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Shadow Chaser (Undeadly Secrets Book 3)

Page 24

by Aaron L Speer

  “Michelle…” he wheezed, blindly reaching for her. “I wish…I could’ve made you as happy as you made me.”

  He looked up and saw her crying. She knew what he was saying and why. They couldn’t do anything more. “I wish I’d picked a better time to tell you that I’ve never known a better man in my life. You made me feel so loved. I just wanted to show you the same.”

  Dante tried to smile. “You did. I should’ve told you before you had to leave… You are loved. Please…save her. Find a way.”

  Michelle sobbed and pulled him closer, holding him. Repeating his name. But the sound was like a muted scream, now. Her voice was gradually fading. Everything was getting further away, subdued. The pain was leaving him.

  Chapter 41

  Walking Dead

  “Seriously? I’ve seen horror movies that started like this.” Lauren ducked under an overhanging branch, and then another. She tripped over an upturned root and was caught by Clive. “What the fuck are we doing here?”

  “Just trust me,” Clive said, leading her by the hand. He led them out into a clearing, and Lauren came to see they were in a cemetery, complete with fog hanging just over the grass.

  “I swear there will be a knife-wielding maniac here any minute.”

  “Just over here.”

  Lauren could not help but look around, over her shoulders. She heard nothing, but the setting was creepy as hell. To her surprise, he was calm. As if they were taking a stroll on a sunlit beach. When, he stopped, she looked down at the headstone. Brian Henson.

  “Oh, fuck…” Lauren said, looking up at Clive. His face fell, clearly this was not the desired reaction.

  “Lauren, I didn’t know whether you knew.”

  “No. How would I? How? When?”

  “He passed a few days ago. Testicular cancer.”

  Lauren took a step to the side, careful not to walk on the grave itself. “I don’t understand. Why did you bring me here?”

  Clive had an earnest if not desperate tone. “Well, he was buried in the daytime. Even if you had known, you couldn’t have gone. I just thought you’d like to be here. I mean, he was your dad.”

  “Stepdad, actually. My birth dad fucked off before I was born. My mum met Brian when I was about two, an’ decided to change my last name to his when they married.”

  “Were you not close?”

  “Not really. I mean, he wasn’t a bad sort. He did his best. But we both knew fairly early on, we weren’t each other’s cup of tea. They were open and honest with me from the start. I knew he wasn’t my biological dad. But that made things worse, I think. I remember staying up night after night, even running away. All because I was waiting for my real dad. You think I’m a bitch now, I was even worse as a kid. I guess it took a while for me to realise he wasn’t coming. And when I did, I was crushed. My real dad didn’t give a shit, and the only father figure in my life was there because he was plugging my mum. Those were my thoughts at the time, anyway. So we just left each other alone.”

  Clive looked crestfallen. He’d clearly had no idea this was the case. But no one did, really. Hell, not even Alex. Lauren just realized she had opened up to Clive in a way she never had to anyone before.

  “I’m really sorry. I was just—”

  “It’s not your fault, Lackey. How were you to know?”

  “I guess I thought you’d like to, I don’t know, say goodbye maybe. I feel stupid.”

  Lauren looked at him, shaking his head, presumably at his own embarrassment, and reached out and touched his arm. He was trying so hard. “Sit down, Lackey.”

  “Huh? Here?”

  “Well, not on the grave. But it’s actually really pleasant here. It’s so quiet. And it’s just us.”

  Lauren lowered herself, cross-legged, next to the headstone, and after a few seconds, Clive joined her.

  “You have a point. It is actually kind of nice.”

  “How did you know he died?” Lauren indicated the headstone.

  Clive looked uneasy. As if preparing himself to deliver news that she’d hate him for. Or kill him for. “I knew that your mum was sick, and I’ve been keeping tabs on her communications. Her phone, her emails. Please don’t get mad. I wasn’t trying to spy on her. Well, I was, but not like that. It’s just that you can’t see her anymore, so I wanted to keep tabs on her for you. To give you updates or let you know if something happened. She was the one I was watching. Whenever she goes to the doctor, I listen to the phone calls, and upgrade her to premium status. She never has to wait. And I’ve made sure that her medication is on the subsidized lists so she gets them as cheaply as possible. I just wanted to help her, I swear. But I overheard a phone call that Brian had passed and she had just come back from the service.”

