A Safe Surrender: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Donnelley Brothers Book 2)

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A Safe Surrender: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Donnelley Brothers Book 2) Page 16

by Carbonneau, Alannah

  “True.” I nodded. “Are you sure you don’t mind that we’re doing this?”

  Reese rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Kami, I’m happy for you. Logan and I are both so happy for you and Kyle. To be honest, Logan never thought Kyle would ever find someone he just clicked with, so it’s nice to know he has you. You’re it for him. Who are we to say you can’t start your lives together just because Logan proposed to me first? Our life has already started, I mean, we’re having a baby, Kami.” She laughed. “I can only hope Kyle knocks you up real quick so I don’t have to do this alone.”

  I laughed, snorting unbecomingly. “That is not going to happen.”

  “You don’t want kids?” She cocked her head to the side and I avoided eye-contact as I pulled a comb through my hair.

  I shrugged. “I just don’t know. Maybe in a year or so - but right now, I just want to enjoy being with Kyle. I want to enjoy just being,”

  Reese filled in my pause. “His wife.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I just want to enjoy being his wife.”


  Reese pulled up to the courthouse right on time - or that’s what she told me. Seeing Kyle and Logan standing there in their suits, looking so good and nervous was exciting. A bubbling laugh sounded from my throat as I glanced down at the beautiful bouquet Kyle held in his hands. White calla lilies and white orchids with long green stems were clutched in nervous fingers. As soon as his eyes made contact with mine, I saw him release a breath of air.

  Did he seriously worry I’d back out? After all this? No way! I loved this man so very deeply, there was no way on earth I was ever letting him go. From this moment on - Kyle Donnelley was mine and I was his. I’d finally found a man I longed for with the intensity of the sun in the sky. I’d finally found a man I felt safe with, someone I wasn’t afraid to surrender to. I was finally in love.

  Opening the door of Reese’s Mazda SUV, I practically ran across the small parking lot before crushing myself against Kyle’s chest. Breathing in his scent, I felt so at peace with this decision to give myself - all of myself - over to him. “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you, beautiful.” Kyle replied gravelly. His arms hugged me tight and I laughed against him.

  “Are we doing this?”

  “Wild horses couldn’t stop me.”

  “Glad to hear it.” I winked. Stealing my bouquet I danced toward the doors eager to marry the love of my life.

  Chapter 20

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  Those words rang in my ears as Kyle’s eyes swept over my face. His hands found my waist, and gently, he pulled me closer. My chest was pressed to his, flush against his crisp suit. I could feel his heat seeping through the fabric and I shivered. This moment was the moment.

  My heart thundered in my chest. Blood rushed in my ears. Kyle’s hands on my waist, so gentle and firm, held me as though I might break. I felt his body against mine. His every edge against my every curve. Together we fit. We were perfect. This moment was perfect and it was playing out as though it was in slow motion. I memory I would forever recall every intimate detail to - perfect.

  He dipped his head forward and his chocolate eyes were locked on mine. I watched, with a racing heart, as his tongue swept over his lips. My stomach fluttered and my toes curled in my sandaled heels. God, could I love this man anymore than I did in this moment?

  Slowly, teasingly, his lips met mine.

  As soon as we connected, I felt my eyes flutter closed. My lips moved against his and our surroundings fell away. Nothing existed in the world apart from me and Kyle. I wanted nothing more than to lock myself away in a peaceful privacy with Kyle. I wanted to memorize him.

  I wanted to mesmerize us.

  Slowly, regretfully, Kyle pulled away from me. His dark eyes were filled with liquid heat that made my entire body shiver with anticipation. Shaking my head, I glanced away from Kyle with a blush to find the others in the room looking at us bashfully. Alright, so maybe that was a little more than a ‘kiss your bride’ kind of kiss.

  Blushing, I murmured. “Sorry,”

  Logan laughed hard and rough. “Never apologize for kissing your man like you mean it, Kami.” He moved forward, tugging me into his arms. “Welcome to the family.”

  I beamed, feeling so unbelievably full of emotion. “I’m so happy to be part of this family!”

  Reese’s eyes misted and I wondered if pregnancy really made you into a tearful mess of emotions. “I have a sister!”

  I laughed. “Me too!”

