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HOT SEAL Redemption

Page 5

by Lynn Raye Harris

  “Oldest of six, babe,” she said when he commented on it.

  Alexei held up his hand. Miranda gave him a high five.

  “Don’t worry,” she continued. “I don’t want one. Yet.”

  “Thank God for that,” Cowboy muttered. “Not that she isn’t cute, but she seems like a lot of work.”

  “What will you do if she’s yours?” Christina asked.

  “She’s not. But if she is by some chance, I’ll make sure I’m on her birth certificate. Claim her as a dependent. Beyond that, I’d have to think about it.”

  Because how could he take care of a baby when he wasn’t home for weeks at a time? Tonight was a one-off. It wouldn’t happen again. That test would come back and he’d be off the hook. Ana and her prickly aunt would move along—and he’d get back to his life.

  Except now that he’d spent time with Ana and knew that her mother was gone and Bailey was overwhelmed—not to mention in a job that wasn’t all that stable—he couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen to her. He thought of Bailey in the Pink Palace, that dive of a strip club, and his doubts multiplied. The munchkin needed structure, and it didn’t look like she was getting much of it right now.

  Because how the hell was Bailey Jones supposed to take care of a baby when taking care of herself was probably a full-time job?

  Chapter 6

  Bailey tried to push Ana and Alexei from her mind as she prepared for the show. But the memory of that handsome man holding her tiny niece wasn’t going to leave her anytime soon. He was just so assured with Ana, and he made her so very aware of how badly she sucked at dealing with the baby. Not that he did it on purpose. No, it was just his competence and confidence that did it. She had no maternal instincts at all. He did though. Or paternal ones. Whatever.

  Bailey applied red lipstick, then stripped out of her clothing and put on one of the bejeweled G-strings she danced in. Then she donned the jeweled bra and covered everything with her costume, which was a leather jacket and a skintight faux-leather miniskirt with Velcro at the seams. Thigh-high boots, a cap with sequins on the brim, and a jeweled whip rounded out the look.

  Bailey thwacked the whip against her leg and told herself to concentrate. Money was the goal tonight. Not handsome Navy SEALs. Not babies. Not anything but the next dance and what paid the bills.

  The dressing room was a madhouse, as usual, with girls coming and going, touching up their makeup, donning costumes, cursing and smoking and laughing about something that had happened onstage.

  Deke stopped by on occasion, moving the dancers along when necessary. Bailey strode toward the stage, taking one last drink of water from the bottle that one of the attendants handed her. The music cued up, and Bailey strode onto the stage to a raucous welcome from the patrons.

  The entire routine was under ten minutes, but it brought the house down. She’d never been able to afford gymnastics or dance as a kid, but she’d watched and she’d learned. She’d practiced all by herself in the front yard of their trailer, learning how to do backbends and splits and all the moves it took to be a cheerleader. Because she’d desperately wanted to be one, though her family would have never been able to afford the uniforms or the camp even if she had made the team.

  She’d never made the team though. Too poor, too untrained probably. Too many things she hadn’t even known about when she was a kid longing for a dream. The cards had been stacked against her, and she hadn’t realized it.

  She realized it now, so she danced her ass off and she got those dollar bills tucked into her G-string so she could succeed where her parents had failed. She was determined to make a better life for herself—and for Ana, apparently.

  When she finished her routine, she left the stage, donning a robe and guzzling water from the attendant, then continued toward the dressing room. A shape loomed out of the darkness, barring her way. She crashed to a halt.

  “Nice tits,” a man said.

  Bailey’s blood went cold. “How did you get back here? Nobody is allowed backstage.”

  He chuckled as he moved into the meager light. He wasn’t very tall, an inch or two taller than her, but he was broad and he looked about as mean as a cornered bear. There was a scar that went from his upper lip to his cheek, and his eyes gleamed as he raked them over her. He wore biker leathers, and there was a chain hanging from his belt that went to his pocket.