  Clive finally stopped, trying to catch his breath. Lauren couldn’t believe what she had heard. She thought about whether she was angry or not. She probably should be, but she wasn’t.

  “Why would you do all that?”

  “Because she’s your mum. I thought if I could look out for her, you would rest easier.”

  “Yeah but that doesn’t explain why you would do that. You don’t know her. Why are you so good to me?”

  “Because she’s your mum.”

  Lauren looked into his eyes and leaned forward an inch. “Do you like me, Lackey?”

  “I—I just wanted to help you. To take a—”

  “Shut up,” she whispered. “I keep trying to figure you out. I haven’t yet. You did this for me. For no reason?”

  “Is that so hard to believe?”

  “Whatever they do, people always have reasons. I’ve been so shitty to you, but you did this great thing. You don’t strike me as the hit it and quit it type. That’s the guys that I attract.”

  “I’m not like that. I just thought I could help you.”

  Lauren leaned in closer. Being so close, Clive shut his eyes. She didn’t know why. Perhaps she still intimidated him. His heart beat thumped, and this overwhelmingly pleasant fragrance reached her. She ran her nose across his chin. “Why do you always smell so good?”

  “I don’t know,” he breathed.

  She cupped his jaw with one hand. “Why are you so good to me. I need to know.”

  Clive hesitated, but opened his eyes and the corners of his mouth turned up in a wry smile. “Come on. How can you say that? You’re strong, you’re clever, you’ve been through hell and still have a great sense of humour. You haven’t killed me. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

  Lauren grinned and pulled him close by his shirt collar. “The way you say that, I almost believe it.”

  “Believe it.” Clive tilted his head closer to hers, but a crunch stopped him.

  They both looked at each other with a quizzical expression. Another crunch, a louder one, made them twist and look at the grave right beside them. It was coming from under the surface. Lauren used her hearing to some up what was happening, and even then it made no sense. She could hear something break free of its coffin and crawl out. And up. A vampire? What is this? A bad TV show?

  “Get back, Lackey.”

  A hand burst through the surface of the ground, spraying grass and earth. The flesh of the arm looked decayed, rotted. A new smell rushed to her. Death. The ground burst outward as the body freed itself from its bindings. Lauren took a step back, to assess. The body was female. Its face looked maniacal, crazed. The eyes were completely white, the gums had peeled back, revealing the roots of blackened teeth. No fangs. Not a vampire.

  The not-quite-dead woman crawled out of her grave, eyes fixed on Lauren, and then suddenly was upon her. Lauren cursed and fell back, holding the thrashing decaying thing at bay. Lauren flipped her over and once on top, pummelled the disgusting body with her fists. It had no effect. It was like hitting tough dough on top of bone. Her fists sunk into the flesh, but the damage didn’t register.

  “What the—?”

  The undead-thing tossed Lauren off with relative ease. Just as Laure
n rolled to a stop, the corpse launched itself on all fours toward her. Lauren used her vampire speed to rise and connect a swift kick across the thing’s face. The force snapped its head to the side and sent it back a few feet. And almost as soon as the thing had landed, it was up and charging again.

  “It’s a ghoul,” Clive shouted. “Take its head.”

  “Oh, great.”

  Lauren bore the tackle as best she could and used her knees to push the ghoul up, then wrapped her legs around its neck and brought it to the ground. The ghoul continued to thrash with its strength, making it impossible to keep holding it like this. Clive sensed this too and rushed forward to pounce on it. Lauren released her hold and flipped behind it, wedging herself into the tight space between Clive and the ghoul. She wrapped her arm under the thing’s chin and pulled back as far as she could. Clive just tried to stay out of the way.

  Lauren let out a cry of exertion, trying to pull with all her might. “Unngh! C’mon, you piece of shit.”

