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Depths of Desire: Complete and Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

Page 8

by Anya Merchant

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Leon.” Kendra was still smiling, and seemed to be more entertained than anything by his intrusion and outburst.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about!” Leon walked over to the desk in the living area and began flipping through the papers on it. Kendra slowly walked across the room and sat down on the bed, leaning back on her hands and shooting Leon a look that he had seen before.

  “Maybe if you come over here, and talk to me like a real man, I’ll be able to remember…”

  Her words only made Leon angrier. He stomped over to where she was sitting and pushed her back on the bed, watching as her breasts bounced and her legs spread for him.

  “IS that what you want, Kendra?” he said. “Maybe that’s exactly what you need…”

  She was still smiling at him, and it only fueled Leon’s rage even further. He pushed himself forward, intending to intimidate her into telling him what he wanted to know. His action seemed to have the opposite effect, however.

  “Show me what I need, Leon,” she whispered. “I want you to show me, young man.”

  Leon leaned forward and groped at the older woman’s breasts. She reminded him of his mom, but her personality was the polar opposite. Somehow, his emotions seemed to swing and bring him deep into a state of primal readiness. The tiny cloth gown that Kendra had own only served to tease him, and make his cock tense up at the thought of seeing more.

  “Are you man enough, Leon?”

  He knew that by responding in the manner he was, he had allowed himself to become a player in her game. But Leon didn’t care. He wanted the encounter to go where Kendra seemingly wanted to take it. He wanted it just as badly as she did, but for different reasons.

  Leon slipped his pants down and off his body, and then pushed forward, kissing Kendra and feeling her kiss him back hungrily. His mother had warned him to stay away from her, and he felt a little guilty for giving in and letting things get so out of hand. More than that, however, he just wanted to get off.

  “Oh yeah, Leon,” said Kendra. “Your cock is so nice.”

  He slowly pulled down his boxer briefs, and then roughly grabbed at her nightgown, tearing the fabric as he ripped it off her. Kendra just smiled at him.

  “You’re nothing like Miles,” she said. “That’s why he hates you so much.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” said Leon. He pinned her down on the bed by the shoulders and quickly moved his cock into position.

  A voice of reason began to chide at him from the back of his head. Just what was he doing, and what right did he have to do it?

  “Your father was never enough of a man to take me,” said Kendra.

  The words caused Leon to see red. He growled like an animal, slammed Kendra down on the bed, and pushed his member inside of her. She was already wet, and seemed to be as ready for sex as a woman could be.

  “Oh god, yes!” she cried. Leon was pumping his cock into her with speed, fueled by a strange erotic energy that seemed to have been created by her words.

  Kendra wrapped her legs around him, urging him to push even deeper with every stroke. The two of them were rolling around on the bed as if caught in a life or death power struggle, kissing and biting at each other’s lips and grabbing roughly with their hands.

  “You’re a slut, Kendra,” whispered Leon. “You’re a slut, and you know it.”

  His hips were on autopilot, smashing into the woman and causing waves of exited pleasure to shoot up his tool, almost consistently.

  “Oh, Leon,” moaned Kendra. “I’m your slut, I’m your slut!”

  Kendra could have easily been a trophy wife on the surface, or even more, with her intelligence. It wasn’t farfetched for Leon to imagine a woman with her intelligence and guile becoming a politician or a businesswoman.

  Leon reached his hand out and wrapped it around her hair, pulling it as he drove his cock deeper inside her. Her cunt felt surprisingly good, and he seemed to be driving her wild as he moved inside of her, churning the insides of her pussy up and claiming her for his own. Leon managed to escape from the fog of sex for long enough to remember his goal, and immediately began pressing her on it again.

  “Where is he, Kendra?” he shouted, bucking into her like an angry wolf. “What the fuck did Miles find out?”

  “I, I can’t tell you,” moaned Kendra. “Oh god, oh god, I’m going to…”

  Right as it seemed like the woman was about to be pushed over the line and into the realm of orgasm, Leon forced himself back under control, and pulled out. Kendra looked surprised.

  “What…no, please!” She lied back on the bed and spread her legs again. It was erotic, but Leon could also see it for the desperate gesture it was.

  “Tell me what I want to know, like a good slut.” He pushed in close to her, letting his hard cock rub back up against her cunt and speaking quietly into her ear.

  “F-fine,” she replied. “I’ll tell you if you fuck me.”

  “You tell me, and then I’ll fuck you,” said Leon.

  Kendra moaned and leaned further back on the bed, rubbing her crotch like a bitch in heat. She looked at Leon and blushed a little, and he could see the shame in her eyes as she slowly began to break.

  “He followed you into the underground storage area,” said Kendra. “We know about the creatures outside. Now…please?”

  Leon glared at her. He slammed her down on the bed, and pushed his cock back inside of her with a lot more malice than he had felt before. In his mind, he knew that he should be heading to meet up with Kim, and getting back outside the dome as quickly as he could. But for Kendra, nothing less than being fully used and abused seemed like it would do.