  “Where’s Kayla?”

  Bailey froze. “Who are you?”

  “Doesn’t matter. What does matter is where Kayla is. She’s got something that belongs to me. And you’re going to tell me where she is or I’m going to hurt you, Bailey. After I fuck you hard and long.”

  Shock flooded her system. Fury and fear followed. “I don’t know where Kayla is, but even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you, asshole. Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  He took a menacing step toward her.

  “You need any help?” one of the bouncers called to her.

  Bailey’s heart was racing, but she swallowed as she made eye contact with Brian. “Yes, please. This asshole is bothering me.”

  Brian lumbered forward, his hand going beneath the jacket he wore to touch the butt of his weapon. “You need to clear out, man,” he said. “We don’t want any trouble, but we won’t shrink from it.”

  The man smirked. “I was just going.” He started toward the exit, then turned around and shot her another look. “I’ll be in touch for that information. You can count on it. If you’d like to save yourself some trouble, you tell that sister of yours she knows where to find me. It’ll be a lot better for her if she comes willingly.”

  He left without another word.

  Brian came over, frowning. “You okay? He touch you?”

  Bailey’s heart was pounding. Willingly? What the fuck had Kayla gotten herself into? “No, he didn’t touch me. I’m fine. He was just a creep.”

  “I’ll let the guys know. We’ll keep an eye out for him. He won’t get back in the club.”

  “I know. Thank you.”

  Brian tipped his chin at her. “You were looking fly tonight, girl. Awesome routine.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  “You’re better than this, Honey,” he said, using her stage name. “Some of these girls… Well, you can tell it’s all they got. Not you. You can do better.”

  She was oddly touched. “Thanks, Brian. It means a lot to hear you say that.”

  “Think about leaving this life before it touches you too hard, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know.” She knew because of the girls she worked with. Some were stuck. Some were just like her, trying to find a better way and working hard to get there.

  He nodded. “I know you gotta get back to work. I’ll make sure you’re safe, don’t worry.”

  Bailey headed for the dressing room to prepare for the next show. But she couldn’t shake the memory of that man or the meanness in his voice. He’d known her. He’d known Kayla. And he wasn’t going to give up his search for her sister easily. He’d said Kayla had something that belonged to him. But what?

  Alexei took Ana back to his place around eleven. She was sleeping soundly, so he wasn’t worried about the time. When they got there, she woke and wanted a bottle. He fed her, burped her, and changed her before putting her down again. Then he settled in to watch some television until he heard from Bailey. Pretty pitiful night for his first full day back from deployment. He should be at a club, hooking up with a chick or two.

  But he was here, babysitting an adorable infant and waiting for a text from her aunt. The text came at precisely two a.m. Heading your way. Be about twenty minutes or so.

  I’m awake.

  About twenty minutes later, he heard her car pull up. She shut off the engine and he went to open the door and let her in. She was dressed in the yoga pants and top, but her makeup wasn’t perfect anymore. She also smelled like smoke. She looked spent.

  “Hey,” she said with a small smile.

  “Hey.” He stood back
and opened the door wide so she could walk beneath his arm and enter.

  She did so and he let his gaze slide over the street, looking for anything that might be out of place. It was sheer habit, but it was a good one, so he didn’t make himself stop.

  He shut the door and turned. She stood there with defeat written in every line of her body. Or maybe that was exhaustion. When she looked up, there were tears glistening on her cheeks. She dashed them away, but it was too late. He’d seen.

  His senses went on high alert. “What’s wrong, Bailey? Did something happen?”

  “No, of course not. Everything is fine.”

  He stalked toward her. She didn’t lift her head to look at him. “You’re lying.”

  She blew out a breath, but she still didn’t meet his gaze. “It’s not your responsibility to take care of me, or even of Ana. If the test comes back positive, well, that will be different where she’s concerned. But me? I’m nobody.”

