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A Safe Surrender: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Donnelley Brothers Book 2)

Page 15

by Carbonneau, Alannah

  “Tell me everything.” Ember demanded. “And don’t leave anything out. I want to know exactly what this announcement he can’t wait for is.”

  Blinking slowly, I cursed myself for not covering the mouthpiece of the phone. Ember had heard our entire conversation. “Kyle’s asked me to marry him.”

  A squeal sounded and I flinched. “What did you say?”

  “I want to, Ember. I really want to marry him.”

  “Good!” She stated. “Because if you were passing up a chance at a life with that man, then I would’ve had to try to woo him for myself. Seriously, the way he talked to you - I’m in love.”

  I laughed at her wooed tone. “Me too.”

  Chapter 18

  Kyle’s hand was on the small of my back as he guided me gently through the double doors of the banquet hall. Apparently, the Ranch was a popular wedding destination, and with the cabins for people to rent, the land, and now this hall, I could see why. It was positively stunning. The Ranch was like it’s own little world of peace and family - a paradise of sorts. It was a wonder how I’d gotten so lucky as to be here, and be so openly invited into this wonderful family. The fact that Kyle wanted to marry me was a blessing from above.

  He crooked his head, speaking low into my ear. “You have no idea what this dress is doing to me.”

  A little smile touched my lips. “You know you could have me - if you wanted.”

  He groaned. “I want you more than you know, sweetheart.”

  “Then take me, Kyle.” I breathed. “I want to be with you - so badly.”

  His eyes were tortured. “When I take you on our wedding night, it’ll be every bit worth the wait.”

  Sighing, I twirled away from him. “I’ll hold you to that, handsome. But for now, dance with me?”

  Kyle pulled me onto the dance floor where most people were already congregated. There were people I had never met dancing and drinking wine. I was surprised to see that the party had already begun by the time we’d arrived, but Kyle didn’t seem to be curious in the least, so I didn’t fret over the possibility that we were late.

  “There are so many people here.” I announced on a breath as he twirled me around the floor.

  “We have a pretty big family.”

  “Are we a little late? I was certain Reese said seven.” A frown pinched my expression as I worried my bottom lip.

  “We’re not late, love. My family’s just early.” He grinned a devilish grin. “Any excuse for my family to party and they will.”

  Smiling widely, I watched the people twirling and laughing around the room. Everyone looked so flushed and excited to be here, celebrating Reese and Logan’s engagement. It was like a mini wedding. Reese wore a white, Greek goddess style of dress that she’d claimed was the only thing that hid her pregnancy bump, and Logan, like Kyle, wore jeans and a black button up dress shirt.

  “I think I like your family.” I said against his throat when the music changed to a low, slow song. Kyle tightened his arms around me, his fingers moving in slow circles against my back.

  “That means the world to me, Kami.” His tone was gruff.

  I didn’t say another word as the song ended and dinner was called. Making our way to our table, I chose a seat beside Luke. Collin was sitting with a woman I hadn’t yet met, flirting outrageously with her on the other side of Luke.

  As I sat, Luke smiled. “Thank God!” He crooked his head in Collin’s direction. “Another minute of listening to these two and I was going to ditch.”

  I laughed. “Awe,”

  Collin leaned forward, interrupting. “I told you,” he paused to turn back to the woman, “Sorry, I’m drawing a blank.”

  “It’s Amy.”

  “Yes,” Collin turned back to Luke and I felt my eyes widen at the incredulous situation before my eyes. He didn’t even know her name! “As I was saying, I told you Amy could hook you up with a friend.”

  Luke’s lips thinned into a line on his face as he stared at Collin. “I’m good, man.”

  I placed a hand on Luke’s shoulder. “He can dance a few with me, Collin. We’ll leave the lady charming up to you.”


  Kyle smirked. “You can charm any lady, but Kami, Collin. She’s taken.”

  “So I’ve heard.” He leaned back in his chair, barely even paying attention to Amy. I couldn’t believe she was alright with him acting this way toward her. It just boggled my mind.

