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The Alpha's Toy

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

His thick arms tensed as he forced her to take more. She relaxed taking more of him until he took her to the back of his throat. He groaned, pulling out only to press back inside. Zeke built up a steady pace of thrusting into her mouth. Mary took him, loving the taste of his cum as it slid along her tongue, swallowing him down.

  “Fuck.” He grunted as he pulled out of her mouth. She stared up at him licking her lips.

  He didn’t move, caressing her lips with his fingers. Neither of them had come yet. Mary anticipated his next move as he lifted her up in his arms. She cried out as he slammed her against the wall next to the door.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he said, ordering her.

  “I’m too heavy for you to lift me.” She became aware of her extra pounds.

  “I’m a wolf and Alpha. I can lift you, and if you mention your fucking weight again I’ll smack your ass until it’s red raw.” He snarled the words in her face.

  Smiling, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He reached between them sinking his cock into her flesh. She felt bruised inside and yet hot at the same time for what he could give her.

  “So fucking wet. You’re my woman. My fucking bitch.” He slammed into her after each word he spoke.

  Crying out, she held onto his body as he pounded her with her back against the wall. She was surprised by how the wall still stood.

  Turning, he pulled out of her body and dropped her onto the center of the bed. Still, neither of them had come.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked, curious to know.

  His eyes flashed amber, and the power rolled over him. “Lie back on the bed, facing the ceiling.”

  There was no way for her to deny him. He put the Alpha into his voice. Keeping her gaze on him she leaned back, lying down on the bed, facing the ceiling. He crawled onto the bed shocking her as he knelt at her head.

  “I’m going to lick you as you suck me.”

  “You’ll choke me,” she said, looking at his stiff shaft.

  He shook his head. “No, I won’t.”

  She would have to trust him. Looking at the thick shaft she wondered how she was going to take him deep with him over her.

  Nodding her head, Mary knew she wanted to try more than she wanted anything else. “Okay.”

  Zeke moved over her, presenting his shaft to her waiting lips. Opening up, he slid inside moving into her mouth. Closing her eyes, she focused on not panicking.

  His hands moved to her thighs, opening her legs wide. In the next instant she felt his fingers sliding between her folds.

  Slowly, she sucked him into her mouth creating a steady path while also feeling what he was doing to her own body.

  Fingers slid inside her core, turning to stroke over her G-spot. Crying out, she took more of him into her mouth. Pre-cum leaked out coated her tongue. She swallowed him down, loving the taste of him.

  The fingers inside her slid out as his tongue replaced those fingers. She tensed as his slick digits explored the puckered hole of her anus.

  “Relax, baby. Remember who you belong to and what you agreed. You’re mine to play with. My toy.”

  She’d never forget as he kept reminding her. He wasn’t giving her a chance to grow accustomed to anything. Less than twenty-four hours ago she’d been a virgin, and now she wasn’t.

  It doesn’t matter.

  In the short space of time her body had felt more her own than it had in the entire time she’d been bitten.

  His fingers circled her anus teasing her. She focused on the cock in her mouth, sucking him in deep. Zeke moaned, and she cried out as his lips sucked on her clit. They were torturing each other, and yet neither of them relented.

  He pumped his hips, and she relaxed enough for him to go deeper. With her relaxed his finger slid inside her ass. The burning from his finger pulsed inside her crashing with the pleasure, and Mary screamed her release around his stiff prick.

  After her orgasm Zeke didn’t give up. He circled her clit as she shuddered from how sensitive she felt. The finger inside her ass went deeper.

  “Suck my dick,” Zeke said. “I’m not stopping until you swallow down my cum.”

  Mary fought the urge to bite him. It would serve him right for treating her like … like what she didn’t have a clue.

  Shaking her head, she took his cock deeper into her mouth wanting him to lose control and give her his release.

  The wolf inside her purred in satisfaction at the decision to make him lose control. Moaning, Mary wrapped her arms around his waist and took him in deep. It was her turn to feel him lose it.


  Zeke felt the change within her. Mary opened her lips taking him deep into her mouth. He also sensed her wolf was close to the surface once again. What he sensed was the wolf’s desire to please him. He knew Mary was safe. The wolf was not going to try to get out providing she got what she wanted and was sated. He would do anything to sate the wolf and protect Mary.

  What he found in the other pack’s house worried him. A pack that close to him was experimenting, and he’d not known what they were doing. He’d talked to his father, who was as shocked as he was. They had both agreed to increase the search for his sister. There was no way he was giving up. Zeke could not leave his sister in the hands of lunatics.

  The very thought of his sister in pain sent the lust away. Forcing the memories of what he’d seen to the back of his mind, Zeke brought himself back to the present. Mary’s mouth was doing wicked things to his cock, and as he inhaled her fragrance his cock thickened once again.

  One of his hands was holding him up so he wouldn’t crush her while the other was teasing her ass. He wasn’t going to get rid of her. The next month was his, and he wasn’t going to give up a single day with her. His pack and talking with his father would help him deal with their enemies.