  Shit. He put a finger under her chin and tipped it up, ignoring the electricity zipping through his nerve endings at that light touch. “You aren’t nobody. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  She sniffed. And then she smiled sadly. “Has it ever occurred to you that I might be playing you? That this whole thing is an elaborate hoax to get your sympathy and support?”

  “Well, yeah,” he told her honestly. “But I don’t think it is.” If she’d been planning a hoax, she’d have been more prepared. Of that he was certain. Anyone with a half a brain would, and she definitely had a brain in her pretty head.

  “Why not?” she whispered.

  He thought about kissing her, then discarded the idea. Not the right maneuver at this very moment. She was too raw, too emotional. Something was bothering her.

  “You might lie about a lot of things, I don’t really know, but you aren’t lying right now. I’ve got an instinct for these things.” He had to or he’d have been dead by now.

  “You’re a good guy, Alexei Kamarov. I kinda hope you fucked up your condom and you are Ana’s dad. She’ll be safe with you.”

  Aw fuck. “She’s not safe with you?” He’d wondered precisely that earlier, but he wouldn’t dare say it. She cared about her niece. She was trying.

  Her eyes filled with fresh tears. “I don’t think so, no.” She spun away from him and dashed her fingers against her cheeks. “Sorry. I’m tired. I don’t usually fall apart about stuff.”

  “Tell me what happened tonight.”

  She sucked in a breath. He could see her warring with herself. And then he saw the moment she made up her mind. Her chin went up and her eyes sparked. “A man came to see me. He thinks I know where Kayla is—he said she had something of his and he demanded I tell him where he could find her. He threatened me.”

  “A man threatened you.” His voice came out hard, cold—but she didn’t seem to notice.

  “Yes. He came backstage. When I said I didn’t know where she was, he said he was going to hurt me if I didn’t tell him.” She sniffed and waved a hand as if it was nothing. Her next words filled him with hot anger. “Oh, but he plans to rape me first.”

  Alexei tried to process what she said with a cool head. He really did. It did not work. His protective instincts took over. His training kicked in. “You can’t go back there,” he growled.

  She gaped at him. “I have to. It’s work. It’s what pays the bills. I’m not quitting, Alexei. I need that job.”

  He made a decision. “You aren’t taking Ana anywhere tonight. You’ll stay here. I’ll protect you both.”

  Her eyelids fluttered. And then she shook her head. “No. No way. If I give in to fear, he wins. I won’t do it. I won’t help him, and I won’t run from him either.”

  Alexei closed the distance between them, took her firmly by the shoulders. She was slender and light, but she was also strong. He could feel the strength in her arms as she tensed beneath his touch. He eased his grip to reassure her, but he didn’t let go.

  “I have three bedrooms in this place. If you go home, I’ll be forced to follow you and set up operations outside your door. You don’t want that, Bailey. Trust me when I tell you that you want to stay here tonight.”

  She frowned. Bit her lip. Need flooded him as the desire to suck that lip pounded through him. What the hell? She was cute, but she was off-limits. She had a baby to take care of—and he wasn’t getting involved in that beyond what it took to keep the two of them safe for the time being.

  “I don’t have any of my stuff here.”

  “I’ll have your things delivered. Tell me what you need and it’ll be here.”

  She gazed at him in wonder. “You’re serious.”

  “Of course I’m fucking serious.”

  “But I don’t like giving up. Giving in to fear. If that asshole knew where I lived, he’d have gone there first.”

  He liked the way her mind worked. But she was also wrong. “Possibly. But even if he doesn’t know yet, he’ll find out. Are the bills in your name?”


  “The rental contract?”


  “Trust me, he’ll show up. Maybe not tonight, but soon.”

  “So what are you suggesting? That Ana and I stay here for a few days?”

  Alexei frowned. Was that what he was saying? Bailey Jones and an infant in his house? Cramping his lifestyle? Preventing him from getting laid and walking around naked whenever he felt like it?

  Yeah, it was. Jesus, he was losing it. “That’s exactly what I’m suggesting.”