  I scooted back. “I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.”

  “Oh,” Amy jumped up. “I’ll come with.”

  “Sure,” I nodded unsurely and from the corner of my eye, I saw Kyle grinning from ear to ear. I wanted to pinch him on my way past, but decided not to force the retaliation I knew I’d receive. The man had master ticklers for fingers.

  I walked with Amy to the washroom, trying to think up small talk. “So, how long have you and Collin, you know, been together?”

  She laughed. “I only just met him. We had fun last night and figured why not extend the fun another night.”

  My mouth dropped. “Oh,” I tried desperately not to allow my frown to show. “I see.”

  She shrugged. “He’s fun, but he’s not even in the realm of serious relationship material.”

  I don’t know why, but I felt offended for Collin despite that image being the one he’d crafted for himself. “Hmm.” I pointed to a stall. “I actually have to pee.”

  “Oh sure, I’m just going to touch up my face.”

  I scurried into the stall, shocked that there were people - women - out there who found the act of sex without emotion possible. Never in my wildest imagination have I even considered the possibility, never mind tried it. Wow. Just wow.

  Flushing, I opened the stall before moving to the sink beside Amy to wash my hands. “How long have you and Kyle been seeing each other? It seems serious.”

  “It is serious.” I purposefully didn’t tell her that I’d only known Kyle for three months. I didn’t want her to think that there was any reason we wouldn’t be serious about each other. “I kinda love him.” I smiled to my reflection in the mirror and Amy giggled beside me.

  “Now, that boy is relationship material. You’re a lucky girl.”

  “Thanks.” I pointed to the door. “We should probably get back.”

  “Oh, yes.”


  With dinner finished, we were out on the dance floor once again. It had been a long, but enjoyable night of festivities. Reese and Logan had been congratulated abundantly and were now locked in each other’s arms, dancing slowly. It had been a wonderful evening and Kyle had been amazing through it all. We’d even been congratulated a few times on our relationship - mainly by Gracie - who was just ecstatic that Kyle was seeing someone seriously. I had a feeling that Collin was her next mission in line. I think Collin knew that too - hence Amy - the woman he was flaunting in beneath Gracie’s nose.

  I’d long since ditched my shoes, preferring to dance barefoot rather than in the painful heels I’d chosen to compliment my dress. Reese had done the same, joking that it was an Alberta girl thing. I had to agree with her despite the fact that I didn’t really know the act was limited to just Alberta girls.

  Snuggling into Kyle’s chest, I sighed. “This is nice.”

  “Are you tired?” He asked seriously.

  “Exhausted,” I moaned. “But I don’t want to go home yet.”

  He chuckled. “You’re something else.”

  “No one else has left.”

  “True,” he grinned. “Even my great grandmother is still here tossing back the beers.”

  I pulled back to gape at the old woman he was watching fondly. “I am so not allowing your great grandmother to out-party me!”

  He smirked. “That’s my girl.”

  I beamed, “I like when you call me that.”

  “My girl?” He nodded. “I like saying it.”

  Pressing my lips to his throat, I whispered in his ear. “Do
we have plans tomorrow?”

  He shook his head. “Aside from sleeping in, not really, why?”

  “How about we sleep in,” I felt my heart race in my chest as warmth budded inside me. “And then we get married?”

  Kyle pulled away, his eyes searching mine with excitement. “Are you serious?”

  I laughed. “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.”

  Cupping my face in his hands, he kissed me with a passion that fed my soul and infected my heart. “Screw sleeping in. We’re driving to Calgary first thing tomorrow morning.”

  I giggled. “Okay.”

  He slowed his lips against mine. “I love you, Kamilla.”

  “I love you, Kyle.”


  “Should we sleep in separate bedrooms?” I asked as I paused beneath the threshold of Kyle’s bedroom.

  His brows rose. “Why would we do that?”