  His father had agreed to allow him this time with Mary while he took over gathering more information. It was a joint effort between both his pack and his father’s, as well as a couple more who wanted to know more about the disappearance of wolves. After he explained everything that happened, his father understood how important the next month was. If he didn’t feel the urge to claim her as his mate, Zeke knew he would let her go. There was no need to mate to someone who wasn’t destined for him.

  Adding a second finger into her ass, he worked her with the slick juices of her release.

  Thrusting his cock into her mouth, he went deeper feeling the orgasm starting to begin. Pushing into her mouth he felt her relax, and he slid into her throat. She didn’t fight against him, and his release poured out of him into her waiting throat. There was nothing for her to do other than accept his cum. Her throat worked him tightly.

  When she could take no more, he pulled out of her throat and collapsed to the side. His fingers were still in her ass, and he wasn’t ready to call an end to it.

  With both hands available, he used his free one to play with her pussy. Her cream was leaking out of her cunt, and he coated his finger with it to tease her clit.

  She moaned, shuddering from his touch.

  “Why are you always different?” she asked, breathlessly.

  He tensed, staring up at her. Her head was resting on a pillow. She looked so beautiful and lax as she stared down at him. Zeke found himself wanting that expression on her face at all times. He wondered what she’d suffered at the hands of those bastards, Roger and Dani. The death he’d given them had been too kind after finding out what they’d done, not only to Mary but also to his sister.

  You don’t know what they’ve done to her yet.

  “What do you mean?” he asked, sliding his finger in deep. His cock hardened once again. Being a wolf gave him a libido that meant it didn’t take him long to restart.

  “One moment you’re sweet and nice. The next moment I think you’re going to kill me.” She ran fingers through her hair. He liked the way she was relaxed within his company.

  “I make you nervous?” He added a second finger into her core. Her s
cent was making his wolf purr against his skin.

  Their wolves were a match for each other. Did she feel the same way?

  “Yes.” Her one word was breathless.


  Their gazes locked together. Zeke couldn’t look away from the intensity of her gaze. “Why did you stay a virgin?” He found himself asking, curious to know.

  Her gaze became hooded, and she shook her head. “No, I’m not going to answer that.”

  She pulled away from him and tucked her knees underneath her. Lying back he watched her come over him. Her tits hung down, grazing his chest. Keeping his hands by his sides, he looked up at her.

  “Who is the real man?” she asked.

  “Why were you a virgin?” He countered her question with his own.

  Her hands rested on his shoulders. She was so close her lips almost brushing his. The scent of sex and need permeated the air. He couldn’t resist any longer. Twirling a strand of hair between his fingers, he smiled up at her. Zeke wasn’t going to rush. He was enjoying his time with her.

  “You got nothing to say?” she asked.

  “I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.” He caressed her hair, stroking his fingers through the length.

  She stayed over him. Her breath fanned his face, and she widened the space between their lips.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, his gaze roamed over her body. Her nipples were hard pebbles poking at his chest.

  “You’re really not going to tell me.”

  “You’re my toy, Mary. I can do with you as I please.”

  Her eyes dilated as she looked at him.

  “Tell me more about your time at the other pack,” he said, wanting to know more. He maneuvered her so she was straddling his hips. Gripping his thick shaft, he slid himself along her creamy slit into her cunt.

  “What do you want to know?” She moaned, sliding down his length, taking him to the hilt inside her. He felt the tip bump against her cervix he was so deep.


  Her hands remained on his shoulders as he curved his hands around her hips keeping her still on him. Her creamy cunt gripped him snugly, and there was no other place he’d rather be than inside her.

  “They kept me locked in a cell. I think the bars were made out of silver.” She whimpered as he jostled his hips. He didn’t want her memories to be scary. Distracting her from her thoughts, he caressed his fingers up to tease her nipples. “I know they were silver because I reached out to touch them. The metal burned my body. I remember screaming in pain.” Zeke pinched the buds of her breasts, showing her another kind of pleasure mixed with the pain. “I can’t think when you do that.”

  “Get used to it. I’ll be fucking you every chance I get.”

  She nodded, reopened her eyes and smiled down at him. “You’re torturing me.”

  “With the best kind of torture and equipment. My hands.” He showed her his hands. “And my dick.” Cupping her hips he thrust up, and they both cried out. Their wolves were as close as they could get.

  “What were the injections?” he asked.

  “They said it would tame my wolf.” Mary was struggling to talk. He liked seeing her mind full of the pleasure he was creating.

  “In what way?”

  “Roger and Dani said I wasn’t capable of allowing my wolf to completely take over. Even when I turn I’m at risk of not turning back.” She licked her lips, opening her eyes. Those amber eyes showed him how close she was to letting go. She’d never turned unless in control of the full moon. Mary clearly had no clue as to the kind of power she possessed. No, she wasn’t as strong as he was, having been born to the life. She wouldn’t have the kind of control he had, but with practice he could train her. “Both of them told me I wouldn’t survive if I gave in. I took the injections every time they offered. I didn’t want to die. I don’t lead an exciting life or a fulfilling life, but I don’t want to die.”

  Sitting up, he cupped her cheek. “I’m not going to kill you.” There was no way for him to kill the woman fated to be his. Slowly, hour after hour he was recalling her scent, and Mary was finally starting to smell like he remembered.

