A Safe Surrender: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Donnelley Brothers Book 2)

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A Safe Surrender: A Donnelley Brother's Novel (Donnelley Brothers Book 2) Page 17

by Carbonneau, Alannah

  “Take me to our bedroom, husband. It’s time you make me yours in every sense of the word.”

  I didn’t have to tell Kyle twice. As soon as he carried me through the threshold of the home we now shared, and I hoped we would always share, he carried me across the living space to the stairs. I held him tight as he took the stairs quickly before carrying me into the bedroom - our bedroom.

  Kyle set me on my feet in the center of the bedroom, his eyes taking another long glance down the length of my body. “This is a beautiful dress - and you make such a beautiful bride.”

  My eyes misted with tears of unbridled happiness. “You’ve made this day so much more than I ever thought it would or could be.” He wiped at a fallen tear. “I love you.”

  Slowly, he lowered his lips to mine. Kissing me softly, his lips whispered against mine as a new kind of need clawed within my body. This time was different than all the other times I’d come under this mans wonderful hands. This time was it. I knew, by tomorrow morning, I would have had him inside of me - filling me. Completing me.

  I could not wait.

  Kyle’s hands moved over my shoulders, down the bare skin on my arms, and over my back where the zipper sat at the top of the dress. Every inch of skin he touched left a wake of goosebumps behind. My entire body - my entity - was at the mercy of his exquisite hands. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Slowly, my dress fell in a soft heap to the floor, baring my flesh to him for the first time as my husband. His eyes caressed every inch of skin as he looked at me, his lids hooded with heavy desire. My heart raced in my chest as he dipped a finger into the band of my white lace panties, running it slowly, erotically, across the front.

  Shivering beneath his touch, I saw a smile curl his lips and the racing of my heart doubled. Every inch of my skin felt electrified. Every hair follicle stood erect. There was not one part of me that wasn’t aware of him - of his touch - his nearness. Just him.

  Lifting my hands from my side, I slid my fingers beneath the shoulders of his jacket, pushing the heavy fabric away from his body. It fell to the floor in a louder heap than the whispering fabric of my dress, almost shocking me from my erotic revere of my husband. Instead of pulling my hands away, my fingers immediately found the buttons of his shirt, popping them through the stitched holes. One by one buttons opened. Inch by inch his muscled chest was exposed. My mouth watered as I imagined myself flicking the tip of my tongue over the hollow of his throat.

  As his shirt fluttered to the ground, my hands wandered to the belt of his pants, but Kyle dropped to his knees. His eyes were dark and his jaw was set. Looking up at me in only the black of his pants, the man looked like a broken Angel pleading for a chance in heaven. He was so devastatingly beautiful, my breath caught in my throat.

  Reaching out, I cupped his face in my palm. “I love you.”

  I love you - those three words were all powerful when spoken from the deepest crevice of the heart. They were a promise and a declaration at once. They were a vow that I would spend forever as the woman who cherished this man. That I would favor him, support him, and caress him. Always.

  I love you - three small words that are so often thrown arbitrarily around. And yet, in those three small words, I could express to my husband just how deeply I’d fallen under his spell.

  I love you - three small words, almost insignificant words, that I found, in this moment, lacking to the heightened bolt of emotion I felt surging alive and vibrant through my body.

  I whispered again, “I love you.”

  Kyle blinked and when his eyes fluttered back up to meet mine, they were glimmering with emotion so raw and primal, I knew that those three small words would never be enough. In all their beautiful, intense meaning - they would never validate the true feelings I held inside of me for Kyle, or the feelings he held inside for me. We were beyond love. We were something more. We were something rare and precious. We were soul mates.

  I knew this now beyond a shadow of a doubt. Kyle was the other half of my soul and I was his. Together, we weren’t simply a couple bound together by legal certificate of marriage. We were complete. We were bound by the ties of our soul - something we can’t see or study - but we can visualize, and even more, we can feel.