  “We’re getting married tomorrow.” I stuttered. “I thought - it’s - tradition.”

  “Screw tradition.” He lifted me into his arms. “You’re spending this night and every night for the rest of your life in my arms.”

  I lowered my lips to his. “I won’t argue with that.” I spoke between kisses. “But I thought you were big on tradition - you know, wanting to wait until we’re hitched before sex.”

  Kyle laid me down on the bed, caressing my face. “I’m not waiting out of tradition, Kami. I’m waiting because I want everything about our life to be perfect and when I take you - I want you to be mine. Completely.”

  “How do you know if we’re sexually compatible?” I whined and he smirked.

  “We are, sweets.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “If you’re so sure.”

  “I am.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “Will you at least get me out of this dress?”

  He shook his head. “Little temptress,”

  “That’s me.” I sang even though I didn’t mean it. In no way was I a temptress. Well, maybe in my dreams...

  “Come here.” Kyle said softly and I scooted to the side of the bed before placing my feet on the floor and standing in front of him. Turning my back to him, my breath hitched as his fingers clasped around the zipper, tugging it slowly down my back. “I can’t wait to marry you, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t wait to marry you.” And then a thought came to me and I gasped. “Oh,”


  “We can’t get married tomorrow.”

  Kyle spun me around, frowning deeply. “Why not?”

  “We don’t have witnesses.”

  The frown eased off his face and he chuckled. “We do, love.”


  “Reese and Logan.”

  “You asked them?” I felt my eyes widen. “When?”

  “Tonight.” He grinned his shit-grin. “But I asked Logan a few weeks ago to pretty much be on call.”

  “You did?” I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands. “Oh my goodness!”

  His eyes were serious. “I wasn’t taking the chance that you said yes and I didn’t have witnesses ready. I don’t want to give you too much time to back out.”

  I stepped closer to him, looping my arms around his sturdy shoulders. “I don’t want to back out, Kyle. I love you. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”

  “Are you sure?” He sounded so afraid of my answer and all I wanted to do was assure him.

  “I know we’ve only been seeing each other for a short time, but I love you. Love happens when it happens. There’s no rhyme or reason - no warning or alarm. It just happens.” I said simply. “The way I feel for you - I know it’s only going to grow, like the roots of a tree growing stronger, digging deeper, with every year.” I shook my head, smiling softly. “You’re the one for me, Kyle. I’m certain of it.”

  A strangled sound fell from his lips as he bowed his head to mine, pressing his forehead against mine. “You’re everything to me, Kami. I am so in love with you.”

  “I know.” I whispered. Because I did. I could literally feel Kyle’s love for me surging between us in all its unexpected perfection. “I feel the exact same way about you.”

  Kissing me gently, I felt his hands tug the dress from my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Next, he unclipped my bra before pulling it from my arms and letting it join my dress. Standing in only my panties, I pulled away from him as my fingers moved to seek out the buttons on his shirt.

  Pushing his shirt from his shoulders, I sighed at the sight of him. I knew, no matter how many times I saw him, like this, with no shirt, I would always be amazed. He was truly magnificent. Everything about Kyle made me feel so blissfully safe in his presence - and now I knew I would have this for the rest of my life.

  I’d never been happier and for the first time since my mother died - I wished she were alive to see me - to see where I was and how happy I was. I wished she were alive to meet this perfect man I was marrying.

  Chapter 19

  Stepping from the shower, I tried to scour my brain for what I was going to wear to marry Kyle, but there was nothing. I had nothing. Of all the little dresses I had hanging in my closet in the little cabin and the dresses I had here in Kyle’s house, none of them were white and none of them were fitting to be married in.

  Suddenly, I didn’t feel all that confident in doing this today. It wasn’t that I needed the perfect dress adorned with little crystal prisms that caught every glimmer of light, but I didn’t want to marry the man of my dreams in a green dress either. I just wanted something simple and delicate, and yes - white.

