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Teachers' Pet

Page 94

by Amy Brent

  “What did your brother want so badly that you’re avoiding him?”

  I shake my head, “He wants us to go into the sugar daddy business together. He thinks that he can get his greedy hands on this place and then use it to generate money from it. I built it for pleasure, not money. There’s a thin line between the two of them, but I know my boundaries. The less people that know about this place the better. Which is why it’s secluded and he wasn’t supposed to know that it fucking exists. ”

  He sighs, “But you don’t do family and business!”


  Darren knows me better than my brother. The only thing that Seth ever thinks about is himself. One of the daddy’s told him about my cabin, and I know that he wants to come here. This isn’t a torture chamber, and I have no intention of ever turning it into one.

  Chapter Ten


  I head out of the limo and feel embarrassed to be doing it wearing a French Maid costume. The driver is so polite as he opens the door as if I’m just wearing normal clothes. He says nothing as he nods his head and shuts the door.

  “Hi, Ida. I’m Magdalena. I’m going to show you where to go. The men are waiting,” she says as she takes my hand and leads me away from the limo. It’s a little cold, as I take in our surroundings, we’re in the woods. Where? I don’t have a clue, but I’m happy to see a friendly face.

  “Thanks,” I shrug because I don’t know what to say to her. She knows my name. I know hers, and I’m not a social person, and she’s treating me as if we’re old friends.

  “You have nothing to worry about. Just take your time when you get into the office. I hope that you had something to eat in the limo?”

  I nod, “I had a sandwich that was in there. I hope that it was okay and a couple of sodas.”

  She laughs, “Sure, they were there for you to eat. I hope Simon explained that because you’ve been traveling for a couple of hours.”

  I didn’t even realize it was that long, at the time I hopped into the limo, read the instructions got ready and then ate. I fell asleep; I drank the sodas to wake me up a bit. I thought that we were near, but then we weren’t, and I found myself sleeping again. I didn’t even realize that I was that tired. Maybe it was the leather seating and the calm drive that did it.

  “I’ll lead you into the office, and then there’s a set of instructions. Read it. Then when you’re ready just wave and then the fun will begin,” Magdalena smiles as we enter the cabin. From the outside, it’s all glass, but there are wooden poles around it to give it the idea of being a cabin. I can’t see inside, but I’m sure that they can see us outside.

  I try and compose myself to look as if I’m in control, even though butterflies are flying in my stomach and turning it into knots. I’m nervous, but then at ease and I know that there’s something about her that makes me feel this way.

  “They’re watching?”

  I point to the upstairs, where I can feel eyes on me.

  She says, “Yes, they are. But that doesn’t mean that you should be nervous. Just read the instructions. Smile and do what comes naturally.”

  She flicks her dark hair and with her large brown eyes as if she’s trying to comfort me. And it works, so well, because no longer am Inervous. If anything the complete opposite as I start to feel excited once again.

  “Have you done this before?”

  I whisper, and she takes my hand and opens the door. There’s no lock, but then she just came from here. I feel like Alice in Wonderland as I take in my surroundings. I almost forgot that I asked her a question as she starts to speak.

  “A long time ago, but my time was different. The Masters will take care of you. And they’ll explain what to do. But for now, we’ll head to the office, and then you’ll know what to do. I will see you afterward, and I’ll cook you something. A special treat. What do you like?”

  I’m confused as we enter, and we enter, and I see the open-plan living room with a fireplace. There are pictures on the wall, but I can’t make them out from this angle.

  “This way, she points as she opens a door and there’s a hallway. It’s as if it’s a completely different section to the rest of the cabin. She stands by the door and asks once again, “Chicken? Beef? What’s your favorite dish?”

  “Oh,” I’m thinking about what’s behind the door, and she’s still talking about food.

  “Anything, I’m not a fussy eater.”

  She smiles, “Sure. I’ll even make dessert too. Just go in there and enjoy. There’s no wrong or the right thing to do. Just be yourself.”

  I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I find myself speechless as she opens the door and I walk in. I’m about to say something, but then it closes, and I’m alone in an office. This is so weird; there's a big desk and a landscape picture of what appears to be the woods outside. I don’t know what to do, but then I remember that Magdalena said that there were instructions and I turn to face the door. The one that I enter and I see the instructions written on the mirror in front of me.

  I’m facing it and feel like running a mile as I see the mirror, I blink a couple of times as I read it wondering if it’s some joke?


  Dust the office with your little feather. The music will play within five minutes of you entering the room and then afterward relieve yourself on the desk.


