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The Alpha's Toy

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “I would have succeeded as well until they discovered what I was doing,” Luther said.

  “What were you doing?” William asked.

  “I was killing off their projects. They thought I was helping them to build a better race. I would never help some fucking dogs.” Luther spat on the ground. “You’re fucking animals, and the sooner you’re all dead and gone, the happier I’ll be.”

  Forcing her way forward, Mary glared at him. “I was newly turned, and you experimented on me?”

  “No, I was far gone by then. When they found out what I was up to I escaped,” Luther said, glaring at her. The look in his eyes scared her. The evil lurking in his depths was so pure, so filled with hatred.

  “But Dani and Roger continued their experiments. He planted the seed in their heads, and they were going to kill everyone just like he imagined,” Debbie said, wrapping her arms around George.

  “These are my people, and they want him dead. I will give it to them. Debbie, my love, requested you got the chance to see the evidence before we kill him,” George said, holding onto his mate tightly.

  Mary recognized the bond as she felt it with Zeke.

  “This man is of no use to us. I would never condone taking a life, but seeing as this man has taken many of ours and there is no human law that can keep him bound, I think it’s only best you deal with him in your own way,” William said. He turned to the rest of the Alphas. “If any of you dispute my statement then I suggest you stand here and now and vouch for this murderer.”

  Going to Zeke’s side, Mary snuggled against his warm heat, inhaling his comforting scent. “I love you,” she said.

  “This will all be over soon. When it is, you and I are going to have some fun away from all of this shit.”

  She liked the sound of that.

  No one stepped forward. George released the string around the man’s neck. Luther ran off the moment he was free. Mary watched as the pack Luther had tested and used, turned into their wolves and charged after the man trying to escape.

  Mary turned away the moment they caught him. She didn’t need to see more than necessary. The screams were enough for her to know that the man was indeed dead.

  Debbie ran to her father, hugging him tightly. Zeke stepped up, with her attached to his side, to glare at George.

  The large man glared back with equal measure.

  “I don’t know who you are, and I really don’t care. You hurt my sister, and I’ll kill you,” Zeke said.

  “Is this your mate?” George asked.

  “Yes, Mary, this is George. George, this is Mary.” As quickly as the tensions rose they were defused. She stood with her man as he talked with George and the other Alphas. Mary was taken aback by how quickly they all accepted her as Zeke’s mate.

  Debbie hugged her close, and while the men were talking, they were getting to know each other. “I’m pleased my brother finally found you,” Debbie said.

  “I am, too. I didn’t know he was my mate.” Mary looked behind to see Zeke staring at her ass. Heat filled her cheeks as she looked at Debbie.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s the wolf way to let their woman know what’s coming to them. My brother is in love with you. Anyone who knew what love was can see it.”

  Smiling, Mary tucked some hair behind her ears. “You’re mated as well?”

  “Yeah, George saved me. I was in the river about fifty miles from where Roger and Dani held me. I was dying. I could smell death on me. He helped me out of the water. I was freezing to death. George and the pack nursed me back to health.”

  “He didn’t keep you against your will?” Mary asked.

  “No, I could have left at any time. I didn’t want to. Why leave someone you know you’re going to love for the rest of your life? He’s my soul mate,” Debbie said.

  “I know exactly what you mean.”

  Afterward, she took Zeke’s hand, and together they headed off into the night. Nothing else could go wrong as far as she was concerned.


  “My pack love and adore you, Mary. This is your final time to be able to run wild. Come on out of the bathroom and stop being a big baby,” Zeke said. Over a week had passed since he’d seen his sister. He visited her regularly and was helping the pack acclimate since their capture and torture.

  “I’m coming out. I’m not used to being naked, you know?”

  “It’s not like you have to get dressed, baby. Get your clothes on, and come on. We’ve got to go. Jessica is already out there in wolf form.” He wasn’t going to tell her that Jessica had gotten the chance to hide behind a bush to change. The pack had adopted little Jessica as their own wolf, and she lived with him and Mary. He liked having the young girl around. Jessica had a way about her that meant Mary gave her everything she wanted. He was using the girl to adopt the skill. So far he’d not been successful, but it had only been a week.

  “Whatever. I’m coming out.”

  The door to the bathroom opened, and his shining star stared back at him. Her hands cupped her stomach. She wasn’t even showing yet, and she was making excuses about being fat.

  “You’re beautiful, baby,” he said.

  “I’m fat.”

