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Shadow Chaser (Undeadly Secrets Book 3)

Page 8

by Aaron L Speer

  Rachel nodded. “The rumours are that her vagina was torn, that it looked like he’d used other things inside her.”

  “The creepiest thing?” Lisa continued the story. “They still don’t know how he’s doing it. No forced entry, no physical evidence. Nothing.”

  The crashing of glass made Alex jump and look around. Bison was in the middle of the fray, throwing fists like a madman, blood pouring from his head. A woman gripped him from behind and tried to hold him back. Two men jumped him and only then was it even.

  “You losers. It’s my birthday!” Tiffany whined. “Alex where are you going?”

  “I’m gonna help him.” Alex ignored Tiffany’s attempts to call her back. Of course she was going to help Bison, even though she had absolutely no idea what the hell she was going to do. She was stopped by a hand from behind her. She was so sure it was Dante she nearly said his name, but instead she found the arm was attached to Michelle.

  “The guys can handle this,” Michelle shouted through a tight smile.

  “He’s bleeding!” Alex shouted back.

  “They’ve got it. Tyson’s coming. We need to clear this place. Come on.”

  One T bouncer was tough, but both of them? Forget it. She and Michelle helped herd the others toward the door, and within minutes, the place looked almost empty. Alex noticed Tiffany heading to the exit as well, slightly unsteady but eyes fixated forward, but the rest of her friends seemed in no rush.

  “We’ll close the club,” Michelle called. “We’ve got to clean up. It’s not busy anyway. What are you doing here?”

  “One of the teachers I work with was having a birthday, plus I wanted to see Dante. What about you? Is everything okay?”

  “Oh, sure, but Dante isn’t here, which is why I am,” Michelle laughed. “He’s focusing on king business so I offered to help out where I could. But it’s harder than I thought. I’ve started up a private security business that I’ll have to fly out and set up soon.”

  “Oh…you’re moving?” Alex tried not to sound as disappointed as she felt.

  Michelle shrugged. “Maybe. Just setting up an office in Queensland for now. It’s much cheaper up there. Dante offered to set me up but I want to do this on my own. Sydney is too crazy and expensive right now. Are you ok to get home? Did you want a lift?”

  “Actually, a ride would be great, but…could you drop me off at Dante’s? I would really like to talk to him tonight.”

  “Sure. Everything ok? Have you fed him lately?”

  “I got a service for Nick, by the priest at my school. I just want to tell Dante because I know he feels bad and maybe we both can get closure. And also, it’s been a while, so I’m sure he needs blood.”

  Michelle nodded, stroking her hand briefly with her thumb. “No problem. Give me ten minutes.”

  Chapter 11

  In The Heat Of The Night

  “So, what exactly am I supposed to be learning here?” Lauren asked. She knew this street very well. Melina was leading her toward Club T. “What are we doing?”

  “We are going out.” Melina’s heels clicked rapidly on the pavement.

  This vamp slows for no one, thought Lauren. “We are? I thought we were hunting some dude?”

  “That too.”

  “So…” Lauren looked left to right. We’re in the middle of the city. Why the hell would this prisoner be around here? “Why are you taking me out when you told Dante we’re hunting.”

  “Sweetness, it’s called lying. You deserve it. He needs to chill. Everyone wins. I want to dance and feed off some dumb hunk. And haven’t you wanted someone to just…go out with, since you were turned?”

  Lauren thought about that. Yes, actually. She hadn’t had anyone like that, not as a vampire. As a human, she’d had one. Only one. And Lauren had betrayed her.

  Melina looked at her. “I see by the look on your face that you have. And what Alejandro doesn’t know won’t hurt him. But I will if he doesn’t stay in bed. Or get some sense.”

  “Why do you call him that? Alejandro. I mean…I know that was his human name, but you’re the only one that still calls him that.”

  “Because to me he will always be that boy that saved me from the wolf when I was little.”

  They rounded the corner and T came into view, but something seemed off. There were people outside, but they were huddled together in small groups, facing the street, not the club. They weren’t in line trying to get in—they were trying to hail cabs. This early? Lauren didn’t wear a watch, and the strange dark weather lately mad it tough to estimate the time by looking at the sky, but she knew it was not yet midnight.