  “I love you.” Kyle’s voice was so deep as he spoke the words. I knew, by the strangled sound of his words and the depth from which they’d traveled within him, that he was feeling the same awed sense that I was consumed by.

  My heart swelled as he bowed his head, pressing his forehead against my lower belly. His shoulders rose and fell as he pulled in steady breaths. He was breathing me in. Digging my hands into his hair, I sighed.

  Kyle palmed my thighs, dragging his calloused hands over the smooth cream of my hips to my waist where he pulled me closer to him, pressing me against him. When he tilted his head back to look up at me again, my heart leapt at the raw hunger in his eyes. Never before had I seen an emotion - a desire - so intense. I wanted to sate his hunger.

  As though sensing my desperation for him, he hooked his fingers through the band of my panties before dragging them slowly down my legs. He didn’t have to instruct me to step out of the material. My body knew what he wanted before he had to ask and I was all too eager to comply.

  Circling his large hands around my ankles, he trailed his hands upward, over the back of my legs, my thighs, and my rear. Rising higher, his hands grazed gently over the skin of my back as he pushed up from his knees to tower over me. His massive height made me feel small and protected - as though he could shield me from all harm with just his body.

  His eyes remained on my face as his fingers moved over the strap of my bra across my back, unclasping the clip. Like the rest of my clothing, it tumbled to the floor.

  Again, I thought about removing his pants - but Kyle had something different in mind. Dipping low, he tucked his arm behind my knees. Sweeping me off my feet both figuratively and literally, he carried me to the bed. Our bed.

  Lying me down across the cushion of the duvet, he pressed a searing kiss to the valley between my breasts. Arching my back, I pleaded with him silently for more. I wanted him against me, over me, around me, and inside me.

  Despite my attempt to keep his lips against my skin, Kyle pulled back to look at me. One clothed knee rested against the edge of the bed while his other foot remained firmly planted on the floor.

  “Kyle,” I moaned his name. “Please.”

  His eyes twinkled as he shook his head ever so slightly. “Sweetheart, let me take my time loving you right.”

  A strangled sound emitted from deep in my throat. I was both desperate to allow him to take his time with me, and eager to have him fill me. I was at odds with myself.

  “I just want you.”

  The corner of his lip lifted and my heart flipped. “I love that you want me, Kami.”

  His hands circled my waist as he lowered his head once again to pepper my belly with kisses, moving upward to lick the underside of both breasts. My heart pounded and blood rushed in my ears as my nipples budded, eager to feel the warm wetness of his mouth closing around them. But he didn’t cover my nipples. In fact, he kissed and licked every inch of my breasts apart from my nipples. Why?

  He quirked a grin as a frustrated sound fell from my lips and I gasped. “You’re torturing me.”

  His hand moved from my waist to travel south and my heart picked up its tempo for what felt like the thousandth time. My legs were already spread for him - shamelessly. His fingers tickled over the skin they travelled, inducing a new spread of goosebumps to claim my flesh. Lightly, his fingertips moved between my legs, caressing the crease of my lips. His touch was enough to coil my insides tight. My orgasm was brewing and he hadn’t even touched my clit. Back arched, breasts thrust high, head turned to the side, I felt his fingers part my lips before dipping inside. The rough pad of his fingertips was all I needed to feel against my clit to set me over the edge.

  Crying out in pleasure, I came. My entire
body shook - vibrating as electrified bolts of energy sizzled through my veins. My legs closed tight around his hand as he continued to circle my clit, milking me of my orgasm.

  Opening my eyes, I looked up at him. “Wow.”

  He chuckled. “You’re beautiful when you come.” His voice was husky. “You’re beautiful always, but when you come, you’re exceptionally so.”

  I blushed. Yes, after coming undone so eagerly beneath his hand, I was blushing at words. There was something obviously wrong with me - but I couldn’t care less. This man was mine and I was his. Imperfections and all, we were perfect.

