and say something about not knowing how. Before Cameron could say anything two strange men joined them.

  The one with black hair leaned on the table and glanced between the two of them.“I heard that there had been an elf that had been running around the village not that long ago.”He said.

  Both Cameron and Jeremy nodded.“Yeah. My sister, Terana found him earlier this summer.”Jeremy found himself saying.“They are both gone now, but he left this gem behind.”He said touching the gem.

  “Only ever use it when danger is most pressing.”The other man said softly. Jeremy frowned and turned to him. The last thing Jeremy was aware of was seeing dark blue eyes dominating his vision.

  Chapter Twenty-Three–The Vanished Moleci

  Mardo, Marlhema

  The Marlheman dragons were preparing for war. They had warned the human council. Some of the lords heeded them and also prepared for the worse. Others, well others didn’t listen. Not only didn’t they listen, they also did everything they could to slow the preparations down. Razyan and Illion had once again gone to the council to keep the damage Lord’s Carisda and Ratan were dealing to a minimum. Meanwhile Anaelle’s brother, General Yisissar Telleon, led the dragon army onto the mainland. That left only the Royal Guard on Mardo to protect Terana. Lori and those who were not in the military stayed to keep the home front running.

  Jewel was sitting in on Terana’s magic lesson with Lori when Kadrean and Jingles came in. Terana had just figured out how to link with the Enaza Terelle when the two men entered the room. Jewel was shocked to see the sailor on dry land.“Jingles! Have you voluntarily come ashore?”She asked.

  The sun darkened sailor grimaced.“No mam. It was not voluntary, nor hopefully, will it be long.”

  “Then why are you on land?”

  Jingles glanced at Kadrean before saying.“See the thing is this, the thing is Zeeve and I were going to play cards.”The sailor began.

  “What he means to say is to cheat at cards.”Kadrean corrected.

  Jingles shot him a look as he continued.“The problem is, Zeeve never showed up. He never misses a game. Dat would automatically mean he lost. So dat was what I assumed until Kadrean‘ere came to ask me with the tiny fellow was.”

  Everyone glanced around the room to see if Zeeve would come exploding out to correct the sailor. The little moleci hated being called‘tiny’. He was quite quick to correct someone who had erred so horribly. Even if he was in hiding, he couldn’t help correcting someone who made such a mistake.

  When he didn’t come out the group became more concerned. Kadrean turned to Russy who was watching the activities from the comfort of the floor.“Did you by any chance have anything to do with Zeeve’s vanishing act?”

  The wolf narrowed his eyes and said“If by that you mean‘did I eat him?’The answer would be a no. Something like that little squeaker just wouldn’t taste good. Nor did I actually do anything to him. I haven’t even seen him today.”Russy yawned as Terana translated.

  “I’ll see if Razyan has any ideas.”Kadrean said.

  “No, I haven’t heard anything, wait…”Razyan said after the communication spell had been initiated and the question asked. His tone, when he continued was tense.“Zeeve just contacted me from Plarn. The village is under attack.”

  “What!?”Terana squeaked.“By who?”

  Obviously greatly concerned, Razyan answered“Before the communication was terminated, he managed to say‘Cursed’.”

  “We have to do something!”Terana said worried.“I have to do something! The only family I ever knew are there.”She said.

  Lori caught hold of her hands.“Terana no, you cannot go.”The motherly woman said.

  “Lady Lori is right, Terana.”Razyan said.“You are in danger, remember?”


  “Terana, Lord Illion, Yisissar, and I will do what we can to save them. Please, trust us.”Razyan told her.

  Terana heard what was said, but she couldn’t stop worrying. She knew that the council would not like seeing the dragon’s troops moving inland. All the progress that had been made in earning their trust would be lost. She just knew it. And even if the troops did make it to Plarn, there was no telling that Jeremy or the couple who raised her would even still be alive. Even though she was farther away, she had a feeling that she would be able to make it sooner than the army. She wouldn’t have the delay of the council or the numbers that would slow the army down.

  Determined, Terana slipped away from the others with Russy. On a quiet balcony, she shapeshifted into her dragon form. It was a form that she had tried only once before during a different lesson. Her silver-blue scales glowed faintly, casting a glimmering luminesce over the stones of the balcony.

  “Ready, my friend?”She asked Russy.

  The wolf inclined his head after a moment of staring. He and everybody else who ever saw her did the same thing. They would stare. She surmised that it had something to do with her glowing scales. Heaven knew that she stared sometimes. In gentle claws, she scooped up Russy. She then crouched and spread her bright silver wings. She jumped and brought her wings down at the same time. Terana sailed over the balcony and flapped her wings to gain altitude. She was thankful that flying seemed to be an instinctually activity to shapeshifters. Or else this would have been impossible…

  Terana had found a nice trade wind that helped push her northward. It pushed her over the Strait of Mardo in record time. She flew high to avoid being spotted by anyone below as she began her journey overland. She just hoped that her light blue coloring would help her blend in with the sky. If she had tried to do this at night, her star-like glow would have attracted all the attention in the world.