  “Are they closed?” she asked no one. Lauren stopped and stared as Alex and Michelle strolled outside. They made their way to Michelle’s car, revved the engine and turned onto the main road. When the car disappeared, Lauren felt comfortable enough to catch up to Melina.

  “Well,” Melina huffed, hands on hips, “this is highly inconvenient. I guess we have to go to Coffinail.”

  “I thought Dante would’ve closed that down.”

  “He wants to, but he knows it’s a gathering place for vampires, and that it’s better to have a place to keep an eye on them. Better than meeting and feeding in secret, which equals more danger to humans. He has made it against Sydney Vampire Law to kill humans. Vincent never had that. Now, at least, he has a way to deal with those vampires that kill. So we’ll see. Wait…do you smell that?”

  Lauren sniffed the air. “No. What am I supposed to be getting?”

  The answer was quick, the tone soft. “Blood. Come with me.”

  Lauren walked with her to the alley behind T, and there, roughly ten feet away, she saw what it was Melina’s nose had picked up. A couple against the wall of the club, having fierce sex. Well, he was, anyway. Lauren hadn’t seen anyone pump that deeply and slowly for a long time. The woman had both her hands pinned beside her head, moaning like she was in pain with each thrust of his cute arse. He had a mass of thick blonde hair, but his face was buried in the woman’s neck.

  “Right…blood,” Lauren whispered to herself. She felt Melina tense beside her, perhaps waiting for the chance to speak. She didn’t wait long.

  “Well well…” Melina sounded mildly shocked. “Nightingale!”

  The man lifted his head and faced them, blood pouring down his chin. Lauren sneered in disgust as she realised he was still thrusting, even as he faced them.

  “G’day.” Nightingale grinned happily, licking his chops.

  “We’ve been looking for you.” Melina said, opening up her stance.

  “Ya found me.”

  “You’re the last of the prisoners that escaped the night of the explosion at the mansion. By order of the king of Sydney, I have to bring you in.”

  “Gee I dunno if I can get much more in than this. Hang on lemme check…” He slowly moved his hips deeper between her legs, causing more continuous loud wails from the woman. She only stopped when he stopped moving. “Nup. I run outta dick. But if you wait your turn, I’ll get to ya in a sec,” Nightingale smirked at them and gave a couple of quick thrusts.

  “If you choose to resist, know that we will use deadly force if necessary.”

  Lauren heard Melina actually growl and started to move toward the couple.

  Nightingale rolled his eyes, a deep scarlet colour and she halted. “Don’t be so stupid, cunt. Of course I’m gonna resist. But I’m in the middle of somethin’ here. Can you just give me a fuckin’ minute?”

  “How’s ten seconds?” Melina flexed her fingers.

  He pulled himself out of the woman, but she was out of it and couldn’t stand on her own. “Sorry luv.” Nightingale placed her on top of an industrial waste bin. “Duty calls. Fuckin’ impatient bitches.”

  It was only then that he stood up to his full height. He pulled on a dark red trench coat that he’d grabbed from the ground nearby and proceeded to button the fly of his black slacks. Lauren let her eyes slide down his still-shirtless torso at
his abs peeking through the gap of his coat. Shit. He was easily 6’6”, maybe more. If Melina was impressed or intimidated, she didn’t show it. But Lauren couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread. This guy didn’t have the same aura as any other vampire she had known. He gave off a vibe of not-to-be-fucked-with.

  He tossed his mane of hair back over the collar of his coat and gave a flourishing low bow. “And now…I shall resist you.”

  Melina charged at him, flinging her fists, but she hit nothing. He dodged every swing like he was dancing. Lauren sensed something was wrong. His manner was too casual. Melina either didn’t see it or didn’t care. Lauren tensed her stomach and made herself invisible, circling around them, trying to get an angle to strike. Melina jumped, leading with her knee aimed at his face when Nightingale grasped her leg, flipped her upside-down and held her at arm’s distance. Melina screamed and kicked with her free leg, but she could not free herself.