  “I will smack that ass if you say such a thing. You’re a beautiful, sexy, desirable woman. I love you, and my pack will love you. We’re your family.” He took her hands leading her outside to the cool air. “This is going to be your last chance to shift with the baby on the way.”

  She pouted, and he found it the most adorable thing in the world.

  “I love you,” he said, kissing her lips.

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t. Stop trying to lie.” He led her down the hall then the stairs until they were at the front door.

  Mary dug her heals in refusing to budge. “I will throw you over my shoulder and take you out there either way. It’s up to you,” he said.

  “Fine. I’m coming, but you’re not being fair at all.” She tried to pull out of his arms.

  He wouldn’t release her. Opening the door, he led the way out to the full moon sky. His pack was all around basking in the glow of the final full moon. Zeke was happier when her saw Jane and Max were the closest of all of his pack. Mary was closest to Jane as the two women were half breeds together.

  “Can I turn now?” she asked.

  “No, not yet. Stop being impatient with me.” Leading her out as far as he dared Zeke faced the men and women of his pack. “I would like to present to you all my mate, Mary. This will be her last shift as she’s carrying my baby.” Pressing a hand to her stomach, Zeke was happy when she didn’t slap his hand.

  The wolves all howled together showing him their acceptance of what he’d declared.

  “Take care of her. She’s your Alpha’s queen.” Another waves of howls greeted them.

  “Is it good that they’re howling?” she asked.

  “Yes, they accept you, baby. They’re going to take care of you like I am. Nothing is ever going to harm you again.”

  Jessica approached in wolf form. Zeke tensed as she sat back on her hindquarters. For some reason he expected her to pounce, but she bowed down in submission accepting her new pack.

  “Easy, girl,” Zeke said, touching her head.

  The girl whimpered before walking off.

  “You’re not going to get rid of her, are you?” Mary asked.

  “She’s ours now, baby.” Kissing on the lips he released her hand and slowly turned into the form of a wolf.

  “You’ve done good, Alpha.”

  “She’s going to be a fine woman for you.”

  “Congratulations on a mate and a pup.”

  He listened to the words of his men knowing he’d made the right choice for his life and for his pack.

  Mary stared at him. Her hand reached out toward him. She’d done this once before, and he’d bitten her. Bowing his head, he offered her a chance to stroke him. Her fingers sank into his hair.

  “You’re so beauti
ful,” she said.

  Waiting patiently, he watched her gaze up at the full moon, and slowly, gracefully the full brown wolf stared back at him.

  “Thank you for not biting me this time.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He drowned out the noise of their pack for this time. Mary didn’t need to know some of the men’s erotic thoughts when it came to her. She knew more than enough for the time being. Zeke wasn’t the only one in his pack who thought Mary was a sexy woman.

  “Enjoy your night, baby. It’s going to be your last for a while.”

  She bowed her head and then took off. The pack was running around wild throughout the night. He heard some of them chasing after deer or wild forest animals. Others were taking the time to run. He followed Mary toward the lake they’d visited once before. She ran around for several miles, howling up at the moon. Zeke stayed close by her side the whole time. She showed no signs of slowing down or being injured.

  “Are you scared?”

  “No, I’m concerned. Your safety is my first priority.”

  Mary charged at him, banging his side with her nuzzle. “Have some fun.” She took off in the opposite direction of the waterfall. Giving her several seconds’ head start, Zeke laughed inside and then chased after her. He wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life having to chase after her.

  “Keep up, slow coach.”

  Running after her Zeke allowed her to think she was winning. He could have taken her at any time. She circled around to the waterfall. Before he could stop her she jumped over the edge into the plunging water. Halfway down he saw her turn into a human and give herself over to the water. He was so angry. Zeke turned into a human before jumping over the edge. When he got her back in his arms he was going to spank her until her backside was red fucking raw.

  Coming up for air he saw Mary was floating on her back staring up at the moon.

  “Are you fucking insane?” he asked.

  “What?” She turned her head to look at him.

  “Have you lost your mind? Jumping off the fucking edge is not fucking funny,” he said, feeling his temper start to cool as she smiled at him.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. I loved the rush the last time we were out here.” She moved to his side, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you, Zeke. I wanted to remember our night together. You, me, the full moon. Can’t you see what I wanted? This is a beautiful spot and perfect for us to spend the night together.”

  Her lip quivered, and he was a goner. Zeke couldn’t stay made at her. “Don’t do shit like that again,” he said.