  “We have company.” Russy informed her. Terana looked behind her and, sure enough she could see a distant draconic shape. She only saw it because her dragon form’s eyes were keener.

  “I think it is Tsoya." She said.“Keep an eye on her, okay?”She asked the wolf.

  “Sure, but I don’t think you can out fly her.” he said.

  “You are probably right, but I can at least get closer to Plarn.”

  “And once she catches up to us, what then?” Russy had a point. Luckily Terana had the beginnings of a plan.

  “It might be possible to get her to help us. If I can convince her that all I want to do is help, maybe she would agree to help me see what is going on. Then we can take the information back to army.”

  “But what if we can’t wait for the army to get there?”Russy asked.

  Terana shook her head.“I don’t know. If it is just Tsoya and I we might be able to do something. But I don’t know how many Cursed there are.”

  “If numbers are a problem, I might be able to get the pack to help us.”Russy began.“At the very least, they could tell us how many enemies there are and help set traps for them if we have to fight covertly.”

  “Good idea.”Terana smiled. With a plan coming together she felt more confidant that they could do something. She just prayed that her family, the people who raised her, were alright. She even prayed that everyone in that little village was okay. She might not like most of them, but she never wanted any of them seriously hurt or worse.

sp; Tsoya lived up to her name, Swift Wing. She caught up to Terana just as the young queen reached the southernmost tip of the Teheadrillion. Terana’s already high respect for the other dragon rose when she saw that Tsoya also carried three passengers: Jewel, Grim, and Jay Dee. None of them looked too pleased with her, but Terana felt that if she could convince them, they could help the people of Plarn.

  “What do you think you are doing, Terana!?”Tsoya yelled.

  “Hi Tsoya.”Terana answered.“You are amazingly fast.”She commented.

  “What do you think you are doing? This is foolhardy and you know it!”Tsoya was not happy.

  Terana looked down at the passing landscape below her.“I’m sorry.”She said glancing at the other dragoness.“But I couldn’t just sit in safety while the only family I ever knew suffered. They might…there might not be anything I can do, but I have to see. I have to know.”

  “What was your plan, Terana?”Grim called from Tsoya’s back.

  “My thought had been to see how many Cursed there were then do one of two things. If there were too many, the plan had been to go to the army with the information. If there were not too many then Russy and I thought to start cutting down their numbers.”

  “Terana, the whole group of Cursed would come after you once they sensed you. There would be no way to pick them off.”Tsoya countered.

  “Maybe, maybe not.”Terana said with a shrug.“But now you guys are here. Two Marlheman dragons, a powerful sorceress, and a knight who I’m assuming knows strategies that I couldn’t even imagine.”

  “Don’t forget a wolf pack who can move faster than all five of you.” Russy added.

  The new comers looked between a hopeful Terana and each other. Even a blind person could see that Terana was determined. Jewel had a feeling that the young woman would do what she felt was right, no matter what anyone else said.

  “She reminds me of you.”Grim whispered to her.

  Jewel smiled at that.“In that case, I think we should figure out the best course of action to save Plarn.”She said.

  “But-!”Tsoya balked beneath them.

  Jewel touched the sky-blue dragon’s shoulder.“Tsoya, Terana will not be trying to do this alone now. We are here. Let us at least go and see how many Cursed there are. Once we do that, we can decide what to do from there.”Tsoya could hear the logic in what Jewel suggested. The woman was right. They were here now. And she had the feeling that Terana would do everything in her power to help Plarn. It would be better if Tsoya, Jewel, Jay Dee, and Grim were there to help her.

  Sighing she said.“Alright, let us see what we are up against.”Terana grinned.“But hear me, if there are too many, we are going to wait for the army.”

  “Understood.”Terana said.


  Ronair, Marlhema

  “This is ridiculous.”Razyan muttered as the Council lords continued to quarrel over what Illion had said about there being an enemy. The same discussion had been going on and on for the last week. To Razyan, it felt like years.

  “Yes.”Illion agreed.“I think that perhaps the Sheyestivans may have befriended some of them.”

  Razyan snorted.“Yeah, and meanwhile I have a friend stuck in Plarn that seems to be under attack. How had we gone from talking about the preparations of the military to if it was possible for you to make that talon?”

  Illion shook his head.“And I thought that it would have been enough evidence for them.”

  “Do you think there is a way to send myself and some squads to Plarn without waiting for the Council’s approval?”Razyan asked.

  “As much as I don’t want to argue over the necessity of such an action after the fact, I think we may just have to. Better argue after saving lives then argue while those lives are ended.”Illion said. The older man turned to Razyan.“Go and tell General Telleon the plan.”

  Razyan nodded and left quietly. The lords were too busy bickering to notice.

  But she hadn’t missed Razyan getting up. Nor had Searten. They had watched Razyan and Lord Illion talk.