  “He lines up the shot…” Nightingale commentated. Lauren could see he was trying to use Melina as a makeshift football. “A hush falls over the crowd… This is to win the game.”

  Lauren quietly moved Nightingale’s date and perched herself on top of the rubbish bin, fangs and nails at the ready. Nightingale lifted Melina up before letting her go and launching her with a kick toward the very bin Lauren stood on. Melina flew through the air and cannoned into the thick steel like a bullet, the imprint of her body caving in the entire side of the bin as it bounced violently against the brick.

  Melina lay still, not a sound escaping from her. Lauren fell to the ground and rolled to her feet just in time to see Nightingale raise both fists in the air, a victory. “You bloody beauty, it’s there! The crowd goes wild!” He began to dance, a look of joy on his face, and thanked the imaginary crowd.

  You like football, huh? Take this then you creep. Lauren leapt towards him and jammed her shoulder into his ribcage. He buckled as at least two bones snapped, unaware the attack was coming.

  Shouting, he flailed his arms, searching for her. He found purchase on the back of her jacket. “There you are. Sneaky cow!” Holding on tight, he reached up to the back of her head, wrapped his fist in her hair, and wrenched her backwards. He began punching blindly. The first one missed, the second didn’t, and then he simply held her in place, pounding her right eye socket, splintering it, cracking it apart.

  Lauren screamed in agony and at the look of his delighted face and the sight of his fist drawing back with more and more blood . Lauren slumped in his grip. Her sight was flickering. She didn’t even notice herself smacking into the wall behind him, tossed like a toy.

  “Hey…” Melina was up, barely, rocking on her feet. “That all you got?”

  Mel…don’t… Lauren tried but couldn’t focus, couldn’t get the words out. The blood from her mouth was flooding out of her. She used the back of her hand to stem the flow. She coughed and chewed on something hard, spitting out one of her fangs. This wasn’t like usual. He wasn’t normal. They couldn’t fight him. They were going to get killed.

  Nightingale easily split open Melina’s forehead with a simple jab, yet it rocked her head back and sunk her to her knees, almost eye level with his crotch. Oh no, thought Lauren.

  He seemed to have the same idea, cupping her face with two hands. “Baby, if only we had time.” His hands moved to her throat. “Oi, what’s the difference between my twelve-inch dick and an onion?” He shoved her head into the bin with a thick ‘gong’ sound. “Nothin’. They both bring tears to your eyes.” He laughed and shoved her head against the dumpster again.

  “Stop…please!” Lauren cried. Melina was helpless. With every slam, more and more crimson was left on the garbage container. Melina couldn’t even get her arms up. She was lifeless. Nightingale dropped Melina in a heap. He grabbed his date, threw her over his shoulder and walked away. Lauren watched him move toward the end of the alley.

  He spotted her and smiled. “This was grouse aye, but pussy wins. Big dog’s gotta eat. I’ll catch yas around.”

  He whistled as he casually marched away. Lauren could not believe he would just leave them after beating them so easily. He could have killed them for real. She crawled over to Melina, trying to rouse her but it was no use. There was no movement. Melina was ice cold and even paler than usual. Lauren realised she hadn’t even gotten a single blow to connect.

  Lauren fumbled for her phone and frantically dialled Clive, trembling, trying desperately to keep the phone still as her vision kept shifting in and out, her remaining eye fluttering. “Lackey, help…please…”

  Chapter 12

  Missed It By That Much

  “Absolute motherfucker!”

  Clive wasn’t concentrating on Melina’s sudden ravings. He was focused on supporting Lauren’s head as she drank from his forearm, lying across his lap, barely conscious. Clive had broken several street laws with his haste to get to Lauren after her desperate phone call. He expected a letter in the mail from the police, but thankfully he could hack into their system and wipe their reason for sending it from the books.

  He had fed Melina first as she was in the worst shape after getting them both inside his apartment. She had woken a couple of minutes prior, frantically searching her surroundings before she launched into a tirade. “I’m going to end that prick. I’m going to rip his balls out through his arsehole!”

  Clive slowly brushed Lauren’s hair with his hand as her eyes fluttered open. “Hi.” He smiled, leaning back against his couch.

