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Operation You've Got To Be Kidding Me

Page 26

by Cheyenne Lynnae

  I woke, my head pounding, to voices outside my door.

  “What are you going to do now? She won’t co-operate now that you killed her dad.” Ms. Bruce whispered. “We should kill her.” She added in the same breath.

  “No. I think she could still be of use to us yet,” Celcius said. He pushed open the door and walked in.

  “Miss Parks I see you are awake,” He said walking towards me.

  “Not for long,” I heard Ms. Bruce mutter.

  “Alright Miss Parks, I will give you three choices. A. You tell me everything you know about the CIA and live, B. You still be the leader of my little army. C. You die. Pick One” He said. I didn’t say anything.

  “Ms. Bruce.” Celcius said beckoning her forward. She came closer to me, clipping on some little wires to me. Celcius watched me sadly.

  “Pick one.” Celcius said. I didn’t answer.

  “Fine” he said. Suddenly an electric shock coursed through my body. I let out a cry of pain keeping my mouth closed trying to keep it in. Stars burst behind my eyes. I became short of breath and collapsed from my previous sitting position. Finally it stopped leaving me panting.

  “Now which is it?” he asked. I didn’t speak even if I had plans to I am not sure I could have. Celcius nodded at Ms. Bruce and it happened again. This time I couldn’t hold the scream in.

  “Fine, fine!” I yelled. It stopped.

  “Okay then, is there anything you haven’t told us about the CIA?” he interrogated. I paused as if thinking. I took a deep breath sighing.

  “They created a sort of technology that allows them to hack into all in the world except those of other agencies.” I said. “Even ones that just snap photos.” I added.

  “What! You incompetent fool! How could you not have told me that in those lessons! What is the point of everything we have been doing if the CIA can see it?” He screeched. He went into a frenzy running out the door smashing and breaking anything in sight. I saw Ms. Bruce's hand move towards the button of the taser.

  “Bruce!” Celcius yelled. “Go tell all the guards they need to take down all the cameras and video recorders immediately!” Celcius yelled. She looked wistfully back at me as she ran out of the room slamming and locking the metal door behind her. I surveyed the room. The white walls seemed to be made of drywall. There was a window over on the far wall, but it had large thick bars over it. I wished I had my gadgets. I had left them by the tunnels I walked around the room. Hmm. Ms. Bruce had disabled the security camera in here as she left. I could do anything, I just had to find a way out. I started tapping the wall looking for hollow spots. There was a dumbwaiter that was connected to nearly every room, but that wouldn’t work. I thought hard. Just as my hand hit a hollow part I remembered. Every room had a fireplace. Celcius liked to keep everything extremely cold, so they were never in use. We were in Fiji after all, there wasn’t any need. I tapped the hollow part again. Walking over to the door I looked through the window. No guards. Hmm. I went over and flicked the drywall. Hmm pretty darn thin. With one quick move I smashed my foot through, chipping off pieces making a hole into the fireplace just big enough for me to crawl through. I chimney climbed up. It went up a ways then I hit a problem. There was a little wall of old brick that was starting to fall apart just above my head. On the other half I could see the tougher stuff that would be where the fire went. I kicked through. I fell down the rest of the hole, logs of fire following after me. I pushed out through the hole of my cinder block cell. The wall caught on fire, flames bursting up around me. Crap! I looked around for something to distinguish the fire. The flames started to spread. I didn’t hear the tapping on the window until I was forced to back up against the wall by the flames that were devouring the room. I looked to the window. IT as the boy with the blond hair, he was tapping on the window. He motioned for me to back up. I obediently stepped away, as far away as the flames would allow. He smashed through using something that I couldn’t see. I ran to the window jumping out of it. I landed coughing and sputtering on the sand.

  “So how did I do?” he asked me.

  “On what?” I asked him.

  “On the test.” He replied. Oh I understood now. He though me being captured was a test.

  “A plus.” I told him. He smiled a little bit.

  “Come on, lets see if we can make it an A plus, plus” I said. He smiled. We snuck along the castle to where a rope was hanging from the “Students” area of the mansion. I remembered from the boy’s file that his name was Sean. He gestured to me to go up first. I climbed up quickly, hoping not to get caught. I hopped down out of the open window my feet hitting the rough stone floor. Twenty nine pairs of eyes looked back at me. I was shocked to see that the walls were made of stone and all there was for them to sleep on were little cots with thin blankets over them. I remembered my Grandmother’s plea to get the kids out of here.

  “Hurry up then boys get your combat suites on while I go and wake the girls. Make no sound or you fail,” I told them heading out their door. I walked through the door of the girls room and told them all to also put on their combat cloths. I asked one girl if I could use an extra one of hers, mine being back in my room. When everyone was changed, I looked at the thirty boys and thirty girls all in their combat suites staring back at me with eager eyes. Our combat suites had been made especially for when we went out to battle. They had gadgets built into them. They were made out of a black bulletproof material but still weren’t bulky it even seemed to make us invisible too, but that was probably because of the color. They also had secret pockets that had all the tools needed for hot wiring cars and boats, or anything with a key really. There were even a few pockets that had knifes in them, but unfortunately no guns.