  “Brother!”Arelle called. Several lords looked toward her.“Razyan!”She tried again. This time he couldn’t ignore her.

  Razyan turned slowly to face her.“Yes Arelle?”He asked civilly.

  “Where are you going?”She inquired loudly. The more attention she called the harder it would be for Razyan to dismiss her as he had the annoying habit of trying. It would also give the others more ammunition to delay actions against the Sheyestivans.

  “I am going to go help a friend.”

  “Couldn’t that wait until after the meeting?”Arelle purred.

  Razyan narrowed his eyes at her.“No. Not when they are under attack.”He turned to leave, but it didn’t take Arelle long to figure out a way to keep an eye on him. Searten seemed to see it too.

  Arelle sprang forward with a very convincing look of concern.“What do you mean, brother?”Razyan turned to give her some short excuse but she didn’t let him.“A friend under attack?! No, you need not explain more to me right now. I’m as worried as you are. I’ll help you and as we go you can catch me up on what is happening.”

  Razyan’s eyes narrowed. He knew that nothing she said was the truth. She only wanted to keep tabs on him. To hinder him in some way. The problem was, none of the lords about them knew that Arelle was lying. Sighing he said.“Well, come along then.”He said sharply. Arelle grinned and followed him out the door. Searten followed not far behind.

  Chapter Twenty-Four–To Sing Praise…Even in a Dungeon

  “Yours is the day, O God, Yours also the night;/ you established the moon and the sun./ You fixed all the boundaries of the earth;/ you made both summer and winter. (Psalm 74: 15-16)

  The Palace of Pershara, Pershara

  It was the smell that hit him first. Jason wrinkled his nose. Why did it smell like sewer mixed with the Lord only knew what? Opening his eyes, Jason found that it didn’t make much difference. Where ever he was, he was pretty sure that it was not his room at the monastery, was dark. As he looked around he became aware that it was not completely dark. A sputtering torch pathetically illuminated the cage he found himself in. Frowning Jason slowly sat up. His head hurt from when he fell…He blinked as memory returned to him. He and his fellow knights had run into a creature, a dragon-like monster. It had hunted down magic and magic users, whipping out two groups of minor Maltacken priests and servants. The luggage they had been hauling had been scattered all over the ground.

  “Trance.”He said in a soft, cracked whisper. The horse had been knocked out from under him. The last he had seen of his four legged friend had been of the horse on the ground and unmoving. The next Jason had known a Maltacken priest was accosting him. For whatever the reason, the man thought that he knew what the hell the monster had been.“So I’m either in Mortia or the Palace.”He mused quietly. He wondered uneasily when the priest’s superiors would question him.

  “The dungeons of Pershara Palace.”A pain wracked voice said from the cell next to him. Through the bars Jason could barely see a form resting on the floor in the straw. The dim torch light barely reached that far. Jason stood and approached the bars separating the two cells. His head still didn’t like him, but it was only a dull ache.

  “Who are you?”he asked.

  The other laughed. The voice was vaguely feminine.“I? I am…”the voice trailed off.“I am…Elainia what is my name again?”

  Jason’s eyes widened.“Elainia?”He repeated.

  “No, that is not my name, at least I don’t think it is? No? I knew it wasn’t mine. It’s yours.”The last was said as if to another person in the cell. Jason looked, but couldn’t see another lump and he hadn’t heard anything. But the voice was still having a one sided conversation.“Oh! That’s right! That is my name.”The voice sounded ecstatic.

  “So what is it?”Jason asked.

  “Altana! I picked it myself after escaping my father. He wanted to kill me.”Altana added.

  Jason backed away from
the bars, his eyes were wide. He was in a cell next to Altana?!He looked around to see if there was any way to get further away from her, but then he remembered. Why had she said Elainia’s name? Was it the same Elainia he knew? It had to be because it had been in a fight against Altana that Elainia had been lost. Only a small portion of her, he was told, had stayed in her body that Kindra now occupied.“What did you mean when you said‘Elainia’?”He asked.

  Altana was silent for a moment before saying.“It is the name of the voice who keeps talking to me. She used to annoy the hell out of me, but now…now she is the only thing that makes sense. Sorry, I know you are not a thing.”Altana finished to herself.

  “Elainia was a good friend of mine.”Jason said.

  “She wants to know what your name is. It is too dark. We cannot see you.”

  “I’m Jason McGill. We knew each other at…”

  “The monastery.”Altana finished.“She remembers. She used to have the biggest crush on you.” Altana told him. Jason’s eyes widened.“Opps. She didn’t want me to tell you that.”

  Jason couldn’t believe his ears. Elainia had had a crush on him? And somehow, Elainia was here. But why?“How is it that Elainia is with you?”He asked aloud.

  “I don’t know.”Altana confessed. "She just started talking. She would never shut up.”Altana laughed. Her voice sobered“But since I failed my masters, she has never left me either.”

  “How did you fail?”Jason found himself asking, coming closer to her.


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