  Going to her neck, he leaned in close inhaling her fresh fragrance that was no longer masked by chemicals or other crap they were hurting her with. She was starting to smell like heaven.

  Turning her onto her back, Zeke pulled out of her only to slam back inside. Her arms circled his neck holding onto him as he fucked her hard and fast. The times they’d been together he’d not worn a condom. Zeke had no intention of wearing any rubber. She was fertile and his mate. It was time for him to give Mary what he should have been giving her a long time ago. The heat she’d been suffering was because of him.

  No other male would approach her with his own claim over her. Every time he took her other wolves would be able to smell him all over her body. The possessive wave that swept over him startled Zeke. She’d gone from being his toy to meaning something more. The moment she’d spoken up over the crowd of full breeds to save the girl, Zeke had known there was something different about her. He’d not been wrong. This woman, his woman, was everything he wanted. His pack needed a queen, and he knew with the respect coming from his pack, they would accept her as their own.

  Slamming inside her, Zeke brought her to orgasm before he found his own. He would keep her safe, but he also needed to get to the bottom of why her other pack had been experimenting.

  Chapter Seven

  After she phoned work organizing the vacation time for the month to spend as Zeke’s toy, Mary was able to relax. She loved her life as a human. Yes, there was no one to live her life with and she never trusted men, but it was her life. She enjoyed baking and helping out at the homeless shelter several blocks from her apartment. Work as a receptionist in the advertising firm was fun. No one, apart from the close employees, ever remembered her. She liked her life like that. Mary had watched women who struggled to work because of all of the male attention.

  There was a time she’d wanted something similar, but then she’d wised up. No one would ever bother her enough to make working hard. She didn’t know everyone who worked in the building as she didn’t venture farther than the ground floor staff room. Max stood with her as Jane was inside making breakfast for the members of Zeke’s pack who’d stayed behind.

  She wasn’t allowed to leave the house unless Max or one of the men was with her.

  “I’m not going to flee,” she said. “I struck a bargain for Jessica’s life. I’m not going to leave before I’ve fulfilled my part of the bargain.” Besides, she wasn’t ready to leave the sex behind. Zeke had awakened something inside her. For the first time since being bitten she was starting to feel like her old self again. She had always felt ill and filled with burning heat. Since Zeke had been fucking her, she’d been able to focus and remain calm throughout. Last night had been hot as hell. She’d loved the minutes when she was able to be on top taking his cock deeply within her.

  “I’m not here in order to stop you fleeing,” Max said, looking up at the sunshine.

  The sunlight did feel rather lovely today, Mary thought.

  “Then why?”

  “Since finding out … some things, he wants you protected.”

  Jessica was sat inside with Jane, eating. Glancing behind her at the door Mary saw the young girl’s shoulders were hunched over her bowl of cereal. She’d not been the same since she had gone out with Zeke.

  “He wouldn’t have killed her, you know,” Max said, drawing her attention away from the other girl.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Zeke, the Alpha. He’s a tough man, but he’s not a bad man. She didn’t smell like the others. Neither did you. He wouldn’t have killed you.” Max smirked. “I imagine when you offered to give him anything he couldn’t resist your tempting offer.”

  Heat filled her cheeks. Max wasn’t being mean. He didn’t have the first clue as to what her life had been like before she met Zeke.
The men loved to tease her about her curves.

  “I’ve hurt you,” Max said, looking remorseful.

  “What?” Mary shook her head.

  “You lie badly. Every type of emotion has a certain smell. I can detect it.” He tapped his nose.

  Tucking some hair behind her ear, she ran her hand down her shirt front. Zeke had allowed her to wear clothes while others were at the house. She’d begged him this morning so she could have some dignity.

  “It’s nothing. Just the men are not all that nice with, erm, my shape,” she said, feeling her cheeks getting hotter.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t always think. Men can be such assholes.” Max looked sheepish.

  “This is not the kind of conversation I want to be having,” Mary said, heading away from the house. Her humiliation was complete.

  “We’re all different,” Max said, following her.


  “The bitches that are born rarely have anything about them other than being slender with no tits to their name.” He looked down at the ground, clearly shocked to have spoken to her about it. “Shit, I’m ruining this. I turned Jane because she’s everything I want in a woman. I love her curves, and I wouldn’t be seen with a full breed.” He showed off his arms and the thickness of the muscles.

  Had she entered an alternative universe where the men didn’t have a filter between their mouth and brain?

  “I’ve been with slender women, and I feel like I’m going to break them. Jane, she’s all woman, and with her being a wolf, I know she can take the kind of fucking I want to give her.”

  If her cheeks got any hotter she’d be able to set a fire with them.

  “Erm, I think you’re giving me a compliment.”

  “Jane would have my hide if she knew I was talking to you about it.”

  “I do know, Max. I think you’re scaring the woman half to death,” Jane said, wiping her hands on a towel.

  Mary chuckled as she saw one of her eyebrows raised and a smile lifting her lips.

  “Go and get your breakfast,” Jane said. “I’ll handle this.”

  Max looked happy to disappear.


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