  “You’re a sucker when it comes to me, aren’t you?”

  “You’ve got that right, baby. I couldn’t handle anything happening to you. You’re my future.”

  She dropped a kiss to his lips. “We’ve got to plan a white wedding.”

  “You’re not a virgin, baby. I took care of that.” He grabbed her ass, squeezing her flesh.

  Mary laughed. “I was a virgin, and you owe me. I’m having a white wedding, and you’re not going to take that away from me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of taking anything from you, baby. You remember who you belong to, and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  She kissed his lips, and he opened up for her. Mary plundered her tongue into his mouth. Their moans were drowned out by the rushing of the water. Holding her tight, he pressed her against the edge of the fall. She gasped, wrapping her legs around his waist as he found her core.

  “If you play your cards right, Alpha, I’ll be your toy for far longer than tonight,” she said.

  “Babe, you’ll never be anything but my toy.” He teased her, slamming into her molten heat. “By the end of the night you’ll scream my name as you beg for more.”

  She leaned in close to whisper against his ear. “You’ll be screaming just as much.”

  Zeke had no doubt of what she’d get him to do. He was her slave just as much as she was his toy. With the full moon glaring around them, Zeke took her hard, making love to her in the water. They were a mated couple, destined by fate, and made real by the love glowing between them.


  Six Months Later

  Glancing over the latest instructions in cot building Mary was at a loss. She listened to the pack working on the repairs she’d requested on the house. With the big day drawing near she’d been confined to the pack house in order to rest and not overexert herself. It was all right for Zeke as he was still allowed to work. She’d been confined to rest by the pack doctor, James.

  Even though Zeke asked her not to she’d checked James’s credentials. She didn’t trust a doctor who demanded bed rest from a woman seven months pregnant. Okay, she wasn’t a doctor, but she hated being put on bed rest, and it wasn’t exactly bed rest, just rest.

  Blowing the hair off her face she stared down at her rounded stomach. “I hope you come out soon, buddy. I need to get out and shift or do something. I’m getting bigger than an elephant.” Rubbing her stomach, she glanced down at the instructions. Making a cot shouldn’t be this difficult. It was her first time trying to make anything.

  Pushing her hair out of her way she knelt over the wood trying to figure out what each piece was.

  The men were hammering away giving her a new porch. Zeke’s instructions were plain: do what she said.

  Mary had hated it at first, but having a pack full of men wanting to be nice was a welcome relief. She was never without company. Jessica was also being taught at home, and she had some company at all times.

  “Zeke’s going to have a fit when he sees what you’re trying to do,” Jane said, walking in with milk and cookies.

  “Is that for me?” she asked.

  “No, I’ve brought you milk and cookies to tease you. Of course they’re for you.” Jane placed the tray on the nearest free surface before taking a seat. “Let’s have a look at what you’re trying to do.”

  Handing Jane the instructions Mary took a bite out of the baked cookies. After twenty minutes both of them hadn’t assembled the tough cot.

  “This is for your man,” Jane said.

  As if Jane’s words brought him to life, Mary looked in the doorway to see Zeke leaning against it. “I told you I’d deal with the cot when I got home.”

  “I was bored, and you won’t let me do anything.”

  “You’re pregnant. Carrying my baby and you’re a half breed. James instructed you to rest because of the dangers you face.”

  Jane made herself scarce as Zeke entered the room. He picked her up from the floor, kissing her deeply before going to his knees to kiss her stomach.

  “Now, my dear wife, what can I help you with?” She stared at the ring on his finger showing to the world who he belonged to.

  “Nothing. You can kiss me and tell me how sexy you think I am.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt her cheeks heat as she struggled to get close to him. Her large stomach was once again in the way. “Forget telling me what you think of me.”

  “Hey, you’re my beautiful, sexy, pregnant wife, and I’m going to love you no matter how big you get with my baby.”


  He silenced her with his lips, and Mary couldn’t remember why they were having a little argument. The last six months had been bliss. She’d been mated, married, knocked up, and treasured. With Zeke’s arms wrapped around her, Mary felt like the luckiest woman in the world. The cot could wait, and so could all the repairs to the house. When Zeke, her Alpha, her husband, was home, everything else could wait.

  “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Two months later, Mary gave birth to a strong healthy boy. She’d never forget the look on Zeke’s face as he stared down into his son. It was then she truly knew their love was absolute. The way he was looking at his son was similar to the way he looked at her.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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