  He had her back on the verge of cumming again after a minute, and he stopped again. As Kendra opened her mouth to protest, he grabbed her by the hair and pushed his cock into her mouth. She had big lips, and they felt amazing sliding across his shaft.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it,” he moaned. “Suck it, you slut.”

  She didn’t really have any choice, Leon held her head firmly on top of his shaft, and was even rocking his hips back and forth to get her pleasuring him in the manner he wanted. He slid his cock as far in as it would go, forcing the older woman to deep throat him, which he could tell was hard for her from her eyes.

  “That’s right Kendra,” he said. “This is your proper punishment.”

  He grabbed the woman by the face and forcefully pumped his cock into her a few last times. As he began to explode, he pulled the head of his dick out of her mouth, and let the hot white cum spray all over her face, defiling her in a manner that made Leon feel oddly satisfied.

  “You…you’re cold,” she whispered. “You’re a cold man, Leon.”

  He was already pulling his clothes back on. Leon took one more look at Kendra on the way out of her domicile, and couldn’t help but see a different woman from the arrogant, posturing one that had been sitting on the bed earlier.

  “Be careful what you wish for, Kendra,” he said.


  Leon hurried across the dark landscape of the dome, headed for Gate 2. There was a light on inside, and he found Kim busily setting up one of the suits on the other side of the door.

  “It’s ready, Leon,” she said. “Though I feel like it’s my duty to talk you out of this.”

  “Not now, Kim,” he replied.

  “You’re going to get yourself killed! If he is out there, there’s no telling how he’s going to react when he finds you coming after him. And on top of that, it’s going to be more dangerous for you outside than usual, just given that we don’t have anyone else that can go out if something does happen!”

  Leon looked at Kim and smiled. He was still shirtless, and slowly began to pull down his pants as he stood in front of the WAVE suit. Kim looked away for a moment, as her modesty required, but then turned back towards Leon. The concern on her face was clear and easy to read.

  “Kim, I have to do this,” he said. “This
is bigger than me, and it’s bigger than Miles, or anyone else on this dome. Things will end very badly if someone like him encounters the mer.”

  Kim was frozen in place for a moment, but finally blinked out of it, and nodded to him. She walked over to the suit and started to help him into it, but Leon shook his head.

  “Just get on the communicator and be ready to delete everything if necessary.”

  “I can’t, Leon.” She looked at him as though she was at her hard limit. “It’s not just that it would get me fired, I literally can’t. Everything on the computers is backed up on another server.”

  “I guess that means I’ll have to move fast.” Leon fit the oxygen tube into his mouth, feeling as though he was finally adjusting to its fit. He made sure all of the seals on the rest of the suit were secured, and then walked into the pressure chamber.

  The door closed behind him, and he stood facing the outside as water began to fill it up. The same emotions that he had experienced in his previous expeditions beyond the dome began to flood into his body, except intensified. This time, there were even more unknowns waiting for him on the outside, and he had no control over how or when the situation would play itself out.

  “Alright, you’re good Leon.” The water was up over his head, and he could hear Kim’s voice in his ear. “I’m opening the outer door. Promise me…promise me that you won’t get yourself killed?”

  “I promise,” Leon subvocalized.

  “And promise me that you’ll get Miles back here without fighting, if you can?”

  “That’s not something I can promise you in good faith,” said Leon. “But I’ll do my best.”

  With the upper ring of lights dimmed to night time illumination levels, Leon was forced to rely on his headlamp from the very start. The ocean had a somewhat ghostly feel to it, with every fish and sea creature that swam by surprising him, and typically being only visible as a dark shadow.

  Leon moved forward, headed in the direction of the construction site. His instincts told him that he should slow down and take his time, however, a sense of urgency seemed to override them. Using his water turbine he pushed himself forward into the dark unknown, using the tiny amount of light cast off from his headlamp to make sure his immediate path was clear.

  The area began to seem a little more familiar to him. He remembered some of the underwater landscape from the first time he had traveled out. Leon slowed down and began to move close to the ocean bottom.

  Off to the side of him was a small crest that overlooked the construction site, and instead of moving directly forward, Leon decided to veer off to the better vantage point. He kept his headlamp angled low, and immediately felt vindicated for it as he eyed the circular foundation of the future dome.

  There was a light flashing around in the center of it, just like his. Leon couldn’t make out Miles’ actual body, but he could see what the man was looking at, and it made him feel as though he had arrived a minute too late.

  There was a single mer in the foundation of the dome. It seemed to be watching Miles with curiosity as the man moved closer to it. Leon switched off his own headlamp and began to head towards the two of them, when the situation suddenly began to go incredibly wrong.

  The mer came within an arm’s length of Miles, and the man violently reached out and grabbed it. He seemed to be trying to wrestle it to the ground, and Leon could see the panic in the creature’s movements as it struggled to escape.

  “Miles, stop!” subvocalized Leon. “Kim, are you getting this?”

  There was no response on the intercom. Leon cursed his luck, and then pushed forward with his water turbine. He was a couple of hundred feet away, and everything seemed to move in slow motion as he watched what happened next.