  “And that’s why they marry us men.” Kyle joked, pulling me back against his chest. He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “What do you want to do with the rest of the day, love?”

  “I just want to spend it with you.” I whispered.

  Logan announced. “You don’t have to leave each other’s sides for the rest of the day, but I’ve made a few calls and the family has booked us a table at a restaurant in Banff.” He shrugged at Kyle’s wide-eyed glance. “You know mom. She knew there was something going on and asked me about it last night.”

  “And naturally, you told her.” Kyle asked, grinning.

  “You’re just lucky I didn’t tell her where you were getting hitched or she would have crashed. She was so excited.”

  I giggled, unable to keep the happy sound locked away inside. “We would be delighted to have a celebratory lunch.” I elbowed Kyle gently. “Wouldn’t we?”

  Logan grinned. “And now it begins.”

  Reese rolled her eyes. “It’s already begun for you, Logan, and we’re not even married.”

  Kyle chuckled at Logan’s growl of distress.

  Logan stated. “I wouldn’t change a thing, Reese.”

  “Neither would Kyle.” Reese smiled. “Look at the way he looks at her.”


  We arrived at the restaurant to find that Gracie had reserved the entire patio for us. It was really convenient that we chose today, of all days, to get married out of the blue, because Kyle’s entire family had made the trip to be here for Logan and Reese’s engagement party.

  Stepping out onto the back patio, I heard a loud excited shriek and turned to see Gracie practically running over to us. Her eyes were misted, but her smile was enormous and so contagious. Pulling me into her arms, she rubbed my back, squeezed, and then rubbed my back again.

  “Oh, I just knew this was going to happen.” She squeezed again before pulling away and raising her voice. “Everyone, I’d like to announce that I knew my son, Kyle, would fall for this beautiful little lady here, right from the beginning. When she walked into my office all determined and beautiful, I just knew I liked her. But it was when she watched Reese and Logan bicker with so much amusement, that I knew she was the perfect fit for Kyle.”

  She plucked a wineglass from a nearby table, pouring three glasses before handing a glass to Kyle and then to me. “I’d like you all to raise your glasses for Kyle and Kamilla Donnelley.”

  Glasses rose high into the warm spring sun, clinging a song of celebration before wine, of both red and white, stained lips.

  Loud cheers of congratulations floated on the air around us as Gracie led us to our table. My new immediate family sat around the large table, grinning happily. John, my now father in law stood as we approached. He was a quiet man, but although quiet, he never held his tongue when he thought something to be important. Taking my hand in his, he brought it to his lips, kissing the back of my hand. “Congratulations, Kami, and welcome to the family. If I had been scheming like Gracie to find a wife for Kyle, the woman never would have held a candle to you.”

  Gracie walloped his arm. “I did not scheme to find anyone a wife!” She huffed. “It merely happened.”

  “Twice in a row?” John glanced at Collin and Luke with playful warning in his eyes. “You both better watch your mother. She’s conniving.”

  Collin sat lazily back in his chair, stretching his arms high above his head before linking his fingers on the back of his ne
ck. “Mom can try all she wants to settle me down. It isn’t going to happen.”

  Gracie raised a brow, “One day you will eat those words, Collin Donnelley.”

  “One day.” He shrugged. “But not one day soon.”

  I chuckled as John rolled his eyes. “Look what I’ve gone and started.”

  “It’s amusing.” I shrugged, taking a seat next to Kyle with Gracie on my other side. Across the table, Reese grinned with dancing eyes at me. “You should have seen Collin’s expression when he first thought Gracie might be playing matchmaker. It was hilarious!”

  Luke laughed aloud, nodding. “Seriously, Kami, you would have paid money to see it. He actually squealed like a little girl.”

  “I didn’t.” Collin shook his head, but there was a grin slipping onto his lips. “I’m all man, Kami.”

  I grinned, teasing in return. “I’m all married.”

  Kyle set his hand on my thigh. “You most certainly are, sweetheart.”

  “Awe damn,” Collin shook his head as though disappointed. “Look at him already domesticated.”

  Logan gave a growly laugh. “Collin, your day will come soon enough.”