  Lauren’s hands felt suddenly slick. The ghoul’s throat had opened, torn from the force she’d used. She interlocked her fingers around the remains of the throat and heaved with everything she had, until finally the neck gave way. The thrashing continued, but it was now erratic, floppy. The only thing still connecting the head to the body was the spinal column. With two slams of her fist, Lauren fixed that issue and the ghoul moved no more. Lauren slumped to the cool, dew-stained grass.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Uh-huh.” Lauren said in a tone dripping with sarcasm. “Do I want to know why I can feel an erection pressing against my arse?”

  Clive shrugged. “We were having a moment before…”

  Lauren rolled her eyes. “Oh, Lackey. What am I gonna do with you?”

  She sat up and flicked her hands so that the almost black, tar like substance was reduced from her fingers. “Meanwhile. Ghouls. Ghouls in Sydney.” She raised her arms in the air. “Because why fucking not?”

  “It’s a Shadow Killer victim. Didn’t you notice the wounds on the wrists?”

  “Must’ve missed that while trying to save our necks. So, what’s the deal? She wasn’t dead when buried? Half-dead? What gives?”

  “I think it’s safe to say the killer isn’t human. And if one of them comes back, I think they all will.”

  She accepted Clive’s hand to help her up, and they re-buried the body together. It was then that Lauren heard more crunching. The same as before, but from a different grave. In fact, it seemed to be coming from all around her.

  “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” Lauren said.

  “We’ve gotta get outta here.”

  Lauren grabbed Clive’s arm and took off, streaking towards his car. She ignored her instinct to stay and fight. She had had enough trouble with one ghoul. Two or more at the same time? Forget it.

  Chapter 42

  A Second Front

  “Gather around. There is news,” the Night Mother drawled.

  Koha dragged Matt alongside him. They had waited to hear the ambulance and made sure it was within distance of the woman when they took off. They had to travel several blocks till it was safe to open a flame portal. Yet in all that time, Matt hadn’t made a sound. If he was a toy he would’ve been deemed defective.

  Koha managed to get his consciousness through, but even here he looked struck dumb. They had come into the cave, but they were not alone. There were heads of tribe there that he hadn’t seen before; only heard of. Something was definitely wrong.

  Koha took his place around the fire and waited.

  The Night Mother perched on the front of her chair. “The demon has claimed its prey.”

  Murmurings surrounded Koha. Even though he knew this to be the case, he sensed there was more to this already damaging information.

  “The end has begun. You’re all here because some have heard the reports. Some have not. The victims are beginning to rise. Four grave sites have been unearthed. We have lost two hunters. More victims will rise in the coming hours.”

  “Night Mother,” Koha pleaded, “you can’t give up.”

  Before she could answer, another bright flame burned on her right side and then disappeared to reveal a tall figure sporting a heavy stubble and wearing a Drizabone coat. He also wore the trademark Akubra hat, nestled down just over his eyes. He moved with a power and confidence unlike any other, settling beside the Night Mother. Even though Koha had known him for years, studied under him—hell, he was the only father Koha had ever known—Duntroon still exuded an awe which could silence a room.

  “We must do all we can to protect ourselves. Recall all our hunters to the Hollow. There is where we will make our base to set up a defence. My instructions must be clear. Avoid altercations at all costs until they return here. If it is unavoidable, fire and beheadings are the only effective weapons. Unless we can hope to find and destroy the demon, only then will those poor souls find peace.”

  “But how can we hope to, in the midst of all this?” called someone from the back.

  It was this that made Koha speak. “Night Mother, we have seen it.”

  Murmurs followed his words. Some excited, others full of doubt and fear. The Night Mother’s sharp reply dulled it down to nothing. “Leave us. All of you, carry the instructions to every corner. Go with all haste. If we never survive this night, may you find whatever afterlife comforts you.”

  The room shimmered all around Koha as the representatives left. All that remained with him were Matt and Duntroon.

  “When and where, Koha?”