  Wrapping the fluffy towel around my body, I huffed a sigh as I padded across the bathroom to the door. Opening the door, I saw that the light was beginning to taint the sky a lovely canvas of rose pinks, swirled oranges, soft reds, and bright yellows. The sunrise was a beautiful start to what I was certain would be a beautiful day - if only I had a dress.

  Kyle stood from the bed, looking pristine in a black suit. God, I hadn’t even known the man owned a suit.

  His lips quirked at the corners and he moved slowly toward me. “Still in your towel, love?”

  “I,” The doorbell rang loudly and I frowned, pausing mid-sentence. “Who’s here?”

  “I don’t know.” Kyle didn’t look startled by the fact that there was someone at the door so early in the morning. “Be right back.” He leaned down to press a soft kiss to my lips before pulling away and disappearing out the door.

  I watched, stunned, as the door fell closed behind him. Spinning on my heel, I moved to the closet where I looked through the dresses I’d brought over to Kyle’s house at his insistence. All the while, I mentally flicked through the articles hanging from my closet back in the cabin Gracie had so graciously rented out to me. Damn it, I didn’t have anything even remotely appropriate to be married in! And Kyle just looked so darned good.

  A soft tap sounded on the door and I stilled. “Who is it?”

  “It’s me,” a feminine voice rang out. “Reese.”

  “Oh,” I tightened my towel around my small frame. “Come in.”

  The door opened and Reese walked in, beaming brightly and looking positively stunning in a soft green maxi dress. “Good morning.” She held out a box to me. “I’ve known this day would come sooner or later and I wanted to be sure you had a dress you loved.” She blushed deeply. “If you already have one, I won’t be offended at all. I just wanted to make sure you feel beautiful on this day.” Her eyes misted as she pushed the box toward me and she huffed apologetically. “Pregnancy emotions.”

  Taking the box, I felt my heart swell in my chest. Placing it on the bed, I pulled the soft purple lid from the box and gasped at the breathtaking white fabric staring back at me. “Oh,” I pulled the dress from the box, holding it up. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Will you wear it?” She asked hopefully. “I hope it’s your style.”

  “Of course!” And now I was crying. “Thank you, Reese.”

t cry!” She murmured as I squeezed her in a tight hug.

  “I’m not wearing makeup yet,” I laughed on a happy sob. “Seriously, thank you for thinking of this for me. I honestly had nothing.”

  She pulled away, and unlike me, tears were streaming through her makeup. She flicked them away. “Put it on. I’m positive it’s your size.”

  I giggled, practically skipping to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.”

  Closing the door behind me, I dropped my towel to step into the dress. It was white and long, flowing from the silk cinched waist all the way down to my toes. The bust line was sweetheart with two silk straps that connected with a delicate flower over the right breast before looping around my neck. If I had chosen a dress for myself - this would have been it. It was stunning, low glam, and beach like. I freaking loved it!

  Swinging open the door, I twirled for Reese. “I love it!”

  She clapped, her eyes sparkling. “You look absolutely amazing!”

  “I love your dress as well.” And I did. It was perfect.

  “Thanks.” She blushed. “I picked it out thinking of your favorite colors. I’ve seen you wear a lot of green, so I was hoping,” she shrugged.

  I filled in the rest for her. “It’s what I would have chosen. I can’t even thank you enough for making this day so great for me.”

  “Let’s get your makeup and hair done.” She announced. “We don’t want to be late.”

  “Late?” I raised my brow. “We have an appointment?”

  “Logan called the judge who does all of our weddings here at the Ranch this morning.” She nodded. “We have an appointment.”

  “Oh, then we’d better hurry.”

  “Don’t worry,” she waved her hand. “I have everything under control.”

  Pursing my lips, I asked. “By everything you mean?”

  “The men will be driving into Calgary together and we’ll meet them there. They’ve been instructed to purchase bouquets.”

  I grinned. “You think of everything, don’t you?”

  She gave me a look that said, ‘you know it’ before grinning. “I am planning a wedding as we speak.”


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