  Pulling away, I watched with a pounding heart as his thick fingers - I loved his fingers - worked at his belt and then his pants. Pushing them to the floor, I watched as he sprang free of the confining material. Scooting further up the bed, I laid my head against the pillow. Kyle crawled onto the bed between my legs, lifting my ankle, he pressed his lips to the inside of my ankle before trialing soft kisses all the way up my leg to the crease of my sex. His tongue prodded at the bundle of nerves, already so sensitive and stimulated from my prior orgasm, and I bucked.

  My fingers curled in the duvet as I cried out, desperately trying not to close my thighs around his head as he sucked the sensitive flesh into his mouth. Twirling his tongue around the swell, I felt my body climb and tremble beneath him, working itself into another orgasm.

  Just before I was about to come crashing down around him, he pulled away, grinning devilishly up at me. Oh, he knew what he was doing!

  My flushed skin was burning as he pressed his now moist lips against my stomach. Crawling up my body, he kissed me over and over again. Sucking my nipple into his mouth, I felt his teeth against the aching flesh and I cried out, my hands diving deep into the ebony locks of his hair.

  “Please,” my voice was shaking. I swore, I was so close to crying. “Please.”

  As though knowing I was only mere moments from my end, Kyle released my nipple with a ‘pop’ before kissing his way up my throat, nipping my ear. Holding himself up with his hands planted firmly on either side of my head, he looked down at me.

  “I love you, Kamilla.” His eyes searched my face and in their depths I saw purity. My heart swelled.

  “Make love to me.” I begged, my eyes feeling misty with tears of intensive happiness.

  “For the rest of my life.” He vowed, covering my mouth with his.

  He kissed me hungrily. I tasted myself on his lips and shockingly, that only made me want him more. Circling my hands around his back, my nails biting gently into the flesh over his shoulder blades, I pulled him into me. His chest met with mine and then I felt his hips position between my legs.

  Ragged breaths sounded into the space around us as golden light spilled into the room across the bed. I felt the warmth of his body against mine and I wanted more. Sliding his hand beneath my waist, he held me tight against him - chest to chest.

  I felt the hot tip of his erection prod against my opening and I gasped. His eyes flashed up to meet mine and he asked on a gravelly breath. “Are you okay, love? Do you want me to use a condom?”

  “I’m better than okay. And no, I don’t want there to be anything between us.”

  His mouth covered mine as he shifted his hips, pushing inside me an inch, stretching. Good lord, the man was big. He groaned, “You’re so tight.” He was shaking, his entire body trembling over mine and I knew he was holding himself back. I didn’t want him to do that.

  Spreading my legs wider, I wrapped them around his body, pulling him into me. Kyle stiffened, a growling moan sounding deep in his throat. “Kami,”

  I kissed him, fiercely. “I need you.”

  Kyle pulled out before slamming back inside in one thrust, burying himself to the hilt. I cried out against his lips as he stilled inside me, allowing me to grow accustomed to his welcome intrusion.

  After only a moment, a blissful moment, he moved again. Finding a rhythm, Kyle rocked his hips against mine - filling me - thrusting - stroking - until I was certain we’d become not two, but one. His thrusts took me higher and higher, my body climbing the rungs of ecstasy until I couldn’t take any more.

  On a hoarse cry of pleasure, I felt my insides tighten before I shattered around him. Kyle quickened his thrusts inside me, desperate to catch up to my release. His cock thickened inside me and I knew he was close - so close. A few more thrusts, womb deep, and I felt him explode deep inside me. Dropping his lips to mine, he pumped me full as he kissed me fervently.

  Holding me tight to him, unwilling to leave me so soon, he kissed me leisurely. “I am so in love with you, Kamilla Donnelley.”

  “I’m so in love with you Kyle Donnelley.” I replied, feeling more sated than I’d ever felt in my entire life.

  Chapter 22

  Standing at the stove wearing a large t-shirt of Kyle’s that stretched down mid-thigh, I replayed our lovemaking the night before. My first time with Kyle had been so blissfully perfect. We’d made love twice more since then and I knew, that after breakfast, he’d be ready to go again. The man was a love machine - as corny as that sounds. As of late, I had learned that I quite liked corny!