  “Just an hour ago. At the school you sent us to. It tried to kill a woman, but we stopped it. It fled. We helped the woman and waited till the ambulance was in sight, but by then it was long gone.”

  “Who was it? Who has it taken?”

  Koha jerked his head toward Matt, who hadn’t moved. “I think he knows,” Koha said. “But he isn’t talking. He froze when he saw the demon. Like he knew it.”

  “Matthew. Who was it?” the Night Mother called.

  “I—I dunno… I think, I… I dunno.”

  Koha was about to retort when he heard the clinking of what sounded like stirrups. Looking over, he realised it was the slow jostling of the Duntroon’s ammunition belt. It jangled as he moved towards Matt. Duntroon reached into his pocket and pulled out two smooth stones. He rolled them around in his palm, and they made a dull scratching sound. As Duntroon brought his hand up near Matt’s face, he smacked the rocks together. A small puff of sparks and smoke rose up and Duntroon flicked the powder into his face. Matt’s head snapped up.

  “Who is she?” came Duntoon’s deep drawl.

  Matt replied in a daze, clearly hypnotised. “My ex. Alex Hensley.”

  “Why did you lie?”

  “Coz I thought you were going to kill her.”

  “So. You care about her. That’s good. Does she still care about you?”

  “No. I fucked up. She loves someone else.”


  “Dante Delavega.”

  Duntroon backed away slowly and approached the Night Mother. “The connection would still be alive. It might be possible?”

  “It is a lot to bank on a mere possibility.”

  “You always taught me that love was worth risking anything. That’s why we do this, isn’t it?”

  The Night Mother gave what best could be described as a sigh. “Yes, it is. Bring him out of it.”

  Duntroon gave a mere snap of his fingers and Matt swayed, collapsing into Koha and shaking his head as the Night Mother continued addressing Duntroon. “I need you to prepare a second defence. If we fail, Sydney will need a second front, as will the country. You are the only one capable of leading it.”

  Duntroon placed a hand on the Night Mother’s shoulder. “Don’t fail.”

  He gave Koha a tip of his hat and disappeared.

  “Koha,” The Night Mother called. “Get me the vampire king. Bring him here. Now.”

  Chapter 43

p; Leave A Light On For Me

  Dante felt warm. At peace. There was no light in front of him, instead he felt himself lying down in a field, light all around him. Bright sunshine beaming down upon him. He sat up and was bathed in the most amazing view of countryside he had ever seen on what was a warm, crisp day. Perhaps Griffith or the road leading to Bathurst. He had never been to either but he had seen and heard enough to think it possible.

  “Join us?”

  Dante looked to where the voice came from, and it showed him Alexandra walking out of a tidy cottage home, shielding her eyes from the sun and smiling. She wore a flowing cotton dress and barefoot. Dante returned the gesture, giving her a wave.

  Dante blinked as another voice came, this one through his mind only.

  “…lift it with me!”

  “Let him die”

  Dante looked down at himself, wearing jeans, a tucked in white shirt that showed the middle of his chest. He knew this was a dream. A vision. But he still marvelled at it. He visualised himself living with Alexandra as a cowboy, or a farmer. He walked closer to her and her appearance became clearer. Her rounded bump more specifically. The smell of roast lamb and fresh vegetables came to him through the window. Alexandra, pregnant with his child. Beaming. Happy.

  So that was his fantasy. His dream.

  “Help him!”

  “Just do it!”

  “Dante…can you hear me?”

  He reached out and caressed her stomach. Then leaned forward and kissed it. It wasn’t real. He knew that. But that didn’t stop him from gently wrapping his arms around her and hugging her. She played with his hair and he pressed his forehead into her.

  “We love you, daddy” Alexandra smiled.

  “I love you more”

  “Hey you two! Lunch is getting cold.”

  Dante shifted and saw Michelle behind them. Gleeful, cheeky as ever. Alexandra turned from him and gave her a soft kiss. As she moved past Michelle, Alexandra received a soft slap on her rear, Michelle biting her lip as she did so. She held out her hand to Dante.


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