  The mer had been carrying a small spear, and Miles had taken it away. He held it in one of his hands pensively for a moment before slamming it into the body of the creature, which he held in an effective headlock.

  “Miles!” screamed Leon. He flicked on his headlamp just in time to see the man turn towards him, holding the lifeless, fishtailed body of a mer up with one arm.

  “You betrayed us by hiding this, Leon,” he said. “I don’t see any reason for you to make it back to the dome, either.”

  The man dropped the mer, and for a second, everything was still. Then his water turbine was on, and he was jetting towards Leon, the spear held in front of him as if he was a charging medieval cavalier.

  Leon used his own water turbine to push himself up, and then forward. Miles followed, navigating the water more skill in the WAVE suit than Leon had. The first spear strike came close to hitting his head, only missing by a couple of inches. Leon managed to strike the man with his feet and launch his water turbine in a way to push him back, but it did not buy him more than a moment’s respite.

  Even just a glancing strike to the suit would likely be fatal, Leon realized. The decompression system was so ludicrously complex and reliant on a tight seal, he wouldn’t stand a chance so far down underwater. Miles seemed to realize the same thing, and moved towards him with a cocky sort of patience that made Leon wish he had some sort of means for a counterattack.

  “Aren’t you going to beg for your life?” asked Miles.

  “I don’t really see any reason to,” replied Leon. “If you think you can kill me, come with it.”

  The speaker in his ear let out a strangely robotic sounding laugh. Miles shrugged, an action which seemed incredibly pointless underwater.

  “Suit yourself,” said Miles. “Your body will never be found.”

  He turned on his water turbine, and this time Leon felt as though even his quickest reaction would be too slow. Miles was in front of him, and the spear point was moving forward to take his life as though it were the sickle of death itself.

  And then everything changed. Mer were all around them, more than Leon had ever seen before outside of the city. Miles turned in surprise, and one of them swam behind him much faster than the man could have expected. A spear lunged forward, and suddenly the fate that Leon was expecting for himself had been carried out on his adversary.

  Miles was gone in an instant, and all that was left behind was a tiny, football sized clump. A small underwater cloud of blood pooled in the area where he had been standing, hiding the exact details of the carnage.

  One of the mer moved towards him, another spear in hand full of killer intent. Leon put his hands up and spun around in a quick circle, knowing that the gesture wouldn’t be enough to save him, but doing it anyway.

  The mer approached slowly, and then another one of the creatures was next to him, one with purple eyes and a face that Leon recognized.

  “Dimitra,” he whispered, knowing that she couldn’t hear him. She was smiling and wrapped him into a strange, spiraling circular hug.

  The other mer held off, but it was clear from the way his savior immediately moved and began speaking in clicks to them that his life was not entirely back in his hands. One of the mer picked up what was left of Miles’ body and looked at it curiously. The lump that used to be him was still releasing blood into the water, which trailed behind it like a path, giving the ocean a reddish hue.

  After a minute or more of Dimitra’s clicking, another mer arrived that seemed to merit attention. He carried a stone slate, and Leon recognized him as the translator for the leader in the city. After what seemed like an eternal minute of watching the mer scratch out clumsy words on the tablet, it was handed to Leon, and he looked at the message carefully.


  Leon smiled. “Land Mer” had an interesting ring to it, one that he quite liked. But the message was serious, and he slowly formed his response, knowing in his heart exactly what it would be before he’d even touched the chalk down.


  The translator seemed elated by that. He clicked loudly to the other mer, and then they too also seemed to be elated. Dimitra wrapped her arms
around Leon, and gave him what would have been a kiss if it wasn’t for the suit in between.


  Leon explained many things to the mer before heading back to Project Cobalt. There was only so much room on the slab, and their vocabulary was very limited, but he managed to get them up to speed on what he considered to be the most important aspects of humanity’s intentions and their future survival.

  He told them, first and most importantly, that Project Cobalt was the only dome currently in operation. He told them to watch out for more, and to foil their development however they could, before humans move into inhabitance. He told them to spread the message to all of the other mer, far and wide, and make sure that they were on the same page as a species.

  It was at least an hour, maybe even more, before he finally started back to the dome. Dimitra had seemed a little sad at his departure, and had given him another hug. Leon felt a little sad too, but more so at the strange barrier and distance between the two of them then having to go. He wondered about just what type of person she would have been as a human.

  The lights above the underwater dome had risen in illumination level, marking the morning. Leon caught sight of them about the same time his communicator snapped back into range.

  “Kim, can you hear me now?” he asked.

  “Leon! Oh my god, I thought, I thought…Don’t you ever do that again!” He smiled, glad to finally hear something other than static in response.

  “I’m on my way back,” he said. “I didn’t find Miles. I think he might have-“

  “Leon, listen to me!” Kim sounded panicked, even more than she had been earlier that morning. “Kendra has told Elizabeth and everyone else in the dome everything. There was a meeting, and they contacted the surface, and…”

  “It’s okay, we’ll figure it out,” said Leon. “Just let me get inside and everything will be fine.”

  “Alright…” said Kim. “I’m really glad that you’re okay.”


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