  I should be tired. Well, never mind tired - I should be exhausted. After the eventful day we’d had and then the eventful night of love making, kissing, touching and cuddling - only to do it all over again - we should both be comatose in the bed. But we weren’t. The neon green numbers on the stove read 9:07 a.m. and I was wide awake.

  The wood floor moaned, warning me that Kyle was standing close behind me. His arms circled around my waist, resting on the flat of my belly as he nuzzled my neck. “Yum. This smells delicious.”

  “It had better!” I grinned at the pan where hash browns were frying and eggs were sizzling. I had another pan of bacon in the oven and Kyle had spoken the truth when he said it smelled delicious.

  He chuckled, teasing. “If you keep this up every morning, I’ll have definitely married right.”

  I elbowed him gently in the stomach. “You’ll be lucky if I do this more than once a week.” That was a lie. I loved cooking - and I loved cooking for Kyle even more. Turning my head, I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “I’m kidding, I’ll cook for you.”

  He tightened his hold on me. “You’re amazing.”

  Spinning in his arms, I kissed him hungrily. “You should pull some plates from the cupboard. Breakfast is almost ready.”

  He nodded against my lips, but made no move to stop kissing me.

  I giggled, playfully scolding. “Kyle, it’s going to burn.”

  “You don’t really care, do you?” He asked, totally guessing correct.

  I didn’t care if the food burned, so long as he was with me - touching me. I shook my head on a mock huff, “No. I don’t care.”

  Kissing me once more, I watched him grin as he pulled away. “This just smells too good to let burn.” He joked. “I’ll devour you after you turn off the burners.”

  I shook my head, turning to pull the pan from the oven before setting it on the stove.

  Readying the plates, I watched from the corner of my eye as Kyle filled two glasses with orange juice and then two mugs with coffee. He made two trips to the table and I met him there with the food.

  “Hungry?” I asked.

  “Starving!” He plucked a piece of bacon from his plate as I stabbed a hash brown with my fork. He spoke again, “I was wondering, Kami, after last night,” he paused and I frowned.

  “What?” I took a sip from my coffee. “What were you wondering?”

  His eyes held mine and I felt my heart flutter. “Do you want a baby?”

  I swallowed, shocked I didn’t spit my coffee all over the table. “Pardon me?”

  “Well,” he shrugged. “You didn’t want to use a condom so I was wondering if maybe you were ready for a baby.”

  “Holy shit!” I gasped and he raised a brow. I shook my head, almost frantically. “I’m on the pill, Kyle.”

  He nodded, obviously thinkin
g. “Do you want kids?”

  “Yeah,” I shrugged. “At some point.”

  “How long?”

  I rubbed my brow with shaking fingers. “Do you want kids?”

  “Without doubt.” He replied without missing a beat and I felt a little of the air in my lungs swoosh out. “But I won’t pressure you, Kami. If you’re not ready, we’ll wait.”

  “I’m not ready.” I lowered my eyes. “I don’t know when I’ll be ready, but I know I’m not ready right now.”

  Peeking up at him, I saw him nod. “I understand, sweetheart. We’ll take our time.”

  “Thank you.”

  Kyle reached across the table with his palm up and I placed my hand in his, knowing that was what he wanted. And it was what I wanted too. “I never want you to feel pressured to do anything. All I want is your honesty. If you want something, tell me. If you’re not ready for something you can see that I want, tell me. Don’t ever let me believe you want something you don’t.”

  Blinking, I smiled at the wonderful man I would be spending the rest of my life with. “I’ll tell you, Kyle. I promise.”

  “Good.” He grinned. “I couldn’t imagine losing you to bad communication.”

  “You’ll never lose me.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  I nodded. “Yes.” I said simply. “I love you.”


  Sitting on the back deck, I pulled the little throw blanket around my naked legs and curled my hands around my mug of tea. It was a warm spring morning, but the air wasn’t bare legs air. I dialed Ember’s number and waited anxiously for her to answer.

  On the fourth ring, I heard her voice. “I miss you!”


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