  Reese added to Logan’s prediction lovingly. “And when your day comes, we’ll all be here to help Gracie in the scheming to get you wrapped up around a good woman’s finger. And then we’ll harass you to no end.”

  Collin glared, shooting a look to Luke. “You do know that they’re planning on getting us married off? I feel like cattle.”

  Luke shook his head. “No amount of scheming is going to get me to fall in love. It doesn’t work that way, Collin. Settle down.”

  “Oh,” Gracie raised a plucked brow. “It doesn’t work that way, huh?” She pointed to Reese and Logan before waving her finger over Kyle and myself. “How do you think these four happened to get so happy?”

  Luke wasn’t even the least bit shaken. “Luck. It was just in the roll of the dice for them, mom. You know it as well as I do.”

  Collin shot Gracie a smug look. “I’m siding with Luke here, mom.”

  She shrugged, looking content to allow them their little world of security while she surely plotted and planned. I couldn’t help but wonder had she truly been playing matchmaker with Kyle and I?

  Leaning into her, I asked under my breath. “Is it true? The whole matchmaker thing?”

  She chuckled. “I didn’t put you in the cabin so close to Kyle’s on a whim.”

  And then I knew. Gracie Donnelley was a wonderful, scheming, intelligent, hilarious mother in law. I hoped that one day I would be just like her. If I could give my children a run for their money like Gracie did, then I would be a raging success.

  Realizing that I was sitting in my wedding dress with my new husband at my side while daydreaming of my adult children, I laughed. Out loud.

  Kyle’s eyes were amused as they swept over my face. “What’s so funny?”

  I lowered my voice, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Nothing. But I love you.”

  His hand tightened on my thigh. “That wasn’t nothing, love. But I love you too.”

  Grinning, I said teasingly. “Maybe I’ll tell you later.”

  “Hmm,” he nodded. “When we’re alone?”

  I shrugged flirtatiously. “Yes, when we’re alone.”

  “God, woman.” His jaw clenched and I tried to restrain my smile. “You’re killing me.”

  “I would never.” I assured happily, planting a loving kiss on his lips. “I love you.”


  Gracie had a photographer meet us at the restaurant, insisting we took pictures of our special, unplanned day. We posed with the family for what felt like hours, taking picture after picture. It was a perfect day, but I wished, so desperately, that Ember would have been able to make it out. I missed her terribly. She was the only family I had, but our insta-wedding was just too sudden for her to have been able to get herself here.

  Kyle leaned down, pressing a kiss to my temple. “Should we go home, love? Or do you want to spend the night somewhere else?” He suddenly didn’t look too certain and I giggled.

  “Home.” I twirled in his arms so I was facing him. “I want to spend the first night with my husband in his arms - in our bed.”

  “I love you.” He pressed his lips to mine with a fierceness that made my heart rate climb to an ultimate high.

  “And you know I love you,” I breathed. “But right now, I just want you to make love to me.”

  “I think I can manage that.” His words were gravelly as he picked me up - bridal style - and carried me away.

  Behind us, I heard cheers, whoops, and hollers as I buried my face in his shoulder. “Shouldn’t we say goodbye?”

  “Why?” Kyle opened the passenger door of his truck. “I’m a man eager to get my wife home and in bed. Goodbye’s are overrated.” He placed me in the seat before catching my face in his hands, kissing me with a seduction that had my belly aching for him.

  I nodded against his lips. “So overrated.”

  Chapter 21

  Kyle’s hand rested on my thigh the entire ride home. My body literally ached for his, to know his, to have his, and just feeling his hand wasn’t enough. I wanted so much more than just his hand on my body. I wanted his mouth, his weight - on me. I squirmed.

  This was the longest hour drive of my life. Seriously, Gracie just had to choose to have lunch in Banff rather than hosting a little luncheon at the Ranch. God, if we were at the Ranch, we would already be tangled between the sheets.

  I clenched my thighs together again - squirming. Again.

  Kyle groaned deep in his throat, swinging dark eyes at me. “If you keep squirming,” he sighed. “Fuck,”

  “What?” I breathed. “What will you do if I keep squirming?” I blushed at my brazenness. I had never been this girl - but hey, he was my husband. I could be as brazen as I wanted with him. “What will you do, Kyle? Tell me.”