  I wonder where they’re facing because I see the woods to the right and wonder if it’s a mirage. What part of this office is true? And that’s when I realize that if he wants me to relieve myself on the desk. That must be the place where they’re facing.

  A tingle rolls through me as I read because the request is exciting and risky. I start to wonder if they both wrote it? Or what his voice sounds like as I start reading it again. I’ve never touched myself in front of anyone, and the whole idea of having an audience makes me feel nervous, but then I think about Amy’s words running around in my head.

  ‘Don’t think. Just do as they say and most of all makes sure that you enjoy it.’

  My cheeks are burning with embarrassment, or excitement, or some baffling combination of the two. I take out the feather duster wave it up in the air and start to get to work as the song, Bang Bang by Jessie J. starts to play. When I was walking with Magdalena, I had one hand on my skirt as I was worried about her knowing the truth about my costume. It has no panties and leaves nothing to the imagination. This is what they want, to see my ass, so as I start to swing the duster from left-to-right. I start to concentrate more on my dusting, something that I’m used to, just not in a fancy French maid costume.

  I wonder if they know my job?

  A cleaner and this is why they’ve chosen the French maid costume?

  Amy said that they do their homework and don’t bring any virgin to the cabin because they do a psychological test and ensure that you’re someone who can handle it. They want to enjoy themselves and make sure that the girls they choose won’t lose their minds.

  I soon forget that I’m on display and that they can be on the other side watching me as I start to bend down exposing my ass just like Jessie J. does in the video. I even pretend at one point that I’m Adriana Grande as I stretch out on the desk. I’m not ready to touch myself yet. I should be like the music changes, but I take my time making sure that I stretch up to dust the window. I laugh as I bend down pretending to dust the sofa. I even put my hands on both legs to make sure that they get a full view.

  No longer do I feel cheap, between the music playing and being alone. I feel as if I’m in control of my own sexuality. They want to see me come, so I start to move slowly to the desk. The one which has a chair behind it, but not where the boss should sit. But the opposite side facing the landscape painting. I smile as I head towards it and wonder if they like what’s happening in this room. I start to get wet at the anticipation of making myself come on top of the desk. Before I approach the desk, I reach out and drop my duster on my way.

  My hand slo
wly across my sex. I can start to feel my juices have already begun to start seeping through my fingers. I don’t even sit on the desk before I start to think about what to do next. Since we moved to the apartment, I haven’t had the opportunity to do this. I’ll make sure that mom’s asleep and close my eyes and think about a boy. One that wants to take me and all the wicked things that he’ll do to me. Something that I haven’t done for a while because I’m too tired and my fingers still smell of bleach even after I’ve washed them. Amy’s been educating me with a lot of porn. She said that the problem with the women is that they tend to fake it. She said that I shouldn’t do that. I should just let my emotions flow out. That was the only way that I knew how to act as I started to stroke myself in a slow, but steady rhythm. I’m a stranger to having fun, sexually. Even when I’ll soak in the bath and touch myself, I always had to stop whenever I was tempted to come. I didn’t want mom to hear in the next room. This time, I was doing it in public, and it was giving me an edge that heightens every sensation, but there was still something missing.

  I thought about the women, that were in the videos. I put one leg up on the desk giving full exposure to my pussy. The one that I had to wax, because Amy said that they prefer it to be cleanly shaven. She’s a mistress at the craft of making sure that her sugar daddy’s happy at all times. She says even when she fakes it. My heart’s thundering in my chest and I can taste something sharp on my tongue.

  It’s as if I’m putting on a performance. I start to imagine the sugar daddies doing the same thing. Seeing me stroke myself and then they’ll be stroking their cock and see me falling apart. But, I couldn’t picture their cocks, Amy said that it wasn’t important. So, I started to think of someone that I liked, but I hardly watch television, and none of the guys at high school interested me. Not like the men, if they’re as cute as Amy said that they would do. I start to think of the porn that I’d watched and decided to put on an act. That was the only way to get through this act properly. I needed to perform, and I start to get stressed at the idea of failing before its all began.

  A moan escapes my lips as I shorten my emotions, strumming my trigger with increasing urgency. I start to rub faster as I think about the sugar daddies behind the screen and then porn flashes through my mind. I don’t know what to think as I keep thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have just watched the porn, but practiced it at the same time.