  Lauren squinted, seeming unable to focus on him. It looked too painful. Instead, she closed her eyes and whispered, “Thank you, lackey,” and turned her body into him, facing his stomach and gripped his shirt, holding on as she fell asleep.



  “I said what information do you have on this crimson big bird? Tell me everything.”

  “There’s not much to tell. Dante had me go over Vincent’s prisoner lists when he set me up here. This guy is the last one. It looks like he was made in the eighties.”

  “Wait, what? That cannot be possible. He manhandled us without flinching. I saw Lauren barge into him and break some ribs. I heard them crack. And it didn’t faze him. He has to be older than that. No thirty-year-old vampire is that strong.”

  “Hey, I’m just telling you what I read.” Clive held up his hands as Melina took a step closer to him with her fists curled. “There’s no record of exactly who made him or when. My guess is the eighties is just when he came to Vincent’s attention. I don’t know. In the scanned document, there was some note that Vincent had jotted down beside his name about how he maybe wanted him to take Dante’s place as leader of the Elements of Night. But if I’m reading it right, that desire lasted less than an hour. The note was crossed out using the same colour ink as it was written in.”

  At Melina’s wide-eyed quick nod, Clive continued. “A vampire was brought before Vincent for a trial. Julian and this Lee Nightingale were there by his side. In less than fifteen minutes, Nightingale apparently went nuts. Shooting the vampire repeatedly in the head. He rushed over and kicked him just under the jaw, the force tore open the vampire’s throat. Vincent ordered him to stop, but Nightingale either ignored him or fired a round into the vampire’s head with every word Vincent spoke, saying he couldn’t hear him. There are a few conflicting notes on this in the system.”

  “Right, well that would’ve earned him a nice time out in the dungeons.”

  “Thing is, there’s more. That’s not where his charges stop. Defiance of the King, killing of vampires, theft, destruction of royal property, treason—”

  “Wait, destruction? What did he destroy?”

  “According to his file, the mansion’s grounds. After that incident, he escaped, making sure to shoot some artworks on the way out. Like, for no reason anyone could tell. Maybe he thought they were ugly. Then he stole a V8 Commodore from Vincent’s collection and tore the grounds up doing burn outs and doughnuts, and apparently trashi
ng every statue before busting the front gate and speeding off. To top it off, he killed a good bunch of Elements of Night who tried to stop him.”

  Melina looked like she was playing the scene out in her head. “Absolute lunatic… All right, whatever. So how did they manage to capture him in the end?”

  Clive shrugged. “That’s the thing. I don’t know. It doesn’t say. The report goes from mentioning tearing up the lawn to the issuance of the two-hundred year sentence. No mention of how they got him.”

  Melina crossed her arms and paced the room in annoyance. “You have got to be joking.”

  “The weird thing is, Vincent was freaking OCD-level meticulous about documenting everything. If that isn’t in there, there’s a big reason for it.”

  “Which is fuck-all useful to us now,” Melina grumbled. She flopped down in a chair beside Clive and Lauren and put her head in her hands. Clive knew she may have been roused by his blood, but to really heal, she’d need to sleep.

  “You’ll need to stay here today. I’ll let Dante know.”

  “Touch that phone and I’ll disembowel you.”

  “Melina, I have to tell him. It’s my job. I know you’re embarrassed but I know what Dante will say if I don’t keep him informed.”

  Melina barked a laugh. “Embarrassed.” Her voice changed to that sweet, light version that always worried him. “Clive, sweetie, I’m going to say this once and once only. See this face? This is not embarrassed, it’s fucking pissed. This blondie shampoo model wannabe kicked the shit out of both of us—two strong vampires that were completely healthy. Even with Vincent’s blood I couldn’t land a shot, not one. What do you think Alejandro will do with this news, hmm? Go charging into battle to defend us. He is currently barely strong enough to stand and he’s being a complete pussy about drinking from his donor. Until he does, he is beyond outmatched. What Alejandro doesn’t know, especially in this case, won’t hurt him. I know he protects you, but here’s the thing, I protect him. You and I will do this ourselves, quickly and quietly. We couldn’t stop Nightingale killing that human tonight, but he won’t get another.”


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