  She shook her head vigorously, her lavender hair flying. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I…” She looked perplexed.

  “Exactly. You can’t come up with a reason other than we’re strangers and you aren’t sure about me. But I haven’t threatened you, and I’m good with Ana. That’s enough of a reason, don’t you think?”

  She looked militant. “I’m not a coward. I don’t quit.”

  He squeezed her shoulders. “I know that. But there is such a thing as retreating to fight another day. It’s what we do when the conditions aren’t right, when waiting another day or two will swing everything to our advantage. Patience is the long game, Bailey. And it’s fucking rewarding as hell. Trust me.”

  What the hell was he saying? Yeah, he was patient on a mission. He had to be. He could spend days getting into position and setting up for the shot. But now that he was home? No, his patience was at an end. He wanted to be selfish, take care of himself… Didn’t he?

  She frowned hard, and he knew she was about to capitulate. “I won’t stop going to work. I won’t let one misogynist jerk keep me from making a living.”

  “Fine. We’ll figure something out. I’ll make sure you aren’t alone there.”

  He didn’t like it, but he was smart enough to fight his battles one at a time.

  “I’m never alone. The bouncers are there. Deke—the manager—is there. Tonight, Brian scared the guy off. They look out for us.”

  “I’m glad for that, but unless Brian is a former SEAL, he’s got nothing on me and my brothers. We’ll take care of you, Bailey. We’ll take that motherfucker apart if he comes back.”

  She sighed, defeat settling over her features. He could see it happening, and he relaxed a little. Which was crazy because he shouldn’t want her to stay here at all.

  “Okay, fine… But Alexei?”

  “Yeah, baby?” He forgot for a second that she hated endearments, but she didn’t react and he didn’t apologize.

  She looked worried. “Do you think you can find my sister and stop this guy before he gets to her?”

  He almost lied to her. But he couldn’t do it. “Honestly, I have no idea. But I’ll try.”

  Chapter 7

  Bailey couldn’t believe she’d agreed to stay, but it was a done deal now and there was no backing out. She scrubbed her hands up and down her forearms, chasing away the chill. He noticed. Of course he did.

  “You cold?”

/>   “A little.”

  After he’d said he would try to find Kayla, he’d let her go and retrieved his phone. He’d called someone, outlined what had happened and what he wanted, and then ended the call. That’s when he’d turned and witnessed her rubbing her arms.

  He picked up a blanket off the back of the couch and brought it to her. She shrank away for a second and he frowned.

  “I smell like smoke and sweat,” she protested.

  He wrapped the blanket around her shoulders anyway. She didn’t try to stop him this time. “It washes.”

  “So do I,” she said jokingly.

  His hot gaze swept her face. Her nerve endings tingled to life beneath her skin. What was it about him that did that to her? He’s a player, girl. Don’t forget it.

  “You can shower if you like.”

  “I don’t have anything to change into. All I have in my gym bag are my work clothes. Or lack of clothes,” she added, trying to make him laugh.

  He didn’t. “Someone will bring clothes for you. Anything else you need from your place?”

  Bailey started to shake her head, then blinked. “Wait a minute—I never told you where I lived.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “You know? Just like that?”

  He nodded. “It’s my job. I know shit.”

  She hugged herself, oddly comforted and also a bit intimidated. “So you’re a professional stalker?”

  That earned her a grin. “Not a stalker. But Bailey, your information isn’t a secret, okay? I didn’t go searching for you—but the second you told me someone threatened you, I needed to know how easy you were to find. My guys found you with a simple Google search while I was on the phone just now.”

  She was boggled by the whole thing. “But how will they get in? Don’t you need a key?”

  He looked amused. “No, we don’t need a key.”

  It occurred to her that if he’d found her that quickly and didn’t need a key, then perhaps the man who’d threatened her earlier could do the same. And that was a scary thought, especially if she’d been home alone with Ana.


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