  I wonder if they know that I’m faking. I drop on the desk and nearly hurt my back as my breathing becomes short and in sharp bursts. A trickle of sweat lines my brow and I can feel something swelling inside of me. I’m not sure if it’s an orgasm, because between my aching back and my pussy becoming sore from rubbing it too much. I wonder if I’m making a mess of the whole thing. I start to sweat as I think about it too much. I don’t know when to stop, but I decide that I must stop soon as my back bounces on the table and my body’s burning, not from desire but pure pain. I’m trying to let my imagination run wild, but it’s doing the complete opposite as I pretend to reach the point of no return. I start screaming out at the top of my lungs, “Yes! Yes!”

  As I sway my head from side-to-side, just like one of the girl’s in the video. I stop for a second as I start to shake my body. Just the same way that they did. I stand up, and then I decide to get the duster. I look around for something to wipe my hands, but I don’t have a chance as the door bursts open and a guy. He could easily be George Clooney’s twin brother and a face that I feel as if I’ve seen before, but it escapes me where. I shrug off that feeling, if I’d known him, I would have remembered.

  But I’m in shock as he storms up to me and asks, “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Chapter Eleven


  I storm into the office, I thought that Darren’s idea was fun, but clearly, Ida wasn’t ready for it. She’s a bad actress; I’ll give her that. She didn’t come.

  “The instructions said to relieve yourself. What you did was just fake it! Do you think that we’re blind.”

  I haven’t even introduced myself, and I’m coming over a bit too hard to her. She’s a virgin. That was the whole point of choosing her. The smell of her pussy lingers in the air, and I want to show her who’s boss. Who’s the one in charge? I take over as I tell Darren that he had his fun, now it was my turn.

  Her blue eyes are fixed on mine as if she’s happy to see me. Maybe that’s the problem; this little virgin is so inexperienced that she doesn’t even touch herself, yet her ass is on my mind. When she was bent over, I couldn’t help but think about my cock entering in and out of it.

  I shake my head as I shut the door and then walk up to her.

  “You’ve never done this before have you?”

  She shakes her head as she tries to open her mouth. Someone’s been coaching her, so she knows something. She wants to speak, but I know what’s stopping her, she’s been told not to do it. By who remains irrelevant. Right now, I want her to feel at ease.

  “You’re a pretty little thing. Much better in your video and even more in person.”

  She smiles at me, as I stroke her face and twirls my finger around her blonde hair. For some reason in the video, it didn’t seem natural, but now I can see that everything about her is natural. Including her generous sized chest.

  I take her hand and lead her to the sofa.

  “Do you know how this works?”

  Her voice trembles as she says, “Yes. There’s two of you.”

  I smirk, “Yes, but you can call me, Bond and him, Master.”

  She asks, “As in James Bond?”

  I nod my head as I sit on the sofa and pat the space next me for her to sit by my side. We’re facing the wall. The one where Darren’s on the other side watching us. I want to show him how it’s done and how to prepare her for the events that will be taking place later on tonight.

  “If you don’t follow instructions. Then you know that you’ll be punished. What you did just now, wasn’t what you were asked to do. Was it?”

  She shakes her head and says, “No, Master. I meant No, Bond.”

  She’s too sweet that I feel like taking her right now, but that wasn’t our agreement. We both get to indulge in our pleasures before we take her to the next step, which is the pair of us at the same time.

  “Good, now I need you to lay across my knees. Come here, and you can drop your duster. I’m going to give you a taste of the punishment.”

  She puts the duster to the side and then gently lays across my knee and makes herself comfortable as if she knows what’s going to happen next.

  “This is going to sting a little,” I snarled as I start to indulge in her butt. It’s a perfect bubble with her slim legs and matching waist. I love a woman with some meat on her body. Something to pinch and hold on to, but not too much and that’s exactly what’s displayed in front of me. I do everything I can to hold back and not take her right now. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

  “You need to embrace the pleasure and not think about the pain so much,” I growl as I start to rub her ass tenderly.

  “Okay, Bond.”

  She says, and I can hear the nervousness in her voice as I start to rub her ass preparing her for the spanking.

  “Here we go!”

  I wonder if she’s smiling, amused by the idea that she’s about to be spanked. She doesn’t say a word but just nods her head. I don’t know what it is about her. I’ve been with a few sugar babies. One’s that have just started and they act completely differently to her. She has a mix of confidence and nervousness about her that makes me want to know what’s going on in her head.

  One minute my hand’s resting against her, the next it’s a crushing pain on her cheek. It turns red showing that it hurts her, but she doesn’t make a sound as I hit her causing a mini explosion against her skin.


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