  I ordered them to follow me as we slipped down the stairs. No guards were to be found until we hit the bottom floor. We crouched behind the columns on the stairs. We watched as Celcius Zenwaler shouted at the guards for not doing the job well enough and to do it over again. The boys and girls were scattered in hiding places. It was extremely difficult to find a place to hide them all. I swept my eyes around the entrance. I had an idea on how to get the guards out of the way, I just had to hope that they didn’t know I was supposed to be locked up at the moment. The guards were completely busy trying to get the cameras unattached. When they were done I put on my jacket and walked down the stairs in full site of the guards.

  “What on earth are you doing Master Zenwaler wants you to work on the ones in the dining hall first!” I scolded.

  “Oh well we will go right away ma’am.” They all said panic stricken.

  “I think that would be best.” I said, my voice low. They ran off towards the dining hall. I waved the youth forward. We sneaked through the doors, being as quiet as we possibly could. There was no guards outside, and I assumed that they were done with the camera’s.

  I had summoned the CIA nearly two hours ago they should be here soon and I needed to get everyone out before things went down. Taking care to stay in the shadows we crept along the building until we reached the tunnels. I snagged my purse with the gadgets in them and told the boys to go down first. I sent Sean last knowing he was the strongest, that way he could catch the girls when they dropped down. Now it was the girls turn they went down one by one and I followed after them. I let myself drop down trusting Sean completely. Tough arms caught me I could feel his muscles flex. It seemed so effortless for him. I remember that his file said he was about my age.

  “Thank you, Sean.” I said. He put me down, his hand lingering on mine I could feel the calluses on his hands. I felt a tingling sensation go up my arm and tickle my back. “Who?” he asked his face confused. I realized what I had done wrong I had said his real name.

  “I will tell you later, come along we don’t have much time!” I said flipping on my flashlight, and a few others passing them around. I lead the way Sean was just behind me. We followed the map quietly weaving ourselves through the tunnel. I had unhooked part
of my purse strap and extended it so that it reached to the back of the line I had had everyone hook a hand on to it so that they wouldn’t get lost. Even though I had a flash light, it didn’t mean that it made it so everyone could see. It was humid in the cave soon and stifling almost hard to breath but that’s Fiji. We continued on.

  Finally we got to where it branched off. I followed the map to where it would lead us to the dock. We walked a little further only to end up at a wall. Dead end. It couldn’t be possible! After all this work to get them here if sneaking them out is hard how will I sneak them back in? And if I manage to sneak them back in what will happen when the CIA shows up and they are caught in a fight? I decided that maybe there was a trick to it. I pushed on the wall in numerous places but it didn’t work I then looked for cracks looking for one clean enough to be a sliding door. I pushed and pulled it back and finally it gave and slid open. I gasped what laid before me wasn’t the dock, it was an underground town it was like the island we were living in now was just built right on top of it. There were buildings that were surprisingly still standing I looked around myself I was amazed it was here but we still needed to get to the dock. I had everyone one follow me I knew that a lot of old houses had cellars in them but I wasn’t sure this was Fiji for crying out loud. Maybe if they did have cellars one of them had steps leading out I sighed. Then I saw it. There was a large castle that most of it was in ruins but there was still a tower that reached all the way up to the “Ceiling” I sighed it was worth a try. We entered the tower which had a separate entrance. Ugh there was a ton of stairs even though we weren’t exactly happy to climb them it still meant that maybe they had a chance of leading somewhere. I had to find out.

  Finally after a long trek up the stairs we got to not our destination but the top of the tower. I was disappointed. I sat down and put my head in my hands were we ever going to be able to get out?

  “Renady over here!” Sean who didn’t know he was Sean said. I looked up, he had found an old ladder with a trap door. “You found it!” I said. I ran over and he hoisted me up and through and he continued with the others. We came out behind a tree at the dock where we could see a few boats. We slipped towards them inch by inch stealthily hiding in the shadows. I knew that if I did all the work they would catch on to it not being a test so I let them hot-wire the boats and skies that they wanted. We took up all of them except for two motor boats.

  “Renady come ride with me!” Sean offered. I ran over to the skies and hopped on to his. “Let’s GO!” I yelled. We zoomed off. Water Sprayed up behind us. The wind rippled through my hair as I held on tightly to Sean maybe a little more tightly than necessary. Then I heard it, the sound of two motor boats coming up fast behind us. I looked back. There were two boats full of guards heading towards us!

  “Keep going!”. They were pulling forward their guns taking aim at us. “Weave, careful now!” All of us started to weave side to side making it harder for them to shoot us, but difficult to drive and if on jet skies to stay on but we all had practice. I turned backwards on the jet ski while Sean drove. I gripped my legs tightly to the sides and firmly planted my feet. I started to stand up almost losing my balance, but quickly catching myself. I reached down towards the pocket that had my knives in it. I had promised myself that I would never kill anyone so I looked for somewhere to hit that wouldn’t do so. I decided that the shoulder would be best, if I did it right there wouldn’t be any arteries hit, and it wasn’t lethal. I hurled one of my knives through the night air it flew slicing through the breeze until it hit its target right in his shoulder. The driver fell overboard the second guard just barely making it to the wheel of the boat. I did the same to the other driver. A series of bullets slashed through the night missing everyone. I hurled one more knife at the passenger who had taken the wheel on one of the boats. A second look revealed it was Ms. Bruce. I hurled it at her shoulder. It hit the target and the boat swerved out of control. She pushed her body overboard just before the boat swiveled and swerved right into the other boat leaving the six guards on it barely enough time to jump before it exploded into a burst of flames. The colors of red and yellow flames licked up into the night until it was silenced by the ocean. We zoomed off into the night, the “Students” cheering at their victory.


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