  “Damn it, Kami,” he clenched his jaw. “You’re making it hard to drive.”

  “I want you.” I whispered. I could see by the firm bulge in his suit pants that he wanted me too. “I don’t know if I can wait.”

  Again, I clenched my thighs together.

  Kyle tightened his hand on my thigh, inching it further upward and I gasped. “You’re killing me, sweetheart.”

  I spread my legs, suddenly regretting the fact that my dress was so long. If it were short, there wouldn’t be nearly so much fabric to work through. “Touch me.”

  “You’re so hot.” He said on a ragged breath, obviously startled and turned on by my wanton plea. “You should have let me marry you sooner.”

  “No,” I pressed my hips into his hand as he dipped his fingers low. “Today was perfect.” He put pressure against the tight bundle of nerves at my sex and I gasped, “Oh,”

  “Lift up your dress.” His voice was growly. “I want to feel my wife.”

  “I love when you talk dirty to me, husband.”

  He grinned, keeping his eyes on the road ahead and his hand on the steering wheel. “I love you.”

  Pulling my dress up, I spread my legs wider when his hand pushed my panties aside, his fingers slipping into my wet folds. He sighed and I moaned. “Kami, you feel so good.”

  “I can’t wait to feel you, Kyle.” I breathed, my head rolling back against the headrest as he twirled his finger around my clit. Then, as the gravel beneath the tires crunched, I felt his fingers move lower to my opening. My lips parted on a moaned gasp as he pushed two thick fingers inside, slow and steady. Then, he pulled them back, before diving in again.

  Kyle worked my body as he drove the twenty minutes over the winding gravel road where we first met during a dangerous February blizzard. Looking back, I think I’d fallen in love with him that very night when I realized there was no safer oasis in this world than in Kyle’s arms.

  Pulling into his drive, my right hand clutched the door while the other held tight to the edge of the seat as Kyle pumped his fingers inside
me over and over. My hands were moist and they kept slipping as I gasped for breath, panting against his seat, nearing an orgasm in the middle of the day, in my husband’s truck.

  Kyle killed the engine just as he crooked his fingers - and I blew around him. Shaking, I pulled in deep breaths as Kyle watched the pleasured haze of my orgasm peak and then fade into a dim burning. Slowly, he pulled his fingers from deep within me, before lifting them to his mouth and sucking.

  “You taste so good, love.” I blushed at his words. I had a feeling, that no matter how many times he did that, I would always blush.

  Straightening my dress, I purred. “I had no idea you were so ambidextrous. Getting me off with your right and driving with your left. I had no idea I was marrying such a talented man.”

  He grinned proudly. “Oh, I have many more skills.”

  “And a lifetime to show me.” I added on a serious breath.

  His intake of breath was so sharp, I felt my stomach clench in response to the sound.

  Kyle didn’t say anything as he opened the door before jumping down. I had a feeling he wanted me to wait here for him, but I didn’t. I was too eager. We were only a few minutes from our bed. I seriously could not wait to be there with him - messed up in sheets and sweat.

  By the time I had closed the door Kyle was there. He swept me up in his arms and began walking in a quick pace to the house.

  “Kyle,” I giggled. “You don’t have to carry me everywhere.”

  “Today, I do.”

  I giggled again, circling my arms around his broad shoulders and hugging him tight. “Okay,” I purred. “But be careful, I might get used to this lavish treatment.”

  I was only teasing, but his face grew serious - almost tense. “I want you to be used to this, Kami. I want you to spend your life expecting only the highest kind of love from me. Until the end of my days, I want to be the man who adores you and lavishes you with too much attention. I’m fairly certain you will be annoyed at times, but know, I never want you to feel, for even a moment, however fleeting, that you are not loved by me. Kamilla, you are my world.”

  Tears pricked my eyes as I pressed my forehead against the side of his face. He really, truly, had no idea how deeply I had fallen for him. In such a short time - an exasperatingly short time - Kyle had become my everything. In him, I had found the one man I wanted to share my future with. Every happy moment I experienced, I wanted to cherish with him. Every pain, I longed to endure with him by my side. There would never be a moment where I didn’t want Kyle in my life. I was certain of this like I was certain the sun would claim the darkness of night.


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